Thursday 5 September 2024

🎰five days in to the Ninth

  🎰 and the ' boro is sunny but fall is on the horizon. night temperatures are much lower, now.

a quietish day here. no appointments [ these rule our lives ]

decidedly, typing on the ' Duet ' which is the combo " laptop and tablet " is troublesome
This typing is on the straightforward Acer CB 311 laptop. Nothing fancy. Reliable and easy to use.

Thus, I have made provisions to use an external keyboard when using the Duet. The advantage to Chromebooks is how easily they accept peripherals e.g. keyboard. As well, at the computer station [ yes, it is a real computer corner table ] there is also a 19 inch TV connected to the Duet.
Admittedly, this arrangement can be involved but if I'm sitting for a time or typing a piece         e.g.' blog entry ', certainly worth the effort

AND I adopted the system, quite a while ago. Unfortunately, I was in the habit of using the Duet propped up in the spare bed downstairs  ....
NOT good for my back, for sure
Lately, then, I've concentrated on using the computer station in the ' den ' or computer room in our way of speaking

When I purchased the Duet, I was joining the tablet age. The YouTube channel that I often watch is ' Chrome Unboxed '. Two years ago or so, the channel lauded the breakthrough that was the Duet.
Up to that time, tablets failed or were less than robust at handling android apps. In essence, the Duet was equipped w/ a ' ARM ' processor. The processor could easily handle Android apps and allowed multiple peripheral connections.

As well, I was anticipating the End of Updates for the Dell 5190 [ then, my go to laptop ]
It turned out that Chrome OS extended the end of use by at least three years.
Wow ! quite the bonus
Except ..... many apps were not suitable for the ' added ' updates to Chrome OS.
In the end, the Duet became essential.

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