Sunday 30 July 2017

no Rain

slight chance of a pop up shower - chance increases to - morrow

Sun and pale blue sky , there is a high pressure system that may push some rain this way.

The day slipped by. highlight or lowlight ( depends ) was the Netflix offering ' Spooks - Good or Well '. An espionage type movie , where in MI 5 ( Brit Secret Service ) is in big doo doo.
The spooks have lost a prime prisoner and the Americans blame the poor organization of the service.
A senior operative is set as the scapegoat and seems to kill himself ( NO , of course not ) and a fired operative is brought back b/c of a personal connection to save the day.
People are shot and suspected and set up. S.N.A.F.U. - in the ends the good guy ( what ? , no you're right , no good guys here ) the semi good guys make it through and the baddie is punished.

Rating would be a 0.40 out of a dollar.
Real approx $0.35 , what w/ download cost and Netflix per diem

Saturday 29 July 2017

189 Days

is the new record for tenure as a donald Chief of Staff

The guy lasted 6 months which is the new record

Weather : pleasant is coming

The finger situation has the nail growing back in quick fashion - and now we face the problem of what the nail does as it returns

Friday 28 July 2017

Rise of the Superbugs

the antibiotic resistant strains are here

Their names are acronyms mostly , PKC , NMD - 1 but what these bacteria have in common is high resistance to treatment.

The onset can be as simple as a wound or scab pick presenting an invasion site. Commonly thought to thrive in hospital settings , these new strains are being discovered in playgrounds and open sources of water.
However , once started each proves difficult to impossible to halt.
often aggressive amputation or transplantation is the ultimate end.

And when that is done , the patient is advised that a recurrence is highly likely.
The source of this information is Frontline on PBS.

The day is sombre and definitely expectant - something is going to happen. Slightly , cool -ish and gray. Wind seems to be down

The weather straightened out and sun and a touch of humidity dominated the afternoon

I'm trying Kefir , a yoghurt like product that is really high in probiotics.  Supposedly low in fat and sugar , kefir is touted as a digestive aid and overall health food.
It was on sale 30 % off for quick sale w/ a best before date of Aug 8. Figured I'd eat it all or toss it.
First taste was good. I mixed kefir w/ peaches - tasty and complimentary

Thursday 27 July 2017

Opening w/ Rain

more rain

Day has quieted down w/ sprinkles and thats about all

Wednesday 26 July 2017

In Dreams

the song title by Roy Orbison

Well , I'm sitting w/ a long time reader , face to face

The blog didn't even come up as a topic

Oh well , I can seek fame some other way

Fame ?  Do you think , oh yeah

Sleepy day for me , not quite charged w/ energy , it seems

Sun came out in full mode but we clouded over as the early afternoon started.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Why Do They Call

it , Vineland

Someone saw vines , sounds inviting or that s the industry.
OR a timely segue from CBC , Science and Tech news

AS IT HAPPENS Scientists have created a robot tendril that grows like a vine

The day began cool , gray and damp. And in transition went humid and the wind built until the air is clean and sun beaming. I would've said blazing but that is negative sounding , it it negative ?

Positive is the medical news. Despite the negative press , the finger has healed. Pain is minimal w/ the occasional 'ooh' but I think we have success.
I'm not sure what happens to the nail that was cut back. How does it know when to stop growing.
' Stupid ! ' it didn't stop before , so obviously the nail has no idea about appropriate behaviour. We will need to train it.

Monday 24 July 2017

Sunny Day

everything will be OK
When you find your way to Sesame St

Hey , not my fault. I never watched SSt as a young'un. I know SSt as a cultural touchstone.

The day looks good from in here. I think that we are going to be in the back end of a storm front. Slightly higher pressure and cooler by a smidge

Sunday 23 July 2017

Heal Thyself

its what I say to my finger

Progress ?  Still ' Ouch ! ' when the finger hits something
However , I think its closing up a bit
I'll magnify the view and check

Weather : gray and dull
Showers are likely for 2 days
We didn't get much rain , sprinkles , I believe

Finger looking better but sensitive
There is hope

Sun popped out for a visit , damp feeling still

Saturday 22 July 2017

Living Up to the Billing

w/ a gray , dull look out there

Medically speaking. Ouch !
I tend to get curled fingernails that dig in to the finger. Normally , I tuck a piece of thin cardboard under the nail and wait a day.
This past week , nothing seemed to work. I dipped the index finger in alcohol and used Polysporin for Wed on in the week.
Finally , Fri , I went to the clinic. Yep , ingrown nail. Yep , infected.
Yep , the Dr cut the nail back.
No , don't use alcohol. 
Keep the finger dry and clean < meaning , don't use the finger >
( Thurs fishing was a real ' no , no ' , then )

I have a prescription anti - biotic ointment

Still , ouch !

