Tuesday 31 December 2013


OK , how bad could it be , year end hodge podge.

The little laptop , my e-machine , has been slow , showing pop-up ads and bocking when I try to use Skype ( so is the big laptop for Skype ?? ) , as well I've tried to de-virus or de-bug , at least 4 times.

Friends and the net suggested that I try ' malwarebytes.org ' as a safe way to explore computer viruses. the big laptop , yesterday , came out clean. This AM , the little laptop got scanned by ' malwarebytes '  took 3 X as long and produced 860 threats. These threats have been deleted ( fingers crossed ). ' Holy crap on a cracker ' ( Penny , on the ' Big Bang Theory ' uses that line ). eight hundred !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Vancouver 911 , emergency centre. Worst abuses of the ' 911 ' system.
1. I'm having a block party and want to rent a fire truck
2. My son won't give back the TV remote
3. Can I get permission to drive in the HOV lane b/c I'm late for 
4. I've lost my keys

NYC - the ' Big Apple ' had its 333 murder and they're way down.
T.O. - will come in under 60 homicides

I was watching ' the Golden Compass ' w/ subtitles ( always subtitles ) and saw the description of the opening sound track. a ' shimmering noise ' , huh , had trouble w/ that one.
Then later on , the description , said a whooshing sound. readers know that I reserve ' whoosh ' for when things are way above my head in an understanding sense. As in that went ' whoosh '.

Chinese authorities have declared 8 million acres of land too polluted for agriculture. two things here : #1 this means the number is really , like 200 million acres  # 2 they'll grow marijuana or somesuch on the polluted land.

Sad , isn't it , how cynical that I get. Not my fault , I live in this world , it breeds it into to you , the cynicism... I mean.

the ice storm(s) came on Dec 21 - 22 , 700 homes are still w/out power as of this AM. Holy Crap on a Cracker , no Xmas / no New Year ????  HCoaC , for sure.

Happy New Year to you all

thanks for reading ' 2 sentsworth '

Monday 30 December 2013

Freezing your Nougies off

I'm sure ' nougies ' ( sp ) is slang for something not nice
But thats how cold it is outside . Typically , bright sunshine , brisk breeze

To-day was returns day. Criminy , what a procedure. To the credit of Marks Work Warehouse , they don't fool around.
Called ahead - ' right now we're not too busy , we'll do returns '
Drove over - everyone and his mother was doing the same thing
Clerk - ' while you're waiting go and pick up what you want
Crap - the items are on sale ( 50 % off on one thing ) and I already said exchange
At the cash - she refunds the full price and re-totals the price of sales items minus the incentive coupon that I have.
Happy customer !

Bought 2 pineapples , yes I listen to my own advice. BTW - pineapples are high in MANGANESE
- and pineapple juice reduces plaque on your teeth
Problem is that juice will dissolve anything , including your teeth

Talk about a cure all. pineapples ease osteo-arthritis , reduce blood clots and make you beautiful ( alright that last one , I made up )

Happiness is ' HEAT ON '  and a cookie

Keep It Simple Stupid

Sunday 29 December 2013

Ice storm follow up

Thought I should clear the record , we were w/out power for 6 days.
There are homes still dark. The process involves going to individual homes or small groups to fix lines. The number is 10 000 plus give or take b/c power is still going out as branches fall. This fall out may continue for months.
To the point , officials estimate that Tues would be a good finish up date. That means that some homes would have been w/out power for 11 days.
Overall , there is no compensation for home-owners except for water damage caused by puncture / crushing from trees. Some water damage may not be covered e.g. sump pump failure or flooding.

By the numbers from the TorStar:
Nazi dead - nope , not doing it here ( gross )

#1           Minnesota is the healthiest state
$1           Trillion for Medicare to treat Seniors in 2023 vs.
$557        Billion in 2013 
#1            41% of Seniors in W Virginia are sedentary vs.
                21 % in Colorado ( lowest )
21%         of Seniors in Minnesota and New Mexico who go hungry
                the worst in the country
2 558        premature deaths in Minnesota per 100 000 vs
1 425        in Hawaii

By the way , this data could not be collected in Canada. The Conservative government will not require accountability and when it does will not freely publish data. The Conservative government has recently forced employees to sign a non-disclosure agreement for their jobs. And you think Uncle Sam is watching you.

Saturday 28 December 2013

The Grateful ...Frozen

Did you learn anything from the days of ' no juice '.
Yes , Some of my dumb ideas work.
-    bought a power pack that should jump start a car  ( don't believe       it ! ) But PP re - charged a bunch of things
-    buying batteries by the 50 s is smart ( thank you Costco ! )
-    crank up flashlights are good
-    our freezer is full of things that died a long time ago

No , we weren't ready

-    better candle holders would have helped
-    ? the neighbours used a generator to supply their furnace
      run the TV and dishwasher ( 2 generators really )
     Problem their house was warm but really there wasn't much for          them to do either.  Seems that discomfort is a relative thing

Pineapple is good for you
1. Aids in digestion of proteins
2. Prevents blood clots
3. Helps flush out intestinal worms

Friday 27 December 2013

Sixty is good

We are home and the temperature is a balmy 60 F on the first floor.
The ice storm over 2 days Fri - Sat De 20 - 21 collapsed tree branches and hydro lines.

Sun De 22 - woke to no electrical power. We were able to cook and the downstairs den was 69 F. Dark at 4: 30 P and went to dinner w/ the neighbours

Mon De 23 - getting cool 55 F on the first floor , we were still toughing it out Ate out again

Tu De 24 - Ugh , temperature is now below 50 F inside , the fun is dying fast. Out to dinner again

We De 25 - gave in,  40 F in the living quarters was too cold - accepted an invite to M's friends , opened gifts and stayed in a warm place

Th De 26 - out for boxing Day dinner ( turkey etc ) and crashed at the Holiday Inn along w/ 4oo hundred others in the same boat. 

Fr De 27 - on the way to brekkies in the HI  , received the text ' power is back '. Actually , missed the text that said ' hydro trucks moving on the street '. 
We are home !!!!
Freezers needed weeding out of everything that thawed and shouldn't have. We are still cleaning and re-arranging items moved or appropriated in order to live in 1 room.
TV is on playing the usual garbage , we are loving it

What did we learn :
We are not 1/2 as tough as we think we are
We get bored easily
Life happens and you get by

Wow . what great philosophical lessons

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Travel is good b/c

you are aware.
the TorStar did a Travel section piece on best skating places in the world. Canada first , nope. England and Somerset House courtyard.
SH got a 1/2 page photo above the fold, Been there , done that,  last week.
The roof falls in on a theatre in the Strand , from the video reports we can tell where it is b/c  Been there  , last week.

