Tuesday 31 January 2023

๐Ÿ‘ฒ 30 + 1 JA

 ๐Ÿ‘ฒ we are going w/ this one

Thus, the month closes out
dark, 7 -11 run is done

In posts on CBC online:

lost baggage, a complex problem
a) a return to air travel
b) inclement weather
c) infrastructure upgrades

Wait ! thats good news ?
Sorry, a big oops ! there

BUT it wasn't the worst news

Swim. Pool tres warm. Hot tub even warmer

Is the workout, a good aerobic session. Hey, how about weight control.
or appetite suppresion
or come on, anything good
throw me a bone

Our trip away is coming to a close, like the month
no complaints [ you'd laugh anyway ]

thus the last meals are crucial
tonight was Texas Roadhouse. a return trip. good value and pleasant surroundings. we hauled home leftovers

Monday 30 January 2023


 this is post # 3645

๐Ÿ€™ the symbol for mahjongg, circle one tile

Since we've been away from home, especially, the last week or so [ you'll have noticed ] I have slept til close to 7 quite often. Plus going to bed much earlier than before.

Well, since starting this blog, I have obeyed certain rules

1. no real names, unless you are written about in the media

2. no diatribes on any topic [ religion, politics etc ]

OK. so what is this really about, I mean today, starting w/ the ' rules '

I've noticed on FaceBook, each ' friend ' uses the space for different purposes.
Originally, someone said ' you can get all the updates on the Leacock school re - union on FB '
Nope. They lied. And since, numerous postings on FB have warned that the ' site 'has been taken over by ' non affiliated persons ' - I guess those who never went to the school - but anyone could join

My list of friends is 63 w/ many more ' hopefuls ' queued up. Several   ' friends ' are in business and try to drum up more clients on the site.

I do not. I'm boring

From the CBC online, the good news

b/c ..... I didn't read the story. free meals, etc
Come on. When did the actual experience, ever match the glossy ads.
Well, not for me. I' m in the ' cattle ' category.

I guess, more air travel is wasteful, polluting and a disease vector

YouTube ' suggested ' a review of 3 elliptical machines. To fit budget and purpose.
So, this is my advert for my elliptical, the Sole E 55. 
When I retired, I wanted an elliptical. Full body workout and less stress on joints [ knees ]. My first machine lasted about eight years. Not bad.
Then. I discovered the Sole. The short story, 12 years and going on.
I did an entry in a post on ' maintenance ' or lack of maintenance by me.
The elliptical is used at least 3 times a week approx 3h and minutes. This amount apparently, is a lot. And many machines like this are used a few times and bcome garment racks. 

Updates: a crack formed on the upper left corner of the laptop [ a Dell 5190 ]. Its taped up.

And this laptop is gettig slower and boggy [ esp the last few weeks ]
I hope that this is an issue w/ the internet in the unit.

In an effort to change things, I've unhooked the gaming mouse. 
?????? why ?  what difference ???

really, it would make diffeerence ?????

What am I talking about. the internet is a crap shoot to start.
attach anything else
???????? Ka Boom or kerplatt !!!!!

Sunday 29 January 2023

❋ a bubble symbol for the 29 th of Janus

  Google is honouring ' bubble tea ' this morning

the worm has turned - weatherwise
we will be warm and stay warm

7 - 11 run and brought back 2 bananas

on sale of course [ 2 for $ 1 ] or 79 cents each

Swim is complis, eh bien

According to Harvard Medical School, an individual who weighs 125 pounds will burn approximately 330 calories from doing 30 minutes of swimming (assuming there are swimming freestyle or doing the butterfly), while a 185-pound person will burn 488 calories for the same exercise.


