Tuesday 31 March 2020

Senior's Hours

are 7 - 8 AM at the Metro < grocery chain >

And, M decided to go and pick up veg and stuff

We shall see said the Zen Master

Weather for M : starts at 40 F headed for 44
mainly rain  and mist
Wind NE at 7 mph Pressure falling
Sun hours 12: 43

The wanderer returned like a hero. Even potato chips b/c they are a frontline defense against a virus < maybe >

Monday 30 March 2020

A Sampler of

what I see on my phone app after exercising

Unfortunately, I didn't get the bottom piece of data < which says ' Zone '
and for cardio " 79 % "

The zones are Peak, Hard, Cardio and Easy. My goal is th get into the cardio range. This zone means that I'll continue to have a raised metabolic rate for 36 - 48 hrs. Fat burn or easy is good for weight loss but the metabolic effect is probably 12 h or so
I use ' treadmill ' setting b/c treadmill is close to elliptical b/c it calculates ' weight bearing ' exercise

Weather is 42 F headed for 48. Wind is SSW at 9 mph
Presssure rising and cloudy 12 h and 39 m of sun

Sunday 29 March 2020

And the Rain Goes On

yes, through the night

and still. The temperature is 40F and supposedly headed for 65 + but I don't know how. Wind is up and slashing through the trees
Ordered food in last night from ' Skip the Dishes ' from " Taste of the Greek ". Except ' Door Dash ' came.
Service on time w/ food cool to lukewarm. The drive was 20 something minutes.
Taste of the Greek tasted fine. We stored food for two more meals.

In fact, lamb sandwiches for breakfast was de rigeur this morning. And scary was the grease that melted off the meat. I wrapped the lamb in paper towel and microwaved the meat. The wrapper was saturated w/ grease. I guess last night, I ate a large portion of grease w/ my meal.

And today, its supposed to clear but there is a 40 % chance of rain.

Alright, CoVid - 19 - there I said the words b/c thats the whole news cycle

The neighbours took our order when they went shopping. We even got toilet paper < we put it down just in case that they found some >

Saturday 28 March 2020

And the Beat Goes On

from, Sonny and Cher - way back when

Sometimes, I think that the experts and doctors have got it wrong re: CoVid - 19. I mean, we get the flu coming around each year and yes, people die. But what is this disease doing.
Respiratory distress. I suppose. An exaggerated flu ?
Shouldn't they explain what happens to a person

Weather 38 F heading for 44 F

Wind E 11 mph. Pressure rising
Mostly cloudy w/ 12 h 33m of light

Research done. Here is a description from a Vancouver woman treating herself at home under doctor's orders

“First I started just having a dry cough, just a couple coughs here and there, nothing that you would ever really pay that much attention to,” she told Global News over Skype.
“Over the course of 24 hours it got a lot worse, to the point where I was having coughing fits, where it was getting hard to catch my breath, and then chest pains that don’t seem to go away but get worse at points, especially when I’m lying down and trying to sleep.”
Other patients described back and chest pain, tired and body slammed. The common theme; how did I get it.

Alright, my interpretation of CoVid - 19.
It would help, maybe, if you know, the alias of CoVid - 19, which is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CV - 2. Abbreviated, of course to SARS CV 2. Why not use this name ? Doctors fear confusion with SARS of 15 years ago.
CoVid - 19 is an irritation of the respiratory system. Coughing, that builds until that cough is debilitating. And with the increase in effect, a fever that can also build.
The progression has the virus replicating and spreading in tissues of the respiratory system.
As the body is overwhelmed, then comes the tiredness and achy ' beat up ' feeling.
Unfortunately, I'm an old pro at that last part. I've heard the term, head cold, before. But it seems to me that flu or cold, I get those last symptoms, always. Like I said, an old pro !

