Monday 31 October 2022

👲 this is a pixie emoji

👲 man w/ gua pi mao The emoji search turned up 20 + symbols for ' pixie '
And, No. There was no emoji for  'pixel '

Recap. The new cellphone called Pixel 6a. I, finally, tried voice activation. I spoke ' photos ' and the photos ' app ? ] opened.
Then. I couldn't think of any thing else.
Apparently, voice assistant can do text messaging, emails and notes [ as in dictation ]
Ah ! blogging by voice assistant ?

Today is a phone call w/ the skin Dr who removed the bump thingy on my back. I sent a photo of the current appearance of the excision site
[ love that word, ' excision ' sounds so cool. ]

Back to the phone. I lied. I took a peek at ' custom app ' symbols. This feature allows for shape and colour changes to the icons for apps. Thought ' nah ' not worth the effort or really ' do I care ' ?

A follow up. Approx. a month ago, I reported attending at a Skin clinic. At the time, I had a ' blemish ' or bump [ off colour ]. The biopsy says that there is evidence of ' squamous cancer ' cells. This finding requires a further appointment [ to check ] as well, I will visually scan my skin [ likely ] back etc. The ' not so good ' part of this is that ' I'm not sure how I found the blemish in the first place. I mean to my recollection ' I turned slightly while drying off and .....'

Thats my story and I'm sticking to it

Sunday 30 October 2022

Ѥ for early

Ѥ  this is the Cyrillic ' E ' 

Slept soundly, now want a coffee

coffee v/  [ thats a check mark ]

The CBC online has issued a frost warning for tonight. The day was warmish yesterday but toward sunset [ of course ] the temp fell way off.

Reprise; definitely the tempo has decreased around here. Major worries were solved [ bassboat ] and new gains [ cellphone ].

Pixel 6a update. A.. gifted me w/ a carrying case. The Pxl 6a is slick as in slippery. The case is two piece w/ flex plastic sleeve and hard body shell. I'm experimenting but so far, I prefer the phone as is. The phone is smaller than the Moto g8+ that it replaces. Feels light and useful

To counter the slippery - ness, I'm trying a pouch for a carrier. A bit bulky but all around, this ssytem might be best. The pouch has a belt loop and obviously on pnts works well but also ithe loop is handy to grap. The pouch is, as you guess, a fairly good protective cover.

Yepper. A trip out for prescriptions and light food stuffs. Laid back is politic way of saying - dead lazy

Dins was an auto - cook job. Left - over onion got fried, froz broccoli was micro- ed and I boiled some Ramen noodles. Yepper, all was melded together [ 5 spice pwoder, soy sauce ]. Second best dinner all week for sure. Bonus, used up left - overs from the fridge

Oh, M.. has my cold or some version of it. 


Saturday 29 October 2022

𖤁 an emoji script ' D '

 𖤁 Somehow today seems anti - climatic. The chores for yesterday over and solved.

But life goes on. I go on. 

The Pixel 6a, wonder phone. Continues to baffle and amaze. And I've yet to activate ' voice control ' - for, well, basically almost everything. Dictate, commands and searches are possible.

the emoji is Baumum script or such. Just different.

We get sun for today. AND I need to blow out the gutters w/ help from the young and strong.

And E.. showed up and we blew out the gutters at the backside.

Friday 28 October 2022

⾈ quite apropos

 - the Kangxi radical for ' boat '

Yes, this is return the boat day. XXXXX fingers ! All goes well. On the plus side, A.. will be w/ me.
Altogether, he is capable AND apparently, is more experienced at launching a boat than me.
I can do the launch by theory and slowly work out the procedure. A.. just does it.

Thus, so it was. A slow beginning b/c one of the batteries was failing to hold it charge. We swapped batteries and prayed that we wuldn't need the trolling motor.

The trailering on the highway was smooth and uneventful. The actual launch was fine but we dinged the truck by accident. There had to be a flaw. Bassboat ran w/out a hiccup.

OOPS !. I tried 3 times to winterize the engine. NOPE. A.. watched a video on 'winterizing ' and did it first go. Well, at least it got done.

Many chores needed doing but we succeeded.

Yeah !

On returning home - the cellphone had been delivered. The Pixel 6a is supposed to be self teaching .... EZ PZ !. I anticipated failure and was fooled ! Even, I couldn't blow it. A few missteps but 6 minutes and all was complete.

