Sunday 31 December 2017

the Last of 2017

Dec 31 at 4:03 PM
and is it cold out there
Now, granted I wan't wearing a parka but I was just in the driveway
running between cars
Criminy !

Bright, sunny day w/ big blue sky
You know, maybe the sky is frozen
What do you think ??
Huh ?
Maybe ?

Well, thanks for tuning into the blog, again

All the best for 2018 for you !!

We shall see said the Zen Master

God bless

Saturday 30 December 2017

One More

minute of daylight

Its cold, thus the snow was light and fluffy
TG, easy to shovel

Environment Canada has said that the large Arctic air mass that blankets an extremely vast area is unusual. This cold is not the worst but long lived and broad in coverage.
So, we should feel good b/c so many people are cold
No, sad really

In some parts of Canada, natural gas won't flow b/c the pressure has dropped in the pipes.

The city plow is roaring outside the window doing its thing
poor guy has probably been running all night b/c the snow stopped around 10 PM or so

Stamp your feet, and wear a hat

The cold was reasonable but at night, the city is alerting people of the intense cold. New Years Eve festivities ( outdoors ) were shortened to just around midnight. Thus folks won't be out freezing for extended lengths of time

Friday 29 December 2017

Yes, Again 7:51 -> 4:48

same sunrise and sunset

I knew there was something not right
the sunrise and sunset stayed the same

Now, I'm really watching closely

Cold, COld, COLd, COLD !

Research says, not a mistake. The sunrise and sunset were the same for DE 28 & 29

But wait, starting to-morrow, we gain a minute of sun each day, for two days.

And snow, looking pretty fluffy there
Traffic exiting the city is el nutso
Fans going to Buffalo 1h 35 m away are reporting travel times of 6 - 7 h. The U.S. / Cda Junior game is outdoors in Buffalo

Thursday 28 December 2017

7:51 AM & 4:48 PM

thats 8 h and 57 m of sun for to-day

I'm keeping track of this longer day thingy and making sure thats its happening.

I'm reading a Xmas present from M. The book is a historical fiction set in a country like Spain bordering the Middle East. The conflict is between Christians ( worshiping Jad ) and Muslims ( holding w/ the Prophets ) and Jewish people ( praying to the 2 moons ). 
The author is familiar to me, Guy Gavriel Kay, a Canadian. I've read 2 other novels of his repertoire.

I got to bed at 1:30 AM last night having read the night away.

COLD , bright and still. FFFFrrrreeeezing !

Wednesday 27 December 2017

Coldly Brilliant

or brilliantly cold

It s am icebox out there and ........... I haven't even stepped ouside
It looks that cold
Everything is sharp and clear

Great weatherman here, eh ?

It was just as cold as I said
But the wind was fitful and in the sun cold but not raw

Tuesday 26 December 2017

We Are Boxing ?

traditionally, long ago apparently this day was return day or box'em up to go back to the store

I think thats how the name came about

Brilliant sun and frrreeezing cold out there

In Buddhism, this life is filled w/ Dukha or suffering. It is the lot of all living things. Now, don't get too down about this theory. B/c Buddhists also believe that the suffering doesn't dominate our lives if we accept the way things are.
Revere all life and see the sacrifices that living things make all their lives.  Appreciate all things.
The Nembutsu or invocation is " We surround all living things with infinite Love and Compassion. To all those in doubt and ignorance, pain and suffering and especially to those whose feet are standing close to the great change, men call death - we offer up oceans of Wisdom , Mercy and Love "

Now, what kind of Buddhist, am I ?
I understand the basic precepts and agree 
but what does it do for my life
which after all, should be the function of a religion
how you see life and live, day by day

We shall see said the Zen Master

Monday 25 December 2017

Missed Sunrise

I'll report, later


Buddhists don't have Xmas
However, the Japanese can be very flexible about holidays
Thus, the tree lit trees around our house

Enjoy , please

We watched ' El Camino Christmas ' in which a purported liquor store heist gets two people shot. The local police are bumblers and inbred. Inside the store, hostages and not hostages share  ' my Truth ' to each other. But June comes after the shooting and there is hope

Well,the sun broke out and produced light glinting on snow
then I had to shovel the back patio

We overdid Xmas a bit which is great

And the cold set in, and will stay for 5 days

Sunday 24 December 2017

Deceived ?

or not

The sun rose, right now, at 7:50 AM 
Where's my longer days ???

