đ well, we are
others choose to dare the elements and the road s
we might run out of cheese and eggs
and beer.
here it is 3 AM and I am typing and wondering
why am I awake
answer : worried. all my work on the eaves-trough is backing up water in the gutters
yes. the downspout opening seemed to have plugged up
water is freezing in the gutter
the story : for two days or parts thereof, I hacked and gouged ice out of the gutter. I put down salt and attempted to produce a clear path for run off.
THEN yesterday from noon on, I watched snow build up. Next the icicles formed. Heavily, where I could not finish de - icing. And slowly the icicles moved closer to the downspout. I had meant to keep the downspout clear of ice build up. Typically, the icicles are run off from the roof, passing over the gutters [ filled w/ ice ] and hanging from the gutter
I figured, well, w/ the snow and melting and the downspout hole seemingly blocked again, that all the work from Fri and Sat was undone.
At 8:30 AM, I cleared the side deck and back deck w/ shovel and snowblower. I did notice that the water was dripping more from the downspout. Good, at least a tiny bit of hope, there.
After warming up, I thought at least try and put some salt near the downspout opening. B/c if there was any kind of path for water, keeping that opening clear was at least a beginning.
Out I went, sort of a feeble attempt to get things rolling again [ flowing I guess ]
I punched through snow and ice AND found EMPTY space beneath the snow cover w/ a thin layer of ice
YES ! the gutter was more or less open and able to move water. Some ice and snow BUT mostly clear.
Next. I borrowed [ stole ] a nylon calf length sock from M ... and filled the sucker w/ salt. I laid this salt tube over the downspout opening. Ensuring lots of salt and the salt will dissolve but the bulk of the salt stays
Not perfect but at least not a complete loss.
So, rate the weekend effort. Likely, we'd have to put the number at 7. Success. Some back tracking and retreat. There is a channel for water to move and maybe, I can keep this clear
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