Thursday 27 October 2022

ꭝꭝꭝ lazy days

 ꭝ    this emoji is modifier letter small ' l ' with lazy ' s '

Life continues at breakneck pace. Our planet is rocketing through space. I'm moving a tiny bit slower.

A sunny day after rain galore. The combo of wind and rain flung leaves out of the trees.

Still waiting the big news tha Google has shipped my new Pixel 6a.

I'm assiduously watching ' how to ' videos for the 6a. And there are tons. So far, the upshot is ' 6a a fine device at a reasonable price point '

And I coninuously ask ' who pays $ 1 800 for a phone. Someone does, b/c there are videos on ' how to '.

Apparently, I can game easily [ like never  ], take photos like a pro [ right, sarcastically ] and completely voice activate the Pixel [ and that includes dictation for text and emails etc ]

The downside. only 128 G [ covered that before ], only 60 Hz refresh [ some folks can tell the difference ], there isn't a multi angle extra 3D camera that sings while you shoot photos [ joking, maybe? ]

You figured it out that I'll be lucky to use or find 70 % of the ' tips and functions '


Wednesday 26 October 2022

⾡ ... money talks but it can't ....

sing and dance and it can't walk .... sing it Neil

emoji is the Kangxi radical for walk

day is bright and warmish
the leaf litter is a major factor
the predominant colour is yellow - y gold

OMG $ 1600 will get us 2 cellphones

Slight change in plans. One Pixel 6a, not 2. I guess it is sort of an experiment  ... try the one phone.

Amazing tho', the phone arrives w/out a wall charger. And the capacity is 18 W on the phone. The phone self regulates that means that you can use a 20 - 65 W charger. 

We shall see said the Zen Master

OK What is this cellphone buy all about. Well, industry scuttlebutt and reality says that Motorola or Moto g8 + [ mine] doesn't consider updates significant. And stopped updating my phone OC / 21. Which is alright, if you're not banking etc. In an evironment where everyone is told to maintain integrity of info transfer and esp. money matters

Yeah, security patches count, big time !

Thus, the change. Pixel, eh, the home of android and Google. They right of front tell you the update limits and timing. Its published now.

The downside of the Pixel 6a is that its entry level. Plus, there is no way other than the ' cloud ' to store info afte 128 G. As at now, I'm at 18 % of 128. Betting says that I'll not reach that 128 number.

Tuesday 25 October 2022

🙍 turn that frown upside down

🙍 or not. A gloomy,misty day. The leaf coverage is about 75 % and our view of the ' No Frills ' supermarket is nil. When we can see No Frills [ the back of the building ] that is fall going ot winter

I'm using a full keyboard b/c the portable 3 / 4 wireless is broken. And a full keyboard is great. Does that mean fewer mistakes ? Maybe. Owever, I can use those minimal typing skills from back in Gr 9 and 10. I mean, I barely passed Typing. I remember Olga typing 3 paragraphs in about two minutes [ 4 for me ]. Olga was cute.

A.. and I went to visit the marine mechanic dude who is working on my E Tec. A.. got an explanation of work so far and life in general. We removed the trailer tail light, hopefully replacing the cracked lense or the whole light [ most likely ].

We were driving home and through a phone message, discovered that the part required had basically shown up as we left. OK Best guess is Thur AM for completion. The mechanic sort of felt A .. out concerning the price. The price that he was concerned w/ is 1 / 4 the minimum that any marina woud charge. Wow !
Here's hoping all goes well.

Monday 24 October 2022

〒 make sure you cross your ' t ' s

 〒  this is emoji called postal mark for  post # 3 547

a grand day for the Monday of Indian summer which falls flat on its face come Thur and the weather becomes full autumn - not bad,  just autumn

Our re - decorating continues. We added a free standing room divider to act as a privacy screen. The fireplace room downstairs faces the ravine. Thus, we're not sure what level of coverage that we actually need down there. The thought process would be move the dividers [yes, there is a second now ] closer to the foldout bed for greater privacy if you slept down there [ as in guests ].
At any rate, the dividers are cost effective and portable, potentially, multi use around the house. 

Well, exercise is done. Due to the sicky period, Ive gradually, been working back to the routine as I left off [ two weeks ago ]. One new wrinkle is HOW I do the free weight portions. Thi exercise aldy on YouTube had a video for ' over 50 s ', I think. She stressed ' eccentric ' movement. That means, e.g. for curls up is ' concentric ' ? and down is eccentric or stretching the fibres { hope, I got that right ! }. Anyway, its the relaxing or going back part that helps [ seniors ] the mot.

