Sunday 30 June 2024

⛱ as the day dwindles

  ⛱  thus the month will also

' boro is sunny and slightly humid but otherwise a fine day

tomorrow is Canada Day 🍁

Cheer the North !

[[  Well I've been checking out exercise for people about my age. You know 70 in the middle there and boy I'm sort of like I'm sort of like slightly more aggressive than maybe they recommend for somebody my age but then I always figure I've been doing this for so long that I'm allowed to. You know push things just a little bit ]]

the above in double brackets was dictated. all true

why is this there ? 

I am always thinking of the exercise part of my life. all medicos say that exercising is crucial to overall health

Ah, how much and what kind.

The theory so far. People around me walk, daily or often.
my take is that steady pace and reasonable strain are heart healthy steps.

BUT if you read into the exercise blurbs
Variety is crucial. My routine is rowing machine / elliptical and free weights + calisthenics of various types

hopefully covering a broad range of effort ( s )

AND I tell M .. . how useful dictation into Google is, just figure  " practice what you preach "

On May 26 - weigh in was 182.6 lb

This AM -      weigh in was 179 8

Goal was #176 by Jul 7

a slim chance of this at best.

" the struggle is the glory " 

So said Nigel Starling in the ' Ghost and Darkness '

Saturday 29 June 2024

πŸͺœthe growing month

 πŸͺœ June is getting bigger numbers

wet. wet. growling thunderstorms. more to come


we mark half a year in the books

Friday 28 June 2024

πŸ—Ί Juneth is fading fasst

 πŸ—Ί its fading ..... fading ....

' boro is just fine thank you. Sun bit of warmth and fairly still air

the day begins


well, the Dr wanted a blood test / PSA for prostate and urine
peeing was the hardest

there was lots, getting it into the vial was the chore

ah. this week has gone from angst and a rushed feeling to  ..... 
a lull in battle
beginning the week, I was hoping to focus the Dr s on M .. s weakness and falling etc
but the Dr s seem to get it and are on track
Slow but on track

they need those test results to sift through possibilities 

Thursday 27 June 2024

πŸ“œ creeping down the last days

 πŸ“œ June a memory   ...... in three days

' boro is mostly sunny and quite comfortable in all ways

Wednesday 26 June 2024

🎴 as the month dwindles down

   πŸŽ΄ time is sifting through

about 40 Gb as data. this sum is multiple movies and games
I don't do either [ yet ]

I mean our cellphone usage is just getting on track
and very slowly at that

we are not Uber modern [ what a pack of crap ' Uber ' modern ]
neanderthal is closer maybe

Tuesday 25 June 2024

πŸ‘œ closing in on the finale of Junius

 πŸ‘œ another month, whipped by

' boro weather is gray and humid [ slight ] bit of a breeze

the hospital runs continue and are bound for the horizon

the CBC ran a noon program of call ins ' Was the Medical Services, There for you "
what timing
today,  a Dr treating M .. [ yes, shes the one in the hospital ] fulfilled my request for follow up

in 3 minutes, she allayed my doubts and fears concerning the on going treatment and path needed to help M

thank you Dr .W ...

the story. dashing back and forth and being away from home WiFi, has inspired a need for data services on the go. Our old firm Speak out was offering good but paltry options.

today I succumbed and bought into a monthly service w/ 40 Gb of data per month. 

Monday 24 June 2024

🎧 R U hearing me

  🎧 the sound of silence or /

the silence of sound
alrighty, sunny in the ' boro. we re headed to high 70 s w/ small chance of rain
the rest of the week is milder and broken cloud

.... the beating of my heart is a rhythm  all wrong

here is the Air Supply lyrics 

The beating of my heart is a drum and it's lostAnd it's looking for a rhythm like youYou can take the darkness from the pit of the night

aha. there was ' rhythm ' in there

the story : the cordless phone set went wonky [ technical term for **** ]

there are 4 handsets working off a base unit.
to start. phone rang and I answered but ' dead air '
calling out produced one ring and then nada

tried the internet reset [ VoIP connection ]. 
unplugged the base and waited 10 minutes
- BTW, there was a whole whack of internet search going on as well

finally, called out and success 

maybe people can call in [ not even going to try that ]
LIAR ! I just called the house phone and left a message

and off the the family Doc
she was very co operative and did her best for me

Sunday 23 June 2024

🌀 we far into the month

 πŸŒ€ heat dome has slid off
leaving humid conditions
We have sun and brisk winds

Friday 21 June 2024

πŸ₯ x 7

 πŸ₯ x7 but this is the last hospital emoji

time to move on

' boro weather is dull - however, the heat spell is broken [ for now ]