Friday 27 March 2020

Much Consternation

' Amid much consternation ............ '

Always, wanted to say that
And almost every statement and / or broadcast could begin with that phrase re: CV - 19.
Segue, I saw that the virus is named SARS CV - 2

Except the weather
34F going to 52 
Wins is N 5mph. Pressure is  rising Cloud cover and 12h  31 min sun

Thursday 26 March 2020

Next: Boro Sleeping Sickness

slept way late approx 9
Nine, I was comatose

Weather report. Real nice, sun and blue sky a a breeze whifting through the trees
Not whistling, whifting < sounded about right >
42F and bound for 54 Wind is 12 mph SSE falling pressure
12 h 29 min of Mr Sun
P.S. now late afternoon and clouds are heralding rain

Good news reporting : from Brett Anderson at Accuweather, an early greening.
Apparently, this verdict is fairly unanimous w/ weather people.
He does a map < you've seen it before, here >
This info is a summary of his map
MR 21 - 28    Great Lakes, esp Ontario and Erie
MR29 - AP 4  mild
AP5 - 11         mild and the northern edge is drier

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Couldn't Sleep

cup of yesterday s coffee
sitting up  in the front room

Well, Canada has hit a place where CV - 1 transmissions are evolving into ' community spread '.I.e. not from travellers or visitors but ' homegrown ' spreading from person to person.
Lots of rules, of course, but voluntary isolation is supposed to be efective. NOT
We will get warm or better than the last 3 days. Headed for high 40 s w/ wind E 15 mph.Pressure falling and 12 h 24 min of sun. Cloudy

I did a tour of the computer sites that I go to.
I got credits at the on line casino < free for signing in > and checked on CBC on line.
For Canadians, a cruise ship VanZaan ( ? sp ) is steaming north from Chile looking for landfall. The original destination wouldn't let passengers disembark on the 14 th. And so far, no country will let the ship off load. There is a flu like ailment running around the ship. There are no test kits and plans for re - supply are on going. one third of passengers are Canadian.
The U.S. stock market bounced up. I didn't bother reading the blurb b/c things will go south tomorrow or the next day.

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Making It Up

or a normal blogging day

The weather:
34 F headed for 44
Wind NE 9 mph
12h 21 min of Mr Yellow  + cloud
A better looking day, overall, is what we see

We made our first on line / delivery to the door, grocery order. Are we hip or modern or what ?
Woohee, getting in there w/ the Millennials 
but we are not out partying

Apparently, there are ' windows ' and the only or earliest ' window ' is a week and days away. I think the food will spoil by then in the carry box.

The liquor store delivers in 2 - 4 days, booze is easy to ship out

We needed some foodstuffs < puff cookies and butter tarts >, kidding but I was there, extras for morale
Some veg, bread, milk etc
Quiet in the store but I goofed twice. I was 6 ft away but you need to wait for the cashier to call yo < oops 1 > THEN I crossed the line too soon < oops 2 > 
They might let me come back, 3 oops and you're gone

Monday 23 March 2020

Bleak Mid Winter ?

No, just spring in the ' boro

White stuff fell and may still come down

32 F going for 36 and a chance of one inch of snowy drizzle
Wind is E 9 mph and pressure is falling
Sun time is 12 and 18 min

A grim day, for sure, is what we got.

3Pm and now it feels like BLEAK midwinter

So it was not a total loss - I sorted fishing baits etc from the Fla strip. While fishing things seems to get tossed willy nilly into a box or bag. Yessiree sorted that mess.
Now, I can dream of fishing in the Spring or summer or when allowed to go out from ' staying in ' rules

Sunday 22 March 2020

Coniinue the Blog

blah, blah,blah

But this blogging is therapeutic ( ? sp ). I know it is

Temperature 25 F feels like 12 but -> 34 F
Wind is E 19 mph. Pressure rising
Sun 7:17A and 7:32 P
Partly cloudy

