Thursday 12 June 2014

Via the Buds and other tekkie stuff

The FIFA World Cup is the biggest sporting event in the World ???
What about the Olympics ???

Ohio B. and I are texting . His first text was " plug the boat "
funny , I was really worried about not putting the plug back in , b/c it stays out all winter season.
Wow , we are real tekkies - texting !

Weather :" While I ponder dark and dreary " is E. A. Poe
its also what I'm seeing , out there to-day.

I was researching , nut and fruit diets. Perhaps , I'll need to go part - time on this one.  The regimen looks a might extreme for this boy.
My plan , as of this morning is to do NF ( nuts / fruits ) at breakfast.
Hopefully , I'll get to the point of breakfast and lunch NF.

On Blogspot , this blogging site , I found a fellow doing NFV ( vegetables ) full time. He might be a little extreme for me b/c his blog is like a testimonial for his lifestyle. Too preachy for me.

You'll hear just tidbits , of course , why would I bother explaining - don't now , do I ???  , won't start

We vote to - day , the call - way too close. We have had a minority Liberal government Provincially for 11 years. Liberals are equated to American Democrats.
We have 3 parties that sit in the legislature ( 6 that are on the ballot ) and no ' first pass the post ' . Thus  , for the past while , the 100 or so seats , have been split more or less equally among 3 parties. The Liberals and New Democratic Party have voted to - gether on issues that would bring down the government. That process stopped 40 days ago and an election was called.
The NDP generally ,propose and espouse , a more social - union flavoured policy package.
I'll vote Liberal - recall , this election is "who do you not want in "
This election is the  ' hold your nose and do it ' kind.

I notice in the U.S. , a minor ruffle occurred in Richmond , Va when a prominent Republican congressman , Kanter ? , lost in a primary to  a Tea Party toting guy.
Kanter was the heir apparent to be House Leader.
I like ' tea parties ' but not this kind , I'm thinking

Keep your eavestroughs clean

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