Wednesday 8 March 2023

ბ not all days start bright and early

 ბ yes, again, this was my drawing of a shovel

The day started, groggy, maybe not the day but me
I did set up appointments sitting here.
I booked the yearly tax preparation day review [ w/out all the papers in my possession, the last bits are promised w/ an end date of Mar 14 ]

As well, A .. has set up a session w/ a handyman person to fix some issues around the house. Plumbing, mostly. The owners that we bought from were contractors. Talk about cutting corners. One was to place the control / shut off valve above the main electrical panel. The plan is to cut off the pipe away from the electrical panel. Then, maybe, do a creative bit of plumbing.

I hope to run a plastic pipe up through a ventilation hose to run up the front of the house. Firstly, plastic pipe is not the best choice. However, the pex is supple and easy to maneuver. Then the location of the supply is dodgy. The main supply comes into the coolest / coldest room in the house. FREEZE possible ?????

Yepper, buy the house, buy the problems

Yesterday, while waiting at the bank [ I lost track of 100 shares of CIBC common stock worth $ 6 K. ] Sounds horrible but it was not easy to track.
I saw a piece in the local paper [ the Bluffs ] re: Repair Cafe. The grass roots, low budget help service offers free repairs to items. I sent in an application.
I told M .. who replies " what could you fix ?? "

Great start to my new career.

Alright. The shares. I held a certificate for 100 shares of CIBC. I opened an account at a shares service ( TST ) that along w/ CIBC offers to re - invest any dividends as further shares. Over the past 14 years, that shares fund grew to 400 or so. Then, first quarter 2022, CIBC common split 2 for 1. At a lower price.
While talking to my bank rep, he suggested transferring the certificate to Inverstors Edge. This move ensures that the certificate is registered and guaranteed through the service.
So, I kept the credit for 100 shares at TST and got 100 shares registered. Thus, I got dividends for 200 shares from the certificate. BUT then I noticed. No where does it say that I own 200 shares. Oops.

Turns out. That b/c TST first transfered the 100 shares. TST keeps the records of the original 100 shares. When I moved the certificate to Investors Services, someone had to tell IS that I owned the 100 shares at TST.

Then IS, will say, ' oh, he owned shares pre - split ' lets show that he owns 200 shares.

Everyone is blase. Like. Oh, thats what will do. I'm saying ' huh '

Hopefully. In three weeks, I can breath easy again. I mean its only 100 shares at 60 dollars a share. E Z P Z 

My life in words. or blog - ese.

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