Tuesday, 11 March 2025

⛽ ' boro and sun

 on March 11

spring snuck in. warm and inviting

the high will be 47 F and a cool down in two days

Monday, 10 March 2025

🧭 Furnace is disabled

   🧭 as a follow up to Jan 26 [a cold house ] the furnace is ' off ' again
we have two warm rooms, fireplace room and bedroom [ space heater ]
we slept in the bedroom and it stayed 70 F for the night

Supposedly, the  HVAC folks will call at 8 A and set a time to come and replace a piece of the furnace.

I'm typing in the fireplace room 

Follow up. yes, a competent service tech appeared w /in the time window 

Sorted out the glitch and installed a replacement part for $ 250 and sold me a ' maintenance ' plan, to boot

We are warm. And further, the filter on the furnace cannot last 3 months or the normal duration.

We visited Savannah, Ga. Apparently, a large chunk of visitors are / were inspired by the movie ' Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil '

Guilty. Here. M .. and I had a relaxing four days. My preference is always - spend time just being there

That's travel. to me

Sunday, 9 March 2025

🌞 not the sun s fault

 🌞 ... he got up all right
our clocks changed

and sunny
as reported our temperature is going from cold ish -> to way less cold

Saturday, 8 March 2025

🧿 Mar 8

 🧿  ...the ' boro is a wash in sunlight
yes. cool ish out there.
but our clocks go forward Sunday. spring is a dittle away

Friday, 7 March 2025

🏘 VII of Mars

 🏘 the ' boro report says, sun w/ patchy sky and rising temperatures. and purportedly, above 32 for the week and bit ahead

as stated the snowpack is fleeing

Thursday, 6 March 2025

㊗ 6 the of the III

   a miserable cuss of a day, here in the ' boro

nothing overt. wind was biting, rain was measly and the temperature not comfortable

it was a doable day

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

🧋 weather jumble

 🧋 raining now. next, we haven't a clue. A little ice, a little rain and plenty of runoff to cause problems.

overall, the temperature goes plus 32 nearing 40 for the next ten days

and uncertain precipitation 

it doth pour. the good news is so far, all the prep that I still ache from, have paid off 
the water is streaming out onto the lawn

it is as bad as described, water everywhere and it moving

we get a freeze tonight [ not good that ] and temperatures are on the rise, subsequent 

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

🎎 March 4ward

 🎎 or not

" here comes the rain again ... " Annie Lennox [ ? ]

and we haven't a clue where the water will go or can go

w/ a fairly hard freeze too boot its will be anybody s guess

certainly, is dim out there

Monday, 3 March 2025

🚆 the sunset barrier

 🚆 ... I was a tad late but this fact was drawn to my attention
The sun is setting after 6PM as at FE 28 [ ? ] Last night it was 6:06 P
and the sun will set now earlier than 6 P until Oct 29

' boro, last night was cold and under 15 F 
we warm up to 32 or so and stay there for the week

further to the sunset info
someone else keeps track and is interested
to wit :

Toronto will increase sunlight time by and 1 1/2 h in March

Sunday, 2 March 2025

🦠 in the ' boro

 🦠 and no footprints

yes. the melt is on. the snow piles are shrinking daily

notice. I may have mentioned that I am aching from gutter work. on the ladder chipping away for 2 days off and on [ and I thought that I was taking it easy w/ breaks and short intervals - wrong !! ]

A .. called and mentioned the roofer is willing to remediate the roof / damming problem. Then A .. said that the roofer has been struggling to keep up w/ all the calls from ice damming caused by the amount of snow and subsequent icing

Wow ! good to know that it is not only us

sunny. cold not passing 25 F even in the sun. however, temperatures leap into the 30 s for the week.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

🎇 the ' boro on Marching # 1

 🎇 ... of course, this is wrong. the derivation of the month was from Mars [ likely ]

cold [ well, it did drop below 32 by a lot ]. the long range has our temperature hovering below 32 for another five or so days
then. a warming up for two weeks [ not warm, just getting there ]

its hard to look at the snow piles and think warmly or warmish

March 1 celebrates. Zero Discrimination Day plus Wheelchair Day

went out to Shoppers Drug Mart anyway. Yes. miserable.
However. pain meds were needed.
approx three weeks ago, I was on the ladder for 2 h at a time. chopping ice out of the back gutters. and shovelling the snowpack

I strained everything. Crotch to knee is stiff. sore upon waking and tolerable thru the day. w/ occassional aching spells
mornings see stabbing pains in the hip area. pop some ibuprofen and acetaminophen to get by 

today.  I went for the aceto + muscle relaxant. As well, bought more aceto and ibuprofen

so far. the acetominophen and robaxin seem to help, quite a bit

drugs are us. we are old  

BTW. our acetominophen is paracetamol [ UK name ]

cold as advertised and windy to the point of ugly