Saturday 29 February 2020

" Stop the World

I want to get off " the broadway play

Or so the lyrics go
' to dream the impossible dream ?? ' from Don Quixote, the musical

Basically, you will be exposed to Covid - 19
who knows
' To Live and Die in Italbar ' is a science fiction story from the 60 s. The premise was an unknown plague or disease and Italbar was quarantined by the village itself to stay safe. Of course, it didn't work. Could you tell by the title

And then
' California Typewriter ' a documentary on typewriters.
Both the machine and the people that use them           < still >. 
The nostalgia ? The permanence of the product, as in ' not in the cloud '
physical and well, just there.
The name is both a place and the business
' the Typewriter Insurgency ' or manifesto proclaims the uniqueness and utility < forever > of the typewriter ( both the machine and the people )

And it was bound to happen ' a winner on Amazon Prime TV ' after ten or eleven tries 
in fact, last night elliticking < 3 losers each for 20 minutes and I gave up >
OK you're wondering .........
' the Amazing Mrs Maisel '
no spoilers here
You go and watch

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