Sunday 30 April 2023

🔮 a dry - er day

 🔮 our washing machine leaks
small but there is no drain in the floor [ there was but they covered it]

We get a new machine on Tues
Whirlpool b/c the applaince repair guy advised an American label [ parts and service more readily available ]

as well, my solar decorating outside includes a ' solar crackle light '

a globe that produces a fractured light [ ? ] as a marker light

today begins w/ more light than yesterday, cool and damp
this week is 50 F tops 

chores. reprise on the downspout in the back
the latest is a rain barrel collector plus hosing to move the runoff away from the house.
the correction is now a direct dump into the rain barrel and a screen to trap leaves running down

as well, I took the stove grates or supports out to the driveway
a spray of  ' Easy Off ' some scubbing and .....
the greasy - ness is gone - the black marks not so 

Saturday 29 April 2023

☔ ..... raindrops ......

..... keep falling on my head ......
and the lawn and the whole of Scarborough  
well, fish gotta swim and birds gotta bird ......

' here comes the rain again .... '  Annie Lennox 'Poured all day

finally, I made apple slices [ fried ]

sliced apples
time, always time. the crucial ingredient if you want good or very good

same for the custard

and time [ haven't figured out how to put the honey in there ]

However, the last dish of custard was garnished w/  ' strawberry, amaretto jam '

Friday 28 April 2023

🐅 reprise, reprise

 🐅    Again, I'm writing that the month is closing out

green is the theme, busting out all over

plus dandelions, seeking domination 

we are due for rain all weekend [ and cool temperatures ]

on the surface, seems like nothing got done
however !
I cooked noodles for the chicken soup [ made yesterday ] Lunch

And another run at custard [ yes, use up the milk ], this batch too watery

I uncoiled the new hose. It is cold and the coils didn't want to straighten. I figured when you need the hose, you cannot be waiting for the silly thing to uncoil.

Figured I'd give it a couple of days to lose its memory

Then. I modified a tool case. The Dremel motor tool case is for a Dremel. My Dremel broke and the replacement Mastercraft doesn't fit the shaped plastic case.
So, I cut away the bulgy parts of the case    [ shaped for the original tool ]. The plastic isn't hard but its molded to be strong.
I used the Mastercraft motor tool to shave away the unwanted pieces. Sort of neat when the motor tool shapes its own case.

Now, I need to change the name label " not a Dremel " to this is a       " Mastercraft " Bonus, b/c of the re - shaping - all the blades can fit the case/ I was carrying a separate box w/ spare blades.

Thursday 27 April 2023

"🛥 there s got to be a morning after "

🛥 sing Miss Mc Govern

 put on my knee brace
waiting for the discomfort
popped Acetominophen [ as ordered by Doc T ]

I decided to follow orders and see

We bought a washer ' Whirlpool ' in an open box
slight flaw
however ,we seldom entertain in the laundry room

best deal was ' take away old machine and they bring everything '
HomeDepot said buy hoses and be ready

we are consumer consumpters [ ??? really ]

" its been my longest journey
and I came through the dead of night
I was cold and hungry and I saw your distant light

Now, I know this may sound crazy
but I think, I got here first
Its just me and Shanadora at the end of the universe "

the actual lyrics are :

It's been my longest journey
And I've come through the black of night
I was tired and hungry
When I saw your distant light
Well, I know this may sound crazy
But I'm sure I got here first
I'm just me, Shenandora
At the edge of the universe

this is the Bee Gees 

Wednesday 26 April 2023

🚚 what is adventure

 🚚 driving the truck

delivering a BBQ

cleaning the boat [ not me, D .. ]
prepping the engine for the first run of the season [ way early ]
freezing on the run up the river

a full day. cloudy and cold, bits of sun

was your day, better
was this an adventure
out of the norm

follow up: the engine ran a bit ragged
its excused. bloody cold
ragged is allowable

We shall see said the Zen Master

D .. is our neighbour
does impeccable work [ wiped the fibreglass bits and vacuumed ]
glad he was there

Yesterday. I tried [ fell into ] 
custard run # 3
I wouldn't choose a recipe that used egg yolks only but there it was

2 C milk and 4 egg yolks on the stove
w/ truly dleectable flavour [ yolks only !!!!! wasteful - Mom would have had a fit ]
not just me. M ..  said the same

