Monday 5 August 2024

πŸ—» the Fifth of August

 πŸ—» today we will review

the blog. 
the problem. 
 lately, the blog has fallen off in volume. Some of you, may be grateful, some might not have noticed

yet rather important as a task and outlet for some part of me

in the ' boro we got a downpour for 20 minutes, starting around 5:45 AM.
Yes, I was awake. But the rumbling skies likely would wake anyone. The rain was substantial.
Grass got watered for sure
the air cooled remarkably however, the H / H factor will return and hang around for a few days.

*  on the computer front or as you now know, the Chromebook front because there's nothing left in this house but Chromebooks

 what I've discovered is that the original Chromebook laptop that I bought, it was a Dell 5190, has run out of the regular security and system updates. What that means is that although there will be security, part of the trade-off is that many of the apps that I use and sort of come to depend on will not be supported

 so I've done what I knew had to be done, a long time ago when I bought the Third of the Chromebooks. I am using what is called, the " Duet " which means that the device is both a Chromebook laptop and also 

a Chromebook tablet.  

if you decide to use the Chromebook tablet then what happens is you don't have a keyboard I'm one of those people that needs a keyboard and I need a mouse

 okay so if I decide not to use the keyboard then I type on the tablet which is very awkward or I dictate which is what I'm doing now 

one other solution is to add a separate external keyboard. *
Done !
to review. from the first * to the second *, the text was dictated and then edited by voice dictation or manually on the tablet screen keyboard
at this moment, I'm typing on a Bluetooth keyboard w/ the Duet keyboard folded under.
there may be problems that this 'fold under ' creates but I'm happily typing away

I knew that the 5190 would lose updates around Jun 2024 however the Chromebook brain trust offered an extension of security updates w/ the trade off involving many apps.
I purposefully bought the Duet to replace the Dell 5190 [ down the road ]
This means that I can blog on the 5190 but for utility, this Duet is a better option.

The apps that I lost were for taking notes and editing.
Now, that third Chromebook. IF the 5190 could not be used for lack of updates then I would need the Duet in our study but M .. needs a handy device in the living room [ where she does all her computer work ]

So, we have three Chromebooks


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