Sunday 31 July 2022

' Sunny Days ...

 everything seems OK '

I slept through til 7:20 AM and actually missed a schduled pain meds time.
I felt a very slight pain in the surgical area but minor.
I took pain meds anyway b/c the ibuprofen and acetominophen will help w/ the swelling. And my orders are ' don't let the pain take hold ' , be proactive. Gotcha !

Thus, the situation seems to be progressing quite satisfactorily.
We shall see said the Zen Master.

This morning is weekly weigh in. And we will discover if leaving out a whack of carbs and meats makes a difference. Plus, what does daily     ' Cream First ' do in that regard- also.

Here is the long range from Brett Anderson at Accuweather for into August

Aug 4 - 10 southern Great Lakes basin, South to Virginia                          border, hot and dry. This heat shifts from the Plains going East

Aug 11 - 17 seems normal summer pattern for all Great                             Lakes basin

Aug 18 - 24 seems like a normal summer pattern for all                              of Great Lakes

Oop ! we are going get a dose of severe heat beginning Aug 4 or so

Well, no change in weight - up or down. Crikey ! Fatty for life

Sunday, is Giant Tiger day. I managed to spend $ 50. In my defence,  $ 18 was toilet paper that fits the upstairs dispenser.  Many of the rolls that we now have are too fat. Thus, I bought 36 that fit.

She called. Yes, the dentist phoned to ask how things were going. Recall its the long weekend and the office is closed Monday. Kinda neat that she called though. Thanks, Ms Dentist

Saturday 30 July 2022

So Far

 so good.

Despite some small set backs, i.e. overlong oozing of blood, recovery is proceeding as per information sheet from Dentist.
The ' Cream First ' ice cream is a sin, for sure. 

According to instructions, a slightly more normal diet can begin for lunch today. I'm still working out what that would be. ??? hmmm ?

On YouTube, Dr. Diet [ ? ], commented on a study that showed lower glycemic blood levels if white bread was frozen and then toasted. The values were 30 % and more lower.
OK. Foods can be measured by how much that they raise blood sugar [ glycemic index ]. Foods w/ lower glycemic numbers are healthier for your body. Low glycemic index numbers mean less strain on liver, kidneys and excretory systems. Better for you -
BTW, whole grain bread is a better starting point and sprouted breads even better.

Now, white bread ! The study wanted to address the issue of children favouring white over brown / grain etc breads. Thus, a family can have white bread for kids and reduce some of the harm from ' white ' nothing which is a alias for white bread.

This weekend is a holiday here in Canada. The city empties out and parks get full - we stay home. I'm not sure how I would enjoy being out. The focus of my life is hoping that my mouth heals.
Oh, guess that I should have said [ or did ]. Once the site of the two implants heals over - the wait is 6 months for the implant to settle and tissue to grow over and under the site.

While, resting or recovering from the trauma, I watched 2 movies that we own.

" Prometheus " or how ' Alien ' began. The exploration ship, Prometheus, heads out some light years to a supposed home of the        ' engineers '. Research by 2 scientists, finds a common pictograph spread among divergent cultures, centuries and vast distances apart on earth. The star formation and symbolic pointing figure - say ' come ! '
They do. The film stars Noomi Rapace [ a real babe ]. This sci fi adventure is directed by Ridley Scott.

" Moonlight Mile " is a segment of time frozen by the death of a young woman. The mother and father try to re - jig their lives while hosting the fiance who has come to the daughter's home town. Quite an ensemble cast, Susan Sarandon, Dustin Hoffman, Jake Gyllenhaal and Ellen Pompeo plus Holly Hunter. I never hear this film mentioned as a ' must see ' item
Its a ' must see '. Oh, be warned. There are no machine guns and RPG s or giuded missiles. There is smoking and drinking [ mostly, in moderation ].

Friday 29 July 2022

' There Will Be Blood "

 a Daniel Day Lewis, movie

and here as well. Alright. The recovery goes on. The diet is soft and cold. Chopped boil egg, potato salad and black olives - a treat. Followed by ice cream. Bonus. Plus yoghurt, whenever

I'm still absorbing blood ooze on the gauze - 24 h window, ' there will be blood ' However, there is discomfort and pain is dull to absent. Swelling seems under control. The jaw aches tho ' on moving to eat.

