Saturday 30 July 2022

So Far

 so good.

Despite some small set backs, i.e. overlong oozing of blood, recovery is proceeding as per information sheet from Dentist.
The ' Cream First ' ice cream is a sin, for sure. 

According to instructions, a slightly more normal diet can begin for lunch today. I'm still working out what that would be. ??? hmmm ?

On YouTube, Dr. Diet [ ? ], commented on a study that showed lower glycemic blood levels if white bread was frozen and then toasted. The values were 30 % and more lower.
OK. Foods can be measured by how much that they raise blood sugar [ glycemic index ]. Foods w/ lower glycemic numbers are healthier for your body. Low glycemic index numbers mean less strain on liver, kidneys and excretory systems. Better for you -
BTW, whole grain bread is a better starting point and sprouted breads even better.

Now, white bread ! The study wanted to address the issue of children favouring white over brown / grain etc breads. Thus, a family can have white bread for kids and reduce some of the harm from ' white ' nothing which is a alias for white bread.

This weekend is a holiday here in Canada. The city empties out and parks get full - we stay home. I'm not sure how I would enjoy being out. The focus of my life is hoping that my mouth heals.
Oh, guess that I should have said [ or did ]. Once the site of the two implants heals over - the wait is 6 months for the implant to settle and tissue to grow over and under the site.

While, resting or recovering from the trauma, I watched 2 movies that we own.

" Prometheus " or how ' Alien ' began. The exploration ship, Prometheus, heads out some light years to a supposed home of the        ' engineers '. Research by 2 scientists, finds a common pictograph spread among divergent cultures, centuries and vast distances apart on earth. The star formation and symbolic pointing figure - say ' come ! '
They do. The film stars Noomi Rapace [ a real babe ]. This sci fi adventure is directed by Ridley Scott.

" Moonlight Mile " is a segment of time frozen by the death of a young woman. The mother and father try to re - jig their lives while hosting the fiance who has come to the daughter's home town. Quite an ensemble cast, Susan Sarandon, Dustin Hoffman, Jake Gyllenhaal and Ellen Pompeo plus Holly Hunter. I never hear this film mentioned as a ' must see ' item
Its a ' must see '. Oh, be warned. There are no machine guns and RPG s or giuded missiles. There is smoking and drinking [ mostly, in moderation ].

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