Sunday 23 October 2022

⾦ in the trees

 this is Kangxi, the radical for gold.

The curtain of trees is golden this AM. Our visitor returned, last night, the buck w/ a full rack is touring next door. He is not really afraid and stands there [ while I wave my hand, hello ].

The dongle for this Duet chromebook is acting up or the portable keyboard is. Likely, the keyboard and Chromebook are out of sync.
I believe the term is a ________ or spiritual slap upside the head.
Am email is sent for info from the keyboard manufacturer, on how to re - sync the keyboard. Good luck there. Recall that the mouse works

So far this AM, managed to pay for our Fla stay in SPB. After the fiasco, the other day

Applied for and likely will receive a prepaid, multi currency cash card. This AC thingy has got to be a trick b/c it has no fees for purchase or loading [ yes, some cards have a loading charge, ya, your money goes on the card and there is a fee ].
We shall see said the Zen Master

All from the comfort of my couch. 

Progress. We now have a flight to Fla. Booked on AirMiles Dream Rewards.The cash part is $ 360 for ancillary fees.

A real indoor day for me. Perhaps, I stuck my head out to test the wind.

Saturday 22 October 2022

䷋ " I'm still standing

 after all this time "  sing it, Elton

The emoji is the hexagram for ' stand still ' from the I Ching ( ? )
No, thats standstill as in going nowhere or stuck

The next three days are ' Indian summer '. Way warmer than average.
Good news and then some doubt. 

The E Tec is 80 % complete for repairs. The waterpump parts are left to arrive and the 75 HP should be ago.

Now, the weather will cool significantly, after Tues [ next ]. However, the forecast is still temperatures well above freezing. XXXXXXX fingers and we should be OK

And we have spent over 2 h trying to sort out a credit card mess created by ME, mostly. The bank helped a bit and maybe someone at the rental firm wasn't careful. But I'm working through the miasma.  As it turns out, the credit card company was challenging the large charge on one card. That act was straightened out. However, the second or correct charge on our U.S. card didn't go through either

W/ luck we will solve the process to pay.

Our dinner was halibut and chips. Halibut House is a franchise and ours is a good one. Friendly and good to deal w/.

Friday 21 October 2022

룬 the do run run

 the hangul character ' run' 

And sun to start the day. And allday according to the CBC online

Looking forward. I mean to make applesauce while the apples are still firm instead of as an afterthought [ as the apples soften ].

Later that day. Applesauce was accomplished, except its more like candied apple slices. Still good

As well, managed to get out to the garage. As all, all purpose rooms, stuff just flops everywhere. Until. As today, when you try to bring order out of chaos. Now, it might be hard for you to tell but seriously, items were picked and arranged to clear the floor. Actually, quite pleased w/ the result
to reprise past failures is common place around here. I purchased gutter brushes that sit in the eavestrough and keep leaves and debris, above the eavstrough basin. Hopefully, to not clog up the eavestrough.
As mentioned, I had tired these ' brush caterpillars ' -  before but took them out.
I figured at least for the busy part of the fall leaf dump - maybe give them another go. I mean, they were sitting in a garbage bag - taking up shelf space. Give them a go

I made noodles and soup, ala Cantonese style restaurants. Quite tasty !

Thursday 20 October 2022

⾡ " do the Walk of Life

  oh, he got the action

       he got the motion, yes, the boy can play "   'Dire Straits'

A cool, rainy day [ hey, wasn't that yesterday ].

The emoji is ' kangxi radical walk '  ...... ??????? [ just different ]

The agenda for Thur 10 - 20 included Seniors Day at Shoppers Drug Mart. If you ever want to meet the people that are going to die tomorrow or the next - SDM is the place. Also, in the same building, and the reason that we were there is our Dr s office. M.. signed us up for the ' super ' extra dosage flu shot. Got it ?
Senior s Day and Seniors Shot.

Thus far, no rain, just threats and cool. Actually, as uncomfortable as a day can be w/ out snow or rain.

A sad tale. Ah but which.

YouTube Channel called ' Miles in Transit '. To wit, the young               ' couple ' b/c I think that they are bed bunnies, takes the bus [ 16 buses ] from Boston to Seattle. Duration was 102 h [ rounded off ].

Along the way, they discover that 50 % of the stops are not a bus station but rather a gas station or hwy auto plaza [ McD s and Cinnabon and a gas station ].

Followers, twice met them at the ' gas station ' w/ food and a free ride downtown. Yes, downtown b/c the bus stops are on the highway [ didn't you know ? ]. As well, a ' bus station was sold ' the night that they were travelling to that station.