AND gotta do it again b/c we still have milk to burn  [ figure of speech ] plus I'm getting good at the custard thing

Tuesday 25 April 2023

🌤 a beginning

 🌤 when you start your day looking at sunshine

got to be good
then the clouds rolled inm w/ a cold wind - a hit or miss situation

No Surgery, Yet.
the family Doc says keep on this path [ exercise and care ]
w/ arthritis, surgery other than whole knee replacement [ yick - a - rama ] is not a solve for this left knee.

up the acetominophen and use the drug as a leveller
keep the pain under control and monitor usage

overall - a resonable approach

the ' Diplomat ' is at season 1 end and the 2 nd season is written but no set date for shooting
in real English ? probably, a year out
although, Netflix does have the rep of shorting series by doing 1 or 2 seasons or shooting # 2 and making it ' pay for view '
Amazon isn't much better

our doc is conservative and thoughtful. easy to talk to
thus, I'm looking at this situation as stable
w/ good prospects [ if aging is good - beats the alternatives ]

I went to see the doc w/ a prepared sheet : History. Pain. Treatment. Exercise. Looking Ahead

I'm not sure that she appreciated the work but I thought ' get something written ' to focus on the goals

Monday 24 April 2023

🀅 the week ahead

🀅   mostly stable
temperature is around 45 - 50 w/ some precipitation 

but green is the trend 

off to the weekly Giant Tiger adventure

the shortcut to GT ran through ' the local Asian market - Skyland '. this is the Chinese hot table and sushi bar
famous joke - went for sushi and bought tons of stuff - eggs to BBQ skewers

finally, made the Tiger w/ a much reduced shopping list and managed to cough up, $ 88
EEK ! well between sweatshirts and solar lights [I ' m on this sparkle the garden kick ]
I mean if you're not going to do work out there put some pizzazz in the place

I drove home, in a mix of rain, cold and pellets of ice / snow.
Fast forward to 6 PM booming sun comes out

Back to the Tiger. I was thinking of buying some short sleeve fleece vests [ w/ a hood ???? ]. AND, there they were
of course, I got 2 [ see how $ 80 is possible or even likely

I purchased a gray short sleeve vest w/ hood emblazoned w/ ' Stranger Things and a kaleidoscope of images ' from the Tiger last year.
These aren't quite so unique.

Sunday 23 April 2023

➰ Aha !

 ➰ no, not he group [ ' Take on Me ', synth pop hit ]

rather, the writer for ' the Diplomat ' co -wrote the scripts for the  ' West Wing ' 
thus, not Aaron Sorkin s offspring but his right hand

sunny day to start 
however, the week will hold in the mid 40s
grass grows and buds bud and birds return
waiting on the first robin

Saturday 22 April 2023

🛠 when you Volunteer

 🛠 at Repair Cafe T.O.

the ' fixers ' were all capable and pleasant

I was the least useful

I put backcovers on watches and replaced batteries

generally, tried to help

and they gave me a T - Shirt [ Repair Cafe ]- great T - Shirt

I'm going to have to go back to pay off the t shirt

I failed on coffee makers [ plastic and sealed electronics, the manufacturer really doesn't want you in there ]

a soggy day, cool and the wind was cruel

Alright. You are supposed to stay w/ what you are good at. I organize stuff [ tools, fishing equipment - like a pro ].
repair stuff, not so

On this blog. I read the title two days ago.  " Two Sentence blogging - evoles to sentences " not bad AND seven years ago actually described just what had occurred from when ' ' began.

Thus, ' sending to the ether ' seemed to encompass my feelings re: the bog and what has happened or not happened.

Guess what ? " sending to the ether  '" is the name of the blog. See. Careful what you wish for.

I'm in love w/ Kerri Russell.  The Netflix show is called  ' the Diplomat '. The husband is played by Rufus Sewell. If this series is not written by Aaron Sorkin then its his son writing.
The story. American Intelligence officer is tapped for a posting as Ambassador to Britain. Hubby [ ex - Ambassador ] tags along. 
Except hubby is just as connected in the intelligence community as she is.

Fast forward.   Turns out that hubby knows Wifey is being groomed for ' replacement VP ' when the current VP has to resign.
This series is the ' West Wing ' years later and in a different country but wrapped in U.S. politics. wrapped in world ' diplomacy ' or lack thereof.

