Thursday, 16 January 2025

🌧 in the bleak ...

 🌧 .. midwinter
frosty wind make moan ... [ sorry this Christina Rossetti }

 " this is the winter of our discontent " etc [ Shakespeare ]

Well, coffee in hand and typing
aha, the day begins

the view is tinged w/ small flakes drifting down, of course, no sun

steampunk. I'd started to enjoy the images as I watched ' steampunk ' videos on YouTube

I have ordered ' parts ' - the gears and keys and et al that accessorize ' steampunk ' costumes and objects
As an official packrat. I've accumulated lanterns and tins of all kinds

you know that ' bleak ' part. I figure that we could use the term 10 times a winter

time to utilize the crap [soon to be ' art ' or memorabilia ]

the alluring aspect of steampunk, is that you cannot be wrong
too simple, lousy looking, unappealing BUT wrong ..... nope

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

💫 once more ..... round the ...

 💫 block. as they say
another kick at the can

' boro info. cold or colder. with big sun. patchy blue up there
get ready. a frigid time is approaching 
the jet stream will help force some chilly masses down our way

this is 'steampunk ' imagery -you see the gears and mechanics
accessorized to the extreme

plus there is snow falling. not tons but it will coat the road  and at 27 F, well, nothing good happens

the image above. is a photocopy from a metal disc in brilliant colour
the colour did not translate in the photocopy
in true ' steampunk ' fashion 
I crayoned in the original effect. yes. crayon
The thought was that it might be possible to blend colours to produce the matching shade.
And I did
This is a beginning

Monday, 13 January 2025

📕 January XIII

 📕.... an open book

" ..... Life just isn't fair
there's no easy days
there's no easy ways
just get out there and do it

.... "  Alan Price, from ' O' Lucky Man '

still dark out there
but coffee and typing 

actually, the Buddhist have that               ' Life just isn't fair '.  line covered

Life is Dukkha [ suffering ]

from AI search on Google

"In Buddhism, dukkha is considered an inevitable part of life. Examples of dukkha include:   Birth, Aging, Dying, Sorrow, Loss, and Separation from loved ones.

Dukkha is one of three basic characteristics of existence in Buddhist thought, along with impermanence (anichcha) and the absence of a self (anatta). "
Whoa. a little heavy there
I'm more a pineapple 🍍 guy. show a touch prickly
But I'm can be in  a ' Alabama slamm - ah '
" .... and sing and they'll hum along.  
cry and you'll cry alone 
and nobody's gonna care ......"

Saturday, 11 January 2025

⚙ and its winter ....

⚙  .... still. the temperature is on the rise
                             and we got snow

                             an inch + a bit - a covering layer


Next day ... So different

BUT I caught the light, in this pic
the Pixel 6a does a good job on most photos. it self adjusts quite well
I obviously, enjoy sitting at the computer station and looking out
a bit limited view. however, I can watch the street or a quadrant
as you can tell, I am sparkling the neighbourhood for a while longer. the two stringers of kaleidoscope lights are blue and rainbow
the rainbow are the showiest, by far
and glistening off the snow, quite the effect [ Chilly Hilly is home in his box

Friday, 10 January 2025

🏟 moving on

 🏟 despite our protests, life is moving on

we grow comfortable. good. BUT there is no standing still

I've been watching Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist [ and lets educate the world guy ]

in essence, even standing still, you are being swept along as the universe moves 

the 'boro today. Milder than we've seen this week. The nest week, shows 32 w/ up and down.

whats up : Sunday, the Quarter Mile guys show up here. Sit around and eat a little. Drink a little. them scotch and me beer. connect.

follow up : I re - arranged the ' computer room '. Last year

once a large desk was devoted to ' computer usage '. well, the desk stayed the same size and the computer kept getting smaller. as well, the computer became a laptop. and the Chromebook migrates as needed. 
the original pre - fab particle board type desk was 3 - 4 ft and took up approx half a wall.
and then there was a pull out couch salvaged from my parents condo [ circa 2004 ]. I disassembled the desk. Saved the large boards and used some smaller pieces for shelves

the layout. East wall : pull out couch, corner frame computer / desk. stands 5 ft and under 40 in wide
thus. the above photo is a view as I sit at the corner computer stack. Love the idea that I sit and watch the world go by on the street.

West wall: stacking storage, boxes and rolling shelves. I put up a ledge to support the printer which would be precarious otherwise. Small stuff also sits on that ledge.
North wall. Oops !. In 1976, I bought an unpainted desk and chair. I stained them both. Yep. The combo is still sitting there.
Oh, I adore wood. 
then north continued, a wall unit w/ half glass front. Okay. purchased in 1980. This ensemble was 3 pieces, book unit and two display units. so, one display unit is in the room.
the walls are not bare. East wall mini shelve, posters and memorabilia.
West wall. photo montages.
North wall. posters and display tea towels

BUT. there is a Machiavellian under plot to this up do arrangement. The pull out can ' pullout ' so a bedroom was created. definitely not absolutely handy. The bed will cut off the room a bit. Yet, in a pinch, a bed and space.

Janus IX

Yes. January 9

A cold ish day in the. ' boro.and w/ it, a New Year first, we went to the Magic Noodle. Chinese Ramen, supreme 

After a $ 250 wander thru Costco 

OMG. How can so much on sale total so much

Oh. I succumbed and ordered from Temu

( Chinese  Amazon Inc ).

What ? Yepper. I've gone  ' steampunk '

or I'll attempt steampunk

I need to create or make

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

🐠 little fishy

 🐠 .....instead of the freezing cold out there

well. we need to endure another 40 hrs of colder and we warm up come late Thurs and Fri

32 is the magic number