Monday 31 October 2011

Your font is showing

A radio piece to-day, spotlighted your choice of type font. Simon Garfield wrote a book on fonts - how the fonts are created and what these fonts say about you.

font me blue

update 2012 - 7/14 The font you choose demonstrates your personality. My fav is Garamond, right now. This blog site doesn't seem to have Garamond as a choice..

Garfield wanted to eliminate one font type " sans ? something "

Sunday 30 October 2011

On fishing

casting, dabbling , jerking - floating ... all descriptors for being on the water...................
now let's talk of the peace of fishing as in the " Hunt for October " scene featuring Connery / Baldwin near the end of the movie, in the Patapscot R taking RO to hide from Soviet satellites.
Capt. .... " I miss the peace of fishing "

Update 2012 - 7/14 Yes, many times the world just floats away while I'm fishing. Then a 300 HP in board goes flying past w/ 4 drunken passengers and world returns. However, my Stratos 176 XT, moves pretty good too !

Thursday 27 October 2011

on Truckin'

" Keep on trucking, mama , truckin' you blues away
Keep on truckin' mama , truckin' to the end of day
You wake up in the morning, You wake up at night "

Donovan (?)

Update 2012 - 7/14 I've owned two trucks. A 1990 Chev V - 6. And a 2000 GMC Sierra small 8.
The second truck came via the ' buy a son program ' instituted by my father. Around 1998, my father started a series of 'bribes' such as mutual fund shares  culminating in the truck. As in " you need a new truck ". I , of course , said " No, its Ok ".  M hears the story and tells me to go back and say yes, b/c this was important to my father. So, I got the truck.
Both trucks got sold to the same friend who still drives the 2000 GMC.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Words...... on the life of Elves

Eternal sadness, eternal song does go wrong
They see it all, they see all, hear the call

Update 12 - 7/12 I was re-reading Tolkien and considering the deep melancholy of the Elves

' A beckoning sea, the siren pull of endless waters

Red slayers... and the Sacred Seven

" they reckon ill who leave me out
I am the doubter and the doubt "

RW Emerson

Update 12 - 7/12    Emerson was a writer and philosopher. he converted to Buddhism. He was actually, xenophobic in regards to immigrants entering the U.S.
I can recite this one also. The title is the ' Brahmin "

' If the red slayer thinks he slays
or the slain think they are slain
They know not well the subtle ways
I keep and pass and turn again '

Tuesday 25 October 2011

"Reason has moons......

but moon's not hers
Lie mirrored on her seas... "

R Hodgson  (?)

update 12 - 7/12  Know this one by heart also.

' Confounding her astronomers
But oh, delighting me '

Monday 24 October 2011

Storm front moves thru'

Watching a foaming front surge thru' the hills
What mood drives this storm or does it care

update 12 - 7/12  These lines are also mine. I wrote them down hoping for revelation and a whole poem.

Fear the lightning, fear the gusting wind
Safety is so transient in a gale like this

Sunday 23 October 2011

Only wait

" Thousands post o'er land and sea
They also serve who only stand and wait "


Update 12 - 7/12 This is from " On His Blindness ', I can almost recite this one too. Milton was still very young 40 - ish when he started to lose his sight.

Bet you've heard this one quoted man times.

Saturday 22 October 2011

If you build it... they will come

" Oh, yes Ray they will come.......... its money they have but peace they lack ". From , the movie  " Field of Dreams "  adapted from the novella by J Kinsella.

Update 12 - 7/12 I wonder about this, peace in one's life. Do I have peace, not really, I think I'm still torn between what my education says is right and what I think that I believe. Also, what you should do versus what you want to do..... trust me, when I go for the latter, things seldom go well. On the other hand doing what I should do, doesn't make me feel better either. Crikey, what a mess.