The day passed by w/ no untoward events. Blood on gauze pad, much less, really a trickle. A little swollen, maybe, and jaw is stiff and sore on opening wide [ not a good idea, right now ]

However, survival seems a certainty, now, TG !

Toast and tomato for dinner. A small amout, followed by yoghurt and pudding - a colourful mix. Bad part. I need to rinse carefully w/ Peridex [ actually, Mr Clean, in a diffeent bottle, I'm sure ]. Wait an hour and then brush BUT no spitting - I guess it dribbles out. Should be fun.

Oh, for pain relief - two beers. Wasn't driving or doing much. The beer was cold [ see ] and relaxing

Thursday 28 July 2022

Overcast in the Park

 This is post # 3460

Implant Thursday. The upshot is, that this is no more painful or disruptive than getting a filling or ..... death. Of course, to cover their heinies, the warnings include excessive bleeding etc. etc etc.

Ouch ! Is today's byword.

After the surgery, the story.

Alright, I'm swollen and puffy. Discomfort not pain 

But Dr said, pain is coming - " take your meds !!!! "

Dr had to refreeze my mouth during the 2 hrs, I could start to feel the grinding - all was more than tolerable

Cold and soft is the regimen for days. Yoghurt here we come. And I bought 2L at Costco 

Let there be gin..... massive amounts. I'll be fine

Realizing. Instead of one hole to plug - there were two holes. One was a tooth extraction and implant and the other an implant. The X ray looks like a warped board [ jaw bone ] w/ two screw anchors [ like in woodwork ]. 
So. The bleeding stops in 20 hrs [ we hope ].
Pain persists for 3 days [ we hope ]
No hot food for 72 hrs. My diet is yoghurt, jello etc.

Can this boy get through 2L of yoghurt.

Talk about a diet ! Whoa, kickstart some weight loss action.

The upside - ice cream. Yes.

Betcha that I don't lose a #. We are talking real ice cream, called           ' Cream First ' got the picture !

Note: 10:30 P and I still am ' oozing ' a little blood.

Goodnight, we hope 

Wednesday 27 July 2022

Bad News

to some

Good news to the other guy [ mainly her, the dentist ]

An ' appliance ' failure. Polite way of saying a crown and root canal failed.
Yes, after 16 years, a tooth has given up the ghost. Painfully.
The upshot is a dental implant. Expensive but a viable option.
The alternative was a removable denture. IF you are saying ' Eek ' join the club.

I'm voting implant. Actually, 2. These are the last 2 teeth upper right.  The denture would be crap w/ a capital C

If I do not catch another bass this season then 07 - 11 will be the last
its looking that way. 
Maybe, I missed one yesterday BUT I cannot swear to it. The drag was loose and there was a fish there

Crikey, ' maybe maybe - coulda woulda shoulda ' excuses

Alright 07 11 was a great day

Following up from above. These are the last 2 teeth upper right. Very problematic to replace only one. The gap would be large c.f. the bottom teeth. Thus, 2 is the ticket. 

Tuesday 26 July 2022

" Muddville " the poem

 comes to life on the 'bee

They call it ' fishless ' Tuesday. Apparently, this is a tradition, in the area.
I wished they'd had let me know. I couldn't break the rules

Yes, nothing !!!!

Great day, cloudy as needed and windyy for comfort. Eek !

No fish

Monday 25 July 2022

A Sunny Day - Post rain

 and drying out. We get seasonal normal for 5 days. Humidity down w/ full sun. And I'm fishing tomorrow.

Sadly, the fishing friends were at a vacation cottage and caught more bass in the week than I have since season opened for bass.

There is still time to make a comeback.

Again. On YouTube, my rotator cuff injury is very common and loads of videos are promising speedy and easy recovery.
Self massage [ not my favourite ], stretches and  preventative steps. I even tried using the masage chair w/ mixed results. 
The chair was never meant for shoulders or upper arms. Thus, I need to contort myself to hit the right spot [ insertion point of the tendon ].

