Thursday 6 June 2024

😍🎏 how do we remember

 πŸ˜πŸŽ lives were lost that day ( s ) 

some 5 000 on D Day itself

they stormed an entrenched enemy and laying themselves down

broke the German hold on Europe 

maybe what is forgotten - supplies 

for the fighters 

each soldier required hundreds of pounds a day in food, armament etc provided by a truck highway from the U.S. to anywhere in Europe that soldiers went

and they went far

Weigh in Day # 181.6

Today was take an old guy to lunch .... so A ... let me choose the Magic Noodle. Excellent noodle bowl

for Canada, the eightieth anniversary, 13 WW II vets made the trip to Normandy. The commentator acknowledged, sadly, only three could stand to receive the salute

at Costco, oh yeah, its also take the old guy to shop, day. There was a two pack of Japanese [ style ? ] wieners. What makes them,    Japanesy ? Dunno. The dogs were delicious tho'. All pork ??? which means what, again dunno. The dogs were delish

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