Tuesday 26 February 2013

The Big Blue and Yellow Store

' They seek him here, they seek him there. Those Frenchies seek him everywhere '. This ditty is from the ' Scarlet Pimpernel '.
However, if you substitute ' horse meat ' for him the  ' Scarlet P ' and substitute the EEC for the Frenchies you got the tainted horsie bit scandal. 
Yep, IKEA can't sell its trademark meatball meal - some burger meat may have run the Epsom Derby at sometime.

While watching a doc on the ' Vikings ' an interesting fact was stated. In 900 AD, Greenland wasn't as cold as it is now. The fjords weren't blocked w/ ice.
Aha, I said - pre- combustion engines, the earth got warm, the earth got cold. I've said all along global warming is a fact. But the temperature does go up and down. Low lying land does flood and weather -  is well,  weather. Humans and Mother Nature seldom play nicely, to-gether.

Weather here, calm, cool and sunny - but ,yeah big but.... a foot or more of wet snow is on the way. The storm will come in 2 bunches , late to-night and to-morrow. Life in southern Ontario is pretty much like this.
Yesterday, I cleared some snow from the valley of the roof. Typically, the snow builds and ices. Pre-steel roof, this build up was a possible source of water damming and water seeping under the shingles. The steel wafers they used aren't as prone to water damage. Still, I removed about 8 inches of snow from the ' vee '.

Well, I'm off for a haircut. Its been 8 weeks and my bald spot is almost covered, so time to thin out the stuff that did grow.

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