Tuesday 5 December 2023

๐Ÿพ of Decemberitis

๐Ÿพ  oh, my

keep your spirits up anyway that you can

we have ' blah ' weather
I should be out skiing or snowshoeing to Nome

My latest, and ongoing kick is saving boxes and bottles. We have been ordering from Amazon [ hence boxes ] and I hate to toss them.
To wit, I have been turning boxes into shelf organizers wherever possible. I stack the boxes sideways and create storage compartments that can stack. I've hit some snags but usually find a way to increase storage
The real trick, keep less stuff. BUT I come by this collecting odds and sods from Dad.
And every now and then, voila, I have exactly what I need in a bin or box or a bin in a box.

Bottles. I mean glass. If I toss the glass, supposedly the glass gets melted down and turned into ladies underwear [ or whatever ]
I've noticed though that some liquids need glass storage. Mainly, solvents b/c I still run gas motors.

We watch ' Hoarders, Buried Alive ', reality TV.  And, yes, I occasionally wince and grimace - oh, well.

On to health. At Costco, I spied a glass [ right ] large jar w/ marmalade inside. Nope. Well, mostly nope.
The product was, honey, ginger and citron paste or marmalade. The main use is dissolved in warm to hot water and taken as an anti - cold, cough or sickness preventative. Oh, spread on toast, too !
Right up my alley. I am always getting colds. Usually, miserable ones. M .. says ' man cold ! ' and that is not a compliment.

I've always believed in honey and ginger etc. Before the ' jar ' I often had lemon and honey in hot water at night

Now, a cuppa HGC in the morning too ! Colds !!! stay away

Oh, bought a mini massage gun for my thigh massage. This sucker fits in my hand unlike some larger models that are shaped like a gun or hairdryer. I figured smaller to put less strain on my wrists. I'm sure that I've arthritis in both wrists [ and probably a bunch of other places too ! ]. Right on !

the mini gun is easy to use and no strain on the wrists [ good call that ]
Honestly, I was worried that I bought a chunk of junk - low power, poor battery   [ its rechargeable, everything is rechargeable, except me ]. Bonus, about $ 60 for the mini ] Small enough to travel w/ as well.

๐Ÿฅ this GIF appeared on Chrome by using the ' everything key + shift and space

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