Tuesday 31 May 2022

the Heat Rolls in

 to Scarberia. And

the wildflowers are sprouting. Actually, green thingies are shooting up. What the green thingies are is anyone's guess - right now. Hopefully, they will be like the picture on the bag of ' Wildflower Mix ' a boon for pollinators w/ a woody scent.

I've been diligently watering the little ones. I strung a line across the plot and attached yellow strips of plastic that flutter. This is an attmept to visually deter birds from pecking at the shoots. I fear that the visual alert will not deter the rabbit or raccoons. Do those two eat wildflowers ?

We shall see said the Zen Master

A trip to the Q'. All work and all heat and humidity. Ugh !!. I did a little and A. did a lot. However, I did sweat a bucket, anyway. I was trying to help and make it easier for A.

Monday 30 May 2022

the Green Privacy Fence

Post # 3404 

I would say the ' curtain ' is complete. There is a green barrier around us. We are forested. Our world has shrunk but we are coccooned and its a quiet place.

Weather. The heat builds in for 48 h [ heat alert is on for Tuesday ] and we cool off w/ rain on Wednesday

Sunday 29 May 2022

May is Ending

 w/ nice weather.

Sunny. Sunday. Supposedly, Simple Living Sunday if you are a Lehman s person.
Let s see. How would I live a simple Sunday. Well, the big loppers would be allowed but not the hedgetrimmer. As well, the weedtorch thingy is OK.
Food however, will be a problem. I believe the gas stove is allowed. Nope ! We can't do it, apparently, we re not that simple. Or are !

Saturday 28 May 2022

What is Normal


Let s see. We played cards last night. I attacked the shrubbery this AM. Looked out and said ' now ! do it '
I grabbed the big loppers and hedgetrimmer and went to town. I talk about ' taking back the yard ' i.e. don't let the dogwoods and bushery dictate the way the yard looks. Yeah ! M'on, thems som mean hacking going on.
No mercy !!! I cut them right back, mega.
So, thats one day. Probably needs many ' one day s ' of work.

Friday 27 May 2022


 are now planted under our bedroom window - street side

Recall : The landscapers removed interlock from the area west of the front door and grassed the area. They left an apron under the baywindow out for about 4 ft.

Grass wasn't going to grow there anyway. The thought was to plant low bushes. However, in a fit of something - I decided that ' wildflower mix ' is a good alternative.
Colour and more herbage for pollinators results. Bushes would be easier to tend. I limited the planting area to a ribbon 18 inches wide and not under the eaves or baywindow. Hoping rain would water the new wildflowers

We shall see said the Zen Master

Post - fishing tackle swap, I re - organized the plastic baits. I'm an expert at re - organizing. Not much else but surely that. Apparently, my system breaks down under the categories of ' worms ' and ' stickbaits. Technically, worms are flexible and stickbait are not. There were definitely some cross over. I think that they could be termed ' hybrids '

Ah, my problems ! " All god s chilllun' got trouble "

AND, the ribbon of wildflower bedding was watered by the rain. Step 1.
Now, will any flowers actually grow. There is supposed to be profusion of colour and smell. Yeah bees and birds, maybe !

Lunch is take out  today. I drove  the 4 miles to California Sandwiches, a circuitous route to avoid construction. These are large sandwiches and really, 1 for both of us would do. However, what the ' hey' - we can splurge, or overindulge, I guess.

California - A No 1. Listen. Maybe, we were desperate. BUT meat galore and tasty. As well, walking away from Calif. , I thought ' by the lb, best deal going ' that was a heavy bag. To be fair, the veal cutlet is deep fried, still bonus

Thursday 26 May 2022

the ' Outpost '

a Netflix offering. A true story of a sentry U.S. base in Afghanistan. A forward station to link U.S. intelligence and social iteractions w/ the locals

In essence, if you nothing about combat or troop safety - yupper, this setting is where you would put approx 60 troops. The situation goes from idiotic to predictably disastrous during the command of 3 captains or similar ranking.
How bad was this final fight ? For the first time, the Armed Forces gave 2 medals of honor to living soldiers plus purple hearts and distinguished service medals.

