Sunday 14 July 2024

๐Ÿชป alrighty its the 14 of VII

 ๐Ÿชป we will be warm and summery here in the  ' boro 

our visitors from over the pond are planning a local safari. Where ? 

and England plays Spain and the younger male is all hyped up about a chance to win Euro

my morning start was a weigh in or # 181 If you've been following that's means a total loss of 0.6 lb. Oops !

on the positive side - I didn't gain 0.6 
 " you got to accentuate the positive ..... "

this week has been a confusing mix. M .. is getting better. Adjusting to rehab but we are now seeing the possibility of a return home ...
and I don't know what that means. The Release team are saying the right things.

a) this week the focus will be independence
b) release to home will come w/ support
c) and I've heard from other care givers that often PSW s get instruction on Physical Therapy from the Occupational Therapist etc

downside : quite often PSW support is erratic. to wit, random timing of visits and random PSW s as well. Meaning consistency is only maintained by extra organization by the caregiver
i.e. juggling time and adjusting to floating staff

I'm whining and moaning here b/c I can vent and no one really wants to hear this drivel

actually, two callers did listen and contribute anecdotal information

We shall see said the Zen Master

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