Thursday 31 August 2023

🚧 all over the place

🚧  thought that it was just me - finding the orange
oh, that is construction zone
out w/ the guys and  - yepper, everywhere

no one named, Idalia, visited here. the temperature is moderate w/ spotty rain

However, despite warm to warmer August temperatures, the alert is out - September might be really warm

farmers may get dry harvesting conditions

schools will be way too warm

fishing ? well... 

" it's too hot and the fish are confused"

I'm prepared

Wednesday 30 August 2023

πŸ”£ as August runs out of days

 πŸ”£  or the relentless flow

our weather is smooth. no violence, no large changes but iffy.

rain is mild and spotty [ last night e.g. ] plenty of sun and some breeze

Tuesday 29 August 2023

πŸŒ… and w/ 2 days remaining

πŸŒ…  we will see

the interlock adjacent to the drive was ugly. We will replace the interlock w/ grass. Yes, more space for dandelions to grow.

However, more nature comes back. The downside is the pavers need to go. The neighbour D .. decided that he wanted them.
The son has been labouring to dig the pavers out and I have helped him.
Last night, we jerry rigged a ramp to slide the pavers down to the backyard. The ramp is an extension ladder w/ a board top and a cart almost slides down the boards. 
Almost b/c there is a lot of resistance to sliding. Also, we screwed in some blocking screws to keep the boards from going down as well - not the best idea. We ended up duct taping the joint between boards and the ladder.
Like I said - its an almost solution. Needs some tinkering

and the culmination of the almost adequate slide
from 9 to 11:30 A, D .. and I managed to get 400 pavers down to backyard level. 
I needed to stop - bad knees and frail body

Monday 28 August 2023

πŸ’¬ Augustus closing out

 πŸ’¬ but you knew that, right

a cool ish day coming and unsettled for  bit.
the week should end on a high note

for today : August 28 is the 240th day of the year (241st in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar; 125 days remain until the end of the year.

Thus, A .. is 39 y.o. and E .. is 42. I spent the day w/ them shopping and lunch. Oh my, what a different perspective on things. Both are avid fishermen w/ vast experience, quite different from most of what I have seen.

As well, we met b/c the truck at 7 y.o. was due for some [ regular ] maintenance or slightly irregular maintenance.
brakes front and rear
transmission fluid replaced
brake fluid replaced
differential fluid replaced
engine filter replaced
clear out the injectors
oil and filter change  all in 1800 dollars

Sunday 27 August 2023

⛐ slip sliding away

 sang Paul Simon

WELCOME to the 27 th Augustus

weather : clear ans sunny. the expected high is approx 70

Researchers set out to find ' happiness ' or is there a sure fire way to be happy. They started by Googling ' happiness, ways to happiness ' etc.

From there, they identified the following five most common ways people are advised to seek happiness: 

  • Socializing. 
  • Being in nature. 
  • Expressing gratitude.
  • Exercising.
  • Mindfulness/meditation. 

After reviewing dozens of studies that focused on these five strategies, they found there's not a lot of rigorous research to prove they make us any happier.  

BTW, the report is being criticized by other wellness researchers

" if you want to be happy for the rest of your life ......... ?????? "

don't take the world seriously
its a big place and thee is somewhere for you

to be happy - hold a fish [ really ?? ] well seems to work

BTW. I spent 20 minutes calling this photo up. To begin, ' files ' had only 6 pix. BUT Google Drive had 100 s. Finally, I Google - d ' move picture files '. 

The video was a technician teaching a class using Chromebooks on how to take a picture, store and move the image.
So, the tech goes to ' files ' and shows the categories - just like I did
EXCEPT, his ' files ' has Google Drive on the list.
The tech then explains 'if you dont' see the files that you want ' add that category. Use the upper right menu and select " Add Services "

Yep. The list said ' add Google Drive ' and I hit the button. And there is the pix

Also, I've been trying to add photos from Files but couldn't see ' Drive '

Arggh !!! computers 

Saturday 26 August 2023

🎭 laugh and the world laughs w/ you

 πŸŽ­ frown and  .........

we are back to hit or miss weather. a little rain and little heat
Hey ! its like between seasons

thus, I got to the laptop and ' No, the Dell will not turn on '
tried some tricks. No. 
then I said ' hey the monitor is on pause - did you leave the Dell turned on - it ran down the power ???'