Weather. We have 2 - 3 days of rain in store. Warmish, certainly close to 70. BTW, there is still no electricity at the Q. Best guess, which means its a lie is '11 PM tonight'

We shall see said the Zen Master 

Canada has banned Hauwei, the Chinese electronic company from participating in the 5 G rollout in our country. This move sounds so smart that someting must be wrong. Hauwei is not directly associated w/ the Chinese gov't BUT an arm of Hauwei or linked company is supported by the Gov't. Earlier, a Hauwei executive was held in a mansion or two while awaiting a judicial ruling as to whether extradition to the U.S. was legal. In retliation, China arrested 2 Canadians and held them ( not in mansions ) for a long time.

Nasty, people there, for sure.

Wednesday 25 May 2022

May 25 2022

 hey, really original title

Laziness is setting in. 

Well, I add another crown to my mouth. And NO, I'm not making money on this. I'm losing at least $ 300. A back tooth is chipped and there is nothing to glue the filling to.

I managed to ignore another shooting. However, M does keep me informed. And I saw snippets scrolling through CBC online

In my struggles against dandelions, I have added ' Weed B Gon ' to the arsenal. Supposedly, WBGon is a selective herbicide.

The dandy - lions aren't happy w/ the WeedBGon. The leaves are brown and wilted and everything droops. Yeah !!!!

Well, early voting and lunch was the afternoon agenda.
Check. Check. Wednesday special 1/2 price burgers. Yessir.

Alrighty, if I can do one more useful thing - then its a perfectamundo day. Dead dandy - lions, new crown < almost >, voting and lunch/

Tuesday 24 May 2022

" Toscana "

 a  Netflix movie - in Danish b/c the overdub is horrendous

' you do not measure life ' 

as in a decilitre or ounce

But I do - so sad

OK. Can you add one item to your life and create magic ?

M bought a block of parmesan for me. Why ?

B/c whenever I see cooking shows the chef dude, grates parmesan onto the food. Here, we shake the stuff out of a bottle. 
Turns out the process for powdered or shaved parmesan is to coat the cheese on oil < so that it won't clump > 
Thus, you're getting cheese covered in Pam.

Well, so far, I've added shaved parmesan from the block to sandwiches and salads. Better ?
Dunno. But at least its cheese and not oil covered bits

One thing to change your life - not likely
But we can only try

Recall : I do not drink for pleasure
think, Lewis, Think !  great line from ' Morse ' the series

Success. The spaghetti and meatballs ala grated parmesan was terrif !

Monday 23 May 2022

The Legends of Sushi

 or Sushi Legend -the restaurant. Where we ate lnch as part of a group

Today is holiday Monday, in Canada. The weather cool and fine

The sushi was good. The ordering is done via tablet from your table. It was quite the learning process. As in, what order < most was good, some so - so >
and how to order. Alright, so we're slow. We did catch on. Lets do the hghlights. Everything that came w/ eel was in the very good category. Chicken dishes were edible but not a snesation.
The most important, the sushi was consistently tasty.
We had a good time

The guys had a tackle swap. My intent was to give away a bunch of lures. I did. Then got back more than I took. In fact, I got a fishing rod. Not used, new. Someone got a super deal and shared the joy. M was like ' how many does that make ? '
Who is counting !

In analysis, the tackle  seap meant that I lost a bunch of metal and gained other items. Neat.  Looking at someone else's gear

Sunday 22 May 2022

the ' Winds of Change

roared through Southern Ontario. People died as trees and material blew around and down.

Here. We fared well. We saw black and horizontal rain and roaring.

Some locales got battered. Trees and powerlines fell - on the road and on cars and tents < people died >. The QuarterMile had uprooted trees and limbs smacking the blockwork rails. BBQ s actually were toppled on the backdeck - including the food sitting there.

