Wednesday 31 July 2024

đŸ’Ŧ julius comes to

 đŸ’Ŧ a close

' boro weather is muggy and sweat making el supremo

Surrender to the Will of the Night

3rd book of the Instrumentalities of the Night by Glen Cook

I discovered the first book in Massachusetts in 2008. I was early for a get together w/ a lacrosse friend. A shop had a book table - 40% off, so you know that they had me
I knew the name ' Glen Cook ' from Fantasy Sci Fi ' and way more fantasy. Swords and magic kinda writing
Thus, 4 books on, and re - reads over 16 years, I am near the conclusion of Bk III.

Tyranny of the Night
Lord of the Silent Kingdom
Working God s Mischief

BTW, average cost of the books - close to $ 25.I only wanted hardcover editions

Somehow in a story of politics and war [ swords and cannons ] the gruesome got left out.
Big battles and small encounters and yes ..... no gore
just realized as I was typing this.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

đŸŒē the 30 th of julius

  đŸŒē and in the ' boro
outside the window
sunlight and clouds scudding across the view

rain is due, thus no watering needed on the grass strip
when I had the curb stones removed on the West side of the driveway, the neighbour seeded the dirt area left [ maybe 10 inches wide ]. Some grass grew. Mostly bare

I decided to re seed and work at getting the grass started
success has been mixed
however, this is grass and the bag of ' ready to grow ' seed was $ 19. 
sod might have taken [ and may still be needed ] costing $30

Thus at post 4176

how creative can you be or want to be ? that is a a question ?   ?
well, you write about grass. and watch it grow or not grow

In truth, the real topic should be - enduring, in all aspects of your life
that encompasses physical, psychological and emotional aspects

And I wobble between mediocre and poorly [ at this juncture ]

Sunday 28 July 2024

🏝 julius the XXVIII

 đŸ .... no man is an island "

or a boat

' boro is dark still and yes I am up w/ coffee

the day turned out sultry. summer ish [and a Sunday for a change ]

not much doing here
really. an ' off ' day as in ..... I shut down for the day. the week was hard mentally, so, shut down day

Saturday 27 July 2024

Friday 26 July 2024

🏖 julius the XXVI

 đŸ– and this is summer.

the ' boro is warm and sultry. dry for a few days

currently, I am trying to stay positive and understanding re: the medical situation here. M .. s home from hospital / rehab ....
and struggling

so, I guess, I'm struggling too

Thursday 25 July 2024

🏴ķ §ķ ĸķ ˇķ Ŧķ ŗķ ŋ julius is 25

 đŸ´ķ §ķ ĸķ ˇķ Ŧķ ŗķ ŋ " when the honey wind blows ....

sung by Glen Yarbrough

sunny and little chance of rain
we did get a dumping of water yesterday

Wednesday 24 July 2024

đŸ“ĸ Julius the 24 th

 đŸ“ĸ as a month slips by

" As I walk along the strand
I can hear the folks declare
He must be a millionaire
I'm the man the broke the bank at Monte Carlo "

Tuesday 23 July 2024

đŸĨƒ or a quarter empty

 đŸĨƒJuly 23 

a glass half full or a quarter empty

back to something akin to normal
after 5 weeks, we are both home

and its a lazy ish day. Retrieved M ..  from the rehab centre

thus we begin anew
what has changed


Monday 22 July 2024

🌀 🌀 🌀 exactly

 đŸŒ€  what it felt like

to wit. 4 L of regurgitive purge that causes diarrhea [ mega diarrhea ]

EEK ! no solids for 24 h plus. and drink ginger ale [ that was good ]

OK. procedure or ' tube up the bum ' was non eventful
previously, I ve had polyps removed.

I'm okayed for 5 yrs w/ a repeat [ the last - unless .... you know ]

doc was informative and direct

And BTW, I said it out loud when queried think of where you liked to be and .....
Bath, UK come out

JULY 22 in the ' boro. sunny, slightly humid and lovely

Sunday 21 July 2024

đŸ’Ģ an enema of your enema

 đŸ’Ģ or my friend

Yes, I'm doing the colonoscopy prep today. fluids and laxatives. Followed by a gallon of lavage

' boro is cloudy and humid w/ a breeze - mild temperatures closing in on warm ish

We have a family history of making polyps plus my dad had intestinal cancer
and I'm older

Okay. this is round 2 of ' drink a litre ' of PegLyte or forced diarrhea
one litre left and its 7:30

I'm nauseous and threw up last colonoscopy prep

Friday 19 July 2024

✈ the return

 ✈ M ... s relatives fly home
she is in Hospital and Rehab while they are visiting

blue sky w/ slight haze and sun is showing itself

yes, as stated. sun. sun breeze

Thursday 18 July 2024

⛱ We got July 18

   ⛱  in the ' boro. Cooler and sunny [ ? ] 

above is the section of record for exercise using Wahoo Tickr

I wanted to show you the last two dates. Jul 15 was a ' push a little harder ' day and the Jul 17 readings were for a gentler [ less free weights reps and sprints ]

I guess the point would be - no difference or very little change

Thus, why do I push or attempt more strenuous days.