Friday 21 April 2023

💁Say, Something


or send to the ether
Follow up. The conversion from Windows w/ Chrome browser.
In essence, a solid platform for the internet
not w/out glitches, e,g. Nord the VPN dowsn't seem to fit the protocol for Chrome OS Flex

Twice, Nord has frozen me out of the internet.
Bonus, tho' I can re - load and delete Nord
Further. b/c of the way you load Chrome OS Flex, boot by Thumb Drive
you just do it again, if it fails
plus, we save all important data to ' Google Drive '
maybe not as easy as before for some reason BUT doable w/ a click

there you go and  ' Bob s your uncle '

Sun to start the day and then ' who knows ??

sun is dominant, from the morning - wind as advertized - a real force

our exciting lunch was pizza from the Metro. pretty good
dessert was chocolate eclair and Portuguese tart [ egg custard ]

treated myself to an IPA, ' Wicked Awesome ' tropical infused. ingredients are hops, barley and orange juice

' wicked ' was wicked mayhaps the best IPA other than Eagle.

think that I was in the mood for different

Thursday 20 April 2023

ⳛ " Everything Old Is New Again ....

 ⳛ  [ old coptic ]

we hope
the washer repair guy comes at 10
the problem
A ) its 14 yrs old
B) recent appliances are getting the rep for falling apart

plus our maker is out of business [ Sears, Roebuck ]

XXXXXXX your fingers !

Day is sullen looking
the issue today is forecasted as high winds
swirling thru the day

follow up : kaput ! the washer may have a crack in the tub
non reparable [ economically ] however, a minor leak source, the situation is non critical
time is our on our side

the day was sunny, a bit raw and sweater and jacket weather [ not short sleeves ]

I worked to refit the edging of the interlock as it abuts the grass
the condition of interlock and plastic edging is barely adequate
thus, my repair job was barely adequate

Wednesday 19 April 2023

📌 push that pin

 📌  or how to secure items to a message board

the day looks dull
thats alright, I feel dull
a break from cooking today
c.f. yesterday
likely, we'll haul some takeout from California Sandwiches

thus, 2023 is the 12 th year of blogging
the title of the blog was ' two sentence blogging, evolves to paragraphs '
now, it reads, " sending, to the ether "

the description reads "" You fill up my senses , like night in the forest like the mountains in springtime like a walk in the rain " John Denver , composer But Vienna Teng , does a version that is supremo , goodo !

I have been trying for more colour and stuff to look at..... this is not bad, mountain spring
a shout out to OHIO for follwoing the blog

Tuesday 18 April 2023

🐻 " Smokey Endangers His Kidneys "

 🐻 no not Smokey the Bear. but a black bear broke into a B.C. car and drank 69 cans of soda. The burping was heard for miles ........  maybe

An overcast start to this Tues. In fact w/ temperatures in the high 30 s all week - clear and less windy is the best that can be hoped for
apparently, the wind will remain quite a force through Sat.

Well. it seems a quiet 2 days is in store for us here in the ' boro

oh ! we have 30 plus people running for mayor of Toronto.
the betting is if any candidate gets 20 % that could be enough to win.
this all came about b/c at a Tim Horton s someone yelled  'I'm running for mayor ' and eveyone else said ' why not ! '
ah Canadian politics !
the slogan that day at 'Tim s ' was " Roll Up the Rim to Win "
it all those ' double double s ' that they sell

In house : breakfast was a concotion close to chow mein
home cooked noodles, left over Beef and Green Pepper plus fried veg

then : pan fried apples + cinammon

next came, oven egg custard [ or how to use up milk, before it transforms into a living creature ]

the custard, did eventually set ---- finally

I was set to comment, that the trees are leafing out
then the snow came
and next the sun popped out of a leaden gray sky

Holy Kamoley, Batman

egg custard, a definite win. Creamy and cinammon - y

Monday 17 April 2023

🖳 Frustration spelt " computer "

 🖳 Ugh !!!!