That video was 27 min and I watched the whole thing.

OK you vote on saddest story

Oh ! I got the ' Wordle - y ' daily word on the second guess !!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 19 October 2022


 💦 even in the middle of Fla [ Tampa ] the headline reads " cooler weather is here "

Add to the headlines ' 86 million in U.S. ' under freeze alert

CBC [ worst taste in music ] featured ' Russell Louder '. Style or Genre .... ???? 

I wrote ' intriguing ' as my comment. RL is a trans performance artist and musician. I hear a synthesizer in the background and a backtrack of drums - then the voice.

I'm not doing that thing .... ' it reminds me of ....... ' b/c it doesn't.

The day turned into sunshine affected coolness. Rain is due in spits and spats. Days of sunshine due in three days. I can report that the leaves are freely tumbling, the rain and wind bring swarms down.

Alright. The E Tec again. The world has its problems. The bassboat isn't one of them. However, the Stratos has been a useful piece of equipment. 

Overall. The Stratos is fast, capable of 30 + MPH which is fast. There are bassboats on the 'bee [ 250 + HP ] that can hit close to 50 MPH. Which is fast, remembering  that the bassboat has no brakes.

The Stratos has a range of something like 120 miles. However, you may have read that my 'bee rule is - can you make it home in 5 minutes. 

So, fast, but not too fast, good range but stays close to home. Huh ! what does the Stratos do ?  then. 
Stratos 176 provides a very stable fishing platform w/ foot control trolling motor.

Advertised and proven to balance loads across the beam w/out tilting outrageously. Never has leaned. And that is saying something for a boat. 
My baby......
I've fished since I was 6 y.o. and got to buy a bassboat at 58 y.o. - figured that it was about time.
Then bought a boathouse [ oh, there was a house also ] as a place to keep the Stratos. Stratos has been there for 13 years now. Since arriving at the 'Q [ or ' bee ], Stratos has been one one body of water.

A batch of research went into the purchase of this bassboat. In the end, on a dollar for dollar basis, the Stratos came in at secondplace by approx. $ 300. The Stratos was a gem.

Stable platform!

Tuesday 18 October 2022

☝ " we're No 1 "

 ☝or ' a bird, a plane, no its ...... some Marvel character

We were told over the weekend that M.. s sister in England tested positive for CV 19 and was really under the weather.

Me. Much better. M found this OTC Mucinex. Mucinex is supposed to loosen phlegm and a bunch of other stuff. I've taken 2 at 12 h apart and notice the difference. The heaviness in the chest is disappearing.

Another growling was heard. My hydraulic system is repaired and in the phone video was  ' growling '. Hope that was lousy microphone and wind. The mechanic said that it sounded fine.

A mixed bag day w/ cool, sun and rain ( splotchy to medium )

BTW - that hydraulic was the most problematic in terms of time to repair the engine thus a major hurdle accomplished

Monday 17 October 2022

😎 the adventure

 😎 OK :  ' o ' rings for the Tilt n Trim or hydraulic lift for the outboard.

After some  luck, we found a part # not for the parts but a kit. Finally, it was jump in the car and go 1 1/2 h or wait 3 days for a shipping day from the U.S.

I delivered the kit and the mechanic goes - look ! a plastic bag of ' o ' rings [ probable cost $ 20 ] but the kit includes the actual hydraulic cap and associated rings. But could we found the parts # for the little bag ? NO !

Lovely drive. NO ! just not bad 

Bonus, I found a farm store that was like a grocery and deli. I got meatpies - beef and gravy

Delish meatpies. Great discovery. Problem. I'll have to look up where it is

Sunday 16 October 2022

😌 a sigh and he was gone

 😌 a ' relieved ' emoji. Might be possible to use but I cannot imagine             when.

We are seeing an overcast beginning to OC 16. At 10 AM the sun flooded the wood. We have brilliant reds in the ' maples ' on either side of us. The best our trees can do is a kinda wilted brown.

We have day 6 of my sick trip. A deep rumbling cough that yields   ' unmentionable ' leftovers from the cold. I'm hoping to gradually get back to exercise. AND avoid the danger of pushing too fast, resulting in aggravated lung problems PLUS the minimal likelihood of driving a virus into deep muscles.

I found a video on YouTube that shows how to get off the floor w/out crawling onto furniture or rolling onto your tummy. I managed to do it slightly different from the video but M.. says ' much better ' than what she's used to seeing.