The best part is understanding what physio laddy has veen trying to do.

From Brett Anderson at Accuweather, an update on July weather:

Farther north in Canada, it looks like a fairly strong west to east flow of air will be dominant during July, which will reduce the risk of long-lasting heat waves and dry spells, as systems will move through every few days with opportunities for some rainfall or cooler, less humid conditions.

I always want to verify or check, the prognostications vs what really happens weather wise. I'd say, Brett was pretty much on the money.

Well, troops, I met w/ the Bank Rep and  moved some funds around. I shopped at the Dollar Store to buy plastic fencing for the wildflowers. Does it make sense to put a fence aorund the wild floweers ? The ' wildies ' needed some boundary - growing all over.
At Metro, I bought the makings of a picnic lunch for home. Shaved ham and beef. Rolls of 2 kinds, nachos and salads. Not cheap. But they set the mood. Inda of a laidback meal. No cooking. Kitchen stays cool.

Sunday 24 July 2022

Not Much Different

6:30 AM and fell back to sleep

This is a rain day. Various chances all day but rain 

The Wildflowers in action on a soggy day.

Minimal rain, actually. Still very humid. And tmeperature is rising.

Yes. The wildflowers have found their stride. There are bloom all up and down the row. There are yellows, whites, pimks and blue plus the variegated ones. Jolly alright, that

Saturday 23 July 2022

So, Up at 6 AM

coffee and typing

Seems pretty much, as before. Can't get back to sleep. 

Follow up. I am trying to ID the wildflowers. So far, there are cornflowers, asters [ 2 varieties ] and Glyphos. 

A heat alert is a warning for today. And humidity will be a factor.

And I just re - awoke - seems that I could sleep after all.

Yes, officially a smoker of a day. Reports say, take care to watch for signs of heat related trouble.

On a hot day, it s got to be takeout for lunch / find. Thus, Little Caesars it was. Our fav, Deep dish Canadian.

All meat, scattered on a dough bed

plus some grease, natch'.


Rotator cuff, re - visited. I've been icing as per instructions from the physio lady. Today, on YouTube, I looked up self massage for the supraspinatus [ my problem, we think ]. Interesting. Lots of people must ahve this problem. 
This physio guy teaches how to locate the insertion of the supra tendon. My problem area. 

Crikey. I've been icing the wrong position - based on the guy. However, the YT guy talked about a snesitive spot on the tendon and where I've been icing is. BUT the new place that he sugggests is tender as well.

Friday 22 July 2022

the Ice ( ing ) Man

 Cometh. Yes. Phys lady had at me last night.

Thus, ice pack sitting on my upper arm  Apparently, Phys lady and I agree on ice vs heat.

1 icing can more effectively bring circulation

2 icing brings down swelling and will not harm the healing process

3 if icing works then you'll know right away ( Phys Dr a long time ago ) and keep doing it.

The Wildflowers went ' wild '  Please note there are no plastic flowers, anymore .

Very pleased.

Butterflies 🦋 please arrive 😍 

Calling All Pollinators !!


Everything above was done on my phone. I didn't say ' cell phone ' b/c what else could it be ???
Well, is it better. I dunno. Typing is harder.

Jm on Tues. had no trouble [ maybe ] sitting in the boat typing. He uses his thumbs - while I'm hunt and peck w/ one finger. 
However, gettting photos in the blog is slightly easier. Previously, I would take the picture and thenemail myself to download onto the Google Docs or Files. W/ the phone its ' select ' photo and load.

Betcha there is an even easier way to do this. 

To be fair. I'm supposed to ' download ' straight to Google Drive but maybe thats only the laptops [ both Chromebooks ]. And I suppose that I could get the phone to download right to Google Drive.
So far, just a mystery !
The mystery of the computer. 

