Sunday 3 November 2013

" the Walking Zombies ? "

We were discussing the topic last night and it got mentioned again this morning on CBC.
B/c of the time change - 1 hr back - you are three times more likely to be struck as a pedestrian. Also , authorities cite seasonal factors e.g. slippery roads due to leaf and frost accumulation. Drivers have not adapted their driving to winter conditions
good morning to you too !

The World news by the numbers via the TorStar was lacklustre. Singapore and its inability to fill jobs was the highlight.  Pass.

Are there good gamblers ? If there are then I've concluded that I'm a bad gambler - I DON'T WIN. The credo ' cut your losses and run ' seems my only choice. Oh well ,the baby will still get fed and the dog will have a bone.

P.S. had a coffee / saw some things and I'm back. Brekkies was pancakes.
I kept seeing those adds for Eggo waffles and such. My contention is that my pancakes are better tasting than Eggo. Last time , we had pancakes for dinner ( we don't seem to do pancakes for breakfast ) , I made a double batch. Froze some pancakes.
This morning - tossed them in the toaster - added applesauce and corn syrup - yepper better than any Eggo thingy.

Signs of winter : first icicle sighting - right outside my door - Brrr !

In the TorStar : a Torontonian , 13 yr old Coco Ma will study w/ Lang Lang in Zurich. Couldn't help noticing the names.
This item brought back the time that I was listening to CBC , Clyde Gilmour Plays the classics. They announce Yoyo Ma plays Lalo. I thought it was a joke. i'd never heard of Yoyo Ma , pity that. 
I've corrected the oversight and fully appreciate the cello.

the segue : Clyde was my hero. If Clyde panned a movie - I went running to see it. We couldn't have been more opposite. But I passed on the ' Exorcist ' - criminy - its still too scary. And it was based on a real story - eek !

Beutii morning out there except for that icicle and 32 F. Golden view w/ the sun ( trying ) to burst through , lighting up the leaves. And those leaves are flying , the bulk of the leaves are going almost sideways heading west ( to my neighbour's yard - tee hee ).

Methinks the fishing season is really done. There was a chance the guys would try to get out this week end -  NO . And perhaps , one last kick at the can Thur or Fri - if I get home. We shall see.

If you get a chance go to YouTube and listen to the Vienna Horns play movie themes. I heard ' Independence Day ' and best of all ' Once Upon a Time in the West ' film by Sergio Leone. The music was composed by Enrico Morricone. The song ( s ) from the movie are ethereal and more so , done by French horns.

And finally , thanks to the great states of Ohio and Massachusetts who follow me on this blog , as official followers. Actually , one person in each state - still a northern contingent 

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