Just 30 minutes of swimming three times a week alongside a balanced, healthy diet and lifestyle is one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy and maintain a positive mental outlook. Do it with friends, and it's even more fun


swim for fun

Somehow the goal lately has been ' finish, please '. Which is fine.
Everyday or set of days, doesn't have to be the same.
E.g. today was EZ PZ w/ ots of backstroke

Just a sec, let me digress. I've got a bagful of theories or ' to do s '

And we tried ' Grillin' n Chillin' BBQ [ really close ]. We were early and beef brisket was only beginning to be ready.
We opted for beef ribs. Lots but a little diffrent in style. The sides were coleslaw [ good ] BBQ bake beans [ good ] and mac and cheese [ average ]

However, a halcyon day. Semi tropical

Saturday 28 January 2023


 ㋀ a teensy bit late but this is the ideograph for January

7 - 11 run done
coffee, typing
all is right w/ the world [ you are so simple, its scary ]

[[[Winter weather travel advisory in effect.

Periods of snow with significant accumulation expected this weekend.

Total snow accumulations near 10 cm.
Slippery surfaces.

Beginning this evening or late this evening and continuing through Sunday afternoon. ]]]

Lookout T.O. 

Friday 27 January 2023

๐Ÿ•ƒ Into JA ending

 ๐Ÿ•ƒ  an interesting looking symbol. An ' ear ' ?

I'm typing the date 230127, more for me than you. A reminder of the date.

Cool out there. And I slept mostly solid til 7:00 AM. 
coffee and typing
stating the obvious

Took a chance and went ' good ' news hunting on CBC online.
OK here it is !
Vancouver based clothing business, " Aritzia " is booming in the U.S. 
Wait !
thats the good ...... yep. 

Also, sneaking in, is the bit about the $ Cdn. Slowly the loonie has been rising. Not a lot. but you can see the change.
Hey, my coffee, is little cheaper.

Swim completed. Day is on.

A ๐Ÿคณ

A banner day, ladyfish first. Not big. But neat. A sea trout jumped a small jig.
THEN I changed to a bigger minnow [ 2 times ??? ] and wham ! A sea trout nailed the fishy jig. Thank you.
A recap. 23 days and 6 fish. 3 were today. And I'm doing the best of anyone. 
The signs are good. Pelicans have found a living. Manatees came to sun bathe.

Thursday 26 January 2023

๐Ÿ‰ an ideogram

 ๐Ÿ‰ the meaning is  ' advantage '

7 - 11 run. see proof below
coffee in hand
good morning universe from the little blue ball
in the Western Spiral Arm of the Milky Way

Yes, I'm talking to you

An asteroid the size of a delivery truck will whip past Earth on Thursday night, one of the closest such encounters ever recorded.

NASA insists it will be a near miss with no chance of the asteroid hitting Earth.

don't fret this is cosmolgy and not horseshoes
 a mere 60 million miles [ 3 600 km actually ]
And ' Scout ' the early warning asteroid predictor, has already said ' no cigar '
This a report from CBC online, Science and Tech

The outside is dark and breezy w/ a chill.

What is this ?

I've never used the laptop camera before [ ? ]
so here's proof of my 7 - 11 run

A return visit to the Pierogi palace. Food was tasty.

Wednesday 25 January 2023

๐Ÿป clinking glasses

 ๐Ÿป appropos of a great afternoon. spontaneous and informative

Still dark. Tampa Bay Times arrived. Coffee is leftovers

I managed to sleep til 6: 30. Well, I did see the clock at 4:30 but Ii dozed right to 6:30. 

Swim was accomplished and therapeutic hottub did it s thing.
Cranberry cocktail and ice is the ticket this AM. That is therapeutic !!!

" and if you don't love me, now
you will never love me again
I can still hear you saying
that you'll never break the chain "

Fleetwood Mac

Against instinct, I tried fishing and caught a pufferfish. The water is improving [ much more colour plus the pelicans are diving on fish ? ]

A pitiful January. However, I met and hear stories about a guy from Jersey [ the Channel Island ] who came w/ large [ surf ] rods and reels. The story goes he fished for 2 weeks and never got anything.