' If its peace you find in dying then let dying time be near
Just bundle up your coat b/c its cold way down here '

" And When I Die "  Laura nyro

Friday 21 October 2011

Ponder wonder

All the days of my life, couldn't I find
A peace and time of rest

Update 12 - 7/12 This is really my writing. Call it my blue period which seems to fall - well I used to say every 7 years or so. I think my tendency was to chuck it all and start over. usually, girlfriends left this way.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Timing critical or gimme a break

PP: People who want you to believe their success is attributed to " earning that success ". I suppose this belief inflates your self esteem. However ,to quote Sara Mc Laughlin  " Always waiting for the break that will make it OK. " B/c people blame the bad breaks for their less than desirable situation.

More realistically, people should credit the one or two lucky breaks that set them apart and on their way.

Hunter S Thompson, in the  " Rum Diaries " - " times in my life when splinters of luck made me feel like a hero "

Update 12- 7/12 Oops. This entry is a re-hash of earlier entries. i suppsoe someone w/ integrity would erase this entry or re-jig it to be less copycat Tough, I like it.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Global warming - ala me.

Gobal warming, yes, but the world has been warming and cooling since .... since.  One of the effects of global warming will be... wait for it.............. Glaciation. See the movie " Day after To-morrow "

Update 12 - 7/12 The " DAT " stars  Dennis Quaid , Sela Ward, Jake Guylenhall.  The premise is that global warming shifts the oceanic currents, specifically, cooling the Gulf Stream and bringing much lower temps that cause the northern part of Canada ( actually, all of Can ) Russia etc to enter a deep freeze ala the Ice age.

Is the world warming,  yes. but what effect does warming have. We can point to floods and droughts that are occurring but seems to me that I've heard the song before i.e. drought wiped out civilization   " X ".

Apropos of our rainy / dreary day here in S. On

  " A gray mist on the sea's face and a gray dawn breaking " . " Seafever " , J. Masefield

Update 12 - 7/12  I can recite most of this by heart.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

OMG Paul Simon is 70

Yes, the two time member of the Rock and Roll and Songwriters Halls of fame is 70.  Still going on tour and releasing discs and interested in exploring musical trends

Monday 17 October 2011

Rudyard Kipling : Victorian Balladeer

Often RK has his quotes attributed to Oscar Wilde e.g. East is east and West is west and never the twain shall meet ( yep, RK ). Movies based on his work " Jungle Book " / " The Man who Would be King "

Update 12 - 7/12     I'm reviewing my posts and this is the third reference to Kipling. As well,  being an ex-boy scout, I had a lot of references for Kipling. Baden-Powell, founder of the boy scouts when they were really ' boy ' scouts in S. Africa used the  "Jungle book " and Kipling stories as the source for many names used in scouting.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Grn Lantern - movie review

Sector 2814 is safe with Blake Lively as eye candy. Too much history, too much plot, what is this a re-make of Spiderman ?

Update 12 - 7/12 confession time - I re-watch the movie,  I'm still in love w/ Blake lively, along w/ 100 mill other males. And she's taken, yep.

Saturday 15 October 2011

sunset or sunrise

So, this entry revolves around the choice above, a little different then-   the glass half full - half empty query. My preference is sunrise.

Update 12 - 7/12 One of my fav novel series is by ______ Adams, called the  " horse clans ". The series is post- apopalyptic. Really two societies emerge ( two of the bigger blocks anyway ) one based on the Greek culture and one almost North American plains Indian except whiter. Another group or caste is the brotherhood the Sword " yep, these guys are knights, mecenaries and warriors. The " Brotherhood " swears by ' Sun and Sacred Steel '. Their chant or motto is  ' Greet the Sun '
Cuturally, I can claim to be Japanese ( although liking rice and having black hair may be the best similarities that I have ) and Sapporo or Ashai are really terms for ' rising sun '. Note that they're also two beers.
Our resort in Fla is the " Sunrise " where sunset is the big deal b/c thats when they break out the booze. Vodka at 7 AM isn't really big there.