BTW, there is this pop up window sometimes that indicates how to ' one finger navigate ' OMG
Two fingers is hard enough. I still rely on a mouse to use the Chromebooks.
I just chuckle when someone demonstrates a ' shortcut ' for the Chromebook ' I have a screenshot of the ' shortcuts ' for a Chromebook keyboard. The bloody thing is a page. [ control, x blah blah ] to shrink the photo or switch to something

??????? OMG
Oh, the best was  ' how to cut and paste ' using ' control and letters '. I guess someone gets it
Not me.

Thursday 21 July 2022

Achieving Normalcy

apparently, the H / H blanket that had us for several days is leaving.
We still get some rain

but temperatures are reputed to be in summer range of values
Well, the A/C keeps chugging along.

And we run a fan aimed over the stairwell. The theory is that the flow of air will keep the cooler air from ' sinking ' down the stairwell. If this is true ......
then maybe I can stop one or two cycles of the A/C system per day.

if not true,
at the very least the temperature in the living room is approx 0.5 to 1 degree cooler w/ the box fan ' on '. W/ fan, the living room is comfortable and not a ' clingy ' kind of warm.

Oh, and low volt fans are running in my bathroom and downstairs hall.
My bathroom was never connected to the central air ducts.

The house came w/ an electric baseboard heater for my bathroom and a ceiling sucking out fan. Nuts !
Instead, I had a fan and heater installed w/ its own thermostat. Way better.
As well, since I believe in moving air to keep the place fresher, the baby fan runs to achieve that purpose.

In the downstairs, a baby fan runs to, yes, circulate air. W/ only two of us, I figure that we need a supplement to exchange the air.
And there is a floor vent fan in the bedroom to force cooler air into the bedroom.

We run a few fans. But the air does move. Cheaper ? Who knows ! The theory s mine , the cost is mine 
Or M s as she is so fond of reminding me.

Hey, its humid out there and breeze is non effective

PHysio, tonight. Yes, it hurts. But I'll ice and rest

Tomorrow is another day

Wednesday 20 July 2022


 I didn't sleep well, Monday nite. I saw the clock every hour [ I think ] and managed to drop off about 6 AM for an hour of laying there

I remember nothing from last night [ Tues sleep time ]. Head on pillow and eyes open at 7:40 AM. BUT .....
I'm barely awake
coffee in hand and typing
OK a recap of yesterday.......

The drive both ways was traffic free [ people on holidays ? ] The day as mentioned was H / H however, we did have some cloud cover off and on.
A friend texted and said ' well, maybe the evening bite will be better '
I looked at Jm and thought ' really ? '. We had come in from the morning venture and slurped down ice water as fast as possible

At 4:30PM, Jm look at his watch and says ' we can watch half a movie and head for home '. I thought ' this is so sane '

Obviously, not a great fishing day....however, we did not force ourselves to suffer. 

We broke one of the rules of fishing " fish at least three times longer than it took you to drive there, to your fishing spot "
[ to make it worth your while ] -
You know " don't care !  "

Today will continue our warmish trend w/ humidity. And rain is likely in the next day or two.  

The view from down the lawn

Tuesday 19 July 2022

" There'll Be a Hot Time

 in Santiago, tonite "

And Toronto, too ! Yes, we will get H / H today.

We will have to be careful out on the water. Hydrate and keep the fishing time down

OMG. Don't say OMG
Was it hot out there ! We coulda melted but the water got in the way.

We shortened the time and came home alive. Dehydrated slightly but we cooled off inside - ate lunch - watched ' the Martian ' cooled off and watched .... something

Came home. A pleasant day. Easy going and peacceful

Could not ask for more

Monday 18 July 2022

rain and

 I don't know

I just awoke.
But I watched a great movie last night - best of the year, most likely.

About ' Hector and Happiness '. Netflix. There is violence and some tense scenes. But its life when you travel the world to ' ask, what makes you happy ? '

Plus. There is Rosamonde Pike as the stay in London, love interest and that is good. I'd come home - pronto !

Alright: " Hector and the Search for Happiness " is the Netflix offering 

Disaster City. The gutters overflowed and some wildflowers went down for a 8 count - or 6. We shall see said the Zen Master

Lazy day, today. Up at 7 to type and then Bingo Bango, it was 9. Really 9

Oh, you retired types 


OAP - old age pensioners, M s cousin s term for us 

Sunday 17 July 2022

its sad

 yesterday morning, I decided to ice the shoulder [ not really the shoulder, more like 2 inches below the end ]

And the ' bump ' where the pain originates, isn't flat enough. There is a knot ( ? ) that the physio found - the source of the pain.