Most annoying word by poll ......... ' whatever '

However , despite the coincidences above which are place names , 
travel should be about meeting people and learning. You may not like the politics or customs but its all in the name of education.
Samuel Johnson did say ' Sir , when a man is tired of London , he is tired of life , for there is in London , all life can afford  '  SJ must have been fairly rich .. he didn't seem to mind the prices.

The people are the experience , not the grandeur

The Aftermath while it Happens

This is day 3 of the power outage. It has been a good and bad saga , the ying and yang of life.
To wit , this morning ice from the snowbank wasn't needed in the fridge to keep the temperature down b/c the room was the same temperature as the fridge 41 F. Yes , 9 degrees above freezing.

We have a gas fireplace and this device keeps the den at 66 F. The rest of the house , all floors has gone form 66 to 37 F in 3 days.
The gas stove allows us to cook but outdoor adventure indoors isn't quite as appealing as it might sound. We can boil water for coffee and cleaning but dishes didn't get done to-day , too cold in there.

We've taken advantage of an offer of a place to stay to-night that has heat. We got a warm shower in warm room and the whole apartment is warm. Wonderbar ! Can we go back to the ' cave ' as our neighbour's children have dubbed their home ?

Predicted finish of the power restore is Saturday. We're not sure how much colder it can get in the house. The water was left to drip in an effort to keep pipes from freezing. We have taken in a Siamese fighting fish and 6 plants that would have froze in their regular homes.

stay tuned for updates of the ice life in T.O.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Pay Back is a .............................

bitch ( not a nice word , but true )
On BBC 2 , I was sitting on the bed listening and realized that the hosts were reading news headlines from the tabloids. They discussed each story and ad libbed all the dialogue

Except for the fact that they actually read each story beforehand , it was pretty much what I do. Pay back is ...................

Here goes : from the TorStar business section. Consumerism

                       Canadian                         American


                spend more on                         spend more
                  food and alcohol                     $ 17 900 / yr
                                                                 in retail stores

             $1200 more per capita

               4.5 X more 

              focused on housing
              and food

                                                            more likely to shop at
                                                            Target / Walmart

      young Canadians 2X as
      likely to own a home

      faster population growth                     bigger population

     avg income $26 888                            $ 35 950

      higher taxes and prices

What does this mean ???  Like Snoopy

Cartoon : Snoopy is laying on his dog house looking up
Snoopy , ' Sometimes , I look at the sky and wonder what its all                         about '

2 frames go by

Snoopy , ' then it hits me , I haven't a clue '


Friday 20 December 2013

Canada Is Best at

CNN compiled a list of Canadian firsts ( in the world ? )

1. more Cottages and lakes
2.cute phrases  :           twofour  = 24 beers
                                    loonie    = 1 dollar ( coin )
                                    twoonie = 2 dollar coin
                        double - double =  2 creams / 2 sugars
3. best Highway grub
4. #2 to Hollywood for locations for movie sets
5. best apologizers
6. nation branding  - Maple Leaf is the most ubiquitous symbol                                         throughout the world
7. better chocolate - most manufacturers have a separate formula for
                               the U.S. and Canada ( cream and smooth )
8. #3 in air quality
9. never lost a war
10. Canadian bacon

Now , only a Canadian would be satisfied w/ this list ( #11 ? )

Segue , here , friends from Canada , now , U.S. citizens ask for Canadian chocolate and butter tarts when we come south.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Whine and whine

Does anyone enjoy flying ?
I semi - envy those people that pretend to read the paper or do crosswords ( I get a headache ).
My head is foggy and sleep is a fog of noise and bumps and I know everything that happens around me.
We were 7 /12 h  coming home from Heathrow,  LHR.
The crew served a drink ( Clamato for me )
Dinner was English beef.
I finished watching ' Percy Jackson and the Sea Monsters ' ( still the best )
' the Lone Ranger ' not as bad as the critics said, Actually , it was good entertainment or I was so looney from the plane fumes that I didn't know any better
Finally ,saw the whole of ' Elysium ' a futuristic shoot'em up w/ Matt Damon. Not bad either.
The snack was a ' Coronation ' chicken salad sandwich ( left the crust ) , the drink was OJ.
The landing YYZ , was bumpy w/ crosswinds at 50 KPH
The Customs was a joy. Scan your Passport and Declaration form and walk out. Except for feeding the scanner which took 2 tries , the experience was non-troubling
Luggage was a 1 h wait at the carousel
Called the limo company and the guy came on time. Then we spent an hour in traffic ( 4: 30 rush as opposed to the 2:30 rush b/c except for 2 AM there is always a # 401 rush on ).

OK OK we got home - safe But whining is good for you gets the niggly stuff out in the open - you vent  , - then get on w/ your life.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

England at Night

Wedding on Sat , aftermath on Sunday.
Monday Night Lights  , was a bus tour of the downtown of London.
Name dropping here : City of London : the square mile of business in London
Threadneedle Street : traditionally , the fashion area
 Bond St :
 Fleet St: home of the print industry but now everything
 the Strand : where you went to see and be seen
 The Eye : the big wheel in town $ 38 for a 1/2 h swing through the London sky
 Big Ben: not the American bear , the clock that keeps Londoners on time
 Yepper , saw them all.
As well , Covent Garden : market area of london
 the Thames : river highway to London and all points north
 the Circuses Oxford , Picadilly and Trafalgar Square. 
The great stores , Selfridges , Harrods , Fortnum and Mason
The names jumped out of history. Times Square but loaded w/ history - back to 52 AD when Julius Caesar crossed the Thames

Weather : rainy all night ( even during the tour ) gusty wind.
The day was patchy sunlight and brisk winds. Definitely , late fall weather at home , not quite winter but Jack Frost is coming. Probably , 40 C.

Monday 16 December 2013

Post Wedding

We came for a wedding , great venue , well organized. Friendly and welcoming.
We are getting the ' royal ' treatment and appreciate it.
Weather was coolish w/ smatterings of sunshine for the wedding week end. To-day , the skies opened up and the grass got watered like crazy.
Our trip out to-day was ' John Lewis ' Store ,  an Ikea , Sears and Walmart all in one. But w/ sales help available and willing to assist. Unbelievable level of service. Ate a quickie lunch at ' the Place to Eat ' fresh sandwiches and clean ,well monitored eating area.
The day wasn't fit for much else.
To-night is the London Xmas light Tour , hoping the windows aren't all fogged up w/ the cool and rain on the bus.