The finger is still sensitive , I hurt

All its done is spit a bit

Friday 21 July 2017

Stanley Steamer Pt 2

haven't been out but thats the forecast
and then wet for the week end

I played ' Survivor : fishing '
Thursday was my second day of fishing this week
We were drowned coming home for upriver and needed to dry off.
I needed rest.

Fishing went much better
I threw a mouse all day. Yes , a plastic floating mouse.
You fling it out there and the bass surge up from below and inhale the mouse.
I had been outfished by the mouse so decided to join the enemy.
First strikes were small and not productive. Then a smallmouth bass devoured the mouse and - fight on. A real battler.

To be fair , it can be a long time between hits but the mouse sits there , doing nothing but darting or wiggling or ' who knows '
A do nothing kind of fishing until  BANG a fish is there

A friend fished a frog - yep , green plastic frog w/ rubber fringe legs and it moves over the surface , waiting for inhalation

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Stanley Steamer

not needed to - day

Hot and muggy thats the call , folks , all day

We are getting too old for slugging. A long time friend asked for help moving books and magazines. Approx 50 boxes.

We are way too old for stuff like that
Wait , OK , I'm too old for slugging

All that is gold , does not glitter
Not all those who wander are lost
Deep roots are not touched by the frost
From the embers a fire shall be woken
Reforged the Sword that was broken
The crownless again will be King

This poem was penned by Bilbo Baggins for Strider , as referenced in the ' Fellowship of the Ring ' J.R.R. Tolkien

Yes , I'm reading ' the Visual Companion to Lord of the Rings ' and watching ' the Return of the King ' , quite a mish mash , really

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Fishing Report for Jul 17

outfished , again

As a pattern develops , one can begin to despair. I was second in # of fish and weight. And second , only maybe , it was real close.

However , I finished first in excitement production. I got the biggest snag , oh yeah ! And a rockbass swam up to the boat and grabbed my Jitterbug - exploding out of the water. I almost peed my pants.

The day was high UV and temperature. We were saved in the morning by cloud cover and then a brisk wind that really cooled us down. Toward 1 - 2 PM the heat built , thus we went in for lunch.
At 5:30P we went out again and the heat was a weight sitting on you. I ( yes , me ) suggested a stretch to fish and knew we could find some shade. Glorious shade for 1 1/2 h plus a breeze.

To day is bright and sunny w/ no rain predicted

Slug labours. I recorded and organized the internet sites and passwords using Microsoft Word. however ,the new and improved Microsoft system turns your documents into PDF format. In PDF , it is much easier to manipulate data. The cost -- yepper , there is a charge to use Acrobat document manipulater. This switch will save you re - typing data to use later.
Crap on that. I found Google documents. Signing in to Google , you can save and use documents for free.. But I had to re - type the data for internet sites.

Sunday 16 July 2017

Bright Day

looks good so far

We are off to socialize to - day. A summer get to - gether w/ family.

Day brought cloud and drops - not rian , yet

Walked the property , did some weeds etc
Checked the paper wasp nest. I bombed the boys last night w/ One Shot Wasp spray. Shoots a stream 25 ft. Got spray in the entrance.
They are done , I think !

Also , changed light bulbs in the kitchen ceiling , its cathedral and I need a 8 ft step ladder to reach up there.
I will vacuum out the skylight b/c leaves and debris blew in
And I washed the glass inside of the skylight

We have 300 W blasting down form the lights
All clean up there

Day stayed muggy and mostly sunny but a deluge happened around 3 - 4 P

Dinner at cousins was great
Company outstanding , we laughed about 60 % of the time

Saturday 15 July 2017

Of Glass Salad


M is hosting , to - day , school friends from her teens. She needs the ' tall ' person to get a salad bowl down from tier 3 shelving.