His problem, he was here before me and fishing that lifeless water that I commented on 3 weeks ago in the blog.
Oh, I had a witness to the catch this afternoon [ TG, a witness ]

The weather turns Thur as a cold fornt mosies on by for 2 days. The front is bringing ugly conditions from Ala, Ga, the Carolinas and on up the eastern seaboard. The Great Lakes basin catches precipitation likely as snow but South of that - pure misery w/ sleet, slush and pellets

Tuesday 24 January 2023

๐Ÿ‡ Rabbit plus 1

 ๐Ÿ‡  and hop along, there

7 - 11 once more. Ah, coffee and bananas [ 2 for $ 1 ].

Supposedly, we will bask in 75 F sunshine

Oh,yeah, if we got to 75 / a miracle b/c the wind was blowing 75.

Deal of the day were those bananas

The day slipped by as often happens. BUT spent a pleasant afternoon almost bar hopping
oh, yeah. well, its was 2 bars [ 2 beers ]

Monday 23 January 2023

⛞ protect the rabbits, protect the rabbits ! "

 ⛞ a random choice today ' a falling diagonal '

the opening quote is from ' Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow '. Its an inside joke between Frankie and Sky Captain. [ thats Angelina Jolie and Jude Law ]

Slept like a log. Snored like a ....... However, woke at 5:30 AM and then lay there. 6 came and I said ' Up ! '

Dark til 7:20 or so. I drove to 7 - 11 b/c .......

The morning chores were accomplished. A Monday agenda included a call back home to re - schedule a Dr Skin follow up.
And also to check that a refund for the UK flight made it into our account. All went well.

We ventured out for a drive. Probalby, we were 20 minutes out from home base. We did see some restuarants but returned to the local stomping grounds. 

Sunday 22 January 2023

XXII Janus airy

 ๐Ÿฃ the Japanese symbol for post office

Well, awake at 5 AM but stayed in bed to rest. Then 6:15 off to 7 - 11.

I've mentiond before in the blog, I define a safe vacation as ' is there a Seven 11 up the street ? '. Thus, when you talk like that, you are obliged to go to ' 7 -11 '.
However, the coffee isn't as pleasing as I remember. The ' frothy, vanilla ' doesn't appeal. And I did try the ' cold ' vanilla pump. Nope !

Thus, I'm using Delight Vanilla creamer. A let down for sure

The beginning of the Chinese [ Asian ] Lunar New Year. The year of the Tiger [ my sign ] is over. Hail the rabbit.

or dragon, I guess. Really, thought it was the rabbit. Oh, heck its how they celebrate anyway.

 I meant 2022 to be special - Tiger year and a tiger. Oops ! flop - a - rama.

OK. I survived. 

Saturday 21 January 2023

๐ŸŒ– aha, the waning gibbous moon


Eek ! 4 Am and at the 7 - 11 for coffee. Saw the clock at 3 and could not get back to sleep.
 bought some food and the clerk didn't charge for the coffee. Neat


Yes. That is the thought pattern that kept me up. 
the good the bad and the ugly.
how morbid
still free coffee........ 

we received an email that notified us, " after your conversation w/ the agent - we are releasing your room that was booked for 2024 ". 

Ah, we have been using and talking of the resort as our Fla ' home '  [ one month ~~~ or so, per time ]. The history goes back to 2000, so, its been a while.
BUT the prices jumped some 80 % and we are          
 ' cutting the cord ' so to speak. Some other venue will get our bucks.

Adapt, move on like the caribou [ where did that come from ].

Update : 8 AM. Dozed a little. YouTubed, a little. Time for the swim of the day.

Caught a nap or conked out. We will finish the chores of the day.

And our dinner choice was ' Pierogi Bar ' on Central Ave. We both had schnitzel. Their is titled ' Galician ' schnitzel. { The Ukrainian take on the familiar “schnitzel,” Galician Shnitsel consists of pounded, seasoned pork loin, egg washed and pan fried. ]

Tasted good, whatever.
This random location was after shopping at Walmart. The other day, B.. had noticed that Central Av. seemed to have a fair number of small businesses.
B/c we were passing, I thought give Central Av a try.