One point would be tho', the effects of exercise often last 48 h. Maybe, the ' push ' day influenced the next workout

Wednesday 17 July 2024

🌧 🌈 the story

 đŸŒ§ 🌈 is in the icons

thus I reported my sinkhole bowl sized and 2 ft deep.
yesterday at 5:30 AM [ couldn't sleep , worry ] I covered the gap and sheeted it would plastic
Came home at 9 AM and filled the hole and re - covered the whole thing

Waited for the rain. Yepper. the water came in a deluge [ s ]

Meanwhile. cars and vans were afloat on the Don Valley Parkway. Yes, I got trouble ....
BUT  ...

in the ' boro for Wednesday Jul 17, the predictions are for sun and slightly cooler / dryr

not starting too great as I look out over the street

We shall see said the Zen Master

Tuesday 16 July 2024

🚧 another ground collpase

   đŸš§ for about three years, I've been dealing w/ sinkholes on the East margin of the driveway

before it was on the boulevard
this time the edge of the driveway fell in - approx mixing bowl diameter and going down a foot at least

rain threatens in the ' boro

Monday 15 July 2024

đŸļ July 15

 đŸļmid month mid year

" roll out those lazy, hazy days of summer .... "

its here

typical T.O. 

KABoooom ! the skies opened up for the afternoon. A deluge, twice. Sun broke out and the sky was blue [ is blue w/ patchy clouds ]

however, the humidity did not break

Sunday 14 July 2024

đŸĒģ alrighty its the 14 of VII

 đŸĒģ we will be warm and summery here in the  ' boro 

our visitors from over the pond are planning a local safari. Where ? 

and England plays Spain and the younger male is all hyped up about a chance to win Euro

my morning start was a weigh in or # 181 If you've been following that's means a total loss of 0.6 lb. Oops !

on the positive side - I didn't gain 0.6 
 " you got to accentuate the positive ..... "

this week has been a confusing mix. M .. is getting better. Adjusting to rehab but we are now seeing the possibility of a return home ...
and I don't know what that means. The Release team are saying the right things.

a) this week the focus will be independence
b) release to home will come w/ support
c) and I've heard from other care givers that often PSW s get instruction on Physical Therapy from the Occupational Therapist etc

downside : quite often PSW support is erratic. to wit, random timing of visits and random PSW s as well. Meaning consistency is only maintained by extra organization by the caregiver
i.e. juggling time and adjusting to floating staff

I'm whining and moaning here b/c I can vent and no one really wants to hear this drivel

actually, two callers did listen and contribute anecdotal information

We shall see said the Zen Master

Saturday 13 July 2024

🆚 July 13 ->>

 đŸ†š ------ >>>>>

Sadly, we are closing in on the one month mark for M ... in hospital / rehab 

I'm planning a zero quality day
and I've had 3 of these this week

Tough luck

Friday 12 July 2024

🚃 we are Jul 12 on the calendar

 đŸšƒ our visitors are on the road
where ? Niagara Falls

Good luck people

sunny and warm going warmer
ideal summer ?????? alright

Thursday 11 July 2024

☔ eleventy julioso

 ☔  clouds mostly

unsettled is the word

and unsettled is the game

the nest week is sun

Wednesday 10 July 2024

☔ personal protective

 ☔ equipment is required

early morning run to Rehab was in a deluge.
to wit , my shirt got soaked reaching to insert the pay card at parking

came out to damp but dry conditions
still a big threat of more

and I have to rest
I can feel the exhaustion

Tuesday 9 July 2024

🏴ķ §ķ ĸķ Ĩķ Žķ §ķ ŋ our visiting relatives

 đŸ´ķ §ķ ĸķ Ĩķ Žķ §ķ ŋ [ M .. s actually ] but she is laid up and I have been helping them get settled in at their rental. Shopping and planning etc

M .. is slightly miffed at being stuck in that bed, however she needs the time and support
Luckily. I have met them all, in England and its quite convivial all round

Egads ! our roads are a mess. I'm finding orange cone markers everywhere I turn

Monday 8 July 2024

✈ arriving aujourdhui

 ✈ family visiting from ' over the pond '

M .. s sister and kith are visiting for 2 weeks

Sunday 7 July 2024

đŸ§ŗ septimus julius

 đŸ§ŗ keeping count. organized or needy
b/c this marks week 3 of M .. s hospitalization
 a long ish time for sure

the best hope

health matters are resolved or controlled
BUT will this ' kick start ' of medical care 
 -->> propel us forward to improvements


Saturday 6 July 2024

đŸĻ€ Julius sixtemus

 đŸĻ€ the 6 the of Jul

thus, M .. in hospital rehab is the defining event in our lives

I'm visiting 2 x a day. not far but still 4 h a day is travel and visit

' boro is warm and balmy w/ light wind

Friday 5 July 2024

đŸĨ Julius quintimus

 đŸĨ or the 5 the of July

M .. has been in hospital and / or rehab for 3 weeks and 6 days

 A cascade of problems unrolled as of the Jun 15.

Possible infectious state
a significant stomach ulcer
and a realization that there was oxygen interruption and has been oxygen impairment [ maybe going back a year or more ]

' boro weather is hot and humid or /
T.O. summer prime

Wednesday 3 July 2024

đŸĻ„ Tertius Julius

 đŸĻ„ a muggy day but full summer
wind is out of the South SW, humid air is rushing in

and likely the same for ten days

M .. is still in hospital but switched to rehab via ambulance 

first day, did not go well.
M .. was uncomfortable and the roomie [ moans and grunts during the day ]

oh, my. 

but there are worst neighbours b/c I can hear them as I walk the halls

Tuesday 2 July 2024

đŸĻ“ secundus Julius

  đŸĻ“ ' boro will see warm for days to come
summer ?

on the home front
M .. has been in hospital for 2 weeks and some days
now headed for rehab and a path home [ ? ]

Monday 1 July 2024

🎭 VII or Julius

 đŸŽ­ SUMMER is here big time

yes. dynamite day for a holiday

and rekindling old connections from my years growing up age 6 and on