Sunday 30 September 2018

Settling In

as in fall weather

Not even flirting w/ summer now, definitely cool and rainy. Friday was a summer teaser, warm and sultry.
No longer, fall is here

Saturday 29 September 2018

What s Happenin' Bro'

Did I forget to blog ?
Not quite
Thursday was fishing.
Fri, actually I have no excuse - a senior moment

Fishing was tres successful. Multi fish day and everyone caught a good fish. Mine was the biggest but I really didn't notice - NOT
it was a good size largemouth bass
The guys know that I consider September ' the month that I stop catching fish '
In truth, last year was ' the summer that I caught no fish ', anyway it was poor last year
Now, this September has been warm, I offer this as an explanation
But this 2018 September is the best that I can remember.

That being said, Thursday, I wore shorts w/ windpants over top. 2 shirts, a long sleeve T shirt and a denim button up. Pretty day, calm wind, mild temperatures.
Til, 11 AM, then the wind kicked up and stayed up. Predictions from Accuweather had 11 Kph wind gusting to 18 K. Bang on, Bro'
We ate lunch and did the old man's nap and headed out
To shiver. Same wind w/ a 3 degree drop in temperatures.
I grabbed the spare raincoat and buttoned
and we still got fish
TG,for keeping that raincoat

Tuesday 25 September 2018


the good read is over CofE&S

That didn't take long. To recap, Leonora, Danica, Pero, Marin and Neven all survived and found happiness.
As I said, perhaps a little too contrived but obviously the plot kept me going and interested

Weather is rainy and cool but warming to 70 F later. however, big winds are the order of these days. In fact, gusts of 20 Mph are expected scattered over the next few days.
Pin your hat to your hair

Actually, I saw this on Murdoch Mysteries, last night, a woman took out long pins that held her hat on. However, I don't remember seeing this, nowadays.

Sunday 23 September 2018


yepper, still forging on w/ the new novel.

There is a bit of mysticism or other-worldy ness about the narrative. A little magic, as they say.
And I'm getting involved in the story lines. Which is a good thing.

We are hosting this week, a sister from England.
More later.

Cool is in the air. Fall for sure.

A comment from a reader suggested visuals

My most recent bass and not photo bombed by Yum2Yums

Saturday 22 September 2018

Good Reads Reprise

" Children of Earth and Sky " Guy Gavriel Kay

Rather enjoying the familiarity w/ his writing style and the setting. As mentioend previously, GGK created a not dissimilar Euro - Asian geography and history for many of his books ( at least 3 ).

In CofE&S, we travel and adventure w/ a young lady, pirate, women's libber and pensive character. This is Danica.
A poised and shoe - horned woman trying to find a life after a unwanted pregnancy, leaving her unwanted at home. Leonora
An artist w/ no backing and little prospects thrust onto the world stage, subject to the machinations of Governments and subtle but influential figures. Pero.

A merchant upper class heir - second born but seen as potential and potential trouble. Marin.

Cool, fall weather busted in over night. Winds are cool but great weather to work.
and so I did.
I purchased gutter guards after M had seen them advertised in the store. On sale and guaranteed to fit 99 % of all gutters. Easy to install and efficient.

We are the 1 %. yes, the aluminum pieces needed to wedged into place to keep them secure ( for now ).
The wedges are the left-over trim from flooring used to replace a wall to wall carpet in the workroom. I seldom throw anything away, thus my workroom looks as though I throw nothing away.

We shall see said the Zen master

Friday 21 September 2018

Choosing the Weather

or fishing when its the nicest

We chose Wed SE 19 for our weekly fishing trip. The day started cool and warmed up w/ no rain. The fish were active and we got 5 / which is way better than 1

To-day decidedc to be hot and humid but we cool down for the week end.
I received the last Guy Gavriel Kay novel in the Library system. Called ' Children of Earth and Sky '
set in the geography and time of many of his other books. Already, its a good read
However, 2 people have had their arms cut off as punishment - icky, really icky.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Warm ish and Humid

but not that bad
a summer's day

We will cool down and rain to follow

Monday 17 September 2018

Summer Hangs in

apparently, our weather is static b/c of Florence pushing N

At first, our high pressure area kept Florence S and E but now Florence is coming N and leaving the hotter, more humid air over top of us.
All this will change by Tues late as Florence pushes off to the E just under Lakes Erie and  Ontario.