The pluses - service, friendly staff. And quiet !

Friday 20 January 2023

๐Ÿ”ฐ signalling Beginners

๐Ÿ”ฐ this emoji is the Japanese symbol for beginners

Sleep was OK. Up around 3:30AM then dropped off.
Coffee in hand. Sort of awake. I'm moving. 

And very apropos of the emoji for the day. A whim [ b/c I can't remember the prompt ] got me to view ' Linux in 100 seconds '
If you will, Linux is an open source code system for using a computer.

Linux uses basic commands to operate like Windows or Chrome OS. Instead of hitting an icon, you type in commands such as ' ~cd '. Naturally every stroke has a function. Alright, why are you getting this intro ? 

Well, like all entries in this space, this intro is for me. I'm typing out my thoughts [ ideas ]. I did convert the old, very old, now eMachine to linux and ubuntu.
However, progressed to step 1. Or step 1/2. As mentioned, why now, why today ? Dunno. Would love to recall what got me started again.

Thus, why learn or go to Linux. Linux has no advertising and no one tracks Linux use. No viruses [ yet ] and malware would be a joke. In essence, you'd be creating malware for 0.001 % of all users. And the users would go back to ' kernel ' or  base command and ' Start Again '.

The intersting part is that many Linux users, do exactly that quite often. Kinda rebuild ' it better '.
Stay tuned for how I got to step 2 in Linux - Ubuntu

Thursday 19 January 2023

๐ŸŒ  bringing you the Stars

๐ŸŒ   coming at you, today. I discovered a choice of emoji characters. Sort of slow to find the treasure trove

Slept through the night. Miracle of miracles.
Up and out to 7 - 11. Coffee w/ vanilla hot froth ' 2 sweet 4 me '.
Drove down to the seawall or seawalk. Snapped a pix of early facing East

 Not much there but 


Slept through. Wow ! doesn't happen all that often. I tried napping yesterday and maybe nodded off for a minute or two. Early to bed and bingo bango - sleep hit me.

Maybe. Its what I need. Tiredness and then sleep. The trouble would be that I'm not exactly, popping up at 6:30 AM or whatever time that I awake. Really, a little groggy.
Well, another few weeks to evaluate this pattern.

Wednesday 18 January 2023

䷊ give peace a chance

 well,now this is the hexagram for peace

A dozy morning. Coffee. Typing. 

Expectations. too many. realistic ? 

Alright. Bustled around. Dishwasher MT. Counter cleans [ yes, Dawn and lemon ].

The day begins w/ my swim approx 30 minutes, doing my best. A simple nutritious breakfast [ fired egg and cheese on a 1/2 bun ].

The year. Was analyzed at 2 weeks. Not much there. 

This day marks 2 weeks at the resort. And a summary is due. The pool started cool to cold, mostly miserable. The pool heater was on the fritz, actually fractured. The pool warmed and reached a maximum about five days ago. The last 2 mornings, lukewarm covers the picture.

The routine of meals varies. From doggone basic, hot dogs and burgers w/ sides of baked beans, coleslaw and potato salad. I believe we've eaten out 5 to 6 nights. 
We chose Shells, PJ s, Buona, Toasted Monkey and Horse and Jockey.

And the winner is the Italian one, overall service plus the food choice got the job done.

The weather has been suitable. A few days were cold and miserable. Bitter wind was the clinker. And clincher. BUT a memory now.

Adventure Wednesday. We took a car dive out to ' Fatty s Soul BBQ ', some 5 miles away. Howevr, the door was locked and the store MT. A passing nextstore customer said ' closed ? go to Mama D s ' and gave directions.

We found Mama D s and a friendly counter person set us up w/ food orders. Quiet wait. We headed home.
Oops ! We opened the containers and said ' we ordered this ? '

Still food was tasty [ slightly salty wings, which we hadn't ordered ]
all in all - quite the a*d*v*e*n*t*u*r*e *******>
Must have been our English [ I'm sure that she meant well ]

Tuesday 17 January 2023

แƒค Aha, looking a - 'phar '

 แƒค yes, the squiggle is called Georgian ' phar '

Slept through the night. Yes. Me.