I'm going to keep track - and it better get earlier
or else !

We get snow to - night into the big day itself
The weather girl suggested getting out and clearing early b/c a lot more white stuff is on the way

Wishing you a Merry Christmas

We have the beginnings of a snow storm, sure as shooting - its on its way

Saturday 23 December 2017

LLoonnnger Days are here

Whats that expression, ' we've turned the corner or rounded the cape ( Cape Horn and going north  ) 

The days grow longer, now.

TED and me. Last night, must have been TED Talk # 8 or so.
A lady used the expression ' Good or Bad, hard to say '
THEN she told the story of the Zen Master w/out the Zen Master.
Yes, the boy gets a pony, neighbours yell fantastic
The father replies ' Good or Bad, hard to say ' etc
It was the same tale line ( s )

We shall see said the Zen Master

The lady in TED Talk had a daughter born w/ developmental handicap, mostly physical. A touching and inspiring growing up diary.
Thus, we learn ' Good or Bad ' is half the story, we write the other half. And like rounding the Cape, the rough water can give way to sun and calmer waters.

Our atmospheric data tells of damp, cold and gray.

So, ' Open up your heart and let the sun shine in '

Be good, all you boys and girls !

The day was pretty much as advertised, mostly dour.
The Xmas tree on the lawn looks neat in a pool of white w/ great reflections off the snow.  Thats it for good news

Friday 22 December 2017

Closing In

on the shortest day ( or longest night )

On Facebook ( yes, I go there occasionally ), a friend mentioned the significance of Winter Solstice and the family's observation of the day.

Hope the cath lab was good to you

We got snow / we will get snow / we will be cold

'Bundle up your overcoat, when the winds blow cold '

I've discovered TED Talk on the streaming service. Once again, I'm only 4 years behind the curve. I figure to catch up w/ the world that I'll need to view pretty close to 400 segments. Then I'll nly have a back log of 1, 500 or so segments.

In one session, a speaker on ' Flow and Happiness ' presented the data that shows that watching TV is on par w/ sitting on the john for boredom and inspiration.
This could be good or bad

The weather outside is frightful. I was tending the back 40 in knee high boots and windpants, thus not too bad. the snow is about 2 -> 2 1/2 in. And the wind is driving

Wednesday 20 December 2017

On the Third Day of Waiting

for the solstice

The weather is blah. All gray out there but temperature is around freezing. The wind seems to be up and throwing the trees around.

I was out and about, facing a cold breeze w/ little gusts, wear a scarf and you were fine.

Its official, all prezzies under the tree, waiting for Santa,
Hold it ! Doesn't Santa leave presents ?

Well, the swag is there for someone

I'm watching TED Talks on the streaming service downstairs. The TV is not ' smart ', thus there is an external box to get Wi Fi. The streaming box was $ 60 and a new flat screen, likely $ 500.

Of course, we use data but monthly we go through 60 out of 200 Gb, so there is fudge room, there.

Snow is due in a couple of hours to the tune of 4 in, give or take

Tuesday 19 December 2017

4 Days in December

til, the long dark

Then, longer days begin !!!!!

This Equinox was really big for the ancient peoples - sort of the forerunner for Yuletide and other pagan rites.
The old time astrologers and sky watchers knew about celestial events i.e. equinoxes and solstices.
Hey, is Dec 23, a solstice or equinox ?
Correction, the winter Solstice is coming.

Equinox, when the sun crosses the equator

Monday 18 December 2017

Worst of the Worst

the precipitation is everything that you can name

Temperature is close to freezing and a mixture of crap is falling.

However, the afternoon brought 37 F and melting, all over. Temps stay warmish all night. To-morrow sees falling mercury and icy roads.
Are you counting down ? 3 days and then the days lengthen.
You realize tho' that its one short day there, w/ minimum day hours.

Sunday 17 December 2017

What a Pair

big sun w/ big cold

A beaming sun in a frozen sky
The afternoon brought 30 F and gray skies
Feels damp, tho'

Somehow the idea came to me, to build gingerbread houses for gifts. Normally, I buy 2 houses but I waited and never saw them for sale. Thus, the building project was conceived. and executed.
" Have fun " read the instructions. Sure, right !
A whole lot of cursing went on ....... and on !