Recycling woes and the real info. In Ontario, almost every retailer charges 5 cents for a plastic bag. Thus, for the environment we use cloth or heavy plastic bags that are then re-used. This effort to save the environment. Hopefully, we reduce our carbon footprint or usage.
3 years ago in England, a study was run to see exactly how the carbon footprint varied between single ( or limited use ) plastic bags, paper bags and cloth re-useable bags.
Oops ! After all avenues of growth, creation and final ending were evaluated paper bags needed to be re-used 3 times before equaling the carbon usage of plastic ( single use ) bags and cloth bags needed 131 uses to equal the carbon footprint of plastic.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Fall ? or summer

Canada is a nation of extremes

snow and ice on the Prairies and hot and humid here in central Canada. And storms in the Atlantic region

Yes, humid and hot to-day and the next 3 days. Will we see much form Florence. Predictions say, not much. Florence will deposit all her wet in the Carolinas and vicinity .

I managed to snap my good fishing rod on a stump while maneuvering the boat.
Crap and crap

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Myrtle Bch Bound

not the Hurricane

Us.We have tickets for Myrtle Beach, S.C. on Sept 22. Florence gets there ahead of us. O/night, Florence shifted south - ish and is due to hit a tad N of M.B. But the cone of 'deadliness ' is over 200 miles wide. And then the affected area blooms in a radial pattern of 300 miles.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Away from Home

even the casino

Still away from home

We were compted for a suite and 3 meals. Left some cash behind at the slots to cover the expenses of the casino.
We lost !

Friday 7 September 2018

2 days of Fishing

milder weather and the opportunity

Got us out for an overnighter on the 'bee. Plenty of sun ans stiff wind but few fish. One largemouth bass was close to #5, not me, though.
the food was bonus. Won ton noodle soup for dins. Cha - shu buns ( Chinese buns stuffed w/ chicken / curry and other meat mixtures.
Stuffed croissant ( cheese and egg w/ pickles ).
We eat well on these trips.

Thus, home and bathing in aloe vera
The sun blasted down for both days
I wear collared shirts ( I'm burnt ) the other guys wear T - shirts and they are ........... ?? burnt as well but like toasty critters

Wednesday 5 September 2018

T.O. and murders

our numbers are high w/ great consternation

The politicians are on our side ' lets do something '
the quiet voices calling for adequate housing etc are pretty much ignored

Hot summer, short tempers and guns are available
must be

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Like a Blanket

the air

High humidex and big sun. This system breaks overnight on Wed.

The breeze was cool to cool and dry this afternoon. Pleasant feeling this PM

Sunday 2 September 2018

a River runs through it

finished the GGK novel.

The book's title reflects an expression of the culture when they look up and see ' the river of stars ' in the skies.
All in all, an enjoyable read. The constant distrust between the political ' court ' and machinations vs. the straight forward ( mostly )
military culture.
Happy ending. You hope  ..... and are given a glimmer of possibilities in the text.

Warm, sultry and summer high time. We are hiding inside.

GGK has one other novel available at the library, thus I'll try and take it out.

Saturday 1 September 2018

" River of Stars "

not mine

I've found an author that has a series of good reads. Like always, I'm way behind the curve, I mean the guy ( and tahts his name too ! ) is on book 13 or some number.
His naame is Guy ( see ) Gavriel Kay. A Canadian author of semi-historical fiction. basically, he does research and makes up everything else.

Far ranging, in geography and time, I would guess he chooses 800 AD to 1600 AD. I'm guessing here.

The first book was ' Last Light of the Sun ', Celtic or northern Britain,  and definitely 1200 - 1300 AD. This endeavour caught my attention. Confession. I picked it up at a ' window book exchange ' at the pub. Now, I usually removed and did not return much. But the management was grateful.

The latest ' River of Stars ' occurs in China ( Kitai ) approx 1000 AD ( certainly, pre gunpowder , so far ).

I've heard GGK interviewed on CBC, as if the author and host were old friends. Yes, late to the party

Weather, sees the return of hot and humid.
We fished Friday, pre - Labour Day rush. Fishing was a struggle but the other boat buddy caught 3 to start the day ( largemouth bass ) and eventually, I managed to catch up w/ 2 LM bass that were maybe a tad bigger. Not much
A cool day to start w/ constant breeze til approx 1 PM. The breeze died and almost took us w/ it. We hing on and got off the river w/out sunstroke. Cold beer, revived us ---- and a nap