the story
for 2 weeks, I've been trying to activate Nord VPN on the new re - vitalized Dell Studio
going back. The 17 in laptop was bought in 2010 and was a reliable    [ mostly ] performer
the odd hiccup. I'd updated Windows at least twice. Washed the system to sparsify the crap that gets loaded onto the device over time
THEN 2 weeks ago. a big change. When I introduced a new [ and sole browser and system ] OS - Chrome OS Flex.
WELL. I've been trying to load Nord all that time. I followed instructions [ I thought }
then last night, I mumbled ' has to be possible.' I read the Nord instruction list and said ' what notififcation box '  [ ???? ]
yes. there has never been a notification that I went to Nord.
finally, I realized that all the instructions were discussing an ' icon ' on the actual Chrome homescreen
" duh ". yepper there it was a ' jigsaw ' symbol for EXTENSIONS

and it was there in all its glory ' Nord Ca ' register ........ check
quick connect ...... check [ and Bob s your uncle !!!

SAD with a capital ' S '

' alls well that ends well ' ????? El Crapolla, I say

Its not my fault.

In my defence, there have been warnings that Crome OS Flex is not identical to Chrome OS and there may be some inconveniet omissions. Apps may not be accepted
BUT this was an extension " don't you know the difference " ??????

Rained last night, air really cooled down
furnace on
sun, now and more rain in some hours away
overcast now

Rain at 5 P

Follow up: now I sign on to Nord by using Extension notification for all devices - a very slow learner

Sunday 16 April 2023

" Come Sit By My Side .....

 ... come as close as the air " Gordon Lightfoot

A shout out to the CandianFolk Legend. GL has cancelled a planned tour b/c of poor health. He really has hung on over the years.

A sunny day w/ the prospect of the onset of rain that will endure for the week [ off - on ]

The day proved to be lazy [ sorry, I was lazy ]. Woke up before 5 AM and stayed awake til I dropped off before 8. Kind of groggy. Did some chores, kinda like cleaning up actually.

The song lyrics are for ' Changes '. My GL story goes like this ..... in 1969, while at University, we saw ' Coming to the Riverboat, Gordon Lghtfoot '. The Riverboat was a tavern. We bought tix and went in. We were 1/2 a room away down the bar.
He was delightful. The tix was really a cover charge. And you had to order a dink. We were underage thus it was diet coke. Still remember. Beer $ 2 and Coke was $2.50.

Plus. I was closer by about 100 yds then when we saw the Beatles in Maple Leafs Garden, back in 1963. And the ticket was cheaper as well.

My fav of GL is ' the Canadian Railroad Trilogy ' also about ten others


The story song was commissioned by the CBC to celebrate the Centennial [ 1967 ]. Its a long one but solid.

Saturday 15 April 2023

🥩 ' Smokin' Down the House

 🥩 the windows were all open while BBQ was cooking. today. that ' BBQ house ' smell is everywhere inside

Could be worse
yes, this blog has been going since 2011 [ 97 posts were published ]

the day will be fine
way finer than you could expect at this season
enjoy the Sat and Sun bonanza

Friday 14 April 2023

' the labours of Hercules ....

 ... did not include washing and black topping my driveway !!!
why ? he'd be as sore as me

we were warm yesterday. the thermometer read 78 F in the living room w/ windows wide open
today will boast higher humidity but lower temperatures

I've got a list of jobs - THAT will not get done !!!
Today is rest and re - stock my psyche


in order to carry a snowblower and a new BBQ still boxed - I left my truck cover at A .. s mother s place.
the bed is still full
so even on an easy day - I helped lift the stuff onto the truck


a cousin s daughter sent this and added  'guess where ? '

Answer: Bath, Somerset [ Bath Cathedral and the mall ]

she commented ' now I know why you talk about this place '

See. We were not wrong. Terrific destination, laid back [ minimally touristy ] chock a block w/ history. 

A purchase yesterday was pork back ribs. $ 22 for two slabs. I portioned the ribs and marinated last night.
Today at noon, I began a fire and added charcoal on top.

When the charcoal turned white, I topped the charcoal w/ soaked hickory wood chips. The ribs sat upright and got smoked for 2 hrs. Actually, this interval is fairly short for smoking meat.
However, b/c I was dealing w/ pork, I wanted to finish the ribs wrapped in foil on the gas BBQ.
As it turns out the gas grill was too hot. Thus, I elevated the rib packages to reduce the striaght heat.