Yes, 0 % charge but now now charging up.
in fact, even typing and powering the monitor -it s up to 19 %All well, in computer land.
to be fair the Dell did conk out in Fla and it required a finesse restart. We used our cell phones to troubleshoot on line

otherwise, I would never had known about ' ctrl + refresh + start up button ' which did in turn re - boot the Dell.

and rain did arrive - pouring rain for approx 2 hrs.

the Pope feels we may be reducing our social contacts to algorithms and flash screens 
BTW, I use no algorithms here. heck, often its barely English
or the way, you done speak proper

Friday 25 August 2023

🌈 there's a ...........

 πŸŒˆ ...... on my shoulder
and a sky of blue above .... "

not yet, the skies opened up last night w/ sheets of rain and thunder.

Thor was restless [ Scandinavian outlook ]. The God of :

he is a hammer-wielding god associated with lightning, thunder, storms, sacred groves and trees, strength, the protection of humankind, hallowing, and fertility.

anyway, he was active last night

obviously, a close relative of John Henry [ the steel driving man ]

A follow up. The new [ er ] Chromebook arrangement, Chromebook dongled to a monitor. First impressions are ' success '. M .. figured out how to use the set up minus a bunch of stares and ' huhs '.
As stated the bigger screen [ 11 in Chromebook vs 20 inch monitor image ] is useful. As well, recall we are using the gaming mouse.
Sadly, I keep eye balling convertible Chromebooks [ both laptop and tablet ] and we both prefer a laptop [ even on the road ]

Soon, this coming Jun / 24, there will need to be a purchase. This Dell 5190 stops updating.

Actually, I had envisioned using the laptop flat w/ the laptop screen underneath the main part of the typing table. Right now, the screen is tipped up and visible. I lifted the front edge of the laptop up onto the main table surface. The keyboard is higher [ more comfortable ] and there is space below the laptop for airflow.
Typically, Chromebooks do not run a cooling fan. The premise is that w/ lower power consumption then there will be lower heat production.
Still, I've always made sure that there was air space around the Chromebook.

This Acer monitor is approx 25 yrs old. By todays standards a pretty inferior build. I'm sure its a 720 :

720p is a progressive HD signal format with 720 horizontal lines/1280 columns and an aspect ratio (AR) of 16:9, normally known as widescreen HD (1.78:1).

Notice the aspect ratio. This ratio makes all the difference in our image. Many laptops tout a 1080 P presentation [ oh, pretty much what your TV likely produces ].

Thursday 24 August 2023

🌍 something about a ' small world after all '

 πŸŒ its a small, small world

dull and gray outside, weather is sort of taking a break from yesterday

this was a sunny day. Pleasant and enjoyable. The rain though finally fell but after sundown

Wednesday 23 August 2023

a ⺶ 23 Augustus

 ⺶     or the month is 3 / 4 over

or there s 1 / 4 left

drizzly and depressing

UNTIL you realize
some folks are knee deep in muddy brown rising water

' count your blessings instead of sheep ....'

thats what the old un's say

fishing today at Q' . Work first but not for me
I was gofer. A.. is young and active. I watched movies and
did step and fetch it for A..
then I prepared lunch. Super lunch verging on healthy
but very tasty

one fish pic and one lost fish that was wrapped around a log and got free [ on purpose }
no. we could not get to the fish on time

Tuesday 22 August 2023

πŸ™‹ Ciao !!!

 πŸ™‹ or coming at you

another cool [ 60 F ] AM. Windows open to take advantage of the coolth 

Walmart. The WallyMart takes a lot of ribbing and blasting. 
However, yesterday [ Metro is on Strike ] I bought a chicken for $ 9. And their House brand [ ? ] potato salad w/ cheddar and bacon was    $ 4 and was tasty.
Further to Metro. The workers are in their 3 rd week. At Walmart, I bought instant noodles and Great Value snack bars and dropped it off on the way home.

Actually, a liveable summer day. Bit of a breeze, touch of humidity and sun.

