Tuesday 31 October 2017

Looking into the Future

for weather signs

Always interested in how the predictions play out when they forecast weeks in advance
At one site , if I type in a city , the forecast gives temperature , wind and probability of rain , three weeks out

I'm interpreting this modelling , as wetter than usual ( NO 6 - 12 )
followed by fairly seasonal
leaning toward mild

First few days of November looking quite cold with some snow for the Prairies!

Monday 30 October 2017

And In Between

comes the sun

Roaring winds last night, and I swear an animal was trying to get into the house , as well.
Things that go bump in the night , you say.

Yes , the sun is out and beaming
Rain to follow , this afternoon
and for the week

Sunday 29 October 2017

Found !

on line Sudoku

As an app , there is an offer of Mah jong and even Sudoku.
The on line Sudoku lights up the number that your working on.
The highlighting makes it easier to see the patterns.
However , it still takes me anywhere from 7 to 20 minutes to solve a puzzle.


Well , this photo was taken last night. I stood on the road outside our house and photographed the view from the street. This view represents the effect of the rope LED s in the sidelight windows of the French door entrance.
What is not evident is the pool of light that spreads out on the front apron , providing a security / aesthetic feel to the front.

And the scene in the hall , at night , for us.

As well , there is an added glow from the rope LED on the left side , installed last night - having moved from outside the house to inside ( as the right side )

Saturday 28 October 2017



Gambling can be addictive

For a short while.
Last night , I played the on line slots from our fav casino.
I was determined to get ' bat splat ' or a bat flattened against the screen for BONUS spins !

I am tired this morning. Thus , promising that I won't do that again

Rain and rain and rain for the next week.
The timing is good. The water will soak into the ground and prep our trees for winter. In point of fact , I was set th water the tree in our front yard  ,over a period of several days , for winter prep.

Friday 27 October 2017

Friday and Me

and I've been warned , the Weather Network has given me 3 h to get out and do rain free things. Then .............
4 days of ' off / on ' moisture.

The jury is out on the rope LED sidelights. When you go cheap ( or cheaper ) , some finagling is required. To wit , the stringer is 16 ft which means a bit left - over. The solution is to curl the lights at the top into a circle or loop. The loop symbolizes ...... ? , well , I may have to work on the story.

On the bright side , Ha Ha , the hall ' pops ' w/ light at dark. The photocell controls the rope LED. The original LED s were to be 60 button lights instead the stringer ( 16 ft ) is 80 mega button lights.
Twice the light at least.

Oh , well , the world has bigger problems.

Keep your powder dry

And this afternoon , I put up the rest of the rope LED on the outside of the other sidelight. There may have been a problem running the electrical connection across the transom or bottom of the door. There is an outside receptacle for the porch on that side and that makes it easy to plug in the rope LED , over there.
I did not do the symmetry thing < make both sides look the same >
instead I outlined the whole door assembly as far as the rope LED would reach.
Hopefully , for the present and near future , onlookers might think that the lights are pre - Halloween or pre - Christmas.

Thursday 26 October 2017

Robot Bees

Insect-sized robot can go from air to water and back again

At just 175 milligrams, the 'Robobee' is inspired by nature and could be used in the future for search and rescue, monitoring water quality and tracking insects

In your dreams is the expression and here's your worst nightmare.

Wait til the military gets hold of this

Weather is cold and dreary
Rain in buckets on the way , starting Sat for 5 days

Wednesday 25 October 2017


or how to deal w/ problems

In the made for TV series ' Noble House ' based on the books of James Clavell , Ian Dunross explains how he can deal w/ momentous decisions. Each problem gets its own compartment and you bring it out when the time is right to deal w/ that specific problem.
Nope , I can't / don't do it.
Unfortuantely , Ian Dunross is correct.

And you have experienced the same result yourself.

For example , on selling my Dad's house , a yard sale accompanied by a call to 1 - 800 got junk accomplished almost all our goals.
Ah , but the garage !  A place w/ only room to walk from front to back. I worried for 3 days about how long and how to clear it out before the hand over of the house.
No solution. I confessed to my father that I couldn't see a way to get the job done.
Dad goes ' leave it w/ me '.
Fifteen minutes later , Dad comes back.
and says ' I paid the new owner $ 200 and he'll deal w/ the garage '
Never thought of that or that amount.

The purchaser of the house was a neighbour and had worked for dad previously. So , Dad went over and talked to the neighbour.

The day is dull and damp. We record 52 F outside.