Results. Juicy and smokey but short on salt
Success w/ a small ' s '

This blog began in 2011

Thursday 13 April 2023

😲 " This Could Be the Last Time ....

oh, no " yesterday

bought driveway sealer [ same brand as last year ]
set up the power washer
washed down the asphalt

RESTED and had a bite

Black topped the driveway 

And could I feel it. really tired and a little sore

But alive. This morning the driveway looks decent

Ah, the price we pay 😲😲 and pay and pay

where is the horse linament

Plus I'm running an experiment. I poured a can of SeaFoam engine detergent into the gas tank. I figure that SeaFoam does wonders in the outboard - why not try the truck too !

We shall see said the Zen Master

OK. On YouTube, SeaFoam is like the magic juice that you pour into any machine

one video, shows a guy running an old outboard w/ a dedicated gas line sucking SeaFoam out of a reserve tank. Thus, straight SeaFoam going into the outboard.

AND wham - o, this old outboard gurgles and sputters into life
I mean testemonial or what. 

Fast forward. I swear. Two years ago, the E Tec was gagging on start up and doing the ' you really want me to run, like now, you're kidding ! '
In went the SeaFoam. Two weekends in a row, one can each Saturday.
I now consider the engine reliable

Wednesday 12 April 2023

⛃ Failing AI

[ this is a black checker ]

OMFL, I was trying to draw a plastic container. Thus, either emoji board is at fault or my artistic ability is

Why ? container ? b/c Tupperware is in the tank. Share prices are at almost rock bottom and the company is bleating out warnings of failure.

Hey, this is good news ??? no. but at least, I'm not writing about Leopard tanks going to Ukraine

Failing. Somewhat of an expert here. I discovered that an Australian Company called Alvey closed for good. Alvey rose to fame in Oz and the rest of the fishing world by lionizing and popularizing a distance casting reel.

Going back. On YouTube, I saw a short clip of the World Casting Championships. I believe the episode that I saw had a cast of 200 + yards [ 2 football fileds ]. Yes. The fishing reel was an Alvey.
The Alvey is a sidecast reel.
Never intending to enter the World Championships, still I wanted one.
OZ !. Well, I found ' Alvey, Fla '. Simply, order the reel and have it shipped to the Sunrise in January, St Pete Beach.

All in the reel was $ 30. A marvel of engineering. Truth be told, I've used the reel maybe 6 times and caught four fish. I bought the matching rod a year later.

My record cast was 60 ft. Yes, any cast that I make can easily be 60 ft. w/ regular gear. BUT I own an Alvey.

I keep it spooled up and ready. Of course. 

Might not be exactly mine but this is a Google image of an Alvey.

"" THERE IS A Government agency involved ""
So, I'm watching the intro to an Ozzy film. ' Secret City '.
Thats the line in the beginning 3 minutes
Thus, I figured. Start most movies w/ the line ' there is a government agency involved '
Everyone can then figure out that there is skull duggery at every level and it goes way up. The Oval Office etc is compromised !!!
See. Stop the movie right there. We'll just fill in the blanks
Guns. Electronic surveillance ....
they know your toilet tissue brand
Eek !! the government cheats ??? OMFL
Really ????
See. One and done

Tuesday 11 April 2023


🦈  today begins a run of 70 F days til Fri.

From the CBC online : 

🦈 a Nova Scotia company is offering tourists a chance to be in a cage as great white sharks swim by🦈 

it struck me that this type of announcement sort of falls under a myriad of categories
- what the market will bear
- enterprise
- huh ??
- eating your profits

A mystery, or life Q: how does a person spend $ 77. a the Dollar Store.
I did. Firstly, its actually the $2.50 store, now. I managed some $1.50 packages but it was limited

The original purpose was garden cloth stakes. That happened. Plus, a rake [ I bought one last year and it was a gem ]. Fishing plastics [ just b/c ] And some cookies and noodles.  