However, all done and boxed !

Saturday 16 December 2017

Closing in

on Christmas

8 shopping days
notice we don't refer to the advent calendar
shopping days ?

Nearly 8 , and the Xmas tree is the light of the neighbourhood - again
do you think that I'm a little proud of the tree ?

We decided to do a turkey on Sunday. We will go to a turkey dinner on the 26 th. I wanted our own turkey at home. But not too close to the 26 th - kinda take a break.
There you go
one and done

I watched ' Power Rangers ' the movie 
Crikey , a real dog

Well , you see , I loaded ' TED Talks ' on the streaming app downstairs. When I went to choose a segment on ' Shopping in the Future ' , the app froze.
What the heck ............. I tried PR s The villain is named Rita Nebulosa or something like that --- oooh crap

Friday 15 December 2017

the End in Sight

having endured the icebox
there is hope for above freezing temperatures

Having info that Fla was cold makes our weather seem , well OK
but Go Away cold

Grim out there
a ray of sunshine, the Xmas tree on the lawn is doing its thing
a beacon for travellers on the crescent

" the harbour lights were shining
the moon was in its high
the Captain said thank God
were home
We've drunk the perils dry "

Homecoming, Man ( ala Andy Williams )

We started to warm b/c the cold alert Special Warning has been lifted for the cityWind chill was still 24 F but the wind was fitful

Thursday 14 December 2017

the Good News

we'll be at 35 F for the week end

Right now, its the deep freeze
w/ bright sun

We've received a message from the East coast of Fla., where the temperature was 40F, yesterday
Karumba , dudes !

The day wasn't a disaster, if you were dressed, not bad

Wednesday 13 December 2017

the Fire is

growing cold
maybe, I should close the door
but anyway the snow
has covered all
your footprints
and I can follow
you no more

Lyrics from a ' Winter's Tale ' ala Blatt / Rice

The Jet Stream dropped down and we're in the Cold Bowl, here.

" Button up your overcoat " twice

The sun popped out and the wind blew, just off and on. Thus, there were nice parts to the day
To -morrow is predicted to be colder than to - day - oh joy

Movie review from a Netflix choice:  Meagan Levy starring Kate Mara.
A misfit civilian joins the Marines for all the wrong reasons. Despite a rocky start, Meagan becomes a dog handler, handling Rex. The two bond. Sent to Iraq, the team does outstanding work and Meagan not the dog gets a Purple Heart.
The story heads home or she does. She fights to get to be w/ Rex in civilian life.
Rating 0.7 out of 1 ( Redbox scale )
Did you know that the acting sisters, Kate and Rooney are both named Rooney. Their lineage includes, yes the two families Mara and Rooney ( football club owners - Steelers and Giants ??? )

Tuesday 12 December 2017


the new name of our house

and what happened
Trapped by the snow
the Xmas lights were special , last night

I watched ' Guardians of the Galaxy , Vol 2 '. What was I thinking ?

Violence galore and over - blown , well , everything.
However , the good guys and gals win and look good doing it
The music
' Brandy ' by Looking Glass

" my luck , my Lady , is the sea "  classic music

Cold again to - day. Good old Brett Anderson , never said anything about this snow thingy

I'm re - re - re - re - re - re reading ' the Tyranny of the Night ' from the series ' the Instrumentalities of the Night ' by Glen Cook.
To be fair , I really am skipping pages or chunks of the book. The parts that I don't like or are boring.
" The divine conspiracy is no great engine w/ goose greased parts turning over smoothly. It is a drunken tarantella in a cosmic town square where the dancers frequently forget what they are doing and wander drunkenly bumping into things before purpose is recollected.
And like ants at their labors in the town common, those who do the world's work will, too frequently enjoy the sudden, unpredictable strike of an inebriant's flashing hoof. "
the book goes on from there.
" In politics and war, don't waste time looking for conspiracy and deceit when stupidity and incompetence will explain the event "

We shall see said the Zen Master

Monday 11 December 2017

Human Nature

the song

I've been surfing YouTube , again , this time tracking versions or cover of ' Human Nature ' , Michael Jackson. I ' discovered Jacob Collier.
The best cover so far is by , Michael Jackson. I always thought he was not bad as a singer. Whoa , nellie , the guy was pure entertainment. Sorry , MJ , you had it all

I left a calendar reminder about the long range prediction from Brett Anderson at Accuweather , this week
it is

and snowing at 4 PM

Sunday 10 December 2017

Tell Tale Signs of

the season

My bathroom is not hooked up to the central heating system. The previous owners had a baseboard heater in there. I opted for a change to a blower / heater w/ a thermostat. The b/h goes on when it gets cold , as now , and I raise the setpoint but only when I'm going to use the shower.