Going forward < I  hear that phrase, all the time, especially from business types, thus I'm using it - finally >
I will buy bread from the Cliffside Hearth Bakery and give it to our neighbours -good will etc.
We will order takeout from the little restaurant up at the big corner
Just a thought - or a try

I did it
What ?
I went out on purpose to hug a tree.  Actually, the advice was to touch a tree - supposedly to calm you down. Ground yourself in thinking of the tree - nature.
But I thought of the expression < yeah, tree hugger >
I did
Calm. No. Cold. YES
really cold out there
12 h plus sun but cold still

Saturday 21 March 2020

Plexiglass Shields

nope not the riot police squad

Our cashiers are getting walled off from the customers as per CV 19

Weather is 18 F and feels like 5 < 5 !
as in 1,2,34 > headed for 33 F. Wind is NNE at 10 mph < thats why ! >
Sun and cloud w/ pressure rising

Apparently, you can kill a lot of time doodling ( noodling ) ( poodling ) ( zoodling ) on the internet. ' Space Pinball ', poker, yahtzee < I set a new record, in my little world >. I'm not saying that I'm doing that.
YouTube ing, but that shouldn't count b/c thats
fairly normal behaviour.
After all, little puppies and chipmunks and squirrels playing, vat else do you want

Well, a cold week end for us in the ' boro. Sun, which is great but tres cold

Friday 20 March 2020

" Worst Headache Ever "

reports 25 yr old, recently returned from Miami. A total body slam.

Weather is mild to start approx 60 F but windy. Rain is likely and the temperature drops all day to 48 F.
Cloudy and will slightly clear out. 

The new ' normal ' for exercise. Three days on < exercise > and one day off. Going for < maintain >
of course, same old, same old.

I suppose that I should tell you, I went w/ a new - ish routine. Result : slightly longer time and raised BPM average and of course, higher calorie burn. The calorie part is in doubt. The ' Tickr ' is set for treadmill or the closest workout that was available. At least, both treadmill and elliptical are weight bearing
type exercises.

Apparently, modern heroes get toilet paper. One per customer and I got 48 rolls. I missed the 100 roll pile.
Oh boy, could regret that later

Thursday 19 March 2020

How to Approach the Issue

or a primer on disease control

Wash your hands. Yes, frequently. Yes thoroughly.
Carry your own paper towel. I don't trust those blower thingies.
Alright, warm water, hot water - definitely better.
The purpose of soap etc is essentially to emulsify the fat / grease layer. Warm water equals greater molecular motion and wringing your hands intensifies the break up of the fat film.
This fat film is not susceptible to water. Sugary materials are washed away < read dissolved > w/ water - yes, warmer is better.
Immediately after blogging this AM - you read it above
I went YouTube surfing. ' Jennifer Lawrence on Jimmy Fallon- Tonight ', ' Creek Fishing Adventures ' and b/c its so trending ' disease '
Specifically, how germs move - from you, to you and on you. Really.
Here's the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5-dI74zxPg

Also, its scary, freaky. And I'm in real trouble. I touch my face more than the host does in the video and he had ' glow germ ' all over his face from touching.
' glow germ' is a phosporescent powder that mimics germs
P.S. how is my spelling, since I turned off  ' auto check ' ?
Alcohol is effective versus bacteria b/c the bacterial wall cannot block alcohol from passing. Alcohol is hydrophobic, in part, and passes the fat content of the cell wall.
Contact is always more problematic as disease organisms find mucous layers easier to penetrate than skin < read hands and body etc >. Thus, not touching mouth or eyes is best for blocking diesease organisms.
Weather, 38 F rising to 50 something. Damp now, drying a bit. Wind ENE at 9 mph w/ pressure rising
Over 12 h of sun

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Wasn't Going Anyway

St Patrick s Day at the pub < actually night b/c it started at 6 >

Around noon, a text arrives ' the pub is closed due to CV 19 '. That was all pubs and restaurants which are limited to take out, now.

