Thursday 20 February 2020

Now, I get It

my mother had some form of dementia and consequently always talked of home.
We were never sure which home she meant

Other patients < my mom as well >   tried to ' go home '. In fact, mom made the parking lot when a visitor twigged to the fact that the person walking w/ her - really didn't know what they were doing

We are home and the feelings of familiarity are strong
- comforting and satisfying

So, why do we travel
and drive < as opposed to flying ? >
Well !

As a segue, here is a summary of our food adventure while in St Augustine, Fla

SAT nite < Old Coast Brew / Osprey Taco >
           was our first nite and we searched for a casual
           location. Very pleased. I did mention this back
           on Feb 9

Sun Linner < Obies Filling Sta >

          also previously mentioned Feb 11 < ? > a 
          burger and beer type place

Mon Linner < Gypsy Cab Co >
           we alluded to the similar appearance of our                 plates although we ordered varying meals

Tues lunch < Bull and Crown >
           downtown St Augustine, a pub

Wed dinner <. Sunset Grille >
           a well known casual dining room

Thu dinner < Salt Life, food shack >

           sort of a Valentines choice - Valentines Eve

Fri Linner < Oasis >

          dubbed world famous < by advertisement >
          probably deserves to be rated as such
          extremely please

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