Tuesday 1 August 2023

ʹ Augustus Prime

 ʹ not to be confused w/ ' Optimus Prime ', leader of the autobots


Optimus Orange, erstwhile commander of the gummi bears

At the Q' [ or Quarter Mile House ] we were spreading gravel mix on the driveways. To even out the surface, a rake was needed. But the head fell off or slid out [ broken bolt ] 
I went to the tool room for a nail or replacement bolt. Nope. Finally, cut a coat hangar into a suitable size piece. Bent the coat-hangar strand to shape and a little duct tape [ to cover the exposed metal ]. Yes. A working rake. Ugly !!!
but working

See, I can repair things - sort of

Note : there is no Optimus Orange. I made that up. However, orange is my favourite gummi bear 

Weather is suitable for August. Wetter, of course, but cool for a Southern Ontario summer.

Follow up. I purchased a ceiling fan / LED light. This was reported at least a week ago. Never one to let success go unrewarded - I bought LED wireless bedside sconce lights. These LED lighting systems have  variable colour and brightness etc. The actual light source, call it, the light head, is magnetically attached to the pedestal base. The pedestal base is glued w/ sticky double sided tape or screwed into the wall.
My variation was to use the existing brass - gold base plate for our previous corded, necked sconce lights. I stickied the new base pedestal to the old brass plate. And popped the light head on.

Glitch. The remote for the sconce LED can also turn on the overhead LED. But so far, the sconce remote doesn't turn the ceiling light ' off '.

Luckily, the light head has a push button for - on, change light colour and then off. Thus, you could reach up, pluck the light head from the pedestal, push the button for ' light on ' and then replace the light head. No remote needed

M is not as enthused w/ the addition or my enthusiasm for the change. Apparently, I do these sudden miraculous switchouts, all the time. Bear in mind, ' sudden ' is a loaded word. Those original sconce bedside lights are 25 years old [ give or take ] and have required mending at least three times.

The downside might be, that almost everything e.g. cell phones, laptops [ 3 ], Kindle, remote speakers, eye mask for warming my eyelids [ medical necessity ] and now the sconce lights, need recharging [ oops ! forgot the mouse for laptops and earbuds ]

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