Weather : 40 F for the day Wind East 12 mph
Sun up 7:24 AM and down at 7:27 PM
I'm guessing then that the spring equinox and spring aren't the same day
Periods of rain 40%

Well, the pub isn't the only closure. Just a shame.

The sunlight issue. Spring Equinox and Spring
- the words very nearly equal pop into the definition
NOT equal but very close all over the Northern Hemisphere on the 19 th of March. The earliest spring in over a 100 years

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Spring < not > Showers

spring  not quite

but 7:26 P sun up and 7:26 sun down
Hey ! thats 12 h - I thought spring came Thurs
I'll research that

Temperature is 38 F going for 46
Wind S14 mph Pressure falling
Oh, wowzers - chance of flurries
thats it - spring flurries

The topic is exercising but it could be entitled other ways. I ponder the bit about staying motivated, in all things.
For exercise, when I ran there was always a time < to beat > or a distance to go. I've said that if you had told me what my routine <  at this time > was - I would have guffawed. 
My goal : starting in 2003 was to be able to do what I was doing in 2003, ten years on.
The first elliptical was purchased in that year, with that goal in mind.
I was to maintain < see, there it is > cardio but also overall tone etc.
Maintain. So uninspring !
Stay the same < which I'm not, for sure, but the semblance of >  I guess.
Well, another elliptical machine later, still at it.
I think that I want a reward -  a prize 
an achievement
What have you done
stayed the same < see ! so lame >
Alright, thats whats on my mind, today.

However, in watching ' Goodbye, Christopher Robin ' < again > Daphne Milne says ' there is always ugly in this world, the trick is to find something worth believing in '
Thus, maybe I need to trust that in trying to stay the same - something good happens
Sure, watch alot of Netflix and Prime

Monday 16 March 2020



too early

30 F rising to 38 F w/ wind SE 8 mph
Pressure falling
Sunrise 7:27 Am and Sunset 7:24 P
OR / 11 h 57 min

So close, in fact its Thursday 

Sunday 15 March 2020

The Blog Continues During

troubled times

OK the day looks good. Full sun and blue skies and the trees aren't shaking.
Cold right now at 30 F but headed to 38.
Wind is NE 12 mph
Sunrise 7:29 AM , sundown 7:23 PM
Thats 11 h 54 m of sun aujourdui
Pressure rising and yes, sun

How to make a $100 000 - sell toilet paper on Amazon. Amazon has shut down one guy already.

I suppose winning the lottery will be good, I mean as a diversion of sorts

Saturday 14 March 2020

All Over the World

one item

Now, if this described a movie, well, it would be good or at least better than " what it really means "

Words, like ' self - isolation ' , cluster etc are part of the ' new ' lexicon for people

Temperature 33 F -> 45 F w/ wind NW 21
Sunrise 7:31 AM and Sundown 7:22 PM
Overcast w/ sunny breaks

I got a count of 11 h 51 m for sun time

Friday 13 March 2020

Backward Temperature

42 F now and dropping to 38 F
Wind is W at 21 mph

Sun up 7:33 AM and going down at 7:21 PM
Pressure rising and part sun / cloud

The rain came down last night, audible throughout the house

Maybe, it was the wind. B/c that ' breeze ' was knocking over garbage cans. And our recycling bins are 60 gallons jobs.

But the sun came out to brighten the day

Thursday 12 March 2020

Stop the World

and let me off

A pandemic has arrived. Been here and getting worse

The good news : Sun up 7:35 AM and sun down 7:19 P
for : 11 h 44 m
And we will hit 50 F w/ the sun out right now

Self quarantine is the new normal
or un-normal

I met a friend for lunch at Perfect Chinese Restuarant.
The parking lot was 1/2 full and the restuarant not quite. The friend parked behind the restauarant a 1/2 block away b/c the front is crowded < usually >

My Chromebook is Corona free as am I < so far >
you never know

Wednesday 11 March 2020

OHIO gomensai

good morning in Japanese

The weather report :

