Wednesday 26 February 2020

Little Flakes

Ha Ha - an original title < guffaw >

The front moved in overnight. Accumulated amounts til Wed night might reach 4 in < varying according to area >. The streets are whitish. And the wind chill is telltale.

On the electronic front, I purchased a new Heart Rate Monitor from Wahoo. I previewed the item. Mistakenly ! The photo on Amazon showed a strap affair < no watch > as a HRM. A bit bigger than my present one.
Then on reading < always good > I discover that you A) don't need a watch just an android phone B ) use the watch that you have already - maybe -.
Now, the strap affair costs as much as the watch and strap from before. My present HRM is not reading or recording even w/ battery change.
Do I need a HRM ? No. But data is good. Its a check to make sure that I don't do stupid things. B/c I've been unwise in the past. Overdoing it.
I record every workout w/ the data from the present watch.
What does it mean ?
Dunno. I write down workout length, type and calories burned. The present won't give HR other than the immediate.

The ' Wahoo ' generation arrives !
Called the ' Tickr ', as described its a module sized like a hotel soap bar < a tad thinner and smaller > w/ a chest strap.
Its a brainless device. Attach the strap and the device turns on. W/ flashy lights, even. You download the appropriate app on your phone.
I did. It did.
The display is gi - normous b/c its the whole phone screen in colour, too. The program is for indoor cycling ( not elliptical ) and several fields are not recording b/c I can't input cycling factors.
However, it worked.
Then and the end, a review. Wowzers, the screen was alive w/ data. Yes, to length of time, calories              < wrong >, HR - average, maximum and the amazing display, a workout chart for HR vs time for the whole workout - a graph, no less.
The calories are wrong b/c I used the elliptical not a bicycle. I'll serch for a more comparable workout type in the app.
The Tickr showed 126 Cal burned. On line, the estimates for an elliptical put the number at 583 Cal.
A much more believable number for a 44 min workout < including lifting weights etc >.

The saga continues.
And I joined Amazon Prime - gets you free delivery, movie channel and music.  A thirty day free trial was offered.

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