Somehow the long range didn't publish yesterday

Long Range from Brett Anderson
OC 20 - 26 for S Great Lakes is drier
OC 27 - NO 2 for S Great Lakes is wetter
NO 3 - NO 9 for S Great Lakes is normal

Saturday 15 October 2022

💨 gone in a puff

 💨 or the dash emoji. This image is useable.

The day is a wet one. Leaves falling along w/ rain and cool ish looking for sure. 

In place of turkey, that we are missing at a cousin s place, instead turkey, we'll do chicken. We wanted a stuffed bird but the chicken is too small to put  much stuffing into the cavity.
Thus, the plan is to split the chicken lay one side down and lay the mixture on the halfside. I'll cap the stuffing w/ the other half. The whole bundle wll be wrapped in cheesecloth to hold the pieces together.

In theory, sounds doable but often these adventures take on a life of their own. Chaos or success.

The boat repair and refitting of the Stratos [ bassboat ] is waiting on parts. Several supply venues are being tapped. Hope.
' all rebellions are based on hope ' from " Rogue One " a Star Wars tale.

In my search, on line and calling. Phone calls produced a parts # hitherto unwritten. Bonus, up in Ennismore 1 3/4 h the fellow was holding the plastic bag w/ the part # in his hand. Thus, the parts bag is there

Beaming sun, right now

Friday 14 October 2022

😀 a little overly optimistic

 😀 this emoji. 

Yes, feeling much better. But couldn't stay asleep last night woke at 2:30 AM.

However, head is clear and throat not hurting. Coughing [ deepish sounds ] and blowing my nose. Like the remnants of  hurricane.

The weather has been everything this AM. Rain pelting down, sun full through the leaves and now overcast and misty looking.
And the week ahead appears bound for much the same pattern as today. Mix and match.

Further news of recovery. For the first time in a week [ 7 days including today ], I jumped on the elliptical and rowing machine. A real good sweat. I wanted the ' sweating out the toxins ' effect.

Also, the knee held up quite well. This week, I occasionally, got a twinge or slight ache. In preparation, I rubbed the knee down and gobbled some aceto and ibuprofen. It was a scaled back version, basically, aerobic w/ a bit of rotator cuff remedial therapy

What a combination. Broken sleep and exercise. Exhausted. But feeling clean inside and out

Thursday 13 October 2022

😆 bellieve it or

 😆 not ... this is smiling face w/ open mouth

very apropos, tho'

Yes, its 4AM. BUT head clear and nose can breath.  a tad sleepy

touch of cough

definitely the best for three nights

Still awake, cannot close down. Watched YouTube

had to have toast / butter  .... then I'll sleep

Well, I was up for 1 1/2 h w/out acetominophen. Bad move

Back in bed, seems I'm not quite ready to face the world or the living room. Took the Tylenol

So, bed it is. Boring

Need the acetominophen. Sick, Sick

To wit. My Chromebook [ laptop ]. I'm easily bored. Fidgity. I am drinking a beer and cannot close my eyes. Lets see YouTube for an hour.

I watched Katelyn Tuohy whomp up on the competion in distance races [ ex out North Rockford, Long lsland, now NC State ]. a little poker from the Bike Casino [ ? ]. Cooking stuff
Went shopping on Amazon. Coudln't muster the will to shop. Amazon didn't have a Tylenol sale or .........

See. Bored

Dinner is over and in bed ...... M.. said rest

There is a free gaming site [ well, no charges so far ]. Thus, I played MineSweeper. Apparently, you do not guess [ my only strategy ]. Searched and found an exmple of a math guy [ right, fit in there   ...NO ! ]

Exactly, how bored are you ? Played 6 times - got blowed real good, 6 times

Wednesday 12 October 2022

🙅 Oops !

 🙅  that was a rugged night. Chills, spills, thrills  [ joking ]. I was a phlegm producing machine.

I must have been running a fever, overnight. However, I saw the dawn, so thats good.

Sunshine is pouring through the leaves but rain is due.

I got industrious and sanitary, cleaned the bathroom sink. Then I changed the sick bed sheets. 

Announcing, the third negative rapid CV 19 test. That about confirms just a regular, nasty - my kind of sick.

I checked CBC on line. Alberta is getting a weather monitoring upgrade to ' dual polarity ' sensing radar. OK That doesn't sound like much. But its good news and no one took a shrike missle up the ass. Can't say that for every place in the world.

Admission. I thought that I'd take the acetominphen as needed, last night. Nope. Dumb.

Thus, today, take the aceto on schedule.