32 F headed for 38 F
Wind is biting, SE at 2
Sun time 7:36 A to 7:18 P < sun for 11h 42 m
Pressure rising and its overcast

Tuesday 10 March 2020

' Ain't No Sunshine

goes the song
' when she's away

Rain proceeeded all night, and now its dreary out there.
Here's the numbers :
52 F at 9:30 Am rising a few degrees then dropping fast by late afternoon.
Wind is S at 10 mph. Pressure falling
Sunrise 7:38 Am  and Sundown 7:17 Pm
Sun or no sun time is 11 h 39 m

The headlines are Corona related, Italy shuts down and Canada is thinking alternate supplies for Chinese parts and material.
Wowzers ! Imagine no polyester bathrobes at the Giant Tiger.

The sun broke through and lit up the day. However, that wind is no south wind that I know of - brutal bite

M s friend of many years is going on a cruise - yes, a cruise. OMG !
The rationale is that the Corona virus story is overblown and some situations are safe.
Well, we ate out at a restaurant < not Asian > but here in Toronto, business in the Asian community is reduced by a lot.
I believe what is overblown is the propaganda from the govenment that  they  < the people in power > have a handle on the situation.
Bullhockey, as they say. Their collective praying is not going to help. The medical facilities will be or are inadequate - but the government cannot release information such as that - well, they will when the system is swamped.

Monday 9 March 2020

Encore, le sol est ici

yes, sun and blue sky
and even the temperature will be 60 + F
Wind is light out of the SSE and rising pressure
Sunrise 7:40 A and Sundown 7:16 P
total sun 11h 36 m

Corona V crawls all over the newsfeed.
Canada is bringing home passengers to be quarantined.
Oil prices go for a dump along w/ stocks etc

I'm waiting for the headline " Corona Virus Infects Computers "

Sunday 8 March 2020

Back Deck Temperature

is 30 F and the sun is out

The forecat for 0308 is :

Hi 56 F - Wind S at 6 mph Rising pressure
Sunrise at 7: 42 A and Sundwn 7: 14 P
thus total sun will be 11 h 32 m

" Sunshine came softly through my window today "

Quel difference ! when the day is bright
Even the wind is tolerable, cold but tolerable

Saturday 7 March 2020

mArCh 7 20

alright, I tried for different

Big sun right now. 21 F and feels like 14 w/ wind out of the NE - a lilting, f***ing frigid little breeze. The high will hit mid 40 s. Sunrise 6:43 A and sundown 6:13P. Pressure is rising

A report. I continue to learn how to use and evaluate the new HRM, called Tickr. A change in the routine has me using a rowing machine on non - free weight days.
Recall the base workout is ellipticking w/ step off to do free weights.
Now, on those off days < so to speak > I'm rowing for 40 minutes. The rowing machine is called a Concept 2. Its got the big bicycle wheel out front. The Concept 2 is still used in gyms but for safety it boasts a cage around the spoked bicycle wheel. Concept is an ergonometer - meaning its a calorie burner.
My Concept 2 was purchased in 1985. Over the years, things have broken or been discarded. There once was a odometer and stroke counter < since defunct and stripped >. At one time, I attached a bicycle odometer just to see numbers move as I rowed. Now, this pst few days, I row and watch the face of my cellphone to keep track of time and HR on Tickr.
Its really neat seeing the data pop up instantly. After, I get a summary and as mentioned a graph detailing time vs HR. Way too much, but I love it
In comparison, calories burn are almost the same on ' on ' days and ' off ' days.