I hurt myself, more in three minutes trying to place the ice pack than all the rest of the day.

You see - don't use the bad arm to help situate the ice pack. Lesson learned there. What a bloody slow learner. Like brain numb.

Weather. Day is slightly overcast and almost cool.

OK. Is this overkill ? on the wildflowers ....... but there are yellow and blue blossoms!! 

However the pix are good 😊

Right ?

A spot of colour in my Life and lawn

Saturday 16 July 2022

Well, You Gotta

 start somewhere. The rotator cuff story

The road to recovery begins w/ discomfort from the initial assessment.

Ice, acetominophen and rest. Oh, I've got a ' bright blue X ' bandage like athletes wear for strain. Looks like a pro bandage

No free weights, except 2# hand weights for actuating the muscles. Sort of letting them know that they need to move

Re - assessment in 5 days. As in, can I heal ? 

Today is another warm and dry day. The lawn is like tinder. I will water a bit but we need some rain - like a soaking.

The wildflowers are a force in the garden. A prominent feature. Blossoms and all. Actually, the landscape people suggested low lying bushes [ below window level ] but those bushes are too ' rooty ' and a pain later.
My plan - have cover and provide a place for pollinators. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that good insects and birds are interested as of yet.

Early days, is the English expression

Friday 15 July 2022

Different Horses


I never blogged from my phone, like now.

Can you guess ..... who ?

The shot was of the wildflowers And the wildflowers are taller than the fakey pink plastic ones

I didn't notice my shadow til I got inside. However, I would rate the wildflowers as substantial, now.

Still summer weather 80 today and both heat and humididty build for the weekend. Following will come rain and thundershowers

The official verdict from the physio ' you have a rotator cuff injury '
For a while, my right shoulder has been producing a sharp pain during some exercises. Before the injury became debilitating, I figured  ' go get it sorted'. After many tests of range of motion and strength. Yes, a supinator muscle strain. Unfortunately, this could have been a muscle tear that healed a bit.
Thus, no weights [ except for her prescribed ones ] and let s see if we can make it heal.
She is hopeful. So, I am hopeful.
Tonight, well, typing hurts [ seriously] shrugging hurts.
She said ice and rest for a day

Thursday 14 July 2022

Failure to Launch

 let s see ... so many meanings

You may not know this, except half the world did - Prime Day [s] happened.
I dutifully scanned some 100 pages on the laptop and chose one item. I thought about pressing the ' BUY ' icon

... and didn't. Upshot. I failed to buy on Prime Day. 
The driver for our area lost out on a trip to our door. He must have gone by and said ' failure to launch '

We are in full summer. Sun and some humidity..... 

What s in bloom. The wildflowers have reached that stage. My allergic rash was in full ' blossom ' last night [ and itch too ].
This rash is old hat for me. I do believe that this is a plant allergy. And a seasonal / early event for me. But ' darn ' if I can figure out what plant that I touched. Although, after fishing on Monday at the Q' - well, anything.

Before and after ' new lighting for photos '


Supposedly, there was a lighting fix. Google did it automatically. Listen, ifffin you don't see a difference, no worries. Just say " Crikey, the guy is getting desperate !

Yes, a terrific day, all in all.

Wednesday 13 July 2022

a Day Report

well. I re - organized the truck. Some accessories needed setting up.
I cleaned up. Amazing how items are tossed around and left scattered

Then. I bagged some charcoal pieces in a J Cloth [ wiping type cloth ] to make an odour absorber. The reference came from ' Woman s World ', the July issue. And come on. Charcoal bits and a cloth { oh, it was used pantyhose in the article ]. I figured blue check J Cloth was better looking than pantyhose. Maybe, I woman could get away w/ a pantyhose bundle under the front seat ?