And power is out at the Q along w/ 6 - 10 000 other homes. Estimates have power back in a few days
 - Eek ! thats a long time.

 Approximately, 10 people at the Q' were enjoying the holiday weekend for Canada. And no water for toilets b/c the pump is idle. Not a good situation w/ a crowd staying over. But the guys staying can help w/ the clean up AND finishing the food that was there.

Overall. Glad its not me - cuz I'd be freaking, I mean damage < tree limbs are hanging by the bark up high >. I don't think that I do that well in exciting conditions - unless its the casino.

I finally, got through to the Q'. Yes, everything happened and some clean up was possible. No electricity and not expected til Mon 4 PM at the earliest. There is a backog of dishes < no extra hotwater available > plus the wash as people leave and beds are unmade.

In my role as nominal helper, I'll be needed to straighten out the kufuffle. 

Saturday 21 May 2022

" Changes "

 was a tune that I recall from ' O Lucky Man ' a 1970 s film that was a tiny bit weird - like a ' Clockwork Orange ' w/out as much violence. Barely.

An English series called ' Heatbeat ' focusses on life in a small village near Whitby, UK. Likely set in the 60 's ( ? ). The final song was ' Changes ' as I mentioned.
Then M, chimes in w/ ' why are they playing ' What a Friend I Have in Jesus '
WHAT ! was my reply. M thinks that its exactly the same tune.

Alan Price of the Animals wrote the music for ' OLucky Man ' starring Malcolm McDowell and directed by Lindsay Anderson

from which we get the lyrics 
' poor people stay poor people
b/c they never get to see
that someone has to win
in the human race
and if it isn't you
then it got to be me '

" so smile while you're faking it
laugh while you're taking it

and nobodys gonna know " From the Politicians Handbook 101

Alright. I've been getting a little introspective the last week. Its getting ugly.
Will Rogers had the line ' I was thinking about my shortcomings but you can't get much of a start in ten minutes '

And Winston Churchill had the quote ' A man who doesn't change his mind
seldom changes anything '

" you can't teach an old dog, new tricks " but can an old dog improve
now thats the real question

I'm drinking my new - go to beer. Eagle IPA from the UK. IPA s are not my first choice. IPA s are bitter. However, I found this one and am sticking to it, for now. It s comparable in price to Yeungling < U.S. >

Yeungling is approx $0.90 per can converted to Cdn, or $ 1.20.

But its a smaller can than the 500 ML Eagle. So call it 1.80
Then its here. at 2.53. BTW there is a deposit that we lose as well.

Our recycling won't take U.S. cans < give me a break ! its all aluminum > b/c we didn't pay for the deposit here. 

Thursday 19 May 2022

Summing Up the Week

 Surprise ! Not much got done

BUT, the driveway is blacker than it was. Protected ? Dunno

Obviously, the ' pits ' and dimples need attention. However, we can say that the base coat was done.

That was the week that was. I'm thinking in terms of a nap

Wednesday 18 May 2022

What Does the Day Hold

in store

We shall see said the Zen Master

This is an open day. Jobs are minor. Return one pail of Asphalt Black Top and drop off empties from our liquor habit. All in the same parking lot area. Very convenient that.

Our weather is coolish for another day and heat starts to build back in for the weekend. This weekend coming is called the ' May two - four ' weekend. It used to be called ' Queen Victoria ' day to honour the queen, now just ' Victoria ' day. Also, the holiday fell quite often on May 24 but living in Canada - a lot of two - fours were consumed or cases of beer .
Oh, we barbecue a lot as well, this weekend

Chores : bottle empties returned

              sealer returned

             soda cylinder exchanged for ' soda stream '

" Soda Stream system " was a  Xmas present, three yrs ago. Inititally, I used the system approx once a week. Now, however, its more like 4 times a week [ at least ]. As well, there are ' flavours ' - I bought ' ginger ale ' and ' pepsi ' bottles. Neither is my cup of tea.