Friday 6 March 2020

TGI Friday

huh ? we're retired
Friday is a day

Today in the ' boro ' is temperature at 32 F w/ the wind out of the NE at 6 mph, mostly cloudy, Sunrise 6:45 A and Sundown 6:11 P and a rising barometer or high pressure coming in

When teaching, I was always aware of the distinction between the students view of time / their life and mine
The students lived for weekends < other people  did too, maybe >
But I mean, a differnet world for them them come the weekend
Unfortunately, I observed that I marked time by report cards < twice a year > or change of term
or god forbid by Christmases

And it may have gotten worse, b/c sometime I think that I'm counting decades

Under the category of why you're getting stomped - we look at the Johns Hopkins Bluejays in Mens D1 lacrosse. Hops record is 1 - 3, not good
those opponents are 17 - 1 so far this season and ranked in the top 20 and three are top 10
Still, a win is always welcome

Thursday 5 March 2020

20200305 V II

I had to start over.
I pasted in the weather and couldn't get past the ' bold ' typeface and blue ish outline
on the Amazon Prime front, Mrs Maisel has survived the first season < as did I >
We do have big sun out there

My story. While on ' hols ' < very British that, they abbreviate everything, as in ' Uni ' for university >
I received an email from the dealership where I bough the truck. Immediate service may be required for your ......................... . Yesterday, I took the truck in.

Them : and your oil light came on
Me:      No
Them: then your brake warning check light
Me:      No
Them: give me a moment < he goes out to the truck >
Them: you don't need to be here, you've got 70 % left
            on your ' check oil system '
Me:      Bye

Typically, I've been given the ' song and dance ' routine - well, the computer system is just a sort of warning not accurate
This Honda company is saying - our computer knows its stuff
Neat. Someone that you can trust in the car business

Alright here's thinking out loud. 
In a fit of exuberance and trying ou the new HRM, Tickr, I did a workout of some kind 6 days straight. Good. I sweated out the demons < read fat from holiday style living >.
The downside is the wear and tear on my body < namely the left knee >.
The theory is that a good workout, meaning HR and BPM averaging 120 and a bit would keep my base metabolic rate up for 36 - 48 h < good for me >.
( you're reading my mental re-thinking on exercise and how often I workout.)
The fat burning zone is 107 BPM average. However, the effect on base metabolism of the exercise is good for 12 h

My weight is down from the day that we came home about 3 lb and thats w/ poker night and dinner out in the mix. Good
As an example, yesterday, the Welcome Back Routine
or WBR netted an average of 120 BPM - as desired.
Thus, today a less strenuous workout would suffice.
The readout that the Tickr gives is amazing for me.
I can see a graph of the workout in BPM vs time.

Now, the Tickr can give so much more hooked up to a data device attached to the elliptical or whatever machine that I use. Yet, I'm faced w/ the truth what would I do w/ the data.


Tried the numeric date idea agin
this one is fairly non jmpressive

Todays Weather

27 F
Feels like: -7
Mainly Clear
Visibility: 24.1 Km
Sunrise: 6:47 AM
Sunset: 6:11 PM
Wind: S 11 km/h
Humidity: 73%
Pressure: 102.0 kPa 

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Today in the " boro "

which is cheating b/c thats the nickname of ' Middlesborough ' in soccer
A way longer name than Scarborough

BTW, after watching ' California Typewriter ' I turned off the spell check.
2 reasons. Its annoying. My spelling is not that bad and the ' dictionary ' in the machine's memory is American
Spellcheck red underlines ' neighbour ' as wrong
which is right in Canada. < honour, valour etc >
OMG, is that 3 reasons

Johns Hopkins lacrosse is 1 - 3 and not in the top 20 
in Division 1. Boo hoo ! My team is being pummeled. W/ a young defense 80 % freshman or sophs, they are getting run over.
Each of the three losses came vs a ranked team, Loyola, North Carolina and Princeton.