Analysis. I'm slightly better but a cough has set in. Erratic for now- but mean

Tuesday 11 October 2022

😡😡 this feels like the right Emoji

 😡😡 sore throat and tossed all night [ trying to ge comfortable ]

However, heard from the mechanic. And he feels that all repairs are doable. TG. But he will change out the water pump that cools the outboard. To work on the water pump, yes, you got it, remove the lower gear case. Thus, while the LGC is  removed, swap out the water pump.
All seems OK. We must wait for the actual diassembly and working trial

From the sickbed of ME. I broke down and took a mega Acetominophen [ arthritis strength, it'll help my knee too ] at 4 AM. I rinsed my nose w/ saline and discovered if I prop up a little then my nose is clearer and I can still sleep. Thus, made it to the morning.

The CV 19 test was negative again [ 2 in a row ]. Deep down, I know this cold / sore throat is typical for me. My Achilles heel as it were. This pattern is the way that I get sick.

I did a quick check of CV 19 symptoms esp. Omicron. And I barely qualify. Now. We shall see said the Sickee.

Naturally, the weather is glorious today and I am thinking about all the chores that would have got done [ maybe, b/c I'd have to get out there ]

Sickee s progress : sadly, a little uncomfortable this evening. Dinner brought on a feeling of tiredness esp. behind the eyes. In fact, over the weekend, I had noticed a twitching of my left eye - a sure sign that I was overtired. Did I heed the warning - Nope. See, vengeance, says my body. " kinda, like serves you right ! "

Monday 10 October 2022

😡 feeling down

 😡 how down ?

bit of a sore throat
I think the Friday - Sunday bizee schedule got me [ I hope ]

Review and update : CV 19 test kit produced negative bar result

I'm clear - for now

I am feeling better, rested and medicated.

But. So pleased that the boat is in the capable hands of the mechanic.
[ seems a nice fellow ] Truly, I was worried. Maybe, most b/c maybe I hadn't kept the trailer [ and boat ] in better kip. However, the ' golden rule ' or mayhaps advice up on the 'bee is   .... if it ain't broke don't  touch it.

And grateful that I had done enough that the trailer was road worthy. It was a short run, say under 120 Km. Mostly, going West and not much south, 40 km or so. However, I will get a bill b/c the 407 is a toll road and I was pulling a trailer.
Crikey, I watched the gas gauge drop as I drove. 

The trailer running lights need some TLC or upgrades. The main back lighting for stop, turn and emergency have cracked lenses. The wiring seems sound except for maybe the front end plug that seemed dodgy but w/ sandpaper and steel brush seemed to perk up.

Me. Overall, my head is clearer c.f. this AM. A bit nasally and rundown.

Sunday 9 October 2022

🙋 October 9

 🙋  Hello Readers

Saturday, I left early for the Q'. I arrived and walked in on breakfast for the little ones. So, for a pleasant hour or more, I saw life as you cater to two young girls.
Eventually, I made my way down to the bassboat. I had brought drills, power tools for cutting metal, full expecting to alter the support bracket of the outboard. The guys joined me and we tried to evaluate the problem [ their first look ]. 
The consensus was to lower the mounting bracket and see if the screw became more visible. We went for lunch and decided to tackle the lowering job after the young ones took their nap.

Our neighbour at the Q' is a long time boater and wholesale salesperson for outboards. He offered to come down and check.

He quickly determined our well thought plan was not viable. W/ his help, I raised the motor and in doing this the piston assembly moved back from the support bracket AND, yes the screw  was visible and available. Yeah !

We tinkered w/ the controls and added more fluid but the best we could obtain was a partial raising and lowering. Enough to use the boat but overall pitiful range. The obviou solution to everyone but me was ' get the boat trailered and to a mechanic '.
Truth be told, I had been working to this for 3 years.Two years ago, D.. the next door neighbour at home had spent a day getting the trailer ready for use. We bought new tires and had the trailer checked for road worthiness.

Thus, when the topic of trailering came up, I had my doubts. The guys undaunted pitched right in. We filled the tires and corrected some maintenance problems. The trailer lights didn't turn on. We fiddled and got them working. Luckily [ or preparedly ] I had brought everything that we needed to work on the trailer.

I drove the boat to the launchramp, four miles away.

Yes, the bassboat was on the trailer. A.. reached out to an independent fellow who could do the work on the hydraulic system [ in fact, he was working on two similar engines in his yard ]

Today, I borught the boat back to the city and the mechanic.