The aftermath : sealer application. Overall, looks like someone tried to black top the drive. Up close, though, many defects or pits are visible. The spray crew produce more uniform results [ at first blush ], but wait, two weeks - same pits and white spots.
I will go out and do a spot re - do. Within,the month...... This morning, I checked some pits. I flicked my finger in and out - yes, dirt flew from the pit. Actually, how you would get rid of that dirt while washing down the driveway ?  - dunno !

One of  life's sweet mysteries. Like. Why is Eagle IPA, so satisfying ?

Dunno. But I'm a  happy camper. I'm an 'Eagle fan ' !

I mentioned that I'm not an IPA devotee. In fact, I'm not an anything devotee. Good beer, is good beer. The taste of the moment - is the rule.

' Malt does more than Milton for the human soul ' or real close by A. E. Housman

" And malt does more than Milton can to justify God s ways to man "

is the real quote. I got the message, more or less.

Tuesday 17 May 2022

In a Fit of Something

..... I decided to re - seal the driveway or blacktop. In NCIS, they would call this a fugue state.
I bought the black sealer and washed down the driveway.

Of course, I have the longest driveway on the street. Its an 8 car driveway if everyone parks tight.

We shall see said the Zen Master

I have it all planned out ahead except for the pain. Some Eagle IPA will get downed today, for emergency re - hydration

Now, let s set the story straight. A crew comes around very year and asks if we want the driveway topped. When I say, yes, they'll quote $400 and come in a day or so.
The lads blow out the debris, tape and spray. A very neat and black job.
However, a week later and all the divots ( where stones were or weather got to it ) are showing.

On YouTube the pro guy said ' if you don't wash your driveway pre - black topping forget the job '. I thought 'why pay the crew and not clean the driveway ' .

Thus, I washed and rinsed and let dry o/night.

I used 1 bucket or $ 48 for the drive w/ a quart and a half of sealer left.
Aha, I didn't slob the black goo and fill all those holes.
And I'll mull over how to finish up the sealer problems.

I'll need to toss the shoes. I wore the legs from a painters overalls on top of my pants. The long sleeve T shirt may need to go too !. The shirt is 14 yrs old. Sorry ' Alabama '. And the paint roller is a write off.

The Eagle tasted great, today

Monday 16 May 2022

The Green Curtain

is formed and the back of Cedarbrae Mall has been occluded.

The world s best privacy fence has grown in and around us. We are in our little green pavilion ' In Xanadu did Kublai Khan, a pleasure dome decree ' Coleridge ( ? )

There has been some attrition in the garden. Originally, 5 silver leaf dogwoods dominated the surround of bushes that I planted.  Now, 3 remain. Bigger and broader than ever before. As well 4 pines are aligned w/ the dogwoods and although over - shadowed by oaks and such are hanging tough. Somehow finding their way through the year.

Sunday 15 May 2022

" Something toTalk About

 #3 389

how about you ' goes the song

" Let s give them something to talk about " ???? 

Reminiscing, on the first day of fishing. As reported, the day was a joy.

In past years, the E Tec has balked on starting. The trolley has jammed or the rail bent by ice precluded passing a point. I tell friends - been there, done that.

To be fair, many improvements have been made. Much knowledge has been accumulated. After all, the boat and railway have had 14 years to build up problems.

If I write this blog for me then I should profit by the writing by using this blog to focus on problems. Sometimes seeing the words has a bigger impact on me then only running it through my head.

Reminder : add Seafoam to the boat gas tank. Maybe, not the be all or end all for problems but - the Seafoam is doing something right. You can't believe everything that you see on YouTube. The upshot is that Seafoam gets labelled ' miracle ' or unbelievable.
I am not saying miracle but since I added the Seafoam, the engine runs a dream. 
Recall that, I found info in the owner's manual [ yes, last year !!! ] that explained proper starting procedure. That probably helped as well. But Seafoam costs $ 13 per can. And engine overhaul is $ 1 400, at a minimum. See. 