London at Night

Nope. Not a night club or swinging party. I'm in the washroom at 2AM , blogging. We landed on Thursday morning and slept fairly well on Thursday night but I'm up now on Saturday ( by 2 hours )

What is on my mind. Road rage.
Not mine but the groom to be for the wedding we are here to attend.
The gent was accosted on the way to the wedding site 2 days before the ceremony which is to-day. He wasn't or may not be seriously hurt but I suppose that I'm awake and re-thinking the concept.

So , what else is on your mind at 2 AM ? The eavestrough at home.
How will the downspout get re-routed ( I hope this blogging gets me back to sleep ) in the spring.

Should we keep the mortgage on the QMH or discharge the mortgage completely.

What if the hokey-pokey is really what its all about ? ( Not my line but borrowed from a commercial about sleeplessness )

If this gets published to-morrow or to-day , I must be really brave to let you see this.

Friday 13 December 2013

What You Wish for....

The temperature is pleasant 12 C or 55 F , damp and very little wind. No ice / snow , so we're happy.
New words ; lift is the elevator
Information point is the internet service kiosk
Tip - what is that ( tourists tip not us )
Take away is take out

Oh we're in England.

We flew British Airways , World Traveller plus class. This designation means  we are above baggage but not first class.
The short ribs and veg was very good. I had one drink and watched 2 movies ' World War Z ' and ' Percy Jackson and the Sea Monsters '
The last one had the most going for it.
We are not veteran travellers so our view point is very narrow. Are we comfortable ? Did they leave any money in our bank account ?
In fact , the BA counter deal was an upgrade to business class for    $ 600 each. We stayed in WTP.
We finished off the reception hall tables for a wedding that we will attend on Saturday ( M's cousin ).

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Sometimes It comes Back + added

Finally , remembered the news item from Sun night NPR or PRI
NPR - U.S. National Public Radio
PRI  - Public Radio International ( BBC , England / DVR , Germany
and RTI , Ireland )

In NorthEast India , home of the 2 nd hottest chili pepper in the world , rated + 1 Million on the Scoville scale of hotness , Nagalan ( sp ?? ) held its pepper eating contest. The winner ate 18 pieces and set a new world record.
The organizers , do have physicians and paramedics standing by
and this year only one contestant was hospitalized.

For me , there was a time when I couldn't hold peppermint Chiclets in my mouth 9 Scoville scale , 1 ). Do Tell.

Time magazines Man of the Year is Pope Francis , followed by Edward Snowden. We have an agree and what the heck.
Never thought I'd hear a Pope say something smart let alone progressive. Good job guy

Weather : Dec 11
Deep freeze. No , this isn't the worse in 100 yrs , heck its cold though.
Sunny but cold. WE ARE CANADIAN
That bolded line is supposed to explain why we ice fish / watch football games outdoors in November in Saskatchewan ( think North Dakota but colder by 4 degrees ) / sit on the patio in October / and BBQ all winter
WE ARE CANADIAN is synonymous with ' flamin' stupid '
However , guilty Done them all.

Around the World

Weather : bleeding cold , actually its so cold , I don't think you could bleed ... Is that what it means that phrase ???
Wind is up 
scarf , gloves and collar up - sort of day

Based on pictures and reports , S. On missed some unpleasantness that blew through below us and to the West a bit.

I was reading the Globe and Mail business section. The G & M is a national newspaper closely akin to the Wall St Journal but thinner.
Never seen a paper so thick as the WSJ.
The stories were on prognostications for 2014.
A summary. Things are unsure. Rules will define what the big Financials can do. Economic signs,  jobs / growth are good.
Investors still wary , Do Tell !
Will Rogers , once said of an economic forecast " Well beats me , and I don't know any more than an economist knows and God knows they don't know nothing "

Monday 9 December 2013

Trends and Me

need I say . always behind the curve , here. 

On the Comedy channel last night , a Latino ( PC ? ) joked that Spanish is a reality in the States , proof , salsa outsells ketchup.
Never liked  either. In fact , I don't make BBQ sauce that contains ketchup. Well , maybe a little ketchup.

However , at the get to-gether Friday night , someone commented that Sushi restaurants are popping up all over. I'm way ahead on that one.

Sadly , one of my favourite dishes , soba noodles in soup , was what my mother made at home , growing up. Never liked it then - now , yippee , I pay $8 a bowl and love it. Dumb , dumb , dummer.

Growing up , my parents were worried that I was too thin ( ha , ha )
the doctor discovered that my favourite and only dish was tea and rice - nope nothing else - tea and rice.
The Doc suggested that my parents try Western food as a change of pace.
Thus , from age 5 and on , southern fried chicken and mashed potatoes was my choice. Hence , no soba.
I re-discovered soba after university. $6 a bowl , then.

Lately , my pattern is to visit the SuperSushi House , once a week.
I tried to patronize their new outlet SuperKitchen which was closer to home but , alas, it seems there weren't enough like me and they will close soon.  Not enough trade and too much business at the original to staff both places.
The best part of SuperSushi is that they greet by name as I walk in.
Sort of like Norm on ' Cheers ' , the TV show , Everyone ' Norm ! '
except they say my name.

Weather , an old dose of the white and wet , not much as we could still see grass tops on the lawn. Damp and dreary w/ temperatures near freezing. Its hibernating weather but I'm going out to do chores. 
M is having her newer school teacher friends in. If I play in 3 poker leagues , M has 3 leagues of her own - based on where she taught or grew up. She is very good at that , maintaining contact. Me , not so much. I try , I really try. M says I'm often , very trying. Aah , to know me is to love me , one hopes.

Sunday 8 December 2013

The FtL Generation

By the # s in the TorStar

Will Rogers noted humorist ( a humorist entertains and a lecturer annoys - WR) always said '  I don't make this up its all in the newspapers '

The caste is called the ' Millenials ' , aged 18 - 31.

21.6                 million living w/ their parents
40                    % are males
32                    % are female
6                      the increase in average age of marriage since 1968
23                    % of Millenials , married and living independently
                        v. 1968 when the % was 56

Anecdotal insertion here : When I was 25 , I announced that I was getting an apartment. My Dad came to me and said " you don't need to move out to prove your a man ". Baloney , I was thinking ' I'd better leave before one us kills the other " Not very charitable but true.
This was borne out for the rest of my life. M would drag me out of Dad's condo room w/ arms wind-milling away and the ' discussion ' volume reaching sonic proportions.
Too much alike she said. Too much something.

The Climate accountability  Institute of Colorado ( no , I didn't invent the name ) says that 90 companies produce 2 / 3 of man made global warming emissions.
Leading the pack is Chevron Texaco , believed to responsible for 3.5 % of emissions. 31 companies are state owned in Saudia Arabia , Russia and Norway.