Summer is official and this is day one

Thursday 20 June 2024

πŸ₯ x6, Jun 20

 πŸ₯ x6 as Juneth slips away

our heat dome life continues in the ' boro. rain last night by the looks of the pavement out front

yesterday, I ground up pepper.
the story: on YouTube, there was a video, ' How to take the Top Off your McCormicks Pepper Shaker '
say what ? 
yes. use a bit of heat to loosen the top 
Why ? b/c the McCormick s grinder produces a finer Pepper grind.
So, I got out our McCormicks Pepper grinder and ..... yes, it's true 
BUT I ran out of pepper 

thus, use the regular pepper grinder to smash the corns down a fair bit
the grinder on the McCormicks is plastic and could break up the whole pepper corns

Stupid. Maybe, it was tedious work

I think that I need tedious right now.

the heat dome effect was explained. the heat is not leaving but building. the longer the dome well, the greater the heat bulge

AND. love this. your body gets exhausted by the heat
Thanks for that

Wednesday 19 June 2024

πŸ₯ x5 on the Jun 19 th

 πŸ₯ yes, M .. is still in hospital and  not improving very much

this is the most significant event in our lives

' boro is under the ' heat dome '
outside is gray and mostly still

noticed our milk s best before date is Jun 22

So we have some revelations. M .. has a stomach ulcer. Surprising for sure. Also, she's undergoing a transfusion. You might guess that when something like an ulcer occurs you can lose blood and it actually shows in her blood count so she's got to replace the blood. Exciting ?  NO 

I'd say scary is closer 

Tuesday 18 June 2024

πŸ₯ Jun 18

πŸ₯ x4

rumbling is in the air in the  ' boro
thunderstorm were in the offing - and arrived
thus really humid out there but the green got watered [ TG ]

update ; the patient is bored and restless. Which is good b/c prior to this
well, when didn't care

progress w/ a small letter ' p ' ??????

humid and stifling here in the  'boro

Oh. sorry we are in a heat dome. 6 days more [ ? ]  and the worst will come in three days as the heat that is trapped gets intensified


Monday 17 June 2024

πŸ₯ x3

  πŸ₯  x3 

yes. M .. is in the hospital for the third day

I might even need a day parking pass for today [ $ 6 an hour approx ]


Sunday 16 June 2024

πŸ₯ πŸ₯ yes, two of them

 or 2 x πŸ₯

so my quote is ' warm and dry and safe '
But M .. doesn't quite feel like that

the ' boro is slightly overcast and cool ish to barely warm

Saturday 15 June 2024

πŸ₯ Jun 15

  πŸ₯   OMG 

a normal day ? M .. had a mobile tech come and draw a blood sample. She was feeling frail and wanted to sit

I exercised and came upstairs - oops - there goes normal

M ... Couldn't stand. W/ no options, I dialed 911 

Paramedics arrived and determined that M ... :

was pale / warm

likely sporting a mild infection 

hospital was desirable 

You got it. 10 AM to 3 PM in acute care

I came home and M ... called and said the staff felt that she needed a night or two to recover in hospital 

Friday 14 June 2024

🍘 cracking on .....

 πŸ˜ ..... we will get this done

follow up. the storm. big wind. big rain
oh, I saw a post about people that do not capitalize letters

very lazy and can lead to mis - readings of text

sunny in the ' boro w/ temperatures very mild
great ish day shaping up

weigh in day produced a reading of # 180.6

Thursday 13 June 2024

πŸ§“ something about Olivia

  πŸ§“ .... sings John Mayer

a mixed weather scene. Sun, yes. Warm, yes However, the forecast is rolling thunder for the area mostly, North and East of ' boro

broke down and ran out for Chinese from Skyland
yes, it was treat of the week 

winds built thru the day
now. seems like the predicted storm is coming
the wind is decidedly nasty, even in the sun

Wednesday 12 June 2024

πŸ₯Ύ like an old shoe

 πŸ₯Ύ in the nicest way
 ...... comfortable and trustworthy

meat to do a job and gets it done

' boro weather is sunny w/ patchy clouds [ feels a little damp ]

updating : great day
mega yardwork. Taming the hedge. And paring down the dogwoods

Tuesday 11 June 2024

πŸŒ› man in the moon

 πŸŒ› the ' Moon is a harsh mistress '    [ Heinlein, Sci Fi ]

the  ' boro weather is sun. Cool but blue sky

sort of a knock back day 
exercsie and chores

Monday 10 June 2024

⛽ the deal of the day

 ⛽ we can gas up at the Hiawatha Reservation gas pumps. In the  ' boro 1.56 / L and we paid 1.39 Woohoo !!

and fishing. plenty of panfish, mostly rock bass. loads of fun plus 2 largemouth bass [ under # 1 ]

cool and windy overcast skies. I've got wind burn

D .. from next door, drove most of the way
in my truck.
the truck is UPS deliveries for A .. as he stocks the Q '

