Thursday 27 February 2020

' Turn Your Radio On

to that sweet sound ' goes the lyrics by ????????

Last night was Day 2 of the new HRM. I got everything set up and began my Easy Day routine       < no weights >, pace and intensity are increased on the elliptical. I was advised personally by the nieghbour's ( he was handicapped and had a ) trainer 
to take a day off from wieghts even when light

I watched the BPM - off and on every few minutes, then I noticed at the 30 minute mark < on the elliptical display > that the HRM wan't recording time.
Yes, the button that said ' start workout ' was still there.
Ah, you need to turn the sucker on - got it
Duh !
The massive snowfall < 4 inches > hasn't shown up.
We did get at least 2 in but there is the slight chance of accumulation today up until midnight.
I lied b/c we got over 3 inches plus drift

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