Monday 10 April 2023

🦨 came visiting

 🦨 the adult was hunting for grubs

the forecast holds and I think that the temperature predictions keep going up for the next 5 days. 70 seems very likely by Wed

swept through the CBC on line. 

we watched the ' Grammy Tribute to the Beach Boys '. The audience rose en masse as each singer / group was announced. the room was dancing throughout the song

The venue was California [ LA ] and it showed in the audience. There was bleach everywhere

The skunk brother left dig holes all over the lawn, cuz' he found grubs

Follow up. The ground penetrating radar crew showed up. The crew scanned in a systematic and consistent manner. Their conclusion was that no voids exist. However, an engineer needs to analyze and sign off [ fantastic, b/c then I'll have validation for the safety issues ]

Whew ! Thus, I'm left w/ a question - where did all the ground material go, last year. At least, no one falls in a hole. I get another year or two to decide how to ' beautify ' or remediate the boulevard or edge area. The interlock is now covered in limestone screenings.
This appearance must be contrasted w/ the interlock as it was pre - sinkhole. The interlock is old [ what isn't around here  ?] The look was shabby at best. Weeds populated the cracks and joints. If I were growing weeds then it was a good job.
Presently, the limestone is spread out and even. BTW, weeds do not like the limestone.

Sunday 9 April 2023

♏ consistency

 a follow up. Getting revved. the forecast has sun for 6 days and rising temperaures

From the CBC online. I will not call it gloom and doom but ... its time to bury your head in the sand

or better yet

have a beer or coffee and be grateful

under the category of .... ???? thinking

watched a video on how to install Chrome OS Flex [ which I did already ] and saw the warnings

be sure to test out the Flex first [ oops ]

too late. the changes of this Dell Studio are permanent ... something about reading the fine print

well. it works.  [ except for the VPN part ]

AND we have exactly what we need 

a) a typewriter   b) browser for the internet  c) best of all, a full keyboard [ for the old folks who still think in typewriter terms ]

a further bit of info. I Googled the ' chrome flex - VPN ' problem

a guy asked the same question and replies are blocked.

Factoid: Canada s Boreal Forest comprises a wetlands larger than the Amazon ( not Prime )

Yesterday s entry gto rather long ......
thus here is the finish for the rod / reel acquisition
realizing the cost after the discount of the discount at $ 10
leaving the rod in Fla was a reasonable option

HOWEVER, bringing the rod home was a challenge to be met. If you read an entry in late Jan, you would know that I amputated a butt portion [ approx 8 in ] and the lower section slipped into the luggaage.

The upper whippy part folded into the compartment. The rod came home.

Downstairs, in the hallowed workroom   [ hallowed b/c it is   re - organized constantly, mainly b/c very little work actually happens ]. I appended a short butt section and reattached the amputated section. Effectively, a 6 ft rod became a 6 1/2 footer.

The longer rod makes casting easier but you need to be a little stronger b/c the load increases on the butt [ longer lever ].Is that all you think about ? Fishing ??? M .. says before me, she never crossed a river and heard someone say      " I wonder what lives in there ? " [ apparently, this happens all the time ]

There is an organization called ' Repair Cafe ' . The premise is to repair and teach the repair [ if desired ] of items. I will volunteer in 2 weeks. I told M .. who promptly replied " What could you repair ? ? "

I am insulted to the core but worried that she is right !!!

Saturday 8 April 2023

Get Revved

 there is a consistency in the forecast. 

for sure 60 F is in the cards BUT we could be talking 70 in three days

yes, some rain but mostly clear skies

in our house, a somewhat major change [ for us ]

In 2010, I bought a 17 in Dell Studio laptop. A svelte model that weighed 6 # and a bit. I ported this monstrosity to England and Florida. A powerful Intel I 3 processor equalled the tower assembly that we had been using. 

the plan was that eventually, the Studio would transplant the tower. And
it did. the Studio became our ' go to ' computer and worked quite well. there were some sound connectivity glitches etc. 
[ kept the frame of the tower for a paper caddy, best use of the bugger, ever ]

Since, the emachine came and went [ never powerful enough ] and then 4 yrs ago a Dell student laptop [ 11 in ] that brought Chrome OS into the house. knowing that the Studio was aging [ and quickly ], I got a Lenovo Duet [ 11 in ]. 

The Duet was a tablet that came w/ a keyboard and stand. oustanding. The duet was slated to replace the Studio. augmented by a TV and regular keyboard. The Chromebook advantage was the ability to run android apps like a phone and accept peripherals [ keyboard, TV or other harddrives ]

life doesn't follow a track - especially here. the Studio got sluggish and 2 yrs ago, I reset the Studio to a clean, simple format. flash forward. as prior, the Studio got slower.

