Saturday 8 April 2023

Get Revved

 there is a consistency in the forecast. 

for sure 60 F is in the cards BUT we could be talking 70 in three days

yes, some rain but mostly clear skies

in our house, a somewhat major change [ for us ]

In 2010, I bought a 17 in Dell Studio laptop. A svelte model that weighed 6 # and a bit. I ported this monstrosity to England and Florida. A powerful Intel I 3 processor equalled the tower assembly that we had been using. 

the plan was that eventually, the Studio would transplant the tower. And
it did. the Studio became our ' go to ' computer and worked quite well. there were some sound connectivity glitches etc. 
[ kept the frame of the tower for a paper caddy, best use of the bugger, ever ]

Since, the emachine came and went [ never powerful enough ] and then 4 yrs ago a Dell student laptop [ 11 in ] that brought Chrome OS into the house. knowing that the Studio was aging [ and quickly ], I got a Lenovo Duet [ 11 in ]. 

The Duet was a tablet that came w/ a keyboard and stand. oustanding. The duet was slated to replace the Studio. augmented by a TV and regular keyboard. The Chromebook advantage was the ability to run android apps like a phone and accept peripherals [ keyboard, TV or other harddrives ]

life doesn't follow a track - especially here. the Studio got sluggish and 2 yrs ago, I reset the Studio to a clean, simple format. flash forward. as prior, the Studio got slower.

I noticed a you Tube video on  ' Chrome OS flex - for Window machines ' meaning, Flex would become your new Operating System for your Windows machine. Streamlining the existing laptop and bringing Chrome OS w/ it.

For the afternoon, I struggled to make ChromeOS flex the operating system on the Studio. There was trial and error and error

 yes. the Studio is now a Chrome convert. Faster ? well, we think so. there were some trade offs. Flex blocks the Google Playstore and certain apps are shut off by the OS.

the headphone jack doesn't work. maybe Blutooth will work

yes, BluTooth is operable.

one more hurdle. how to get a VPN running for protection vs hackers etc.

For years, I travelled to Fla [ air and car ] carrying a telescoping 6 ft rod. The rod collpased to 18 in and fit easily into luggage
Page next. Sojourn cont'd
Items age and inevitably suffer from age effects. Well, came in from fishing and the rod broke down [ broke ] into 2 pieces, not good. There I was holding the rod and the top guide from the rod in my hand [ bad ].
They sell guide replacement kits for $ 12 [ multi pcs ].  Except, the telescoping rod was 18 yrs old and cost $ 8 back when.
Come on ! just buy a new rod. Then its off to Walmart. In Sporting Goods, rods ranged from 20 to 50 dollars. 

A thorough search revealed a ' 6 ft rod and reel ' on sale ' for $ 19. 87  [ down from $ 30 ]. OK, its a sacrifice but rod and reel - too good to pass up.
At the cash out, the bill showed ' misc. sporting  $ 9.99 '
yepper on sale from ' on sale '. Happy, happy.
AND the rod worked a charm. Reel. The reel was alright but the line was way too old or too crappy.
The line on the reel kinked on retrieval and felt like clothesline to my fingers.

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