Segue , to explain the story above , re: compartmentalizing.
Well , now that the boat is asleep , I am much relieved. The next little while can be devoted to little jobs. You see , I'm good at little jobs.
To wit , last night , all the fishing equipment that I lugged home got sorted. All the little bits were put back in their places and tools de -rusted and cleaned.
Fishing rods and reels need to be checked and stored properly.
As well , one group of tackle elements , namely jigs and small bullet weights , are not organized.
I left these things for last b/c I may need them in the coming months.

And in the sidelight windows for the French doors at the front of 
the house , I am trying out ' rope LED 'lights as used for Xmas decorating of a house. 
Right now a blinking imitation of the ' Las Vegas Welcome ' sign is the welcome light.
The rope lights go around the sdielight frame and are 10 x brighter than the LV sign and very obvious - ah , maybe too obvious.
Cost wise , there are LED step lights available for $ 75 a stringer.
I'd need 2 or 160 dollars.
The rope lights were on sale for 1/2 price or $24 for 2.
the cheapness keeps me in !

notice the common themes in this blog ?

A garage light was not functioning. Tried different bulbs
I went up there and checked the receptacle turns w/ the bulb - as in the copper fitting for the bulb is detached.
I waited 3 weeks , to - day , took apart the fixture and replaced the offending part.
ah , there was ( more ) light. The garage is lit by 2 LED lamps for utility purposes

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Whats in a Day

The boat went to sleep yesterday.
We fished for several hours in sun and rising breeze

Come back to the dock and in 4 minutes winterized the engine
it does all the work
Brought the boat up on the railway and took a load of fishing gear to the truck
Returned w/ gear oil changing equipment and un screwed the plug
the oil poured out ( temperature close to 70 F ).
we went for lunch and a beer
Came back and re - filled the lower gear case ( 6 minutes )
We finished carrying all the boat essentials ( lifejackets etc )
We covered the boat and laid down mouse poison

All done !

This winterizing was the best ever b/c I had help and the weather was ideal.
I've done this procedure in 42 F temperatures and does it take a long time

I'm still tired , to - day

Sunday 22 October 2017

Auguring the Omens

thats what they would have called it , centuries ago

From the maps , yesterday ala Brett Anderson , we are expecting warmer than usual temperatures , as the Jet strean seems to stay well above the 49 th parallel.

In succession we can see wetter
followed by mostly wet
and subsequent mild conditions

Jobs au jour. I made a trip to Canadian Tire which is a combination auto store and who knows. I mean that I got LED light bulbs on sale as well as mouse poison ( for the boat as it goes through winter ). The government is offering 80% off if you buy certain LED bulbs. This week is the second in which I've bought 10 - 12 packs of LED bulbs.

I re - rigged the ' from the ground ' gutter cleaner. I managed the first floor by myself and next door helped w/ the second story.
Next door goes up on the roof to do his gutters. I'm not allowed to go up on the roof. M is very strict about that.
I used the vacuum hose extended nozzle system to get to the second story.
Next door is taller and stronger than me , thus he had no trouble using the long apparatus to do the upper gutters.

Saturday 21 October 2017

Long Range for Norte Americano

courtesy of Brett Anderson at Accuweather

The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of AccuWeather, Inc. or 

60 F To Begin the Day

w/ a big sun , up there

Brekkies in front of the boob - tube
Coffee  , toast ( 4 g of fibre / slice ) , strawberry jam and strawberries.

Let the day begin - I mean jobs to do
See , its starts w/ the best of intentions
Let's hope there is some resolve behind the intentions

On the personal front , I'm up in weight. The creep upward has been gradual but relentless.
I've developed an impingement in the right rotator cuff. Physio was more to be sure that I wasn't having a heart attack etc.

I'm supposing its very common - many people have stories or advice < mostly advice )
I'm still pursuing my work out regimen. I'll miss , maybe , three work outs.

The To - Done List or what got done to - day.
I cleaned the sill of the crank out windows in the workroom. As well , I used Mr Clean to wipe down the windows ( outside ).
I re - caulked or over - caulked an aluminum shield on the front bedroom windows.
I touched up the Subaru b/c of many scratches and door dings.

The workroom window doesn't get used much but the view was always some shade of grey. Now the windows are clear. This clarity means tht you can definitely see the brick wall of the neighbours basement.

The sill appeared to have things growing on it. Now , it looks normal

Friday 20 October 2017

The cycle of fishing

is turning to winterizing

Next week , the boat is fogged and the lower gear case oil is changed.
The boat then hibernates for 6 months

Wind is gone , day is sunny w/ blue skies overhead.

