Wednesday 25 October 2017


or how to deal w/ problems

In the made for TV series ' Noble House ' based on the books of James Clavell , Ian Dunross explains how he can deal w/ momentous decisions. Each problem gets its own compartment and you bring it out when the time is right to deal w/ that specific problem.
Nope , I can't / don't do it.
Unfortuantely , Ian Dunross is correct.

And you have experienced the same result yourself.

For example , on selling my Dad's house , a yard sale accompanied by a call to 1 - 800 got junk accomplished almost all our goals.
Ah , but the garage !  A place w/ only room to walk from front to back. I worried for 3 days about how long and how to clear it out before the hand over of the house.
No solution. I confessed to my father that I couldn't see a way to get the job done.
Dad goes ' leave it w/ me '.
Fifteen minutes later , Dad comes back.
and says ' I paid the new owner $ 200 and he'll deal w/ the garage '
Never thought of that or that amount.

The purchaser of the house was a neighbour and had worked for dad previously. So , Dad went over and talked to the neighbour.

The day is dull and damp. We record 52 F outside.

Segue , to explain the story above , re: compartmentalizing.
Well , now that the boat is asleep , I am much relieved. The next little while can be devoted to little jobs. You see , I'm good at little jobs.
To wit , last night , all the fishing equipment that I lugged home got sorted. All the little bits were put back in their places and tools de -rusted and cleaned.
Fishing rods and reels need to be checked and stored properly.
As well , one group of tackle elements , namely jigs and small bullet weights , are not organized.
I left these things for last b/c I may need them in the coming months.

And in the sidelight windows for the French doors at the front of 
the house , I am trying out ' rope LED 'lights as used for Xmas decorating of a house. 
Right now a blinking imitation of the ' Las Vegas Welcome ' sign is the welcome light.
The rope lights go around the sdielight frame and are 10 x brighter than the LV sign and very obvious - ah , maybe too obvious.
Cost wise , there are LED step lights available for $ 75 a stringer.
I'd need 2 or 160 dollars.
The rope lights were on sale for 1/2 price or $24 for 2.
the cheapness keeps me in !

notice the common themes in this blog ?

A garage light was not functioning. Tried different bulbs
I went up there and checked the receptacle turns w/ the bulb - as in the copper fitting for the bulb is detached.
I waited 3 weeks , to - day , took apart the fixture and replaced the offending part.
ah , there was ( more ) light. The garage is lit by 2 LED lamps for utility purposes

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