I noticed a you Tube video on  ' Chrome OS flex - for Window machines ' meaning, Flex would become your new Operating System for your Windows machine. Streamlining the existing laptop and bringing Chrome OS w/ it.

For the afternoon, I struggled to make ChromeOS flex the operating system on the Studio. There was trial and error and error

 yes. the Studio is now a Chrome convert. Faster ? well, we think so. there were some trade offs. Flex blocks the Google Playstore and certain apps are shut off by the OS.

the headphone jack doesn't work. maybe Blutooth will work

yes, BluTooth is operable.

one more hurdle. how to get a VPN running for protection vs hackers etc.

For years, I travelled to Fla [ air and car ] carrying a telescoping 6 ft rod. The rod collpased to 18 in and fit easily into luggage
Page next. Sojourn cont'd
Items age and inevitably suffer from age effects. Well, came in from fishing and the rod broke down [ broke ] into 2 pieces, not good. There I was holding the rod and the top guide from the rod in my hand [ bad ].
They sell guide replacement kits for $ 12 [ multi pcs ].  Except, the telescoping rod was 18 yrs old and cost $ 8 back when.
Come on ! just buy a new rod. Then its off to Walmart. In Sporting Goods, rods ranged from 20 to 50 dollars. 

A thorough search revealed a ' 6 ft rod and reel ' on sale ' for $ 19. 87  [ down from $ 30 ]. OK, its a sacrifice but rod and reel - too good to pass up.
At the cash out, the bill showed ' misc. sporting  $ 9.99 '
yepper on sale from ' on sale '. Happy, happy.
AND the rod worked a charm. Reel. The reel was alright but the line was way too old or too crappy.
The line on the reel kinked on retrieval and felt like clothesline to my fingers.

Friday 7 April 2023

Don't Get Too Revved

 but we are headed for 60 F

the prediction is 3 - 4 days out [ you can XXXXX your fingers ]
but sun for those days........ So .o. oooooo !

chores : we run an old PC from Dell w/ Chrome OS as the browser
I got on the beast and noticed how sluggish she has become
I cleaned up disc space, checked security and updated the drive
Still slow, very slow

outside took in the wires that run the heaters on the roof [ hopefully ice is no longer a threat. ]

we continue to highlight the Sojourn Memoir from Fla

this page tells the story of loss or failure
we didn't pack the mouse 
we both need a mouse for ease of use - I mentioned this in a January posting b/c
the LVLUP gaming mouse lights up. the mouse is outlined by shifting green, blue, yellow and red 
and it was $ 10. [ we brought it home and still use it ]

apparently, using the intstruction insert is good colour and information in the ' diary ' or journal [ colour !!!! ]

Thursday 6 April 2023

23/ 04 - 6 or AP 6

 we are clicking right long w/ this April thing

Roger that. Went through CBC online and can report.
the whole site is chok a blok w/ ads. Good news then ?

Yep. What I thought. Nada.

The weather hovering in the mid 40 s for days to come. Still a mixed bag of ' unsettled ' weather. Oh, sorry, its not ' dynamic ' 
I noticed that the weather girl threw in ' dynamic ' to describe our stormy weather days.

to sum up the fishing experience, a pleasant way to spend an hour more or less. Standing there, I can see the year lay out before me.

I've fished since I was 7 or so. I have owned or shared a cottage since 1963. A brief period, say 1977 to 1981 was cottageless. Again approx 2004 to 2005 there was no cottage.

Now. I use a cottage and store my boat. 
Ah, the great Canadian cottage idyll.

A friend, E .. is years younger and has probably fished more hours than me and definitely caught more fish and bigger. Thus, I sometimes wonder if I should wax so eloquent about fishing and my life.

However, on any scale, I fish.