The story goes like this :
hauled the deck umbrella home before close out at the QMH
and set the sucker up on the deck , here

Took down the umbrella to - day and stored it in the garage
having never been  used here

real good thinking , right !

Thursday 19 October 2017

The wind , They Call Mariah

do they call the big wind  --- Gale

Gale force was the description on the 'bee , to - day.

Bright sun and patchy sky , hardly any bites

1 bass for me and it was Mr Big for the day

Wednesday 18 October 2017

The OC 18 Report

you shouldn't expect much w/ a title like that

And you were right

Another Gr 13 classmate passed a week ago. Same birth year , 6 months apart from me. The bell is starting to chime

The day was a beaut , warm b/c of a southerly flow but starting to gust now
Warm overnight as well.

Tuesday 17 October 2017


is lifting

and I'm almost awake

Good Morning and have a great day

Fog is gone
Sun popped out w/ blue sky dots of fluffy white
Fall colours on the way.

Sensationalized TV ? not new. However , I'm watching ' What on Earth ! ' on the National Geographic Channel. In essence , I'm watching the TV version of ' tabloid news '.
To wit , large mounds in S. America , rise out of the  wet lowlands
East of the Andes.
farming of ancient civilizations ?
extra - terrestials ?
No , the castings of 5 ft long earthworms.
Really !

I guess that I've sunk to new lows in TV selection

Monday 16 October 2017

Fall Turn over

is a term used for lakes that have the water mass shift on the basis of temperatures

But yesterday a cold front swept through , bringing powerful winds and driving the rain sideways. Trees were toppled and power outages occurred.
There is a chill in the year. Yes , fall turn over , by my accounting.
no more , Mr Nice Guy
its for real

Fall , time of fattening ( I got that covered ) and prepping for a long cold winter. Yech !

Sunday 15 October 2017

Rain for the flowers

thats how I'm looking at it

Damp and rainy , however , the temperature is moderate
To - day , for example could get sticky w/ temp and humidity

On Netflix , I've watched ' Frontier ' the Hudsons Day company vs the world.
' the Man from Uncle ' was a loser for sure

Actually , a viewing event here in the house , is ' search for the movie '. It seems that finding a decent flick is on a par w/ watching the thing.

Saturday 14 October 2017

Shaken Faith

the topic on ' FreshAir ' , the week end morning show on CBC

No buds , last night , slept alone as it were. However , this AM , early , popped the buds in to listen to FA as I woke.

And Innava , the host ,said that she was asking ' have you had your faith shaken ? "

Weather : is cool , damp and I'm fairly sure it rained last night.

Bats in the attic ? Maybe , not quite bats yet , for the last 4 mornings , off and on, there has been a scratching sound from the 
eaves ( we hope , otherwise its in the crawl space ).

And a fellow that I met in Fla , last year , he is a published author
We Facebook back and forth ( he is English ).

Friday 13 October 2017

I've Met

yes , people that I've met

Christopher Columbus , at work , in my first job not hired by family. 

Segue into the weather

Cool , damp and not much hope for 2 - 3 days

Thursday 12 October 2017

The Rain Cometh

and stayeth

Netflix had ' Altamira ' or the story of the first cave paintings deemed paleolithic.
Darwin has published but the Church holds sway in Spain.
From wonder and building excitement to a bitter downfall , a man and his daughter are featured as the story unfolds.
The ultimate pole axing comes from a renowned expert in the field of anthropology. A clash of egos and theories results in condemnation.
But in 20 yrs , when cave paintings are found and dated in France , vindication comes for the family but too late for the hero.
Now haled as a magnificent testimony to man's ability and accomplishment ( even in the end of the ice age ) , the Altamira cave art is still stunning

Weather : If to - day were a fish , I would have tossed it back

Actually , stayed do - able , still kinda raw

Wednesday 11 October 2017

I Guess Thats Why

they call it the blues ... from the pen of Elton John

segue into nostalgia
a pizza parlour after hockey
we are having beers and listening to the juke box
someone played ' Your Song ' EJ
I loved it
jumped up w/ a dollar and pressed K5 or whatever
Your Song played something like 8 times in  a row

And I still do that re - play thing. M was flabbergasted to hear a tape that I made in which ' Send in the Clowns ' is back to back to back to back as performed by various artists.
a comparison and homage
however she was trapped on a long road trip and we were bored

Weather : damp looking and cool ( 55 F )

Reprise : she wants it warmer
the outside temperature hasn't budged from 55 F
I say put on the space heater for the living room
as were only in one room sitting
everywhere else we are moving