Weather : Sunny , 28 F and prime hibernating weather , for me.
I used to fish until the first week of Dec , wading the Nottawasaga R pretending to catch steelhead ( lake run rainbow trout ).
Sissy !     Not any more , boyo

Saturday 7 December 2013

What You Can Find

.... even in the TorStar

1.  Dancing Crossing Guard To Stop - now there's a banner where I       should have read the whole story but Didn't

2   Pigeon Racing news - drug scandal , cheating, illegal gambling
     Its obvious that those quiet , innocent looking pigeons are up to        no good
     However , Will Rogers was always quick to point out " no horse        ever went broke betting on humans racing "

Weather : probably not mine but yours : ' Icy Blast Sweeps from Texas to Ohio '
We are cold but 28 F is really quite expected for Dec. Bluebird sky and the tree tops look to sway slightly and don't seem to hear any wind.

Here in the GWaN ( Great White almost North ) our version of the Tea Party is the Progressive Conservatives or Tories. Last night at a open house get to-gether a guest was defending Rob Ford , our mayor. 
The guest made his point that RF promised to hold taxes and build subways. The skinny is that RF has been thwarted and spun around by council but really done himself in , in the long run.
The guest felt that RFs stand has not wavered and that for a politician his steadfastness is admirable.
In considering that opinion last night and the Tory platform of lower taxes and halting the gravy train ( also  ,  a RF promise ) , I came up with the following.
There is no cheap government. Here in the GWaN ,our Bill of Rights
will eventually trump any gross over-cutting of social programs by any party. Social assistance is guaranteed somehow. Given any government policy implementation those programs cut will need to be replaced and dare I say , not cheaply. it is a foregone conclusion.

Steadfastness. I opine that its easy to be a cheap bastard and niggardly. And stick to it , just be a prick.
Whats hard is recognizing those polices which benefit the most people and are generated  out of concern for the well being of the populace. Try that one on a campaign button or 5 second sound byte ( ? )
No one likes paying taxes. So , get out there and say ' I'll keep your taxes low - I'll save your  money'  If you start w/ the premise that it can't be done - what kind of promise is that.
There is no cheap democratic government - inherently , democracy is expensive. Pay me now or pay me later. And as they say ' you can take that to the bank ' or not in this case

Friday 6 December 2013

Putting Two and 2 To-gether

( hope you appreciate how hard , I work at these snazzy titles )
And a shout out to Google , b/c their spell checker is a life saver - especially for me. I type w/ both hands , and yes sometimes the right knows what the left is doing but it doesn't matter , it makes mistakes anyway.

.......... Nigella Lawson ( famous chef ) and Rob Ford ( almost a mayor ) - What do they have in common ? Food , mayhaps ,  NO , both do coke and not the drink. 
Criminy , I think that I may have missed the boat on the drug thingy. 
Oh heck , I'd need to find a supplier. And then I wouldn't know how much to tip... and what if there was a BOGO sale , I'd probably leave the coupon at home ........................too much bother. I'd blow it , I know.

The movie ' Aeon Flux ' , no it didn't get better , even on the big flatscreen w/ Bose bass boost. However , I turned on the commentary w/ a producer and Charlize Theron , both women. Totally , different feel to the whole thing. Same pat us on the back , weren't we wonderful but a little more subtle.
This is the first time that I've heard a woman do a commentary on their film.
I guess that I'm too critical.

Meanwhile , it seems that I've lost or misplaced or never had my two fav DVD s. ' the Outlaw Josie Wales ' and ' Jeremiah Johnson '. Anyways , went looking and couldn't find them. Who did I lend them to... dunno.
At Thanksgiving Day After football get to-gether , the host said that while he was in England , someone mentioned that their husband re-watches movies , frequently , and a lot.
Our host said that he knew someone that re-watched movies ( over and over ) and knew the lines. 

" What movies ? " queried the English gent.

" the Outlaw Josie Wales " replied our host.

" Good taste in movies " was the answering line from the                                                                                                    Englishman. 

JOSIE : " Thats the way it is. Everytime I get to likin' someone , they                around long "

LONE WADI : " I notice when you don't get to likin' someone they                           ain't around long neither "

" reckon so "

Thursday 5 December 2013

The Follow Up for..........

First , the movies from the big savings shopping trip. As reported , the losers - Hercules and Aeon Flux. We used to use a fishing from Japan called Aeon super-monofilament. Good line , so-so movie.
Now to ' Pacific Rim , directed by Guillermo Del Toro. Oops , $8 was too much for this one. its available in 3 D for a lot more money.
don't do it - unless you're dying for sensory overload and your 3 D outfit cost so much that you ahve to use it more.
Action galore , pretty thin plot line , so thin GDT explained it all in two ticks. 
Rating for PR 0.5 / 1 Redbox value system. The cute Japanese girl gets an 0.8 / 1.

Weather : its called reprieve from winter's hoary blasts. Temperature is somewhere in the 45 to 50 range this morning. to-night back to 35.

Our mayor will be back in the news , they've released more police video tape and wire tap recordings. Robbie called the sports station in Washington to talk football and referred all other inquiries to his lawyers. Get used to it Robbie , those lawyer dude will a living off you.

On the computer front. the virus called Better Surf which focuses ' pop up ' ads on your computer seems to be gone. I 've removed it twice so hopefully its gone for good.
Unfortunately , the symptoms other than pop ups is the slow cycle time and the e - machine laptop is still slow.
Then the big laptop as our main computer. well , we're almost used to it by now.
Positives : As fast or faster than the desk top it replaced.
The desk top had all sorts of little slowdowns , it could be lightning quick and then would balk. Probably , related to the bogus Windows program that came installed.

I saved all the data including bookmarks. As mentioned , we haven't gone back to get any bookmarks. Guess the bulk of those bookmarks were non - essential.
And except for photos , I haven't even needed the letters etc. that were saved. That situation could change in the future.

The slots for the CDs and DVD s are easier to use. And there is the slot for SD chips on the side - don't need to feed an USB  cord into the camera and the computer. 

Also , jumped into the New Age of Geekdom w/ the second hard drive that I bought for storing " important " data from the PC.

Mostly , we now use the thing instead of taking it out to check for updates. Originally , the 17 in laptop was for travel and and would eventually replace the desktop. The 17 in came more powerful and already surpassed the desktop when it was bought.
The Pentium i 7 is till pretty good. and Windows 8 is supposed to have problems all its own .


It still has wires poking out form the sides. I'm taming the situation but there is a limit as to how much you can hide the wires.