Now, the truck really doesn't look better. But the overall appearance is orderly { maybe }. Primarily, I re - attached the saddlebags that got removed while transporting passengers in the back.

Saddlebags. Thus, a long time ago, in this galaxy, I was gifted the saddlebags from M. The saddlebags went over the bench seat in my first truck. This version of truck has bucket seats w/ no middle seat back. Thus, I separated the two sides and attached each to the seat backs of driver and passenger.
This method is poor. The attachment is rudimentary at best. However, it maintains the use of the saddlebags. 

oh, weather. Sunny and summery in all ways. Not vicious hot w/ a slight wind. See. Great.

Our problem.Dinner. As in ' whats for dins ?  '. Our usual difficulty. Aha ! he says leftovers.

Tuesday 12 July 2022

As Predicted

We got out ' moused ' again. A. caught the biggest bass that I've seen on the river. BIG !
Thus, outfished. I managed to catch 2 largemouth but really - a token effort.

Plus. I forgot to wear my overshirt during the 11 - 1 P sortie. I have a sun burn.
Why ! Why ? normally, I make sure that I've long sleeves on.
Dummy. Dummy !
Oh well, live and learn

Monday 11 July 2022

a Fishing Day in July

let s see

 I broke the ice and largemouth are in the bag [ liar ! I let them all go ]
I did catch a walleye [ first in 3 yrs ?? ]

Today its a trio of fishermen. two under 40 y.o. and then me. Each of the others has fished at least as many hrs as I have in my life. But likely caught more as well.
I have a rule. When fishing w / these 2 [ many times ] ' Go Simple '. They each will start w/ plugs or hard baits. Lately, A has been a ' mouse ' guy. He throws a plastic, slightly inflated mouse lure. And catches bigger fish.
E ? Well, I don't know ! Anything. However, he has a tackle collection that is unique and expensive.

I remember the first time, E went fishing w/ me. He opened a plastic tackle box. Inside. A display of minnow lures. One company. three different sizes. Five colours of each. This meant that he could choose a minnow lure for any water - any season.

Nuts ! More money in there - I mean $ 300 dollars at least AND that was $ 5 a lure
Today, at 11 dollars a piece. Whoa !!! And he has more.

Yes, my wildflowers started to bloom. And these guys are not the buds that I saw earlier. 

Sunday 10 July 2022

Two Days

 later. Post cyber shutdown. Or Rogers goes blank

I called Telco. I mentioned freezing picture and black out periods. The rep was apologetic and promised a day s worth of refund on service price.
Actually, I asked for three days credit but she assured me that her information was that service will resume in hours [ complete service ].
She was correct. Service is back to good.

The day is summer. Not too hot etc. But we are dry.

Saturday 9 July 2022

Going Back in Time

 to 1980

Whatsay ?

We lost internet, TV and home phone w/ our carrier plus our cell phones use a 3 rd party provider that piggy backs off the home  service provider { way cheaper }

We watched broadcast stations on aTV downstairs w/ an aerial [ AERIAL - a metal thingy in the air } DVD s as well. We believe some raido stations weredown b/c the provider owns some statiions.

EEK ! talk about incommunicado
The city was warning that many services could not be reached and that means EMS was spotty

I woke up at 4:30 AM Friday when the alarm beeped [ something is wrong, sound ] and NADA was working. About mid morning the news drifted down the street by word of mouth " no Rogers service "
As mentioned, Debit machines were off line and many ATM s couldn't connect to the main server.
We are sure it was the Russians or some such. Can't trust those Russkies - come on, I saw the ' Hunt for Red October '
" Son, a Russkie dont' take a dump without a plan "

I hope the term ' Russkie ' is not derogatory.
Liar ! I want it to be derogatory

Apparently, the fish were not biting either ( kidding )

And the effects linger. There are freezes and blackouts that last one to several seconds during a program.

Thursday 7 July 2022

" Vitare Viyah "

 the wind is blowing { in Ukranian ]

" These events take place in a dystopian world "

That is often the introduction to a movie or book.

I realized this morning, that the TorStar or CNN or ..... can use that every day.