Lunch / dinner b/c it happened at 2:30 PM was takeout from the Bavarian deli. We both got schnitzel [ pork ], M .. had the 3 item dinner and I went for the sandwich. Both are solid choices but M .. would prefer potatoes over the bun.

The expression in T.O. is ' I found orange ' or construction signage. In reality, finding orange is easy
Sneeze and an orange sign pops up.

I was returning form the Honda dealership relatively nearby. I chatted w/ the intake person. I asked / he offered his opinion
he says $ 3 500 and saw the look on my face
he : we can break it down into two phases and put off $ 2 000 til next May

Yikes !!!. 

Then I contacted a former student at my school who has his ownauto  shop.  And basically, he'll do most of the work for $ 1500 and get the brakes re - done

BTW, the brake [ s ] front and rear are $ 900
P.S. brakes were not in the estimate from the dealership.

Monday 21 August 2023

πŸ’… sometimes

πˆ”πˆ”πŸ’… ok  .... what ?

day breaks gray and daunting
' I will Survive ' 

our new set up is a most useful manner to use the Chromebook. The native screen is 11 inches but the monitor is 19 inches. I can type w/out glasses.
the monitor image is sharp [ not the absolute best quality - say 7.5 / 10 ] 
and as previously mentioned the screen dimensions match the laptop display. Thus, no skewing of the image

and breaking the rules. I ordered online and paid shipping. However, Giant Tiger is / has been good re: quality and availability. The items are different. 
Took a flyer for 50 Dollars. Like gambling. Except, I will get something, what ??? but something.

Again, as always, I bought it for fishing. Looking in my closet, I can assure you better than half of all the jackets, sweaters etc YES - were bought for fishing
most have never seen the boat let alone a fish. 

Sunday 20 August 2023

πŸ™† a sea change

πŸ™†  or ?????

the temperature outside is 61 to start the day
yes, it will get up close to mid 80 s + humidity
but this is the second morning w/ below 60 s overnight

interesting. a former mayor of Calgary AB, was asked to address a series of lectures on Cdn culture.

' Nenshi said : in my two terms as mayor, I attended numerous sessions on the radicalization of Muslim youth   BUT not once did I get asked to address the radicalization of the White Right '  [ paraphrased ]

there has been a re - adjustment for the Chromebook w/ TV. I knew that I had 2 monitors for computers. One is an Acer and the other Phillips. Except !!!
both have VGA connectors only. VGA are the 18 pin connector for old computers vs the typical USB C found on machines nowdays

Thu, I sent for a converter VGA to HDMI [ HDMI can plug into the dongle that was there ]
Amazon delivered in one day, at 5:00 PM. 
At 5:20 all was re - aligned and ready.
So, everything should work, 

No. the monitor flashes a window ' no signal '
now, I'm not sure of the computer -ese involved. I tried several things
wait !!! do you think it means not just connected but displaying a web page
Yepper. Got it going.

Pros for this set up. Well, computer on one end and monitor for a computer on the other. The picture display is synced for a computer screen. Great image and nil distortion. The TV image was just slightly askew.

Cons : most older monitors had no built in speakers and the built ins were terrible quality. Solution : you use headphones. Cumbersome but good sound 

There you go $ 12 and one day and satisfying set up.

Now, the TV goes back downstairs to make a Chromebook to TV set up - downstairs

Saturday 19 August 2023

😷 never went away

 πŸ˜·  and is coming around again ...... ala Carly Simon

Covid 19 continues to be the major cause of hospital visits. The latest variants have yet to accomplish what the initial strains had, in terms of severity and spread.
In fact, experts are expecting a fall run w/ the latest mutant version.   It s name is a bunch of letters / numbers.
AND a further vaccine shot will be recommended. The newest vaccine is expected to at least offer partial reduction in symptom severity.

As well, we have decided NOT to sell our house

 to purchase tix to ' Taylor Swift, the ERAS Tour '. 

The singer, named after James Taylor, is due in T.O. 2024.