What to do with the PC tower. anybody need a big doorstop.

We lost the 19 in screen , however , I think Mr 19 is going to QMH to use when the e machine is in use up there. I hope ' little e ' can power the 19 in screen or whatever.

From the domestic front M , really never caught on to the picture postage that I ordered. I guess her friend and I basically broke down and told her. Otherwise I was doomed to rooting around in recycling looking for envelopes w/ the personalized stamps. Another cute idea buzzed , oh well , we try..... and try and ...............

Wednesday 4 December 2013

In Review.....

Movie 1: ' Hercules '  a new one , maybe but w/ Elizabeth Perkins , Timothy Dalton , Leelee Sobieski and Sean Astin and some muscly thing as Hercules.
It was 20 % off for purchases over $ 50. I filled the cart and got$ 52.70 including Hecules and
' Aeon Flux ' starring CharlizeTheron , Sci-fi , Big Brother controls the world to keep it safe. So far , CT naked in silhouette is the highlight of the whole thing

$ 4 for each movie ,TG , thats all I spent.

And ' Pacific Rim ' , which is yet unseen , it cost $ 8 

Weather : raw , precipitation is imminent , perhaps w/ icy roads
and I'm running for the 'bee to-day ..... hopefully in warmer temperatures   48 F  to-morrow , fairly early

Tuesday 3 December 2013

So You Thought

... and then.
Recall that on this blog ,there is reportage and I seldom read the fine print. Actually , other than the headline banner , I kinda make up a story where possible. No wonder Truth is stranger than fiction
Hey , wait , its the other way around here , the fiction is re - slandered here.
' Tea May not be as Good for You as You Thought '  Scary that ...
How good did we think tea was ??

' Asteroids How Worried Should We Be ' Obviously in the vein of the movie ,   ' Deep Impact ' , yep , big asteroid aims itself at Earth.
The stuff of bad dreams , big rock whams you in the head or everyone in the head.

' Twelve Amazing Things That You Can Do w/ Toothpaste '
This banner really gets the juices flowing.
Toothpaste - spread on your brush and ........................
OMG - what you could do !

To be fair , two days ago , I used toothpaste ( on a toothbrush ) and polished or de - tarnished a silver cloisonne necklace. The TP did remove a lot of black , really . Side effects include a fresh minty smell coming from the necklace. 

But heck its near your mouth when you wear it , maybe , people won't figure out where the minty air is coming from.

No , the necklace wasn't mine, ha ha , you guys.

BTW - any contributions to the salacious banners re - printed here would be appreciated. You should try it , its very relaxing emotionally , to start a rumour or story  And the best part, is its mostly true
Ah , the Devil is in the details , anyway.

Canada is losing ground in international educational surveys , falling in math scores but maintaining a top ten standing in English and Literacy. But we are way ahead of  Akron School Board.
Please note : Akron was not included in the international survey.

See , I worked Akron in as a segue

Monday 2 December 2013

All men created Equal

...but it matters where you live

On NPR last night , the show was ' This American Life ' which dealt w/ the inequality in housing , education and race.
The first was the comparison of Akron the city w/ Copley Fairlawn , the suburb. In education criteria Akron met 5 of 24 and CF was 24 for 24.
The story revolved around one family that sent their 2 school aged offspring to grandpa's who lived in CF.
The children were asked revealing questions about the differences in the two scenarios.
The tax base is not available in Akron.

There was a comparison of two men apartment shopping one black and the other white - totally different experiences.
A comparison between NYC and New Orleans and the subtle discrimination in the Big Apple.

Weather : damp and raw ,o/vcast and pregnant w/ rain. None fell and it didn't matter b/c it was still damp

The Honey Do list.

changed a light bulb ( did it by myself )
" How many bloggers does it take to change a light bulb ? "

cleaned out a bathroom sink drain ( a rat like clump came out

re- organized all our passwords ( who thinks these up and I'm supposed to remember what the mean ?? )

So you think , nothing ever happens in paradise , aha.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Copters Fall From the Sky

You're not safe in a pub - the police come through the ceiling.
Questions about how low the helicopter was flying etc abound

Weather: cool and damp ,  Alabama lost ( Oops ,                                                                                                    not weather related )

The world is not falling apart but a major bridge is Montreal is being patched , so cars don't free fall from 60 ft.
The TTC tracks in T.O. are being repaired in 3 places to-day

My ertswhile downspout solution was ugly and not a viable solution - water was spraying on the neighbours basement window. 
Correction : the downspout goes straight down and runs out twenty ft past the neighbour's foundation. The water will freeze more easily but the bulk of the water will run off onto the boulevard between the houses
And I extended the original downspout aerial show so that the water down't hit the walkway. In essence ugly became uglier

Actually , the contractors working next door said they would come in the spring and re-mediate the remediations. The boss said that the ugliness was totally unnecessary , ugliness takes a hit.

Anyway , no water in the basement , on my side

So , all in all , what kind of day was yesterday

Arsenal won in the EPL
Repairs were made - ugly or not
Bama lost

Saturday 30 November 2013

Warts and All

Nothing to do w/ nothing

World News in the Torstar: they were reaching on this one

the A10 called a ' Warthog ' - tactical fighter / bomber is about to be retired 
 OK  who cares

Weather : cold and breezy

Jobs : extend the ugly downspout b/c the water dropped on the walkway in front of the house ( near ugly arm )
the garage side extension apparently dropped water on the neighbour's window. so , bring it down and run a length of eaves trough down the side boulevard to past the neighbours foundation

Welld one , day

So , is that it
 Guess so I was rather proud of what was accomplished

Ah , little things for little minds

the teams in RED Arsenal won 

Friday 29 November 2013

Whoosh or Not

OK , they can your ass b/c you're , probably , scooping bucks from the company and... you sue b/c you're contract calls for a performance bonus. A C. Mazza is suing the air ambulance service that he was in charge of for just that. And he got his girlfriend a plum job as well in the corp.

Soccer news: in Brazil , the rush to complete stadia for the World Cup next year is in full swing but going nowhere. The agreed completion date is Jan / 14 but the work is only at 80 %.
This event was to be a landmark for Brazil in world stature.
This week , a crane collapsed on the Corinthians Stadium in Sao Paolo killing two workers.

MERS is transferring from people to camels in Qatar. The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome is a corona virus. The virus does pass from person to person through close contact but doesn't seem to pass easily in communities
Species jumping for viruses is usually dangerous and a route for faster spread.

Black Friday is spreading. Stores here in the Big Smoke opened at 6 AM to mimic the craziness down south. Oh , we copy everything the U.S. does - only we lag a bit. The attitude is ' thats crazy but we'll do it anyway ' Whats good for General Bullmoose is good for ...Canada ?

