Monday 17 February 2020

on the topic of Comfort

for you

In the last thee weeks, we stayed in 3 places. 2 were condos or little studios and this last is a suite in a hotel.
The condo had a pool and broadcast TV.
The studio no pool and internet TV
The suite is better than adequately equipped. Almost a full kitchen < meaning stove is a 2 burner >

We are comfortable here in the suite. Its really all we need. So far.
B/c as circumstances change i.e. you stay longer and want to do more - then the accommodation sometimes needs to change as well.

I bring this up b/c our reason for being in this suite is that its part of a promotion for time share.
We said ' No ' after a  3 hr presentation. And the comfort level presented was over the top. The venues that were offered were more house like than a hotel room or suite. Certainly, surpassing anything that we stayed in the past 6 1/2 weeks.
And in presenting the ultimate in accommodation vis - a -vis vacations, the entity may have lost us.
You see its not us and will never be. Big all purpose family complexes are lost on us. We are too simple
How simple ?
The suite here is enough.

Oh, the power and gift to say ' enough '.
The grass is always greener or the wisdom to say ' I go this far and no further '

Asking, is this a ' sour grape ' kinda thing. We said no to a potential ' dream vacation ' program.
Financially, the entity showed how our present expenditure could get us more luxury and choice.
There it is.

We don't need the luxury and we made our choices
Opening the world to us, makes no impression b/c we are content in the world in world that we visit.

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