Sunday 9 June 2024

πŸ›Junius IX

 πŸ› a month named after J. Caesar  

and a drink
We have sun in the ' boro

and relatively cool in the 60 s

LIAR !!!! rain poured down for 45 min at 11 or so buckets 

now we have gloom and damp

Rain poured down at 2 ish as well

OK 7 P and we have clearing and blue skies

Saturday 8 June 2024

⛵ came home w/ me

 ⛵ x 3 yes. neighbours had a garage sale and I brought home 3 wooden boats
Why ?

they are wood and hand made, one is signed by the crafty person

 *** Ahoy! I came from # 81 garage sale

The info says that this boat was made in Perce, Que

So, that photo took a while to find. Method : when you take a photo in Whatsapp, the file is stored in Media for Whatsapp. I hunted down the photo in Files ; photos ; images from Whatsapp 

the story : years ago, M .. saw a model boat in Michigan, in fact, a replica of the ' Cutty Sark ' [ record setting clipper on the China run ]
I visited the ' Cutty Sark ' in Greenwich [ outside of London ]. There is a photo [ of course ]
Thus, we added to the fleet, today.
Confession time, as well : my replica of Cutty Sark is not bad BUT the model is missing the girl [ pointing ] that's on the bow of the real Cutty Sark. 
Trivia: cutty sark means a girls dress shirt
Further. I see a Cutty Sark clock on the wall. There are Cutty Sark matches and chocolates 
finally, yes, I drank quite a lot of Cutty Sark, too !

I paid $ 19 for all three boats 
And many thanks for reading this blog

Thursday 6 June 2024

😍🎏 how do we remember

 πŸ˜πŸŽ lives were lost that day ( s ) 

some 5 000 on D Day itself

they stormed an entrenched enemy and laying themselves down

broke the German hold on Europe 

maybe what is forgotten - supplies 

for the fighters 

each soldier required hundreds of pounds a day in food, armament etc provided by a truck highway from the U.S. to anywhere in Europe that soldiers went

and they went far

Weigh in Day # 181.6

Today was take an old guy to lunch .... so A ... let me choose the Magic Noodle. Excellent noodle bowl

for Canada, the eightieth anniversary, 13 WW II vets made the trip to Normandy. The commentator acknowledged, sadly, only three could stand to receive the salute

at Costco, oh yeah, its also take the old guy to shop, day. There was a two pack of Japanese [ style ? ] wieners. What makes them,    Japanesy ? Dunno. The dogs were delicious tho'. All pork ??? which means what, again dunno. The dogs were delish

Tuesday 4 June 2024

πŸŽ‡ and the rocket s red glare

  πŸŽ‡ o'er the land of the free ....

' boro is sunny but rain is in the offing
maybe not today but coming and staying around   SUN, big time

not much work is getting done outside
I've developed a new attitude re: the outside
I'll get to it - sometime ..... really
maybe not right now but ......

the wildflowers continue to surprise w/ maybe 6 or 7 types of flowers showing
So, thank you Mother Nature .... for coming back

On the street 

this is what you'll see. Us

Monday 3 June 2024

πŸͺ»opening the month w/ rain


so, we got donald, baying for blood. and I say 


Sunday 2 June 2024

πŸ₯˜ all about

πŸ₯˜      from May 26 : Start Weight # 182.6 and you know where we are going w/ this

So, Sunday appears to be weigh in day. # 182.4
Oops. a downward trend ????

the ' boro. cloudy and damp w/ rain forecast in the 80 % range 

About the blog. goes back to 2011 or so
did you know ?
that .blogspot the site is hard to locate on the web
free and easy

they always do the Cons and Pros

Thus. if you are well read or ' famous ' 
you get death rates and snide comments OR BOTH

none here yet. to be fair. I actually, wouldn't know
b/c I forget to check comments [ and its not ' automatic alerts '

horror. We re - watched ' Concert in Central Park ' w/ Art Garfunkel and Paul Simon.
from 1981. the concert was to benefit Central Park which lacked funds for maintenance
this event was a huge success
Sadly or naturally, the boys are 80 y.o. now, OMG !

to mark the 80 the [ see that number does up, doesn't it ] anniversary of D - Day, folks are commemorating the event by walking for the Veterans in Normandy
nice that and maybe relevant in a world that just doesn't get it

WAR KILLS PEOPLE well, thats my take 

Saturday 1 June 2024

🌐 # 1 of Juneth

 πŸŒ something about a ' Google ' world or orbit
Apparently, AI via Google is the underlying network for me.

This device [Dell 5190 ] is part of ' find my device ' app. Yes, if the 5190 is online then I can track it

Of course, AI is tracking me as well.
Perhaps you've noted that Google prints a map of where I [ my Pixel ? ] have been in the previous month

sunny and headed for 73 F

as the afternoon came on, the clouds rolled in