 TicketBastard is selling admissions for about the same cost as Virgin Galactic Trips to outer space.
[please note there appears to be exaggeration in this paragraph ]

As at now, I'm listening to Sinead O'Connor. NOT the U2 song but ....
" Sacrifice " by Elton John. The girl could sing. The song is on my  ' audio files ' on my Pixel 6a. 
Amazon s offering hundreds of thousands tunes on some service. Well, there 30 songs on the ' files ' list. Plenty, really.

As regular reader [ s ] know, the Dell Studio 17 inch laptop has outlived its usefulness in this house. We are a Chromebook outfit. And, I thought it was about time to re -jig, our computer set up.

Right now, I'm typing on the Dell 5190 Student model. The laptop is on a typing platform of a computer table. The dongle connects the Dell to a TV screen sitting on the upper level of the table. The TV is a 19 inch LG. This smaller TV was originally intended to be my exercise TV [ connected via WiFi ] to alleviate boredom or such.

Since, though a 40 inch TV is in the exercise room.

Thus, the hope is that the new set up will be more convenient and utilize the capabilities of the Chromebook. There is a wired mouse     [ the gaming mouse from Florida ]. Recall, the beauty of Chromebooks is the power of connectibility.     Plug in, a bunch of USB s, monitors or TV s and run multiple devices.

BTW, M .. has yet to see this re - jig. I think she has feared this day. It means learning new things re: the Chromebook.

However, so far, the set up is better than I thought. I was  pre - worrying how to place the components for convenience. The TV is on top of a dictionary [ for height ]. And natch, wires are all around the computer table. The HDMI cable, electrical plug for the TV, the plug for the Chromebook, mouse wire and the dongle to join them all.

We shall said the Zen Master !!!!

Beer wise. My latest trend is IPA s or India Pale Ales. These ales tend to be hazy [ not make you hazy, although that seems to happen, as well ]. Slightly bitter, fruit notes and strong. These ales run around 6 %.

Yesterday was RANSACK the UNIVERSE by Collective Arts
Today is ABSENT LANDLORD by Cowbell

By far, Landlord is the most likeable. What do you mean ? Likeable ?
Well, I'm testing. Win some and lose many
Landlord is a Kolsch ale w/ fruity notes. Still 6 %

Kolsch ?  info from the site : Buffalocal

Kolsch is a style of beer that was first brewed in Germany, and while technically it is an Ale, it also has some brewing traits typical of Lagers. That's because warm-fermenting ale yeast is used during the brewing of Kolsch, but then it is conditioned at a cold temperature like a lager.

means not much to me, You ?

I lied. I'm drinking Kolsch beers, it seems. 

The history of Indian Pale Ale dates to the height of the British Empire. Most beers could not w/stand the 3 month voyage to the Raj   [ the Br. name for India as ruled by Great Britain ].  IPA s aged in cask on the voyage. Now, it seems people like me drink it way sooner.

Ah, a summery warm day but things hot up over the next few days

Friday 18 August 2023

πŸ€¨ coming on the 18 of Augustus

 πŸ€¨ ..... the autumn leaves blow by my window .....

we got cool after a slashing bout of rain last night

this is ' fall time ' kind of cool

refreshing change

last night, I went for dinns w/ a school friend of 60 years. Yes, we met in Senior Public school. Reveal.
L ... is a consummate ' keep in touch ' guy. He drives the relationship. And he does this ' keep in touch ' effort across the board.
As a lawyer, he gets referrals and of course many are derived from school friends

L.. has done all our legal work since 19 78 or so.
I suggested ' Queen Victorias Pub ' approx 5 miles away from home.
A good selection of beer and the best pub food that I've seen outside of England.

L... agreed. AND that is something b/c he has seen many hospitality situations.

Thursday 17 August 2023

πŸƒ± I'm Hoping

 πŸƒ±  that if you are still counting - as in days of August etc. [ If you didn't remember then this is the 17 th ]

it means that you are alive and kicking
To wit, if you 're still complaining then the cavalry got there in time

yes, I'm moaning a bit. a little sore, knees to chest. I'm sure its the jumping off and on the boat. Oh, and just about everything else that I did at the Q'. Which really wasn't much.

The highlight was the fish and lunch. The movie du jour was the          ' Black Widow ' from Marvel or ' the Marvel Comic Universe ' - their name not mine. 

day is a little dull. but sun is peeking through

OK straight from the horse's mouth. 

