Wednesday 18 July 2018

England in Review

or my version of the country and what went on

I would love to say that football, ' soccer ' dominated the airwaves and press.
However, other items kept stealing the show. 

The UK is dealing w/ ' Brexit ' or the series of unfortunate events that have followed a vote to leave the European Union. The divisions are many but go as follows ( maybe, if I got it right )

Hard and soft exits. Hard means going cold turkey and cutting all ties cultural, monetary and political. Soft means keeping some established ties w/ Europe e.g trade and business relationships

Europe needs to make this as painful as possible for Britain. And the EU is doing a good job. The EU position isn't out there in all its glory. The EU is sitting back and seeing what Britain can do.

B/c internal strife is front and centre, and all over the press in England.

To me, most folks in Britain want some control over immigration. Under EU rules, travel and employment are open across member states. But the EU is under pressure to deal w/ all sorts of migrants ( political or economic or cultural from non - EU places ).

The economic ties are involved and tricky. London is considered a business centre of Europe. However, a ' hard ' exit could cause the departure of offices from Britain to prevent problems resulting from trading in Britain vs  Europe and any red tape between the two entities.

Soccer. It captured the imagination of all England as the national team made the semi-finals of the World Cup. Thus, for a month, the nation united to cheer on the ' Three Lions '.

Heat. There is debate about the severity and / or problems caused by a weeks long period of heat and dryness. The difficulties include drought caused meadow fires and dropping water reserves. In fact, a grass watering and water wasting ban was announced for some areas of the country

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