Wednesday 12 February 2020

a Crowded beach

liar !!

The beach was ' crowded ' w/ at least 40 people over the 3 miles that I could see. Waves crashing and guys out paddle boarding and some surfing. KiddingšŸ˜ˆ
No, the parking lot was bursting. I found my usual entrance blocked. I got a parking spot in what would be termed overflow area.
The cause is ' Pier Farmers Market ' and crafts. Every Wednesday but I didn't know. Buckets of others did know.
I exercised a tad. I picked a spot and did back and forth knee raises, little jogs and semi push ups. I had decided to take it easy b/c I've been off workouts like home for 5 weeks. Swimming is good but not the same.
Basically, I wanted to not get hurt. It is so easy to go overboard when you haven't done physical stuff. I needed to sweat and move - more sweat than move. My theory goes move and keep your pores open -  sweat freely.
I did

OK I get back to the parking lot and do a quick tour of the market. " My Maine Mat " was woven goods such as door mats. I watched the kettle corn being prepared for the day.
Alright, you suffer for your art, I understand. Now, the dude is standing over the kettle. You can hear the burner roar. Popcorn is jumping up and there is a crackle sound. Great aroma. Then I realize that the dude is wearing a leather apron and full face shield.
I walked around back and noticed the sweat pouring off of the guy. I'll never dismiss kettle corn again as not worth it.
' Tide Clock ' was different clocks w/ seashore type motifs. Why Tide ? Dunno. A name is a name.

Return to the car and realize that there is a conga line of cars circling the overflow area looking for a spot.
I motioned to a lady that I was leaving. She looks and backs up to give me room. This shuffle occurs amid honking as the conga line was getting impatient.
I'm home and safe from searing flame and woven gear.
BTW, I didn't buy anything. Amazing.
 Yesterday, I returned from the city tour w/ a backpack full. I uncharacteristically, splurged on 2 hats < $10 > and 2 long sleeve T- shirts < $ 20 >. 

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