My wildflowers are a foot tall now. And believe it or not TALLER than the fake pink blossoms.  The wildflowers are supposedly perennials [ come back next year, I think ]. No bees or birds as of yet.

Please ! pollinators come and enjoy.

Now, in perspective. Yesterday was phenomenal. Gas in the city was $ 1.86 / L but Old Railroad was 1.66 [ YEAH ! ] 
The E Tec 75 ran like a champ. Its a 2008 manufacture. Plus E Tec or really Evinrude is no longer in production.

I've been lauding, the gas additive, " Seafoam " [ available at all department stores ]. I've likely added 4 cans since 2020. I noticed that the gas tank was at about 1/3 full [ the guage says a 1 / 4 ]. I took out the last compartment in the boat and actually saw the gas level.
The theory was that Seafoam would clean out deposits and gunk form the engine.

Thus, yesterday, I added a can to the 1 / 3 tank. The directions say to add 15 mL per gallon or somesuch. Crap !
I added the whole can. OK. Seafoam, clean that engine.

I recognize that Seafoam could be doing very little. But like a religious fanatic


No, Seafoam is working.

I always wanted to name and label the bassboat " Gray Lady " [ its three tone gray, white and a blue flash ( ? )
or ' BassAckwards ' [ I think that I saw that somewhere on a boat ]

No, you are correct. Its new name is ' SEAFOAM ' 
the wonder dog or boat. 

Betcha, if I put that name on the Stratos - she'll run even better.

Wednesday 6 July 2022

On the Day

 fresh from the river, so to speak

The smile is genuine. Felt good.
Gorgeous day, a little windy but cloud cover to make the day bearable It was a joy to get out - windd in oyur face etc

Tuesday 5 July 2022

It s Hard Work

 moving money around. No, we sat as the bank rep typed and ' hmm.  mm d ' - 30 min and it was done.

We ate out at our new re - found pub. The old fav held out during CV 19 and seems to have bounced back. What it is like for Wayne [ owner ] we can't tell.
We manged to pick the afternoon that the pub hosted 6o employess from a furniture rental firm. BUSY. 
But it turned out fine. A bit slow. However, I went and got our drinks from the bar [ ala the UK ] and the food came along pretty sharply.

Grey and dismal out there. A break from sun to remind us that somewhere it is raining. Tomorrow, a fishing day is sun and mid 70 s.
I've let everyone know, ow the day will go. Fish, rest, polish the engine [truly, I mean just that ] lunch and a nap.
Somehow if you say exactly what you mean - then you are ready for it. No surprises. Attitude.

You know, sometimes when driving, I stop in the cul de sac off our yard and sit. Yep. Sit. I look at the house [ the way other people see it and think ]. I slowly drive down the street to the corner.
OK. So what. What are you saying.

If you start the trip slowly and purposefully that can be how you'll drive.
Race off. or hit the gas - and thats how you set yourself up for a ' rushed ' drive. I enter the highway and set my mind to drive 60 mph or so. As I see the traffic pattern, I speed up slightly or slow down slightly. My mood is set. Purpsoeful and dleiberate. Not reacting. Doing as I planned all along.

Dang. Wish my life was like that. B/c it isn't.

" one singular sensation.... from " Chorus Line "

One, singular sensation, every little step she takes
One, thrilling combination, every move that she makes
One smile and suddenly nobody else will do
You know you'll never be lonely with you-know-who

' she walks into a room .........

This shopping day was Skyland for take out Chinese and sushi. Plus Canadian Tire or Pep Boys plus groceries and household. I use propane cylinders and a grass torch [ de - weeding ]. I needed gas lighters for the grass torch [ they are always running out ] Then I bought hose couplings. Get this
..... I find a male coupler for $ 3. 50 [ not bad ] BUT on inspection, the outside diameter is a little small.
Of course, right below is a package labelled   ' hose coupling pair ' - except the price is $ 14. No wonder the first male coupler was cheap. It was not meant for garden hoses
I wonder where that coupler fits and to what.
Oh, I found a male coupler last year in the garage to replace a leaking fitting.

You got it. Thats the one that leaks, right now.

Monday 4 July 2022

I Don't Go Anywhere

 placidly ..........