Thats me , looming giant

Weather is a mixed bag. A little gray but signs of hope.

The dessert  , is a cake but the inscription is " Go , Roger , Go '
b/c one of the ladies is a Roger Federer fan and Wimbledon is on.

The hosting day went fine. Eveything was a success except that I spilled water on a guest's plate while taking out the main course wearing oven mitts.  I was forgiven

Friday 14 July 2017

Duller than

a knife cutting concrete

Overcast and miserable looking out there

I did a walk around the property w/ my trusty saw blade on a handle. I bought a hand pruning saw at dollarama for $2. I stuck the blade on a handle and can de - weed , saw and otherwise abuse the blade. And , no kneeling and minimal bending ( very important )
Its my new get up and do regimen as well ass tidy up program
Always inspect the back forty or front forty , as it were

Muggy like crazy outside. Temperature is relatively low but damp.

In light of the electronic trouble w/ the new truck , I thought ahving spare fuses would be smart.
Being Japanese , they would be called ' mini fuses , low profile '
means that they cost more
However , at the first parts place that I went to - the guy rummaged around in drawer and if he found some - they were free : Nope

On line guys had been complaining about the new plastic smell that never goes away in the truck.
I went pro - active and bought Febreeze , Vanilla and Cream scent
hopefully , to mask or better kill the odour.

Thursday 13 July 2017

I Get All .......

. the news that I need on the weather report

sang P Simon

Gosh darn , he was predicting the advent of CNN
the channel that I love to hate

Weather itself , gloomy w/ threat of rain ( natch ! )

I've recovered enough from fishing that I'm looking forward to going again
So fickle , that I am

Rain did come
We were cool - ish all day , didn't top 68 F

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Gone ( went ) Fishing

About the third fishing trip of the season.
caught 2 largemouth bass , for a good experience
Two of us fished the morning , and a third came on board in the early afternoon.
Weather conditions were favourable. Winds kicked up a bit , some cloud cover and except for sunburn possibilities , not bad at all.
FYI - I fish in long sleeves and full hat.

The event took place at the Q or whatever the new owners call it.
in fact , #3 person was an owner.

Around 6:30 PM , the trolling motor died. We opted for a look see and maybe repairs.
At 8:00 PM we had a fix. Actually , one of us had a fix. I politely nodded my head and acted as ' gofer '. Yep , up and down my favourite hill. FYI - knees are dead  alive but angry , real angry at me.

In my favour , though , I kept a multi meter or electronic ' tester ' for Voltage and Amperage in the Q , itself.
W/out the multi , it would have been lots of  ' plug it in - did it explode ' type work.

Analysis of the day , go fishing w/ friends , these guys are way too young ( they're like supermen ) and attitude is everything.
One guy , as I started to apologize for the breakdown of equipment , says ' its expected , stuff needs to be repaired , stuff breaks down '

Thank you  , all. 

Keep popping the Ibuprofen , buddy

Pain is subsiding
Officially , declared - recover form fishing day

Rain came late in the day
but a hot muggy blanket for the balance

Tuesday 11 July 2017

prime Day

as in ' Amazon Prime '

Purportedly , ' primed ' to take on the world. The be all and end all of shopping.
Amazon has a stat that says that once signed up for Amazon Prime ( premium service ) users do not comparison shop. The shipping is free.
In the Far North ( Iqaluit e.g.) diapers arrive at a cost of 1/3 the price of regular store purchase.

Off fishing

Monday 10 July 2017

Pay the Piper

is the expression

I ache all over. Could it be kneeling down ? Lugging those 45 # bags of crush and limestone ? Lifting 80 bricks ?

Easy day to day. I promise
Anyway , gray out there and rain is forecasted

First test of the patio job , it will settle a bit b/c I didn't compact the fill
It was stone anyway , mostly
When you think back to the way the patio was
- anything is an improvement
I've decided the the situation is better than before

Took it easy , shopping

Fuses : The new ride had electronic trouble and is healed
but I thought it wise to check on fuses
At CanadianTire , there are lots of fuses , labelled w/ ' mini ' ,  ' flash ' , ' low recess ' but not what vehicle it fits

Crawled under the dash to see the fuse box , fuses look cute - that was not one of the labels.
Tried the hood , and checked the engine compartment fuse panels.
Fuses looked cute there , as well.
The manual , yes I read the manual , says ' locate fuse in question and using the fuse puller remove necessary fuse.
No fuse puller around. Tried w/ my fingers , you'd need to be a bird of prey to lift that fuse out.
Ready to give up , I flipped over the lid of the fuse panel
Yepper , spare fuses , fuse puller and key for locating fuses.