Cyber Monday , awaits.

In the ' Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy ' by D Adams , a civilization collapses b/c Frogstar World B reached the ' shoe event horizon '. the whole planet was consumed w/ making and buying shoes , the economy goes into over-drive but cannot recover from the spiral.
Maybe we'll go that way w/ electronics. After all , the videos that they show of  BF shopping is people carrying boxes for TVs etc. 
You know -  get the newest model phone - your old one is 3 yrs old
3 yrs ????? How about 1 yr.
( Mine is an Apple 1 , except there was no number b/c it was the first - it was a donation - I kept whining about my Nokia and how hard it was to text - A got tired of listening and gave me the phone )

Weather : FRIGID and sunny Wind is down

Shop til you drop

Thursday 28 November 2013


' I can feel it in the water , I can smell it in the air  - the world is changing ' not apocryphal just heard that last night re-watching " Lord of the Rings ".
Hibernation has started. We go out less in the winter , sort of den up like the bears.
I thought since I keep saying that I'm a LOTR fan , maybe , I should prove it by watching the trilogy again or should I say the first trilogy again b/c ' the Hobbit ' is supposedly another three parter. Part II of the H is due out soon.

How good is LOTR , well ,I claimed that future generations will show the DVD or whatever it will be called to their children. It is good.

Weather : much improved , at least nothing falling - yet. sunny but cold ( we're below average for Nov ) wind still kicking up a bit.
I skipped the card game up on the 'bee , figuring , I don't need driving on  icy roads and snow.

For the southern contingent : Happy Turkey Day and hope you survive Black Friday.

Saw a special on Michigan and it had a segment on Detroit. Best they could say is that the big D is improving. Having talked to some former big D-ers that wouldn't be hard.

BTW - Black Friday happens in the GWN almost for self defence.
Cross border shopping is significant and retailers here fight to keep the shoppers on this side of the border. Of course , a lot of on line offers hope to tempt the shoppers into staying home and saving.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

A Buddhist Tradition

Not quite but it happens in this Buddhist house
Our living room window is decorated
A picture is worth a thousand words
" there is a Country Xmas scene - picket fences / pine trees
and cottages
The lights are Buddhist bears - in this house . you bet

Cold and Gray

Actually , not bad considering the last few days
The wind was really up , yesterday , the hat blew off in the parking lot

We anticipate snow flurries or more  ,later

Movie Review : Tom Cruise plays another Jack , this time Jack Harper Tech 49 and 52 and .......................... The movie is
 ' Oblivion ' , Sci Fi w/ a touch of classic romance. Futuristic , earth 1/2 destroyed .. Yeah , they're plundering Earth again. Basically , mining water for fusion energy. Heck , if we're ruining the planet why aren't we doing the fusion energy thingy.
Rating :  .6 out of a dollar ( paid $2 b/c its blu-ray )
Don't buy this one , a touch of classic romance but this is not a classic. well done but not worth the $18 that I saw the other day.

This morning through the headphones , the story was Malmo , Sweden , population 350 000 w/ loads of bike. Their fundamental problem , not enough bike racks. Ten years ago , faced w/ gridlock , Malmo went bike crazy. Bike lanes are 2 - way , the bike lanes protected by a barrier rise in the curb.
The result has been a switch , now 60 % of all trips are by bike. You see back when , the research showed 60 % of all car trips were under 5 km.
Malmo hosts delegations all year that come to study the bike program.
The city fathers said ' this is nuts ( traffic problem ) and said ' we'll build bike lanes ' , bingo bango and Bob's your uncle , people switched to bikes. No long term planning or studies ' do it '
The change-over is powered by the cost of gas and frustration of people trying to commute or shop.

Monday 25 November 2013

' Nothing at All ...."

' Making love out of nothing at all '     Air Supply

The Grey Cup happened and Saskatchewan won.

Reality bites.  To-morrow , I will attend a memorial for a football pal who passed at 64. A diabetic . I believe he succumbed to conditions associated w/ the diabetes. this death is the second of former football friends , all from our high school days. Its tough when life hits you in the face w/ a cold fish. thats not my line , its from the book that I'm re-reading , ' Surrender to the Will of the Night ' by Glen Cook. However , it seems appropriate , kind of , considering my biggest hobby ( only hobby ?? ).

Winter is settling in , white on the ground , icicles on the downspout extensions. I really should take a photo so that you can see. How about that ... visual evidence.

segue....  I mentioned the switch-over to a laptop from a dedicated PCU tower and monitor. The advantages really aren't many except saving money considering this laptop was sitting in a case and taken out every three days to charge and / or update the security and Windows.
However , in reading the Owners Guide to the laptop ( for the first time, I'm thinking ) I discovered a direct input slot for memory cards from cameras etc. I uploaded some 83 photos from our spare camera. I thought there were a few left in the camera - duh , yeah.

BTW to all followers. Back up your data especially pictures. In the Torstar , a ipad user reported that her hard drive crashed. At the Apple store they offered to replace the ipad , when asked they said for the data retrieval go to a specialist. The cost  ( not covered by Apple ) was $600 to 700. So copying and storing your data makes sense. although , your PCU and / or laptop is less likely to fail - anything is possible.
Apparently , the ipad uses a memory stick inside that can hold more bytes ( hence the small size and thinness ) but when it fails there is no real hard drive to access. A little more costly to access.

FYI - I bought a auxiliary hard drive for $ 80 and its rated at 1 Terabyte. and they come even cheaper , just don't look as nice.
I saved almost all the data on the PCU hard drive.
This procedure was before I switched over to the laptop.

BTW - haven't used anything from  that transfer.
I mean bookmarks etc. , everyone said it was important. I guess those bookmarks weren't that crucial.

Toronto was voted  ' Most Youthful city ' by some youth forum. 16 categories and Berlin was 2 nd. Mention was made that updates to transit are needed ( do tell - lets fight some more over transit ).

Sunday 24 November 2013


This Sunday is the Grey Cup in Canada.
Emblematic of : Canadian football championship and continuing stupidity or cupidity.
The game will be played in Saskatchewan.. think North Dakota but a little colder... and windier.
We're real men and women here... game time temp 10 - 14 F and the game starts at 3 PM. Sunset is 4:45 PM. 
The ball is changed frequently b/c the ice build up makes it hard to throw or fly what w/ the penguins hanging on for dear life.
Could we play inside Yepper but in Toronto / Vancouver or Montreal ...not where real football is played.
Nuts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The sports headline was " The Weather It Will Be Frightful " ...  no kidding

The weather: snow fell last night and the walk needed shovelling and salting. Bright sun and cold ... it hit 16 F last night.