Why ? Really ? For whatever reason we ordered 3 items form Amazon [ free delivery ]
Caught in the grip of the giant - seduced by the dark side
Guilty of rampant consumerism

Did I ever imagine that I would hire a ground penetrating radar services ?
NO. But I did. The collapsing gorund under the interlock needs to be dealt w/. I f there is any danger of the driveway or furhter collpase under the interlock then I need to know

Really. GPR on my property ???? Who coulda thunk


Wednesday 5 April 2023

Alright ! Make up yor mind

we got hail, big wind, rain in buckets and beaming sun

Good news.
a) my Bowen s cancer spot [ or lesion ] is cleared up and not returning yet

b) my extraction, post and implant [ jujube destroyed tooth ] is in healthy shape

the on going re - visit of the Sojourn in SPB, Fla

on a cold and blustery day, a sea trout visited the dock and ate a plastic shrimp

Attached to my line
That was a gotcha 

the first sea trout was folllowed by a second  .... bigger


Tuesday 4 April 2023

" I Think Its Raining ....

.... aall over the world " song lyrics

AND here

Good news its 42 F

Bad, it feels like 29 [ plus the rain

The Canadian buck [ called the loonie ] crossed over the 74 cent mark vs the Greenback
one common origin of the term ' greenback ' harkens back to American interests in Mexico. The chant that U.S. soldiers heard was ' Green go back home ' which morphed into - yes Greenback. BTW, US army jackets were green.

" On arrival, the water in the intracoastal waterway [ Boca Ciega Bay, as well ] was translucent [ as  off the dock ]. As the days went by, the water coloured up - life was comimg back. The flounder seemed active for some reason. I managed 2 in an afternoon. BUT that was all. No little finger fish or ' grunts ' that hover around the dock were visible.

Monday 3 April 2023

" If You Don't .....

 ... change your mind, you'll never change anything " maybe a W. Churchill quote

Okey Dokey
whats the weather. Cold ish and boding rain.We do warm up thru the week [ w/ rain, tho ' ]

Actually, we recorded ' Darkest Hours ' concerning the first months of the WW II events in England. The central character is Winston Churchill. W.C. is given a reprieve from his demotion [ still Lord Admiral ] to Prime Minister. The political parties won't back any other Conservative candidate.

We received the grim news from our accountant. We pay more taxes than last year. Surprise. The acct gently explained that we simply have more T slips showing monies paid. Sure, doesn't feel like it.

 The next page [ 5 ? ]

I added the comment that ' this is the $ 7 000 view ' or the cost per month to stay. Unfortunately, we think of the POV as our ' home ' in Fla. As if there iw no other. To be fair. We have been vacationing [ hiding form cold ] in Fla since 1980  ?????? and since 2000, yes, at Sunrise [ minus the CV-19 years ]

I also calculate cost, in terms of laps in the pool. I figure about $ 3. 20 per lap, this year. In terms of per fish, somewhere North of  $ 850.
If you estimate cost per beer, not too bad as it turns out. [ kiddng, sort of ]

Sunday 2 April 2023

AP 2 arrives

 w/ falling temperature and leaving a wind chill good for feeling 22 F

P 4 from the  Sojourn Journal, some mornings bring vistas. I try to catch as many of these photos as possible. Its our view of Boca Ciega Bay [ actually, the Inland water way as well ]

I've been to the CBC online and decided to spare you the grief b/c thats about it.

AND the Kings of Spring [specifically, JHU, the Bluejays ] won their second B1G [ Big Ten plus 6 ? ] game vs Rutgers. Drama exploded when the Michigan Wolverines following a loss to Hop, recorded their first ever win vs Maryland [ # 2 in the rankings ]. 

Approx 5 years ago, Maryland, Johns Hopkins and Rutgers migrated to the B1G, joining Ohio State, Penn State and Michigan in Division 1 lacrosse.
This 2023 spring has seen all 6 B1G teams ranked in the top 20. Of late, Penn State, Rutgers and Hop have been rising in the rankings. Maryland has been either # 1 , 2  , or 3 during this season and pre season.
JHU played this Saturday on HomeComing weekend, and surged late in the game to pull out the win.
As Michigan proved, there are no ' gimme ' s in the B1G. 
We have sun galore but cool to uncomfortable air and wind

The picture window view is glorious - snow piles are hidden and grass is non existent but bare ground is visible in place of that

Saturday 1 April 2023

The 4 th Month

 and what have you got

older and .... something  ..... something 

Page 3 of a Sojourn in SPB, Fla. we are there in winter and experience very low and high tides. Plus the sunsets are unique to that time of year. This view looks W toward the Gulf of Mexico

Today s weather is mixed [ what else ] sunny, wind is cold and rain threatens - due by late afternoon and then the temperature dips over the night hours.