OK. coffee. typing. But dishes done and counters clean.

For the past year or so, I've become a ' Dawn and vinegar ' convertee, for cleaning. Well, everything. and I try the mix whenever possible.

Today, I fell back on lemon. We bought a bag of lemons and for two people thats a lot to use up. So, I clean w/ lemon sprinkled on the counter and in the dish water [ w/ Dawn, natch ! ]. This mix cuts grease much better than soap alone. The residual smell is pleasant.

Oh, yes, mrs homemaker - me.

Reporting that the sun is up and promises of a warm ish day, not warm, yet. Getting there by inches

Sorry! forgot. our view

" its money they have, its peace they lack ' Field of Dreams [ spoken by the character of James Earl Jones ]

on the headphones [ the other open window ] listening to : the Doobie Bros [ What a Fool Believes]. Russell Louder [ the Shed sessions ]
Imogen Heap from the 150 th Annviersary of Royal Albert Hall performance
IH is doing her synth thing. She took the original score from 150 yrs ago. She found a chunk of music that she could build around.
I don't know anything about creating music or what she actually does.
BUT I get transported by what she does [ whatever ] w/ her tech sound gloves. 
From the comments for her video :
Words cannot do this exquisite performance any justice - one must simply indulge and be elevated. I am so grateful for being alive at the same time as Imogen and to be able to experience her genius and her talent, almost in real time.

Monday 16 January 2023

๐Ÿฏ Don't Take the Laptop for Granted

 ๐Ÿฏ I was trying for a ' laptop ' emoji OOPS ! Got the ' Japanese ' castle

Cold. Little wind. 7 - 11 coffee. Typing

Yepper, still a functional entity.

The day was a welcome change. Pleasant, and all.

I'm swimming daily. Years ago. Simple goal. 100 laps and timed at 30 minutes

Unfortunately. Present tnese. Means. Get 30 minutes in. Try for 80 laps. Such is life

Sunday 15 January 2023

๐Ÿ’Ž A Gem of an Idea

 ๐Ÿ’Ž not even close .... but take what you can get  .... emoji board translated my squiggle
and I took the best

Cold dawn. No coffee [ yet ]. 

CBC online reporting weather from back home :

" Mainly sunny. Wind up to 15 km/h. High minus 2. Wind chill minus 18 this morning and minus 4 this afternoon. UV index 2 or low. "

minus 2 translates to about 28 F [ minus 18 does not translate ]

Scanned the rest of the sections : helath, science and business

You're better off not knowing.

THEN the laptop would not turn on
eek !
the battery light would flick ' off / on ' but nothing.
Upon reading ' google ' entries .... conclusion - dying battery.

I checked on replacement batteries [ $ 40, self install ], new laptops [ some really neat ones out there, cost $ 300 ].

Went to sleep worried and fraught [ wrought ]
Couldn't get one idea out of my head
' what did no boot mean ' in an article that I saw.

the solution was ' control + refresh + power '

I had to google ' refresh ' [ it was there ]

Bingo Bango - light and power
success at 11:30 P

A grand success

Saturday 14 January 2023

๋ƒฝ the daily squiggle

 ๋ƒฝ the symbol is hangul 

Sun burst out, better than the gloom

Due : the 2 nd week report for 2023
dire ......
these tiems dominate the reportage
And cLiMaTe change. Lets blame everything on ' climate change '

I think Mother Nature is being perverse. BUT there are more people and spreading into more spaces.
These spaces are fraught w/ difficulty ..... flood plains, forested areas  [ prone to wildfires ] and under slopes of high ranges

Friday 13 January 2023

๐Ÿฆข Sogginess is not the End

๐Ÿฆข ' be kind to your web footed friends '

We can dry out.
Coffee. Typing. Not alert for sure. Mayhaps, the lack of naps has caught up w/ me

' b/c a duck [ swan ] could be somebody s mother '

This blogger app produces a log of entries. And as of the last few months that entry list is much more colourful.