Friday 14 October 2011

wgjg and me

 My first purchase, on joining Wagjag ( groupon site ) is 11lb of  beef backribs for $25.  Considering the last time that I bought back ribs was four months ago, one has to wonder -how long will they last or I will last.

Update 12 - 7/12 This was a one off purchase. The bones amde great soup but beef bones have to be cheaper. The ribs were grease - a - rama. I could feel my arteries clogging. Of course, I love ribs.

light the way

" they are the deeper illuminations in whose light, right / wrong , justice / injustice stand in fearful sharpness of focus "  The author is J. Bronowski (?)

Update 12 - 7/12 The topic was the values by which we live. J Bronowski was a scientist - author who turned his thoughts to philosophical questions. I'm not 100 % sure of the scientist part but pretty sure.

Wednesday 12 October 2011


" And you read your Emily Dickenson and I, my Robert Frost. Is analysis really worthwhile ?
Is the theatre really dead ? "

P. Simon  " The dangling Conversation "

Update 12 - 7/12  In an interview, Paul Simon said that he liekd to start w/ something true and build the song from there. Just one line or one thought that was the germ of the song.
Masterful, masterful talent here.
A producer that he used, credited Simon w/ being able to re-invent himself or arise phoenix like from his less than successful forays.

fishin' files II

Here is a comment about the weather in S. Ont. ( rainy /cool, blustery ). If to-day were a fish, I would have thrown it back.

Update 12 - 7/12 This was a quote from a calendar where you flip to each day and there was a quote. I don't know the author but not moi.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

from the fishing files

There is only one thing worse than a boat that smells like fish.  That's a boat that doesn't smell like fish.

My dad used to use this line in talking about our cottage when we were cleaning fish and fish was all you could smell.

Sunday 9 October 2011 things

" Spinning down to Weymouth Town.... these will still have been great things to me" (G.M. Hopkins ?? )
" I am reminded to-day, that it is no small thing to celebrate a simple life " Bilbo Baggins  aka JRR Tolkien

Update 12 - 7/12  Please recall that I do not try and take credit for these lines. The authorship is my best guess tho'. Probably, I should review and research attibutions but I figure that what you are tehre for, correct my mistakes, if there important.

Friday 7 October 2011


In the movie " Ghost and the Darkness " an engineer asks the world reknowned hunter Remington " Have you ever failed at anything ? " . Remington's reply " Only life ! "

Update 12 - 7/12 Originally, I made this comment under the 2 sentence rule. I guess my wish is more adults when speaking to young people were at least honest re: success or failure. We all tend to edit our life and the successes come out bigger than real and the failures shrink. We are an amalgam of the whole process good or bad.
Now, what do I do ? I don't know. In class, I tried to show the students both sides ( I think - our meories are very selective ). I attempted to give credit to those that made my career possible.

Thursday 6 October 2011

like a fish

An avid fisherperson, I e-mailed a pic of myself holding a fish,  w/ the comment "  fish isn't the one wearing sunglasses ".  The comment came back "your starting to resemble your quarry,"  touche, touche.

They do say owners start to resemble their pets.  well as long as I don't start smelling like what I catch. I do wash frequently.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

On the shoulder of orion

Fiery the angels fell
If you could see what I've seen with your eyes

Roy Batty ( Rutger Hauer ), in " Bladerunner " or " Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep " - Phillip K Dick
Actually, " Fiery.... angels" is a William Blake quote

Science fiction has long been reputed to be a prognosticator of future trends and inventions. Going back to Nostradomus ,  DaVinci, Jules Verne etc. Ray Bradbury could be a visionary too.

R. Bradbury has passed away 2012. ( update 12 - 7/12 )

Truth to be told

Tell all the truth but tell it slant
Success in circuits lie
Too bright for our infirm delight
TheTruth's superb surprise

Like lightning to the children eased
With explanation kind
The truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind

Emily Dickinson

Tuesday 4 October 2011

A better world or you

From the movie " Harvey " comes the following advice.  " Elwood, in this world you need to be oh so smart or oh so kind, I've tried smart, kind is better ".

