Saturday 4 March 2023

๐Ÿงด Alright, can you shovel your way out of this ?

 ๐Ÿงด  got the snow as promised and then - soooo much more

I shovelled the side wooden walkway to the back deck. We need to be able to exit via another way, other than the front door

I drew a shovel under ' emoticons ' and this was a choice [๐Ÿงด]

Follow up : cleared the snow 4 ft out from the patio doors on the lower level. Melt water has to go somewhere and I prefer, it goes to the lawn.

To prevent water leakage over the kitchen, a heated cable was attached around the skylights. Then, I placed a heating cable in the back gutters over the kitchen. I added a ' telltale ' light to signify that power was going to the heating cable.

Oops ! the telltale went out.
Blown circuit / timer failure ????
I tested and discovered that the spring loaded metal cover for the electrical socket, pushes on the plug while in the receptacle and breaks contact between the plug and the receptacle.
To fix this, by replacing the whole receptacle would mean a trip to the Depot and 1 1/2 h finding the breaker and changing out the receptacle.

When your are a packrat, you save parts. I found a metal receptacle for an appliance and took the cover and fitted it to the outside receptacle. Whew !

However, that receptacle is el gonzo - kaput. I'll replace it in better weather [ w/ help ]

BTW, the city plows left a windrow higher than my waist at the end of the driveway

Earned a beer and then some.

BTW. The melt water is pouring off the back gutter. Maybe, all the work will pay off.
We shall see said the Zen Master

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