Thursday 19 September 2024

🪀 on the 19 the of September

 🪀 in the ' boro
we have dark still. coffee on the window sill and typing on the Chromebook 311 by Acer.
I have been saddened by the change that is coming to my nostalgic favourite Chromebook.
The Dell 5190 was the first Chromebook in the house. Well travelled in the States and the UK. The Dell was not fancy but was reliable and easy to use.
The downside has happened b/c I must choose :

a) use the Dell w/out updates [ security etc ] 
b) accept the extended updates but w / most apps forbidden

The truth is that this Acer is as good or better than the Dell - nostalgia aside. 
The machine is more powerful and the keyboard is comfortable.

AND we are discussing a $ 300 investment back in 2019 that has lasted til now

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