The manual didn't say , ' look in the lid ' .

Alls well

Sunday 9 July 2017

Hello World

how's it treating you

Sunday in the city. Same old , same old here.
A cup of warm water to start the day
Weigh in is due this AM

Weather is iffy , cloud and dull is the order so far

Construction boom 

Post cottage , I decided things needed doing around home
This AM , looked at the patio again , in a corner near the house , b/c it has sunk
Took up the interlock , carefully ordered them ( very important ) and cleared the sunken area.
I back filled w/ 1/4 in crush stone and finished w/ limestone screenings. Limestone will pack as it gets wet.
Normally , people laying interlock  level the entire area , smooth and put down the stone. But I wasn't doing a new area but replacing existing stone into a stone pattern that was still there.
Thus , I started at the near end and row by row ( almost ) replaced the stone. Levelled to the existing edges and tried not to leave stuck up edges.
Part way through , I'm holding a brick that I'd been using to measure depth. Oops , why is this brick here and where did it go ?
Nope , odd brick out. nothing to do but continue
I finished but had funny shaped openings to fill w/ what remained
Just had to say , heck and do the best w/ what I had.

My career in stone masonry has come to an end

However , the sunken area is fairly flat and ( hopefully ) runs water away from the previous sunken area and not toward the house

Rain threatened and drops fell but that was it

To - morrow , ' the Great Wall '

Kidding , really !

Saturday 8 July 2017

on Carly Simon

I listened to the interview from ' Here's the Thing ' hosted by Alec Baldwin or the donald as he is more popularly known

CS talked about performing and her on-going stage fright.
She started out writing songs and doing demos , so that other singers would hear and want to do the song.
Then she was asked to opened for Cat Stevens or Ali Akhbar or whatever he's called.
NO , no way
but if Russ Kunkel agrees to back me on a demo , I'll do it.
Russ Kunkel , drummer for James Taylor
Uh huh , you can see it now

I mentioned her lyrics , last post

then got to thinking about ' Anticipation '

the line

' for these , are the good old days '

and no matter what its true

Day is fine , cloudy but elements seem to be in control

A new game plan involves me getting out everyday - even doing garden clean up - working at something
moving , the key element

This above strategy is gleaned from a CBC item on long lived people. They live in what are termed blue zones around the world.
They key , low stress. They live in communities where imprecisely 
they need to move. Simple things , such as walking to the corner grocer , visiting friends , tending the garden etc.
These activities need not be strenuous but can be hiking to their herd of goats.
They move , approximately , every 20 minutes , they are required to be active.

Thus , my attempt.
So far , its lasted 2 weeks

This morning , I weeded the shrubbery , trimmed the front tree and dumped vegetation waste. I finished sorting out the ' crap ' that came out of the used to be second vehicle which was transformed into a truck
That truck is a whole chapter unto itself

Friday 7 July 2017

' Comin' Around Again '

" Baby sneezes , Mommy pleases
Daddy breezes in
So good on paper kiss the folks good bye
So bewildering ...."

Carly Simon

She wrote of home. And I thought this song was cute.
Carly's father was the Simon of Simon and Schuster Publishing.
Mom slept w/ the tutor

Family guests included Albert Einstein and Jackie Robinson.

Married to James Taylor , her idol , and divorced

Hi good to see you still drop in to monitor my therapy

Thursday weigh in was # 169.6.
The Chia Pet project is on going. The formula is 3/4 C  ' Coconut Dream - chocolate drink ' w/ two heaping teaspoons of chia seeds. I drink or spoon down 2 - 3 teaspoons w/ meals. The batch lasts about 3 days.
Painless and effective
Vat else !