When you can't complain about the weather - kinda ruins your day.

Great day yesterday. Un - stumping was so satisfying. Getting that tangle of wood out of the ground.

To be fair. The dogwoods have lived up to my expectations and then some. The silver leaf dogwoods were supposed to hide the flaws in the garden [ really, cover up where we don't do any work ]. Yes, and also be decorative. W/ little maintenance, the doggies have been perfect.

Now I can see that in some gardens that the dogwood could be a menace. After all, they tend to ' reach out ' and expand their territory.
But you could see that in our garden - perfectamundo !!!! Hide !

Now, you've gotta appreciate flora that does what it is supposed to do.

Major task today, transfer shares of Bank C to an investors account. I had the physical paper but then everything depends on whether I can show the paper [ in a safety deposit box ]. So, put the shares in our online investors edge acct. Shucks, only took a chunk of an hour.

Sunday 3 July 2022

Life of Desiderata

 you know ..... that poem thingy about how to live your live

go placidly etc
if you can .......

Well, I'm not doing it. I don't think.

I'm closer to the great Mandalore [ the Mandalorian ].

" This is the Way "
cuz it s what the Mandalorians say when things go sideways.

" This is the Way " 
Your going to get killed ..... " This is the Way "
Its impossible ...... " This is the Way "

I can't sleep  ....... " This is the Way "

I read til 12:45 AM and then slept through to 7: something. " This is the Way ".

 I started ' Ysabel ', a novel by Guy Gavriel Kay [ historical - fantasy ] I think ...... There is or will be ' magic ' involved. One character might be 800 plus years old.
I think the old guy is waiting for Beltane April 30 or May Day, the first. This celebrates Celtic holy days.

" Those were the days my friend
We'd laugh and sing and dance .... etc " Mary Hopkin

I'm planning on fishing Wed. ' Old man ' kinda fishing. Fish for two hours, rest and lunch polish the outboard engine - nap .......

" This is the Way "

And this became ' pull the stump ' day. My tree grove, mostly silver leaf dogwoods plus 2 pines had weeds and crap growing. I had put down landscape fabric but the fabric become growing media for the weeds.
I decided to take back the grove. I dug out the weeds [ or some ] last week. Today. Take out a stump of a dogwood. 
Hack, hack, and dig. Finally, the 20 inch stump popped out. The hole was 1 1/2 ft deep and 2 ft wide.

Then I chopped out all remaining weeds. However, this is the beginning. The weeds will try and re - grow. I'll need to put down better garden fabric, eventually.

" This is the Way "

Another Amazon order comes tomorrow - 1 day delivery. Go ahead ! destroy the economy

" This is the Way "

Saturday 2 July 2022

' Hey there, Mr Sun

 post # 3435

its so good to be w/ you ' ELO

Dumb. Last night, I lay in bed and listenend to the audio file  that I have on my phone w/earphones. Then I switched to YouTube.

I am so tired. But I did sleep through to morning. Bonus : we are not going to work. Everyday is Saturday. Hey, it is Saturday.

Plus, I discovered that my fav movie is on Prime. " Clara " is about redemption through science and arty fartsy thinking. Finding a new sentient world, and re - discovering the meaning of Life. Whooo .....
all in one stupid sentence

What got done today ? We made mac and cheese from scratch. Ala Madame Benoit, Microwave Cooking book. Actually, M did the sauce and I did the elbow mac.
Verdict. Tasty. And known. We know what went into the sauce. Milk, butter, aged cheddar, flour and care.

Obviously, we were msiing the ' red dye # 3 ' that makes the ' mac n' cheese ' packaged sauce - orangy... yellowish

We didn't miss the colour


Friday 1 July 2022

July 1 st in Canada

 Happy July 1

This day commemorates the Confederation o Canada. Its a long weekend - time off. 

This photo is early June when you could tell something was growing where you put seeds.  C.F.

Now. Please remember that the pink flowers are plastic. I'll pull the pink plastic once the wildflowers are as tall as they are.

The wildflowers are pollinator friendly. Thus bees and birds will come to feed.