an electric oven
I'll let you know when it chimes
We have gas at home for cooking. Pre - heating is a 5 min process.
This oven has been going for 5 min and made 225
There is hope
I always think using the oven on cold days make sense
In the summer or on hot days , not so
Its cold this Am
thus , using the BBQ in summer always seems right
you know keep the heat outside
M , well , she doesn't quite see it that way
The target temperature is 375
and we just reached 290
I know , keep typing
I added airtime to the MaxPatriot and my active service expires in 4 / 17 / 17 and min came to 3300. Ludicrous , I guess
But this TracFone system is cheaper than anything that a Canadian company is offering. I've mentioned some offers are $5 a day or 200 for our stay and then more if we are away anymore.
And at home , the same. The lifestyle we lead , makes pay as you go , sensible. $0.25 or .22 really
No , you won't have to wait for the fish sticks to finish
I do.
Recall , even at 25c a min , we run our phones for under a 100 dollars a year. and less , now , b/c we both can text at 0.30 min airtime per text.
The texts are cute , allowing for auto correct or ' auto misunderstand ' is interesting.
On the MxPtrt , a caption display shows what you're typing and offers suggestions from the first letter , there's no psychic in this smartphone.
Alright , you go have your Shreddies or processed wood chips
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