Weather : looking good , patchy blue and warm ( 70 at 7 AM )

Clouded over around noon - 40 % chance of rain
Hasn't rained
But humid

Thursday 6 July 2017

Full Sun

hot and muggy

Its break out the sangria day

No Sangria , apparently - Crikey , was sure that I bought one
We went for veal cutlet sandwiches instead or b/c
don't know

anywhoo , great sandwiches from Calabria an Italian bakery / restaurant / take out place.  M said the sandwiches were enormous

The sandwiches can come w/ sweet peppers & / or mushrooms
the Kaiser rolls are way above normal sandwich buns and certainly not the hamburger bun cast offs that often are used

Listening to : Ennio Morricone 

he wrote the music for ' Cinema Paradiso '
and the love theme or ' Profumo di Limone ' is / can be a soaring

by Nexus Chamber orchestra arr. by 
by Seunghee Lee , clarinet

Yes, all these

and his , ' Gabriel's Oboe ' or Nella Fantasie from ' the Mission '
by Tim Thorpe , French horn

And destroying Income Tax returns from past years
voluminous stuff that accumulates

1736 posts , to date

Wednesday 5 July 2017

A fifth of July

I know , I know ... title lacks originality

sounds like a quantity of booze

Weather good

to quote P Simon ' I get all the news , I need on the weather report '

And , it seems that getting by or hanging in b/comes absolutely essential
However , it doesn't feel like getting ahead at all
and maybe , the realization is , life isn't always charging ahead

To - day has been a day of no gain , same old , same old
I'm right where I started

Not to sound too dismal but I recall a meeting of care givers for patients on the 7 th floor of the LongTerm Care ( my mom's place )
The group made sure to say that they would gladly help anyone having difficulty w/ their loved one or difficulty period.
I remember saying that w/out context , the offer sounds like throwing out a life preserver to those in need.
I finished by saying , really the image has to be that we                    ( caregivers ) are treading water and will teach you how not to drown.
And , boy , was I right

This is grim

smile !!!!!

to morrow , I'll write happy

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Independence Day

............. A Yankee Doodle Dandy !

I started watching the Lord of the Rings Pt2 ' the Two Towers ' then realized , no , it was the 3 rd part.
Dumbo , here mis - read the graphics. In my defence , quite similar.

Weather , bright and beautiful , supposedly only warm and dry

Found the ' Two Towers ' , betcha , its the one that i'm not super fond of

Always , like that
Go figure !

Day was terrif ! Sun and dry

Sunday weigh in was # 170

but who's keeping score ?


Sunday 2 July 2017

Looking Back

is the theme to - day

I'm rewatching ' the Hobbit ' , all 3 parts. MovieTime has a marathon going on and it is a marathon. One segment that recorded was 3h 30 m. ( w/ commercials , probably w/out commercials if they didn't edit )
Gandalf saves the Dwarven ( don't use that word much , do you ) company.
Thorin the leader says ' Where were you ?
Gandalf ( wizard ) ' Looking ahead '
T:    ' How did you know we were in trouble ? '
G :  ' By looking behind '

I've mentioned this interchange before ( but looking back , see ! )

And at the same time , while ellipticking downstairs , I'm watching the boxed set of ' Fellowship of the Ring '. For the first time , I'm watching ' all ' the discs including ' making of '. The disc is 3 1/2 h
.... thats right , the length of the movie that I mentioned above.

Did you know that a Weta is an New Zealand insect. Give you a clue , the heaviest insect in the world. Yepper , its big.
Weta is the name of the digital effects studio in New Zealand

Time for brekkies and finishing the Hobbit Pt 2.

Stay real

P.S. ' Battle of the 5 Armies ' is raging on - 45 min left

Sun is out and wind is stirring the trees
Summer magic , for sure

five armies : dwarves , elves , men , orcs
pick'em : bats , eagles , Beorn ( bear guy ) - an Army of One ( US military motto )

seven armies ?

Saturday 1 July 2017

the 150 th Anniversary .....

........ of Confederation
Everybody sing
Canada , one two , three
We are Canadian

I cheated. The words are paraphrased from the Centennial song by Bobby Gimby , in 1967. That info mercial or whatever was on TV , at least three times a night.
that guy was too happy for his own good

Rained , last night. The worms are rowing home on their Popsicle sticks , and bailing like crazy.

From the TampaBay Times:

Rat lungworm: The brain-burrowing parasite is spreading through Florida

By Josh Solomon, Times Staff Writer
The rat lungworm is detected in five counties, including Hillsborough.