All is fine. I'm awake and pleased. Attitude is all.

Morning beer and pretzels

What else would you do on vacations. Time out. Time away. Time after Time [ Cyndi Lauper ].

Some days are for retrospection, some days are for getting by
not much achieved
and proud of it [ or so you say ]

Thursday 12 January 2023

๐Ÿ“• 230112

 ๐Ÿ“• like a book ?

Dark. Typing. Off to 7 - 11 for coffee

Sun is on the horizon, a redish glow [ sailor take warning ? ]

' all god s chillun' got problems '

A day to enjoy running around - shopping, errands

Wednesday 11 January 2023

๐Ÿš no, I couldn't draw this

 ๐Ÿš it was a squiggle interpretation. I made it more complicated and .... guess ?

Still dark.
Coffee w/ ' sugar cookie ' skinny syrup flavour for coffee / latte / and whipped drinks.
Way too sweet. I'm using drips from the bottle cap. Well, no calories and no sugar added. 

Usually, " 7 - 11 " store has french vanilla coffee. But they've cut down on the varieties of coffee. They only have a french vanilla milk and froth tap.

Swept through the CBC online. Omicron variants on the rise. Dr s recommend masking on long flights. 2022 set records for weather related losses.

Sunshine day. Cool to warm [ almost ] Big blue sky. Patchy clouding.

Tuesday 10 January 2023

แ€” Na Na Na ........

 แ€” Myanmar ' na '

Welcome to the day. Smile ! 

Drink coffee


Binge watching. I turned away from " the Westerns station, ISPN " and took up w/ ' Wednesday ' a Netflix original.
Silly premise. An Addams family child returns to Mom and Dad s prep school and where they found each other.
Did you have to ? Well, I started and got interested.
TG, one season and 8 episodes. W/ tantalizing hints - more to come !

The day is fraught w/ sunshine, some layered clouds. I'm gearing up for the morning swim.

A great day. Sun and cool ish

Monday 9 January 2023

๐Ÿฅฟ ' Slip siding away .... '

 ๐Ÿฅฟ the squiggle interpreter came up w/ this

.. the nearer your destination '  Paul Simon . P.S. knew all about life.
Married to Carrie Fisher. That was a power marriage.
.. the more you're slip sliding away .......

BTW, the world keeps turning. or ' stop the world, I want to get off '

Sunday 8 January 2023

๐Ÿ•ญ Ringing in the 1 st Week


The squiggle came out as a ' bell ' [ ? ]. I'm going w/ the theme.I say lets celebrate that first week.

Sunny in Philadelphia ? Always. BUT I'm not there
Still its sunny. w/ blue sky. Cool breeze

Take what you can get

Bad news : your phone is GSM and not compatible w/ Verizon and CDMA systems. Great. Tracfone is now Verizon


My Pixel 6a is a GSM phone BUT can use Verizon and Cricket. TTFL

Saturday 7 January 2023

☗ The week of the New Year ....

  this is the black shogi piece [ ?????? me too ]

... brought ?
My way of saying ' wod happened '. or the week in review

OK. Sun has been dominant fro 2 days .... das is gut ! The wind is bringing cooler air in. ' das is gut, mein frere '
[ alright what language is this !!! ]
where is Google translate !

So shogi ?

Shogi also known as Japanese chess, is a strategy board game for two players. ... but in English are conventionally referred to as Black and White, ...

There you go - shogi 

Well, as promised Roku is portable and allows Prime Video and Netflix while on the road.

