Saturday 28 March 2020

And the Beat Goes On

from, Sonny and Cher - way back when

Sometimes, I think that the experts and doctors have got it wrong re: CoVid - 19. I mean, we get the flu coming around each year and yes, people die. But what is this disease doing.
Respiratory distress. I suppose. An exaggerated flu ?
Shouldn't they explain what happens to a person

Weather 38 F heading for 44 F

Wind E 11 mph. Pressure rising
Mostly cloudy w/ 12 h 33m of light

Research done. Here is a description from a Vancouver woman treating herself at home under doctor's orders

“First I started just having a dry cough, just a couple coughs here and there, nothing that you would ever really pay that much attention to,” she told Global News over Skype.
“Over the course of 24 hours it got a lot worse, to the point where I was having coughing fits, where it was getting hard to catch my breath, and then chest pains that don’t seem to go away but get worse at points, especially when I’m lying down and trying to sleep.”
Other patients described back and chest pain, tired and body slammed. The common theme; how did I get it.

Alright, my interpretation of CoVid - 19.
It would help, maybe, if you know, the alias of CoVid - 19, which is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CV - 2. Abbreviated, of course to SARS CV 2. Why not use this name ? Doctors fear confusion with SARS of 15 years ago.
CoVid - 19 is an irritation of the respiratory system. Coughing, that builds until that cough is debilitating. And with the increase in effect, a fever that can also build.
The progression has the virus replicating and spreading in tissues of the respiratory system.
As the body is overwhelmed, then comes the tiredness and achy ' beat up ' feeling.
Unfortunately, I'm an old pro at that last part. I've heard the term, head cold, before. But it seems to me that flu or cold, I get those last symptoms, always. Like I said, an old pro !

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