Here in the ' boro ' 
35 F
Mainly Sunny
Visibility: 24.1 Km
Sunrise: 6:49 AM
Sunset: 6:09 PM
Wind: SSW 15 km/h
Humidity: 82%
Pressure: 100.7 kPa 

And buried back in the news is the item ' There Are No Known Cases of Ebola in the Congo. The first time since 2018. '

And in Australia, toilet paper is being rationed in grocery stores b/c of panic buying. Those Aussies know their priorites.
Not bad for March, but snow flurries are 30 % likely

Tuesday 3 March 2020

the Neighbourhood is Dark

at 6 AM
Yepper, couldn't get back to sleep

We are on a warming trend w/ above freezing temperatures for the next 5 days

A discussion : California Typewriter

a documentary, a place , a calling

The story is about the people and places where the typewriter is still used.
Obviously, writers, songwriters etc could still want / need a typewriter. However, there are many places in the world where interested parties can walk down to the street and ask a typewriter < person > to type a letter. In the same vein, one young lady writes poetry on demand < using a typewriter >.
The bulk of the storyline involves the tactile presence of the machine. A reassuring solidness, if you will, a sound that speaks of industry and work.
The benefit and drawback of paper feed for the typewriter vs the ' cloud '. Quotes one songwriter ' in the cloud ' forever, maybe, but who reads off the cloud - up there, yes - retrieved - not so.
And of course, nostalgia demands those who collect and revere the typewriter
I'd rather collect knives.
I still have my first sheath knife. A 6 in straight point manufactured by Swedish steel maker, Mora. I bought it at 13 y.o. w/ a note from my mother assuring Oscar, the owner of the sports store that it was OK.
The blade is shiny and you can see scratches from everything, use, abuse and sharpening.
Funny you know, I assembled a knife from a kit, sort of personalized the knife. Then discovered that my father built knives. Crude but utilitarian for sure.
And we never talked about knives or making of knives ever.

Rain begun toward noon ish and is ongoing as I type on a keyboard of a Chromebook.

Monday 2 March 2020

Damp and Rainy

all day is the forecast

So far, its uncomfortable outside < my knee aches >
Typical of raw weather, for me

Nothing changed as far as I can tell out there
Gray and dismal

Thus, its back to Mrs Maisel tonight
P.S. she is a wanna be < comedian, so far > and its bittersweet
OMG, life is a comedy
and so sad

Sunday 1 March 2020

a Crowd

yes, we found one last night
at a Greek Restaurant
Busy, busy

And there were Asians in the crowd

The left overs were terrific - namely, moussaka and rice
You should know that a neighbouring restaurant was almost vacant

I read a paragraph in a Donna Leon, Inspector Brunetti story, where a Venetian home from a 3 week English course in England returns home.
Her first thought fresh onion, tomato,spinach and pasta. No tomato sauce etc.
She  lightly sauteed all the veg and topped the pasta.
Very simple
Well, more or less, thats what I had. Onion, tomato and spinach in olive oil. Tossed in the rice and moussaka.
Terrif !

Thanks Donna

The weather has been cold. We warm up and get rain
Warm is 46 F

Alright ! My latest Amazon Prime find Mrs Maisel continues tonight as I elliptick.

The new HRM is working out w/ me < ha ha, little joke >
Except for the calorie counter which is set for treadmill, outdoor bike or indoor bike . However, it requires that Tickr, my HRM, can access the program on the equipment piece or additional program on another app < they give you examples >
I chose to go w/ an estimate < as per the internet > of 1.26 Cal per lb for 30 minutes.
My calculation says approx 590 Cal to 700 Cal for 44 to 47 min. 
Recall a piece of apple pie is approx 400 Cal
Yes, I burn off some apple pie.
You should know, as well, that the effort that I put in where my heart rate gets up to an average of 115 - 120 BPM over the workout means that I'll continue to get extra calorie burn for 24 - 36 h after the workout
In general, then it means I get long term benefit form that workout.
Hopefully, Mrs Maisel inspires some speed and extra heartbeats.
Most information says that watching TV can mean less attention to the exercise that you are doing

Yeah, pal, you should try and see how exciting ellipticking is !!!!

TG for the TV