Black Friday is coming ...... shop early..... til you drop

Protests will occur as Walmart employees lobby for a higher wage
Minimum wage legislation will raise , base pay but while some protest this Fri ... many more will be looking for those same jobs.
A Walmart soon to be opened had 23 ,000 applications for 623 jobs - statistically then harder to get into Walmart than Harvard.
Oh. that bad
I guess

Saturday 23 November 2013

Giving Money

A good thing. The Torstar ran articles to-day , lauding the value both personal and corporate in promoting charitable work. Employees perform better and enhance the value of the company.
However , the world by the numbers isn't as nice.
Bribery. In Africa , people expect a) to pay an official for services that they need  b ) the police are corrupt and bought off
In some countries polled , 36 % of the respondents either paid or were asked to pay a fee for service ( outside of the actual price )

In Japan , my father's old time friend was ill. His wife went searching for a hospital or doctors who would take a fee or gratuity pre- service. Her thinking was anyone who took her money would do a good job.

Weather : snow flurries and cold 32 F , wind is substantial.

Error , error Will Robinson. Actually me. I suggested that you YouTube ' Once Upon a Time in the West ' and add Dulce Pontes.
Nope. Found Andre Vasary. This video is the must listen one.
Most singers don't sing the words / they ... I don't know sort of hum ... no not hum ... croon ?

Friday 22 November 2013

' Better ' Skyping ... NOT

The story is ' no Skype ' ; it loads and won't connect or if I re-install it balks. Apparently , running Google Chrome confuses Skype or GoogleChrome doesn't like Skype.
The by-product of all the failed loads is that I picked an embedded ad service called ' Better Surf ' , which isn't. BS is really what BetterSurf is.
After two attempts using YouTube self help tutorials , I may have gotten rid of Better Surf.
Unfortunately , on the first go round , I might have deleted other programs which were hard to separate from the  ' ad exe. ' files.

So , no Skype and ( XXX fingers ) no Better Surf
This episode can be entitled the ' Agony and the Ecstasy '  not to be confused w/ the Michelangelo story.
I am not alone in this problem.... the topic is famous or expected and solutions abound on the net.
Weather turned warm and brought rain
" when the rain washes you clean , you'll know " FleetwoodMac and Stevie Nicks

BTW : YouTube : a) your love   b) Once Upon a Time in the West
select Dulce Pontes or Andrea Bocelli
And enjoy

Thursday 21 November 2013

The Return of JFK

We've seen 2 specials already , from Dealey plaza ,site of JFK ' s assassination. Irrelevant , they still haven't charged LBJ w/ conspiracy.

Weather : Nov style cool to cold , rain ' off and on ' , beaucoup de wind

World news ,130 + dead form the bird flu in Indonesia. When I commented on 13 deaths from bird flu , that must have been a specific country. What is the world wide total this year ????

I'm watching the 'Assassination of Jesse James ' w/ Brad Pitt.
The shooter is Bob Ford. In the movie , Bob Ford , a Jesse James wanna be and follower , compares his life facts w/ JJ s. Both the youngest in the family , number of letters in the in between brother's names etc.
Well we have Rob Ford ( no relation ) who has the same name and is assassinating Toronto. The city didn't run for two weeks and our credit rating has fallen. If the movie can do stupid comparisons so can I. 
Bob Ford had a brother Charlie and Rob Ford has a brother Doug
both are stuck w/ the notorious / infamous brother.
Bob Ford got shot by a publicity hungry loner .......................
letting this one go.

Monday 18 November 2013

The Whopper

is a Burger King product but this name describes the wind and rain that came through last night.
I went out to check the architectural addition ( read ugly downspout add - on ). The run off was flying off the pipe. My own little Niagara.
Winds did reach 50 MPH in some places but was confined to an area N of the city proper.
Meanwhile our mayor got coverage on Fox news and will be seen on his own TV segment and CNN. Anderson Cooper needed filler so he interviewed Rob Ford. A real slow news cycle there AC.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Around the House

or keeping up w/ the Joneses ...... not their name.

Next door fixed his roof and re-guttered. He ran the last of his downspouts away from the house in the backyard.
I still had one at the front corner of the garage that went into the ground. The basement can get damp , so I figured   ' do something '.
Several years ago , I braced the near side corner downspout and extended  out 3 ft so the water pours out onto the garden. Well ,did the same on the other side.
No its not more ugly , about the same except , now , its symmetrical.
Thus , our house has the 2 arms that carry a downspout away from the garage on either side. You'll drive by and say " What is that ?? ".

Our house is soooo quiet. There's no one flying up and down the stairs , just the slow methodical tramp of older people. I can walk around naked - joking , it is more private now. I'll keep the drapes drawn.

The Toronto Argonauts ( CFL ) are playing our erstwhile neighbours from around the horseshoe ( Hamilton ) for the right to be in the championship. I figure the NFL pays the winning team  several $ 100 , 000 / player. I'm sure the winning players get about 20 thou here.

Weather : mild for Nov and damp turning to rain later but big winds up to 50 MPH in some places ( forecasted )

P.S. tree and lights are up

Saturday 16 November 2013

A Blast of ( well ) Summer

OK I exaggerated 
It was warm and sunny
We lost our house guest to-day , he's bussing to NY and flying home from Newark. Figure - oh , a 36 hr day. Ten hours bus + 4 hr layover and a 9 hr flight - he's young 

World news by the #s

Africa is big - = to 3 Canadas in size And Canada is humongoes
They listed 15 countries that totalled equal Africa in size

All in all , a pleasant by the #s

Friday 15 November 2013

In Concert

.... Bruce Hornsby. Piano player and music innovator. Venue was a presentation hall at the Royal Conservatory of music. Beutii. Acoustics were aided by wooden baffles on the ceiling and corrugated decorative walls.
A scenario like having the man in your living room. Randy Bachman was correct , go see this guy.
He dropped names : Spike Lee , Chris Thile , Grateful Dead and Nitty Gritty Dirt Band , Pat Metheny. 25 years as an artist. W/ solid Canadian connections , he is a Glen Gould fan , Canadian legend in classical piano work and creation. I.e. , the Goldberg Variations.

Weather : a slight kick at Indian summer. Temps going for 50 + and sun. WOW 

We lose our visitor to-morrow , he's off to London , as in Jollie Ol'
and reality.