Reminder to self. The day after fishing, an easy day at home  is allowed for 72 year olds. This break is to rest the knee and all other body parts. Allowed -no !!! Required

Required is the operative word. 

Truth be told, this day off is totally against my father s way of living.
In fact ,living down, good ol' dad s image, has been a trial. M has been a great friend and advisor but she is fighting an ingrained bias vis a vis my dad.

And I'm relaxed and re - hcarging my batteries and resting the knee

Saturday 14 May 2022

A Fishing Tale

 starring, me. Starring ? Well, 5 rock bass and a catfish - on opening Walleye day

Lets see. The engine started on the first crank [ YEAH ! " ]

The day was warm and sunny. A breeze kept the day comfortable.

The two of us getting along easily. A pleasant lunch, watch a movie catch a nap [ yes, its an old man' s schedule BUT then, I've earned it ]

Nap - a - way.

Friday 13 May 2022

" Conspiracy Theories ....

 ... are hurting democracy " From the TorStar.

Answer : Yes
But its the governments own fault. Gloss over enough statements, as in ' we are closely monitoring the situation '
' we are in constant contact ' and no one is going to believe you.

For every conspiracy theory, there is a grain of Truth - small, even tiny but real.

The politician's mantra " Deny ! " and make a feeble apology later

Or ' they gotta catch you first, then weasel your way out '


OK. Then where is the hope - well, all around. Folks trying to make a difference
I see it - ' Sing, Sing ' or ' Choir, Choir ' when groups join in song
Drum and Bugle Corp - 140 individuals seeking a harmony in song and motion

Oh yeah, its out there.

But you won't get it from government

Thursday 12 May 2022

Degrees of Separation

 This past four days, we watched ' Greyhound ' the WWII movie starring Tom Hanks. Chet Hanks the offspring is in the film as well. We had trouble picking him out.

However, in checking Tom Hanks' history, a reference to ' California Typewriter ' appears. " California Typewriter " covers the story of         ' California Typewriter ' the store and business. One of the most trusted and recognized typewriter repair and sales store [ maybe, worldwide ].

Tom Hanks uses a Smith Corona typewriter for daily work [ memos and thank you s etc. ]. It turns out that Hanks owns over 250 vintage typewriters. He is not even close to the most typewriters owned.

We came home to trees and bushes well past budding and leafing out

Wednesday 11 May 2022

11 th May

 and the sun is getting its revenge

" I'm back ! " says Sol

Thus, I reset the air conditioner breaker and turned the power on for A/C. In 48 h you can turn on the A/C. Just be careful to check that there is no cover on the A/C unit

Tuesday 10 May 2022

A Shining Sun

 highlights the day

Deca de Mayo ?

The trees - here - are in full leaf. The internet thinks that I'm in Williamsville, NY, typing away. Aha ! No.
" Catch me if you can ..... " 

Well, a tribute to the simple things. Friends, a patio and a lot of laughter. As Bilbo Baggins has said ' it comes to me now that it is no insignificant thing to celebrate a simple life '

Oh, the reason for Williamsville is the Virtual Private Network. 

Monday 9 May 2022

When the 9 th comes rolling in

 to town

Nona de Mayo, is not recognized as a holiday anywhere. But we celebrate ' Nona de Mayo ' b/c its our anniversary.

We ate Amish style, meat and potatoes -sorta thing. Excellent. Called the ' Dutch Valley Restaurant ' in Sugarcreek, OH. This meal capped a whirlwind tour of Lehman s [ Kidron ], Ashery [ deli / meat market ] and Amish country.
Except, I chose the Strawberry, Walnut sala w/ poppy seed dressing. Cool, tasty and refreshing.