" July the hottest month in NASA records. 
Overall, July 2023 was 0.43 degrees Fahrenheit (F) (0.24 degrees Celsius (C)) warmer than any other July in NASA’s record, and it was 2.1 F (1.18 C) warmer than the average July between 1951 and 1980. The primary focus of the GISS analysis are long-term temperature changes over many decades and centuries, and a fixed base period yields anomalies that are consistent over time. Temperature "normals" are defined by several decades or more - typically 30 years

BTW. GISS is the Goddard Institute for Space

well, if we are still complaining ..............

Wednesday 16 August 2023

λ°¨ passing the ides of August

 λ°¨  the back half of August coming at you

went fishing.
Long story. The boat has been balking on the start. This is over a two week period. last week, I said " No, don't tell me its a loose battery connection at the terminal [ yes, it happened before - say five years ago ]. Thus, I tightened the nut last week.

This morning, bango first crank, the engine hums to life. MAINTENANCE !!!!!!!


Caught a 4 lb er or so, largemouth. Plus, a mix of everything else. Rock bass, sunfish and perch.

I brought home fish dinner.

Tuesday 15 August 2023

πŸ›¬ coming at you

 ✈πŸ›¦πŸ›§πŸ›©πŸ›¬ on the 15 th of Augustus

we are crawling into the current age of living

today between 10 - 12 our food order arrives on our doorstep
M .. has not been able to get out for shopping
she wanted to do something to help w/ our chores

as it turns out .... going to SuperStore might have been faster

my fault, it seems
I insist on using a Virtual Private Network to alter our apparent location. VPN can be a second firewall vs intruders and scammers.
The VPN can be set to different server locations

Ah. Ours was set for the U.S. and the automated locator that the shopping service uses - had us in the vicinity of Buffalo, NYS.

Once, I had apologized and starting all over - we placed our order

a dull day out there 67 F as at now rising to 73

on the topic of modernity or electronics, we are now using 2 Chromebooks. These machines run Chrome OS [ totally proprietary for Chrome and Google ]. Both devices are 11 inch models.

The Dell 5190 is a student grade laptop. Spill proof, drop resistant and overall a rugged beast. Not powerful or loaded as laptops go these days. But as a surf and type machine suited to us.

#2 is Lenovo Duet from three years ago. The Duet part is a laptop w/ detachable keyboard for use as a tablet. 
the key feature was that this was the first Chromebook tablet that could actually run all of Chrome. The tablet version could run many apps at the same time.
of course, I seldom use the Duet as a laptop. The Duet plugs into a 15 inch TV and I type on a remote keyboard sitting on my lap. Also, I connect a wireless mouse to control the cursor

AND this connectivity was the hallmark of the Duet. In fact, " ChromeUnboxed " the video channel on YouTube - had 3 monitors connected in plus printer to see if the Duet could diversify

To wit. Both machines are running at 15 - 18 % memory capacity. 

And we have just about moth-balled the larger [ 17 in ] Dell that was originally Windows and transitioned to Chrome OS Flex. A much easier device to type on and see BUT failed to run the VPN for protection. Likely, there would be no problem w/out the VPN
BUT today, every little bit that you do to prevent internet fraud etc is important.

In fact, once at poker, I mentioned that we turn off our computers when not in use. Someone commented that that habit probably reduces the hack - a - bility of our computer by 7 - 10 times.

Access is key for hackers. The hacker needs an ' in ' to your computer.

Thus. Chrome OS which uses an outside main server [ not on the laptop ] is a comprehensive firewall. So, if your laptop is not turned on then there is limited access to your system. And for us .... theVPN is on top of that.

Oh, the VPN does slow response on the laptop. But we are not gaming and do not notice a lag on YouTube etc.

I need to add that we are trapped by Google. Our phones are Pixel 6a s
or Google devices. Trust me, Google has us pinned. All electronics are hooked into Google [ they call it synced ]
if Mr G wants to find us - well, we will be found.

"Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while

Heaven can wait, we're only watching the skiesHoping for the best but expecting the worstAre you gonna drop the bomb or not?
Let us die young or let us live foreverWe don't have the power but we never say neverSitting in a sandpit, life is a short tripThe music's for the sad men
Can you imagine when this race is wonTurn our golden faces into the sunPraising our leaders, we're getting in tuneThe music's played by the, the mad man
Forever youngI want to be forever youngDo you really want to live forever?Forever, and everForever youngI want to be forever youngDo you really want to live forever?Forever young
Some are like water, some are like the heatSome are a melody and some are the beatSooner or later, they all will be goneWhy don't they stay young?
It's so hard to get old without a causeI don't want to perish like a fading horseYouth's like diamonds in the sunAnd diamonds are forever
So many adventures couldn't happen todaySo many songs we forgot to playSo many dreams swinging out of the blueWe'll let 'em come true
Forever youngI want to be forever youngDo you really want to live forever?Forever, and everForever youngI want to be forever youngDo you really want to live forever?Forever, and ever
Forever youngI wanna be forever youngDo you really want to live forever? (Forever) " by  Bernhard Lloyd / Frank Mertens / Marian Gold

Monday 14 August 2023

πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚ approaching the Ides

πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚ of August which is not famous for much

sunny day [ rain last night cuz the ground looked wet
small chance of precipitation today and next

August 14 is the 226th day of the year (227th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar; 139 days remain until the end of the year.

start your Xmas shopping [ 132 days til Santa comes to town ]

actually, since Covid 19 arrived, our holiday planning has been pared down
laziness ? we didn't put up the big tree [ 6 ft ]
haven't [ gathered ? ] w/ others
and according to some epidemiologists, a new variant is due [ as has happened in Australia ? ] 
the variant is not aligned w/ previous Covid strains thus is not amenable to current vaccines

Sunday 13 August 2023

πŸ™Š : Gud'day

 πŸ™Š well, I'm 10 ft tall but I'm only 3 ft wide

Its just me Shenandora "

And as I look out on forever, well it must be nice down there

the weather from here : reasonable
sun is out and leaves seem fairly still
last night was fraught w/ rain in bursts

gutters had leaves and debris
worrying is the fact that some leaves had a milky dust coating
the neighbour noted three trees w/ dull looking leaves on her side
yes, leaves were coated dusty white when seen lying on the ground

Good news, well, yes

Anyone dubbed the world's strongest man might seem a little intimidating. But Mitchell Hooper, the first Canadian to ever capture it, wants to change that perception. [ from the CBC ]

the legend in Canadian strongman was Louis Cyr of Montreal [ nearby ] at the turn of the century - his moniker was ' never turned down a challenge '
however, he did not eat a cow a day [ a peristent rumour ]

Saturday 12 August 2023

πŸƒ¬ the 12 days of August


the beer of the day

Warka from Poland. Strong dark and 6.3 % [ c.f. w/ 5 % ]

" intense, rich full bodied taste, achieved by adding dark malt

πŸƒ¬   and this is post # 3837 

12 days of Christmas - not yet

a cloudy day, quiet and restful ????
of course, 

we were social, last evening and went next door for nibblies and such

we took bubbly to celebrate [ sparkling wine ] that was excellent

okay. the skies opened and the water fell
short but consequential rainfall

the beer of the day

yes, strong

but no lingering after taste [ pretty clean ]

Friday 11 August 2023

πŸƒ« πŸƒ« August 2023

 πŸƒ« ...... time keeps on slipping into the future ..... "
words of the day for August 11

is this a mondegreen or did I remember the actual lyric ???

day breaks w/ clean cool air and a big smiling sun
portends well for the day

a look see into workout data :

elapsed time 51:27 m

Avg heart rate over duration 124 BPM  [ in the aerobic zone for me ]

missing : soaking wet T shirt / headband plus soggy towel

as mentioned in prior posts, no site on Google has extolled the value of sweating other than cooling.
in fact, on the topic of ' cleansing - say pores ' no evidence exists

thus, I can say that I feel ' cleansed ' not that I am

the system of Heart Rate monitoring is from ' Wahoo ' company and Kickr which is a chest strap and relay device that works w/ my phone.
There is no option for ' elliptical ' work.
Wahoo sells activity specific hardware for rowing and running which can do lap splits and efficiency      

Thursday 10 August 2023

π’€Ž of August

π’€Ž  this is cuneiform digit - 10

so, welcome to the next 2 / 3 of August, 2023

a day that is humid and cloudy
just feels warm and damp

chores :
dropping off a bed full of cardboard refuse from the Q'

in a dumpster.  I could toss a whole whack of stuff thats been lying around.