World news : The agency ( England ) , that deals w/ preventable diseases ( ???? ) announced that the war on diabetes is failing.
The number , 380 million is up from 2 years ago by 17 %. and if usual statistics apply , it means a further 1/3 of that number are undiagnosed.
The bulk of the diabetics are Type 2 or the diabetes connected to weight and diet abuse.
Contagion , of another kind , fast and processed food conquers humanity.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Re-enforcing Paranoia

Movie : ' Contagion ' starring everyone - Lawrence Fishburn , Matt Damon , Kate Winslet , Gwyneth Paltrow. Index patient gets infected travels home 5000 mi , touching people and passing the virus on.

No , I shouldn't have watched. I worry about washing my hands ( not enough ) and touching my face ( too much ). The movie cites a study that indicates people can touch their face , thousands of times a day.
I once , kept track of touching my face from 9 AM to noon. I caught myself reaching and stopped the motion but got a count of 50 , anyway.
In the plot , the index infects people in a bar and on a plane.
Like I needed some director to scare me mega - more. Booga - booga , indeed

On the flip side - ' Thor - the DarkWorld ' in 3D : went w/ M's second cousin. Fun movie , not cute but it works. Thor kisses Natalie Portman again , geesh , again. The movie cost $ 14 and the large coke w/ Thor decal and figurine was $ 9. The server said only the big kids - when I asked who buys the Thor cup - she meant adults.

Weather is sunny w/ cloudy periods and cool plus brisk winds.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Booga - Booga

What does this mean , Dunno.  Its a line from ' Lord of the Silent Kingdom ' by author Glen Cook.
A lay brother scares off some would be attackers by using the tactic and gets laughed at - but the attackers run
Booga - booga , I should have run from the craps table - it was scary

Weather Off and on sun and clouds - 34 F or less all say w/ brisk winds.
The Falls were misty but looked good.
2 great moves to-day 1. Took the finicular down the hills at the Falls - a short cut b/c it was freezing cold and windy.
2. Bought lunch in the Table Rock restaurant which overlooks the Falls at the brink. Expensive but worth the money for a spectacular view   Good on you.

Monday 11 November 2013

Nov 11

There is no motto other than  ' Lest We Forget ' , it is important though.

Weather is S. On fall - rainy and cool to cold ( 44 F ? )
The leaves are almost done - I'd say about 20 % leaf cover in the trees. Its blowing steady and this will just about finish the last hanger - ons.

Xmas shopping is under way w/ some successes.
Actually , we start to Xmas up the house in 10 days , give or take

Sunday 10 November 2013

We're slowly drifting into winter

While cleaning the eavestroughs and bringing in the hoses - hard little pellet things beaned me on the head. Snow has come within 40 miles of here but stayed north.
We are cold though and windy as all get out

News : By the numbers , Torstar was depressing.
BTW 13 th victim dies of the bird flu in the far east

I find it very hard to wax poetic at this time of year. The odd flash of gold lights the day - for instance, to-day the leaves were going sideways.
From a optimistic viewpoint we could talk of plants bedding down for a sleep - the natural cycle of the world rolls on. We accept all the changes as the way of life.
sure is hard sometimes when that wind swirls down your back

WEAR a SCARF , folks 
Keep the cold from going down your back
Thats the sum total of the advice here

" we are not resigned to the shutting away of things in the ground "
paraphrsed from Edna St Vincent Millay

Saturday 9 November 2013

England came to Visit

We are hosting an English visitor for a few days. Its only fair b/c he's probably going to be discomfited when we stay in jolly Ol' in a few weeks.

Weather : cold and raw Rain threatened all day then finally came through

Went to Wally mart w/ the English. Apples , steak and protein shakes. He eats way too healthy. embarassking , while I eat bread and butter

This too shall pass

Thursday 7 November 2013


In the movie ' Diner ' Paul Reiser in character complains about the word " nuance ". ' Its not a real word - what does it mean '

A 2nd cousin hates the word  ' moist '. The word creeps her out.

Subtle ,means slight or tactful. The problem that I have is that you'd need to hit me w/ a hammer to make me subtle.
good or bad ?

Dunno , could be yes  , could be no

In marriage , almost everything is subtle or could be subtle or is sometimes subtle.

A teacher used to say that his wife married him b/c he was  " suav-ve and de-boner ". A really good line.

Weather : getting cold. Humid and rainy off / on , all day

Before You Leave Me

Prior to 11 AM departure from Allegany  - well , had to give the table one last go.
Down to the casino and the craps table.
Alone. Me shooting , 4 crew

Issued $ 200 , and hoped. No magic. Hardways set , soft not too high - little action
Made ten passes - then 7 out for one go , the other two tries were mediocre at best
Looked down , said ' up a tad ' and coloured and walked. I was 47 dollars to the good.
Now if I had done this 2 other times I would have been up for the whole experience
So hard to walk away. Lesson learned ....... Again
You can't fix stupid or greedy

During the day , Tuesday .. there was a lot of commotion in the afternoon. One fellow to my right was applying his betting system
Players were muttering for ten minutes. This guy was taking 3 minutes to lay his bets and discuss what he could do or what he wanted.
He finally left , saying ' he needed a friendlier table ' 
Good luck guy , they don't get much friendlier then that place

So , you know its not only me , trying a system.
I practiced the hardways set at home and in the hotel room. I was getting very quick at setting for the roll. I noticed that some other shooters took comparably longer , so I guess thats why the crew didn't mind the set.

Back to our humdrum world , no whirling lights and binging machines NO FREE DRINKS either.
However , our drinks were probably costing us $ 80 a pop based on our betting losses.
I think Seneca Allegany wants us back.
Oh, the final bill minus credits was $ 5 for the room and two meals for the 2 days. Don't even think of the gambling losses or that was one expensive hotel room

Weather : bright , golden and cold. Rain on the way.

We are expecting a 23 yr old visitor - M's second cousin from London , England. One week ,  and I guess we'll get the living w/ an adult son experience. Is it good ???
He has been back packing through the U.S. for the past 2 months.
He catches the MegaBus in N.J. and arrives at 6 AM. We pick him up at the subway stop 3 miles from our home.

Tuesday 5 November 2013


Well back to the craps table. Very few players , slow night.
I issued $ 150 and was hanging in , barely. The dice passed to me and I thought  ' OK , go for the hardways set ' . soft and high , very little action.
Well , 5 points later , and 30 passes later... I coloured up and walked. Covered Big Red and Yo about  2 times each. Very little pressure.

That description is the language of the table. The translation - I shot lights out. some guys made $ 400 on my roll. Personally , I cashed $ 350.  So ,the element of chance went my way for once. The player to my right was tipping me for hitting numbers. This roll should have been on YouTube , b/c ..... no , don't even think it