Unfortunately, I chose Prime s the ' Northman '. Brutal and revenge themed mega. Not for the faint of heart 

Followed by Netflix s the ' Pale Blue Eye '. Edgar Allan Poe is a character in the movie but this was Poe - esque to a tee. Oh, just as brutal and revenge themed 

Oh, two beauties there

Friday 6 January 2023

ๆ”ฏ The Morning Squiggle


The sun rose and it is a force today. Chasing away most other elements. Good

Thursday 5 January 2023

เงฏ Not at Home

เงฏ this is the bengali 9

 thus we have a travel blog
so, how will it be differnet

the same, b/c this is people

CV 19 restrictions were briefer here

the effect was the same

' I'm in New York state of mind ' Billy Joel

I imagine that everyone passes through moods or modes

I'm mellow or more mellow

Total disarray describes our early departure. 
the tally: no cell phone, no mouse [ we both needed the mouse ]

The photo is the ' gaming ' mouse that we found at CVS, on sale
the most colourful peripheral that we 've ever seen. Multi colour outline that flashes and changes colour in a cycle.
The mouse is the entertainment.

Wednesday 4 January 2023

" Sitting in a Railway Station

 ....... " Simon and Garfunkel

But we are ' sitting ' in an airport lounge. Waiting on a weather and computer delay of  70 min.

' got a ticket for my destination .....

" There are a lot of wheelchairs here " is the cry around us. Unluckily - we are one of them. Biggish airport and  'miles to go before I sleep '
or fly in this case

' I'm gonna where the sun keeps shining through the pouring rain '

Tuesday 3 January 2023

าณ Coming to You Via the Internet

 าณ the emoji produced the samll letter ' ha ' w/ the descender from the cyrillic 

No coffee. Tried to get back to sleep

if I'm typing, guess I'm awake.

Coffee. Awake ? 

Swept through the CBC online. I'll save you the angst. The sky is falling. or Fell. 

I watched a YouTune clip. A director of the NHS or the UK s medical service defended the Health Service by comparing the poor record of NHS. His tack was that the deaths were pretty much typical for Western nations.
To wit, ambulances are lining up outside hospitals for hours. No beds, no NHS staff. BTW, if you die in the ambulance, the hospital doesn't record the death. Thus, hospitals are doing much better now. Fewer deaths, you see.

Dozed off. While I wasn't looking 

Sun barely showed but sprinkles andfitsof rain did

Monday 2 January 2023

เป“ On the Second Day of 2023

 เป“ the squiggle du jour became

Dark. But coffee is done. Very good. No bitterness. Smooth

If you  made it this far. Excellente

" A shipwrecked sailor on this coast, bids you set Sail. Full many a ship weathered the gale, ere this one was lost "

unknowm author [ epitaph on a Aegean Island ]

Can you compromise

very poorly

but I should

Not much more than expected, for the weather. Except this is Oct temperature for us.

Sunday 1 January 2023

๐Ÿ”ฐ MMXXIII is here

 ๐Ÿ”ฐ the Japanese symbol for beginner

The emoji couldn't be mroe appropriate. Beginning the new year, we are all beginners

Dark. Coffee. Sleepy

Why are you up [ notice that I didn't say awake ! ]

Too much on my mind

" its knowing that your door is always open
that keeps my bedroll stashed behind your couch "

the words are from ' Gentle on My Mind ' by John Hartford
{ most people think of Glen Campbell } .

Well we took the small car out for a drive to charge the battery it's not going to be used for a while so I thought better charge her up

 and had a nice lunch at a friend's house that was A.. s 

but I came home to have a beer and I'm drinking euro swill ( that's what the English call  the lagers that come from Europe). And this is Tuborg gold

Plus an update. My 'control ' program for weight management yielded 174.6 lb c.f. the original 182.4

Now, as a follower of the blog, you'll know that the next query is ....

so what ? 

The sole purpose was navigating what I ate. The two conerstones have been:
don't just grab toast [ b/c I'll make sandwich out of                                    anything ]

why are you eating ' it '

I know that re - heated carbs are best b/c the starch is converted into longer chains = less absorption

Today. Left over chips [ yes ! ] and halibut.
Soup and a biscuit w/ carrots and peppers

Important. I did not cut out beer. I bet that I average a beer a day. I figured that its no use creating a non typical diet. This ' control ' better be long term.