It all worked out. The living room got 70 . something - the marriage is safe

listening to ' My One and Only Love ' Mellin and Wood
trumpet , Chris Botti , singer Paula Cole

yes , this was yesterday as well

back to back : and we have Paul Bollenback and Ron Affif
doing a guitar duet of MO&OL

I'm not so despondent , this morning , well

Tuesday 10 October 2017

a Normal Mess

we got our house back. All things ship shape and Bristol fashion

Weather : cool and cloudy

I've told approx a dozen people about the conversion of the baby laptop from Windows 10 to Chrome OS. The main consensus ' ho hum ' 
I'm so proud of finding and installing Chrome OS
and how much better the speed 
and I go unappreciated in the world

Life seems fairly normal at that

Monday 9 October 2017

Out of Chaos

-> comes our house

9 of us for dinner and the subsequent mound of cleaning up.
I got a start , last night and continued a bit this morning.

I think that I can live w/  a little disarray but it needs to be organized. If the dirty stuff is in one place and there is a space to work then I'llsit down and consider.

We are at that point. Items need to be returned into cupboards or taken downstairs.
The good part is the choice of breakfast items. Left - overs.
Neat , my fav

Weather : damp , we got dumped on last night , by the remains of Himmicane Nate. Headed for 70 w/ humidity and clearing by to - night

Sunday 8 October 2017

Canadian Thanksgiving

this week end

The cousins come over - 2 , a brother and sister , we grew up to - gether , visiting back and forth. We had cottages on the same road.

And the wife and 5 second cousins. 

Weather : ov/cast , dampish and a breeze blowing. The temperature is something like 70 give or take

Saturday 7 October 2017

Not as the Jongleurs

tell it

The reference is to a quote about love as explained to a young girl in one of my reads. Basically , there is romantic love that singers and poets dollify up - and of course , the reality whatever it is , so different.

Thus , I was thinking of the old cliche ' work hard and try ' or
 ' stay in school , b/c no one will ever hire you w/out an education '
then the scads of young people who obeyed the rules , now , looking for jobs 
and getting part time or
contract work

I'm listening to ' My One and Only Love ' written by Wood / Mellin
as played by YoYo Ma and Joshua Redmond
again , 10 000 hits and a 10 million mega watt rendition
Same old Same Old 
thats me , 10 000 out of 10 million

The weather is a mixed bag : sun , drear and wind
The temperature is to hit 70 +

They didn't lie. We still had the heat on , our temperature indoors was / is 75 F but 71 F outside ,  thus windows open 
cooling down , mayhaps

The house , here , was involved in the ' bake the turkey - the - day - before routine '.
Bake / cool down  / slice , then cover  the meat 
to - morrow , we are hosting
warm the meat up in a closed container w/ chicken broth
til hot enough to eat
 This process cuts down on hassle the day of
well , you couldn't prove it by us
Nutso ! to - day

Friday 6 October 2017

Fri OC 6

brilliant title

Woke up , kinda

Good Morning , to overcast and despondent day
in English Lit , this was called sympathetic ................. (?) when the day mirrors the mode

Reflecting on fishing. The day was partly cloudy , thank goodness
b/c I have discovered that I do not do well in the sun. 
For old man fishing , the guys let me come in around noon and I get a nap. AND hide from the sun
Past experience , w/ sun exposure tells me that consecutive days out in the sun results in a badly off fisherman.
I can actually , feel my skin radiate heat -
in fact , I've taken to using Aloe Solarcaine skin gel , for sunburn relief and moisturizing, right after fishing

Did you know some YouTube videos have 230 million hits.
I'm listening to Paul Bollenback and Ron Affif play ' My One and Only Love ' by Mellin / Wood. Utterly sublime... I come back to it - well , whenever !
#of hits 1998 and I'm 50 of them

And , so typical of my life
my favourites are always 2000 out of 230  million


Thursday 5 October 2017

Yes , We Went Fishing

in lieu of travelling far away to fish

same old , same old
We went to my old cottage for 2 nights
We down graded from a trip over the border and South to , up north and over a bit.
We got very little
Thurs was supposed to be the grand finale. the boys did well on Lovesick L. and the return was to be glorious
We struck out
Our neighbour at the cottage said ' thats why its called fishing and not catching  '
so appropos

Weather co - operated. Windy and cool w/ mostly sun.
Scenery was majestic
or wilderness on parade

Good any way

Monday 2 October 2017

Sunday 1 October 2017

How Do Stones Sleep ?

well , I tired my imitation , last night

Hi D.C.

A regrettable day
not my first choice of words