Relieved and grateful, I headed home

Oh. all that worrying and w/ mega help from a team of folks - job done.

Now, the reason that I had been prepping the trailer was not the hydraulic system but the lower gear case that was suspected of leaking water. By putting off the trailering [ or failing to bring the boat to a mechanic ] possibly, I've saved a trip to the mechanic.

We shall see said the Zen Master

Friday 7 October 2022

💕 ' come sit by my side ...

💕 ... come as close as the air ' ala ' Changes ' Gordon Lightfoot
           share in a memory of gray

Ah. Today is the high school reunion. I am ride sharing to save parking congestion. This function is class of '68, in person meet and greet. 

Optomologist visit. Overall, an excellent report. There was a moment when the Dr seemed concerned about a slight risk of cataracts.
But considering the age, almost a given.

My major problem has been insufficient oil production from the lower lid. The condition is called Blepharitis. Recently, over the past few years, this condition is falling under the category of ' dry eye '. 

The immediate symptoms. Redness, itchyness and general eye discomfort. Often give way to more serious irritation and vision loss.

Staring at a computer screen can inhibit the blink reflex - taking down the normal blink rate from 10 or so a minute to a few every 10 minutes.

My specific issue is that my oil gland pores fail to yield the coating oil to lubricate the eye surface. Dry eye. Plus the accumulation of debris and bacteria.

I have diligently, warmed the eye w/ a heating mask, followed by a gentle finger massage of the lower lid. Finally, a wipe w/ a oil dissolving tissue. This has bcome a Sunday and Thurdsay ritual.

The upshot is that I have continued to improve, based on the number of gland pores that yield oil on gentle finger pressure. The Dr is satisfied w/ 10 in each eye. My scores were 18 and 19. Dr claims that these were the second highest scores this year. Yeah.

Anecdotally, he has patients under 15 who have scored, 0 / 0.

This warming and cleansing eye program has been on going and tweaking since 1997. The current Dr has been assiduous and informative [ the last 10 yrs or so ]. Thnx Dr

Sidebar. Dr recomended krill oil [ Omega 3 ] to inhibit acid breakdown products in the oil. The added benefit, might be pain reduction in the joints. Double, yeah !!!

Class of '68 : You know, on the drive up to the site, John, the driver, remarked that the people in this group were welcoming.

Just what I thought, 5 minutes in and all afternoon. A marvelous Italian [ homemade ] spread and wine too !


Thursday 6 October 2022

💆 Busee [ bizee ? ] Spell Check gone awry

 💆 another one
when would you send this

The week. 
Tuesday - a drive north to find the outboard is stuck
Wed.     - Dim Sum lunch w/ A.. and Costco shopping
Thursday - Eye Dr [ M..  has a blood test as well ]

Friday - a high school re - union, class of '68

Today. Up at 5:30 AM Coffee and Typing

11 AM out and back from blood testing. Dodged accidents and traffic cones, street sweepers and backhoes --- plus a coyote, running on the street and boulevard. Scraggily SOB, too

Medically, we are a go. Optically, speaking, my amobium glands are leaking oil - good. However, white bits in the oil indicate raised acidity. Cure ? Krill oil.
Plus, krill oil [ omega 3 ] alleviates knee pain.
Added benefits include swimming in salt water ability

Wednesday 5 October 2022

👫 Confession ( s )

 👫 are dangerous

here goes

I wear the same clothes [ yes, I wash } Currently, my favourite is a short sleeve hoodie [ gray ] w/ the logo for the Netflix series " Stranger Things ". The logo is a copyrighted Netflix image. Of course, on sale at the Tiger.
Initially, I thought the material was scratchy but I, now, have an long sleeve undershirt beneath.
Stranger Things has been fishing and shopping.

As at now, two white long sleeves w/ the motif of Flagler College [ St Augustine, Fla ] are just about worn through. Purchased in 2020, these shirts have been basic tops for the whole time. The shirts have been dribbled on, splattered etc. At $ 10 [ yes, on sale ], the white LS shirts have done yeoman duty

Dark. Coffee and typing

Tuesday 4 October 2022

👤 ' Land of Hope and Glory

 👤  not today.

At the Q', gorgeous day. BUT the outboard wouldn't tilt up [ power trim ] which means that the boat cannot be moved on the trolley.

Things were going well, until 9 AM.
Started the normal beginning stuff EXCEPT the motor will not raise.
In this condition the trolley cannot move.

