Thursday 29 April 2021

When You Get Caught

.... between the moon and New York City by Christopher Cross
People wax romantic or nostalgic about NYC - Billy Joel sang ' NY State of Mind
I recently, heard James Spader label NYC the place you grow in and a poor place to visit

Toronto. Well, its alright. Once, I would have said clean and safe. Now, not so sure b/c we've seemed to have inherited a whole whack of problems.
Homelessness. Our murder rate is nothing to brag about.
But people still want to come here.
People want to stay here.

We've gone looking for condos - ' spacious 900 sq ft '
Crap, my garage is 700 sq ft. And its spacious, my truck says so to me every day.

BACK IN STOCK! LAMB'S WOOL WEDGE MOP - Supplies Are Limited! 😳 - the Lehman s delivery email

Another man s poison... etc. I've recently decided that re  - using or re - purposing plastic..... even once is the right hting to do
to wit: cardboard boxes 
            plastic lids from .. well, anything - they go under                      brushes etc to save the counter

A segue from this blog. Nostalgia is powerful. Nostalgia sells.

If you can tap into a memory people will pay to remember.
Now, I understand M.A.G.A. the borrowed ad slogan for donald face < yes, he stole the slogan > Make us great again.

 Of course, gas was 40  cents. The road was free. Let s take the old Ford for a spin down to the malt shoppe
...... never again should have been the reply to MAGA. Its NAGA < Never AGain America. Your day in the sun is past. You have to share w/ the world.

Think Egypt. Britain. China. Mongolia. Rome. You realize that the first 4 are countries and Rome was a City.

Today, " Under the Influence " w/ Terry O'Reilly < a radio show > concentrated on ' nostalgia '. The boost in sales if you tap a past time and it hits - is worth a 10 % bump in sales.

We want nostalgia b/c it evidently beats what we got now.

Canada once ruled an empire from ...... actually, it didn't. We have Algonquin Park, and Banff and Jasper. Each is a little empire.

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