The hint of winter , when the temperature in the washroom falls below 65 F. And , yes , its reading 64 - 63 most days.

Cold and gray out there. Poked my nose out for the paper and ducked back in
I'm not stupid
Well , round 2 , of Xmas ' do s ' happened last night , here. The fishing buddies and sig others got to - gether. Apparently ,fishing and fishing related stories predominated.
go figure !

Lies my father told me. I'm drinking a mix of V - 8 juice and beer w/ some hot sauce. I've always told people that my dad called the concoction a ' bullshot '. Turns out , someone lied - maybe me.
The real name is a ' redeye'. A redeye is beer and toamto juice but I use V - 8 for the vitamins etc.
A ' bullshot ' is consomme and vodka
Eww ! beef broth and vodka 

My latest discovery , Jacob Collier , musician , and he's only won 2 Grammys. I'm so late to the party. Shucks !

Saturday 9 December 2017

Can You Hang On

roughly 14 days and

the shortest day of the year
which is followed by lengthening days
and unbelievably cold days

I turned on the front lawn Xmas tree again , this AM to light the street
A beacon marking the curve in the road

The day was pretty non-descript. Some flurries  ,some sun and now it is fore-telling precipitation. There has been a dampness in the air and the wind has been steady and strong but not gusting.

Friday 8 December 2017

Winter Sets In

Cold and Dark
are the watch words for this morning
Bonus , though
The Xmas tree in the front yard is stellar
simply stellar

Sorry the top tree 
snuck in ( backyard tree )
Bottom photo is the front yard - stellar tree

On the car front , I purchased a portable DC air pump. The advertising claims ' up to 300 PSI '. Great. But it chugs away like the ' little train that could ' .
I used a DC power pack on the premise that if the pump does something bad , at least its the power pack that gets destroyed.
And not the car electrical system
Good plan but after 3 tires ( on a very cold day ) the power pack ran out of juice.
Plan B , the AC pump and air tank , the old reliable , to the rescue.
5 minutes and all done. The AC air pump is 20 yrs old and has been jury rigged w/out a pressure gauge ( kinda keeps going ). The pressurized tank holds up to 8 cu ft at 100 Psi. Both are very bulky but dependable

The portable pump has a gauge in ' bar ' as readings. I'm assuming , it means ' millibars' or 1000 bar is normal pressure. So why advertise 300 PSI ( which is a lie ) when you measure in ' bar '.
Well , its cute , the pump.

BTW , the sun came roaring out and its a great day 

Thursday 7 December 2017

Charlize Forgives Me

well , I'm pretending

On Netflix , I watched a British ( ? ) film , called ' Their Finest '.
During the WW1 conflict , the Br film industry is devoted entirely to the war effort. There is limited production as supplies and monies are rationed. A young married woman is seeking any kind of employment and applies for a secretarial / odd job position. By fluke she gets into the wrong department as a copy writer.
W/  tad of encouragement , she is good at writing ' slop '. The perfect job , it seems.
Well done but slightly depressing , after all it is wartime and death is waiting it seems , just over the yardarm.

The weather is cold and sunny w/ flurries this AM but all white is gone

Hope Charlize forgives me

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Thank You Mr Sun

hope popped out of the sky
Gray is gone

However , 10 degrees colder than yesterday
We ( Grt Lks ) are due for very cold nest week
followed by cold / dry
followed by cold
Courtesy , of course , Brett Anderson and his European modelling or it seems to be mostly the European one that he uses at Accuweather

I apologize to Charlize Theron. I gave her pretty and in lycra ( Aeon Flux ) very attractive. But acting  ???????????