What I've got is a bucket 1 / 2 full
" duh " thats it !!!!!!

How do spell ' excitement ' ? Costco !

No, but I went w/ A.. using his card

Grapes were $ 3 a pound [ I bought them ]
Bathroom tissue [ regular Costco price ] and my eye lid wipes for blepharitis treatment [ twice weekly ]

oh. that passes for excitement here

Wednesday 9 August 2023

㏨ August

   the ninth of August is here

a quiet day in the neighbourhood

the dentist inserted my new dental implant [ upper, left 3 from the back ]
OK, who's counting but thats # 3

a warm, slightly humid day

Tuesday 8 August 2023

㋉ Octovius Augustus

 or August 8

Went to the Q', caught 3 small bass
Wind was a big factor
Then it rained on me.

Oops ! what can you do

The day straightened out and little bursts of sun

Ah, the secret was getting away
however, the ETec 75 was really hesitant to start
running it was fine

THEN it hit me
once before, it seems that this had happened
solution : tighten the wing nut that secures the feed lines to the battery posts
Didn't try the ETec after that BUT .....
Oh, and the wing nut wasn't locked down [ I could finger turn it ]

We shall see said the Zen Master

Monday 7 August 2023

𒐩 Septimus Augustus

 π’© or August the 7 th

the day is opening as a gray curtain - slightly cool and damp

the emoji logo is cuneiform for 7

spots of sunshine, humid and breezy NOW, rain portends

I exercised [ 50 min or 6oo Cal ] no rowing machine [ resting my bum ]
for seniors 120 min is suggested [  light intensity ]
I average 119 BPM over the 50 min and the bulk of the workout is in the aerobic zone [ 85 - 90 % ]

Sunday 6 August 2023

πŸ“― slinking along into August

 post # 3831

πŸ“―πŸ“―πŸ“― something about 3 French Horns and a cartridge in a pear tree [ obviously another mondegreen ]

my instrument for 4 yrs in high school

a warm day and suitable for the month [ even optimal, considering the rest of the world - and nowadays the comparison is inevitable ]

Saturday 5 August 2023



mastodon welcomed me
invited me to post
and I did

my first post : the least followed, long ish blog is :

thus, I'm out there in another ether

a new name came to me via a program PBS style ' size, great and small ' centering on the universe

the ' great attractor ' that holds and draws the galaxies that we know

recall : the information said ' if you use Twitter or other social media
- mastodon is similar

Oops ! didn't know how to do Twitter, kinda thinking that I'l ahve a bit of trouble at mstdn. party
oh. thats my server or intro site to mstdn or the Fediverse

this is big ' ether ' stuff

this day : sunny, warm and moist out there
nothing bad 

Friday 4 August 2023

🧊 born on the 4 th of august

 πŸ§Š icecube

 born on the 4 th of august .... is not a song
one month late .... and George M. didn't write a song for it

icecube ?? well, its a reference to a substitute for " X " or Twitter
to compare
" X " has 350 million tweeters

' Mastodon ' or open source ' twitter ' has 6 million [ ??? ]

🧊 icecube is one host site that accesses Mastodon as an entry point.

I've tried open source before but didn't quite get comfortable with the protocol s 

but that was years ago

perhaps time to try once more

Did it !

