By the # s in the TorStar
Will Rogers noted humorist ( a humorist entertains and a lecturer annoys - WR) always said ' I don't make this up its all in the newspapers '
The caste is called the ' Millenials ' , aged 18 - 31.
21.6 million living w/ their parents
40 % are males
32 % are female
6 the increase in average age of marriage since 1968
23 % of Millenials , married and living independently
v. 1968 when the % was 56
Anecdotal insertion here : When I was 25 , I announced that I was getting an apartment. My Dad came to me and said " you don't need to move out to prove your a man ". Baloney , I was thinking ' I'd better leave before one us kills the other " Not very charitable but true.
This was borne out for the rest of my life. M would drag me out of Dad's condo room w/ arms wind-milling away and the ' discussion ' volume reaching sonic proportions.
Too much alike she said. Too much something.
The Climate accountability Institute of Colorado ( no , I didn't invent the name ) says that 90 companies produce 2 / 3 of man made global warming emissions.
Leading the pack is Chevron Texaco , believed to responsible for 3.5 % of emissions. 31 companies are state owned in Saudia Arabia , Russia and Norway.
Weather : Sunny , 28 F and prime hibernating weather , for me.
I used to fish until the first week of Dec , wading the Nottawasaga R pretending to catch steelhead ( lake run rainbow trout ).
Sissy ! Not any more , boyo
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