Sunday 8 May 2022

A Mother s Day

 very commercialized but

I was thinking .... come on only one day ! Little things come back to  me about Mom. And she likely deserved ' Mother s Month ' [ or decade in my case ]

Thus, Happy Mother s Day - sending it out as wishes for all

Saturday 7 May 2022

Coming to America

 Post # 3381

oh, yeah. 'Home of the free, the brave, the displaced, the entitled

Ooh ! this could get real nasty. In Ontario, its about to become nasty - ish.
We are in the beginning throes of a provincial election or as we call it here ' Spend - arama '. Also entitled ' promise - palooza '. 
More roads
More health care
and dental coverage
more schools

' more, more, more - how'd you like it, more, more ' KC and the Sunshine band had it covered 

Today is the second day of 4 in a row - full sunshine, warming up.

There is the ' bum test '. You'll know when the ground is the right temperature for planting when you can put your bare behind on the earth. Do not try this at home

Friday 6 May 2022

Sixo de Mayo

is a new holiday. Brought to you by ' Sixos Beer '. Thats b/c Cinco do Mayo is a commercialized day, as in lets celebrate ' at the pub day '. 

or as Stephen Colbert opined ' St Patrick s Day ala Mexicano '

We ordered a cake for Cinco de Mayo or  ' we'll celebrate your birthday not on Mother s Day ' 

" Out of touch, out of touch ",  at the mall waiting for M - I grabbed a juice at Booster Juice. Low Cal ' Heavenly Horizon ' costs $ 8 and change. A juice ! - not a jug, 9 ounces A buck an ounce

' I'm out of touch when you're not around ' Hall and Oates

So, dandelions needed attention - approx 6 - 8 popped up. Got ' em, real good

Thursday 5 May 2022

Sun. Repeat Sun

 maybe. Yeterday finished w/ clearing conditions and today

" Hello, Mr Sun
its so good to be with you  ELO s ode to the cosmos

We have buds on the early blooming trees i.e. our dogwoods.

Still needed to dig out ten more dandelions - a rough count, is likely 200 or 220 or 230 or 240 or 2 zillion

I've got the bodies to prove it

Wednesday 4 May 2022

Rain Repeat Rain

cool repeat cool

 Bonus ! this could be a day off from Dandelion patrol which is a Dandelion Marathon instead. Someone suggested Weed B Gon. But Ithink that is a ' weed control ' method for when you've got them mostly beat.

We are on the road, next week, spreading our proverbial wings - look out world.

" Here we come again
   we will try with all of our might
   catch us if you can " the Monkees < ? >

Nope. Vol 6 of dandelion patrol, today. The sun popped out and the wind was cool but sedate

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Calling You Home

 Post # 3 377

A fishing friend was explaining the angst and relief of coming home. Unfortunately, he returned home to multiple resposibilities [ are there any other kind ?] 

There is no doubt that T.O. is home and familiar ground. However, those familial ties were increased by ill health here in his nuclear family. Never a welcome topic.

A gloomy day out there and Brett Anderson has predicted uncomfortable conditions [ for everything but dandelions ]. The bright news is that my bassboat is set to go [ dirty but set to go ]. A warning here - don't eat anything that falls on the floor of the bassboat, b/c those crumbs could kill you.

Its kinda hard to think about sitting in a boat trying to fish and the temperature is 48 F. It will get warmer..... right ...... won't it ?

I'm watching ' Jeopardy ' b/c a Canadian is going for win # .... and I've never cheered for anyone before on this show.
Yes, victoire ! She won

Monday 2 May 2022

May 2 Came w/ cold and rain

 alright, maybe not terribly cold - but miserable

and miserable is transmissible - the whole day goes miserable

we travelled to the QMH and did simple chores. Ate like pigs and yes ! the guys carried all the boat prep supplies down the hill.

However, there were mouse signs all over and a real good vacuuming is needed. The mouse bait looks pretty much used up. The crumbs are composed of mouse dirt, bait bits and plain dirt.

Sunday 1 May 2022

May Arrived

 and brought rain. Oh, the dandelions are on display. Guess that I didn't get them all

Honest, they were hiding