Yesterday , I re - watched ' in the Valley of Elah ' where she plays a detective to Tommy Lee Jones as bereaved father. Jones is an ex - military policeman and loyal American.
His eldest son was killed overseas but the recent death of his son occurred on American soil.
Curious and upset , he heads to the Army base.
Everyone is ducking the case , including Emily ( CT ).
Charlize is no lightweight , she measures well against TLJ which is no mean feat. TLJ projects a competence and determination. Too fluffy and you'll look insipid next to him and overpowering TLJ , well , good luck

Charlize is solid

Movie is depressing and a sad indictment of U.S, foreign policy and the crap role the Army gets overseas

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Can Hardly Wait

what ?

Nope , in 17 days ( give or take some hours ) we will have the shortest day of the year.
THEN , the days get longer
To wit , this morning , I looked out and said ' crap ' and turned the Xmas tree on in the front yard. Kinda  , let there be light , moment.

Besides , we are at 50F but it will fall to 32 before nightfall.
Oh , and Santa got turned on , as well , this morning

Monday 4 December 2017

Going for 50 F

w/ rain , off  and on

I've always wanted to try the Korner Pub. It is not on the corner , except in a broad sense ' of a plaza ' , but barely.
Well , Thurs , I did. Small , of course , but clean and friendly.
After 2 beers , which is always dangerous , I over heard the guy two seats over , negotiating a gig at the Pub.
After he mostly sealed the deal , like 90 % sure , I asked about what music he played. Blues and semi blues. Remember , 2 beers , so to brag , I said my biggest coup was going to see Vienna Teng live.
He starts to type her name into his cell phone and then I added , ' she really is like Sara Bareilles '
the guy stopped and replies ' you listen to Sara Bareilles , then I know this girl is good '
I was so proud ! Bravely , I mentioned that it was at Hughes Room.
Well , I should have started w/ that , b/c the guy was really impressed. Then he mentions , his friends bar up the street from Hughes.
P.S. I was drinking Urquelle Pilsner , rating is very good esp after 2

Its foggy , again , dense and soupy , out there

I mentioned that I put up a random stringer of LED s , not a long stringer , loosey goosey.
The box said pure white , well , they are pale green unless you're red green colour blind. I decided , green lights ! its a Xmas tree.
so , yes , there are 2 Xmas trees in the backyard.

Sunday 3 December 2017

the foggy Mountain Dew

well , no mountains , but foggy

A former student invited me to a Xmas get to - gether w/ other people from that age group. The group in general our beginning sandwich people - older parents and kids in high school or university.

There are several interesting oddities about our house. On several occasions I've found walls that are difficult or impossible to put a fastener into , such as a screw. Often I hit a layer harder than wood , as in concrete or steel. Dunno , but its hard whatever it is. Then , yes ,  you got it  , way too soft or unable to hold a screw and anchor.
The bathroom wall where the toilet paper holder goes , is soft. One of my little jobs , to day is to get the TP holder up , again. Last night , M wrenched the little sucker right out its screw holes. One tough lady is M.
OK , done , I think it will resist most efforts to rip it off the wall.

As well, found ! our icicles for the tree

Saturday 2 December 2017

Coming Around

in the backyard. I went out ans stuck a string of LED s on a bush.

While , finishing up w/ the loose stringer , a neighbour yelled out ' we love your Xmas tree ! '. We are not sure if she meant the front 5 ft tree ( plastic frame ) or the 10 ft tree in the backyard.

About the loose stringer. The package says ' pure white ' LED. We think that it looks greenish ( low voltage problem ? ) and b/c it just lays there ( no pattern , really ) doesn't look that good. But  it twinkles and balances the Xmas tree - lights left and right , kinda.

The temperature is 46 F and gray but still - even the leaves are still.

Friday 1 December 2017

Remember , Remember ......

the first of December

That is a mis quote , from Guy Fawkes Day - 5 th of November

but it rhymed

The day is off and on , a bit sunny then cloudy all over. Temperature hovering around 45 F w/ gusty winds.

A visit to the Optometrist was first order of business.
My eye problems:
initially , blepharitis or a lid infection caused by build of crud and bacteria. Diagnosed in 1996
next , lower lid glands that didn't produce oil readily
followed by a possible bacterial infection of the glands

Over 6 months , the 3 difficulties have ebbed and flowed , singly and to - gether, To -day , all 3 were in remission.
The next few months will see the addition of Krill oil to my diet
b/c the gland oil was heavy. A reduced lid cleaning regimen and let's wait and see.

I left w/ $80 worth of eye cleaning supplies
which are way cheaper at the Dr s office than the drug store