In " Harvey " James Stewart plays an open hearted, amiable fellow. The kicker is he meets a friend who happens to be a pookah...... a 6 ft rabbit that only Elwood P Dowd can see.

Strange partings

From a novel by Martha Grimes comes the following line.  In a poem, Nell quotes " goodbye and keep cold "

Martha Grimes is an American mystery writer. Her recurring character is a Br Inspector from Scotland Yard, Richard Jury. Her titles for the series are names of pubs e.g. " I  Am the Only Running Footman " , "Bells and Bladebones " , " The Blue Last ".

What everyone wants to hear

Courtesy of the Stones ( ? ) we would all like to hear someone say the following to us.   " I will be your knight in shining armor,  coming to your emotional rescue "

Bonnie Tyler sang  "  I need a hero ..... he's got to be strong and he's got to fresh from the fight "

Monday 3 October 2011

musical kudos, sortof

 The Beatles and the BeeGees get credit for squeezing  " universe " into a song /  title.  As in " Across the Universe " and " Edge of the Universe " where you can quote " just my dog and me at the edge of the universe "

P.S. This is an update 2012 6/16
The BeeGees are going fast Maurice and now Robin. Many people thought B  G s was Barry Gibb.
Well, now it is.

literary reminiscences

From the pen of Hunter S. Thompson, paraphrased from the  " Rum Diaries ".  " In my life........ times where splinters of luck made me feel like a hero. "

P.S. Update 2012 6/16  I now have seen the movie adaptation of the " Rum Diaries " starring Johnny Depp. I opine that it was slightly disappointing.  Thompson's works were supposedly , raw and unique, definitely, shocking.  The movie was average.  Depp was an 6 / 10 for his role as the lead character.  Giovanni Ribisi, an excellent , co-star usually was stuck in a lightless hole w/ his rendition of the newspaper renegade writer

Sunday 2 October 2011

Poetry currently

The lines are Kipling. " Still stands thine ancient sacrifice, An humble and a contrite heart "

This quote is from RKs  " Recessional " which has spawned a raft of movies titles and out and out steals from his work for references.

Gordon R. Dickson, took the whole poem and used it as the hymn for the warrior race, the Dorsai, in his " Childe Cycle "

I saw a movie adaption of the book / series " Captains and Kings ".  From the poem we get

 " the shouting and the tumult dies 
   The Captains and kings depart
   Still stands............   "

Lastly, I quote
" For heathen heart that puts her trust
  In reeking tube and iron shard
  All valiant dust that builds on dust
  And guarding calls not Thee to guard
  For frantic boast and foolish word
  Thy mercy on thy people Lord"

Now he wrote this at the turn of the century. OMG, what has changed.

Current Lyrics

Running thru' my thoughts right now,  courtesy of Don Henley. " Offer up your best defence, This is the end of the innocence. "

See the full write up on me,  for the rest of the lyric.

Saturday 1 October 2011

On the topic of gods

Its possible to be jealous of a god.  Thor gets to kiss Natalie Portman, yes, I'm jealous.
i want that hammer but ... nothing compares to that scene where they kiss.

On NP, please see future comments.
Especially, on the movie " V, for Vendetta "

Oh and I had trouble w/ the shots of Valhalla - half skyscraper and year 2025 buildings and guys and gals in armour and riding horses. Magic - it is what it is.  Wonder what the stables looked like

Improving cine

In the movie " Thor " the hammer is too big.  Thor looks like he's swinging a doll house.
It must be tough striking the balance between those who read ' Thor ' comics or know Norse Edda and the frosh who see a new action-fantasy movie.
Dr. Don Blake ( Thor's alter ego, on earth ) used a cane and limped. The cane became Mjolnir.
Of course, I pronounced it ' ma jol neer ' instead of ' molnir ' my Norse, not being fully developed at age 15.

I'm getting used to the hammer now that I've seen the " Avengers "
update 2012 6/ 19

To be re - broadcast for #900