I joined Mastodon social Fediverse [ thats the group name ]

Haven't even figured out how to start - sounds familiar

day got warmer and sunny hunid tho'

Thursday 3 August 2023

🐘 going the way

🐘 of a mastodon 

face the facts
this blog is my social media
only its not very social
i.e. nil interactions w/ others

blessing and curse

whats w/ the ' mastodon ' reference ?
in lieu of ' twitter or X ', there is ' Mastodon ' or the hub for many open source sites.
No corporate hangover here
advertisements = zero
less slick and familiar [ although for me, I only needed one feed on Lacrosse ]

comments went - if you're used to Twitter

weather is wet but should dry
moderate summer temperatures

Last week, bought M .. a stylus for her phone. She liked it but neither of us has used it in 5 days. My old stylus was akin to using a broomstick.

we need to face - how far were lagging behind in tech

P.S. πŸ˜ is the mascot for U of Alabama

 " just my dog and I at the end of the Universe

its been the longest journey and I've come through the dead of night

now, I know this may sound crazy but I think I got here first

the real lyrics - mondegreens again

Just my dog and I At the edge of the universe. Well, I didn't want to bring her And I know it'll make her worse. Now I look out on forever And it must be nice down there. And they call me Shenandora in the air. Well, I'm ten feet tall, But I'm only three feet wide. And I live inside an ocean that flows On the other side.

I'm just me, Shenandora, At the edge of the universe. I thought that I was going home, And all the way I kept on prayin'. I couldn't stop to turn around; Well, here I am and here I'm stayin'. Just my dog and I At the edge of the universe. Well, I didn't want to bring her And I know it'll make her worse. Now I look out on forever And it must be nice down there. And they call me Shenandora in the air. At the edge of the universe...

I looked up ' Shenandora and found

  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of Shenandora in Chaldean Numerology is: 2

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of Shenandora in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9

  3. or ' Shneandora ' is wanderer by inference

by the way this is  BeeGees music by the BrothersGibb

a humid afternoon, that rates as excellent
it is summer - it is Toronto - we will suffer and smile

no rain but threatenings

Wednesday 2 August 2023

Ϋ² of Augustus

 Ϋ² of the eighth month in the year of Our Lord MMXXIII

more to follow

as you get older, as I consider the next five years
why 5 years
its a window or slot
thus, you need to care about the environment around you

but not the world, the big globe [ think globally, act locally ]
the home, 

1. let the sun in
2. try new things
3. fight the good fight

Tuesday 1 August 2023

ΚΉ Augustus Prime

 ΚΉ not to be confused w/ ' Optimus Prime ', leader of the autobots


Optimus Orange, erstwhile commander of the gummi bears

At the Q' [ or Quarter Mile House ] we were spreading gravel mix on the driveways. To even out the surface, a rake was needed. But the head fell off or slid out [ broken bolt ] 
I went to the tool room for a nail or replacement bolt. Nope. Finally, cut a coat hangar into a suitable size piece. Bent the coat-hangar strand to shape and a little duct tape [ to cover the exposed metal ]. Yes. A working rake. Ugly !!!
but working

See, I can repair things - sort of

Note : there is no Optimus Orange. I made that up. However, orange is my favourite gummi bear 

Weather is suitable for August. Wetter, of course, but cool for a Southern Ontario summer.

Follow up. I purchased a ceiling fan / LED light. This was reported at least a week ago. Never one to let success go unrewarded - I bought LED wireless bedside sconce lights. These LED lighting systems have  variable colour and brightness etc. The actual light source, call it, the light head, is magnetically attached to the pedestal base. The pedestal base is glued w/ sticky double sided tape or screwed into the wall.
My variation was to use the existing brass - gold base plate for our previous corded, necked sconce lights. I stickied the new base pedestal to the old brass plate. And popped the light head on.

Glitch. The remote for the sconce LED can also turn on the overhead LED. But so far, the sconce remote doesn't turn the ceiling light ' off '.

Luckily, the light head has a push button for - on, change light colour and then off. Thus, you could reach up, pluck the light head from the pedestal, push the button for ' light on ' and then replace the light head. No remote needed

M is not as enthused w/ the addition or my enthusiasm for the change. Apparently, I do these sudden miraculous switchouts, all the time. Bear in mind, ' sudden ' is a loaded word. Those original sconce bedside lights are 25 years old [ give or take ] and have required mending at least three times.

The downside might be, that almost everything e.g. cell phones, laptops [ 3 ], Kindle, remote speakers, eye mask for warming my eyelids [ medical necessity ] and now the sconce lights, need recharging [ oops ! forgot the mouse for laptops and earbuds ]