๐ง .. midwinter
frosty wind make moan ... [ sorry this Christina Rossetti }
" this is the winter of our discontent " etc [ Shakespeare ]
Well, coffee in hand and typing
aha, the day begins
the view is tinged w/ small flakes drifting down, of course, no sun
steampunk. I'd started to enjoy the images as I watched ' steampunk ' videos on YouTube
I have ordered ' parts ' - the gears and keys and et al that accessorize ' steampunk ' costumes and objects
As an official packrat. I've accumulated lanterns and tins of all kinds
you know that ' bleak ' part. I figure that we could use the term 10 times a winter
time to utilize the crap [soon to be ' art ' or memorabilia ]
the alluring aspect of steampunk, is that you cannot be wrong
too simple, lousy looking, unappealing BUT wrong ..... nope
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