I did attempt to raise the motor myself [ Ha ]. Finally, canvassed the street for a volunteer. W/ their help, the engine was up.
I took a peek and the screw cover for re - filling the hydraulic reservoir is parlty covered by the trnasom support. Someone did a ' boo boo ' there.

Now, I'll go Sturday when there's help and give it a go

Monday 3 October 2022

💖 ' all you really need

 💖 ...... is heart ' from Damn Yankees 

[ this is * sparkling heart * emoji ]

" the great folly of grownups - wanting to last and wanting things to last. two things last, shoes too small and foolishness '
 young Fr author

I saw the clock at 5 ..... oops ! I'm awake
Typing and coffee - ' Vat else ? '

And I am getting very good at ' Wordley ' which I'm sure is a ' Wordle ' knock off [ from Asia, isn't everything ??? ]

Well, Amazon has a sucker hooked and landed [ fishing analogy ]
I have ordered 2 packs of stiff - ish knee braces [ subsequently, given and sold to next door ] 
AND a pack of 2 less stiff knee braces.

The stiffer brace were a tad small for me. Really, a plasticized compression tube.
However, the original intention was, one brace for me and one for D.. who tore [ ? ] his MCL.
 D.. was having pain and mobility issues from the left knee. While fishing, I noticed his discomfort and limp. I wanted him to try a brace and he loved the stiffness and support.
 Yesterday, D.. bought my stiffer knee brace for the other knee.

I saw the less stiff compression sock braces and was in the mood for    ' why not - give it a go '. The upshot - very pleased.

" the scenario does not always work out the way you planned - for every dictum, there is a contradiction " Fletcher Jones

Unfortunately, one could ask ' why did you wait so long to try them '

Dunno. Dumb and dumber ?

I ordered the less stiff knee braces [ really a compression sock ] that suits just fine, thank you. Thus, Amazon sold knee braces galore to me.

Yes, I wore the compression sock brace for staining the deck [ on my bum and knees the whole time ]
AND except for achy - ness all over, I did quite well. No Pain, tho'

I don't think that I'm meant for that type of job anymore. I summarize by saying the chore was ' too low and too long a time '
OMFL. this aging thing !

There is a store called Princess Auto that sells car, farm and work supplies. I go and wander around in a semi - daze. Plus, there is a section for ' reduced ' or miscellaneous [ cheap ]. I went for hydraulic oil booster and stop. Success. Then I picked up gas cylinders for propane tools, squirt bottles and suction bulb. All in, I saved $ 12 on the oil and then spent more than that on the others.
Briiliant ! However, for a ' tinker ' or improvisor, the sanding detailer and squirt bottles are useful.

Sunday 2 October 2022

💤 ya' think ?

 💤 an emoji that suits me and this time of day

          Sun is going to predominate [ xxxxx fingers ] and M.. found some red in the foliage, one yard over. The shores of the 'bee have yellow and a touch of amber colour.

I've changed my mind re : ' Rings of Power ', Galadriel is wearing that armour and everything else on Prime and Netflix is un - noteworthy to the max.

" bring me my bow of burning gold" from ' Jerusalem '

This day is ' beauti ' and I get to stain the ' missed ' parts of the rail.
Took a break, grab a beer and re - group [ give my knees a rest ].
Did I say, I ordered new knee ' braces ' from Amazon. And I wore them out on the deck to re - stain. Unfortunately, the knees are old - real old.

Saturday 1 October 2022

👭 an unsettled morning

 👭 here in the 6ix [ ala Drake ]. Not an inspiring AM and I am  groggy.

Bless YouTube. I searched for ' trim tilt or hydraulic lift, outboard ' and yes several videos on :
a ) hydraulic fluid resevoir
b) lube the pistons

Rightly, one of the solutions should be the ticket - we shall see said the Zen Master

Loooking ahead. Most probably, I will try and fish Tues, the week coming.       I've been invited to the Q' for Thanksgiving weekend        [ national holiday ]. I'm  still in the pre - planning stages w/ nothing definite.
But for me the season is closing soon. The two jobs for winter sleep time are to fog the engine internals w/ oil [ 5 minutes to 1 h + , if you don't bring the instructions ]
and exchange the lower gear case oil [ again, 15 minutes to an afternoon session if the weather is too cold - yes, an afternoon in November ] Ever hear the expression ' like molasses in winter ' ?
well, I saw it, my molasses was ' lower gear case oil '

The sun is growing in strength and I believe that it has reached Categoty 4 [ b/c they do Hurricanes like this ]


After or Now :

B/c the fall is here. And leaves will fall