Wednesday 10 February 2016

Now , Fusion is

............ when
You blend things to - gether , as in fusion in food
take an egg roll and make it SouthWestern - corn , beans and salsa in a wrapper.

In the atomic world , hydrogen atoms join and release energy , lots of energy. This process is said to be the future of energy production.
the raw materials are hydrogen and ......... , ah , here's  the problem
to get hydrogen active enough to fuse , the container needs to be hot , and we mean very hot. E. g. fusion happens in the sun.
On earth , most containers could not hold the reaction. In some cases , helium can be the starter fuel.
The reaction vessel is often electro - magnetic.
Recently , at the Max Planck Plasma Laboratory , hydrogen fused , for a brief spurt but did fuse. The reaction used the power associated w/ 6 000 microwave ovens ( 6 000 x 1 500 watts ) , jetted into the reaction vessel. The stellerator is the apparatus that allows the process to occcur.
If thats not exotic enough ,a tokamat , also is being touted as the best sure bet for fusion. 
BTW , they measure the cost in $ 100 millions of dollars.

But the benefits are easy to obtain fuel
                                waste products that are safe ( really safe )
                                 control over the process much superior to
                                 nuclear reactors

And , I think , cheese on fired rice is fusion , M says gross
However , be aware , my Dutch uncle ( for real ) thinks melting cheese is a sin esp. Edam

FYI , a fusion reactor for a warship or big boat would be 1/2 to 1 / 3 the size of the engine that powers the boat. And , of course , the fuel would either be in a small ( read , 10 x 10 x 10 tank ) or made in a lab on the boat.
If fusion were successful , fusion plants would be near cities or industry and power lines could be reduced by large fractions , one would guess 40 - 60 % less infrastructure above ground.

Yah , starting in about 20 yrs which is the optimistic guess.
It takes a long time to gather 6 000 microwave ovens in one place

The Boys of JHU , opened the season on the road at Annapolis and beat Navy in a double overtime game.
Whew ! When you cheer for Hop , well ...........  you need patience and iron guts ......... oh and you pace a lot

Speaking of patience , Arsenal of the Premiership in the UK , climbed reluctantly into 3 rd place. A big test awaits Saturday b/c the Gunners play 1 st place Leichester. 
Now , I think all games are crucial b/c you don't know which Arsenal team will show up a) one touch , slick passing Arsenal 
or ....... ' what are you doing !!!!!! ' Arsenal .
My fav line ' Arsenal , the best 4 th place team money can buy '

M says that I need more faith and loyalty
loyalty , I have for 40 yrs
its the optimism that is in short supply

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