Tuesday 17 May 2022

In a Fit of Something

..... I decided to re - seal the driveway or blacktop. In NCIS, they would call this a fugue state.
I bought the black sealer and washed down the driveway.

Of course, I have the longest driveway on the street. Its an 8 car driveway if everyone parks tight.

We shall see said the Zen Master

I have it all planned out ahead except for the pain. Some Eagle IPA will get downed today, for emergency re - hydration

Now, let s set the story straight. A crew comes around very year and asks if we want the driveway topped. When I say, yes, they'll quote $400 and come in a day or so.
The lads blow out the debris, tape and spray. A very neat and black job.
However, a week later and all the divots ( where stones were or weather got to it ) are showing.

On YouTube the pro guy said ' if you don't wash your driveway pre - black topping forget the job '. I thought 'why pay the crew and not clean the driveway ' .

Thus, I washed and rinsed and let dry o/night.

I used 1 bucket or $ 48 for the drive w/ a quart and a half of sealer left.
Aha, I didn't slob the black goo and fill all those holes.
And I'll mull over how to finish up the sealer problems.

I'll need to toss the shoes. I wore the legs from a painters overalls on top of my pants. The long sleeve T shirt may need to go too !. The shirt is 14 yrs old. Sorry ' Alabama '. And the paint roller is a write off.

The Eagle tasted great, today

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