Monday 3 June 2013

On line dating ... for ?

In the never ending quest to bring you all the news that you probably never saw...
We came up w/ ' on line dating ' for fish. Yepper , a research group has sent out a resume for a cichlid. Cichlids represent a diverse group of boned fishes commonly found in warmer climates.
The cichlid group , much like Darwin's finches in the Galapagos , are believed to show adaptive radiation. Adaptive radiation is one of the anchors of evolutionary theory.
Well , there is a lone male cichlid looking for a mate.

Swamp land in Florida , you say. How about a bridge ? There is a new , never driven on bridge for sale in a place called Davie. I seized upon this item for my on-going list of where 'oops ' doesn't quite cut it.
As in ' We built the thing .... but , come to think of it - we don't really need it '

Weather in the Great White North .... or border weather really. Those folks N of the 60 th parallel , get real annoyed when we abuse the term GWN. To them , the 60 ers , we are American or weird , take your pick. We are snobs, elitist , privileged and spoiled rotten on energy and cheap everything.
Cool and bright sun. def , all the hallmarks of a high pressure system.

And my on going self effacement continues as I marvel at the number and oddness of TV shows. I mentioned , doubting a comment that I saw , well , nearly 15 yrs ago , a prediction stating that 70 % of all TV shows would be cartoon or reality shows.

That one , a gigantic mis-read , ranks right up there w/  " I'd better buy ' She Loves You ' by the Beatles , as a single , b/c they'll never have an album ".

However , I feel that I redeemed myself , partially , when I said ' Hey , she sings great and doesn't need that group '  - Linda Ronstadt and the Stone Ponies. 

Reality shows. We watch ' Wicked Tuna ' and ' Deadliest Catch '.
WT highlights the people of Glouchester , MA who go out and line fish for tuna. They use rod and reel w/ 200 # line. One fish can bring in $ 8 thousand. One fish was priced at $ 18 K at the dock.  This is not wholesale price , wholesale would be higher and what the tuna costs at the retail end ,  doesn't bear thinking about.
This pricing equates to $ 8 - 25 / pound.
DC , is crab fishing in the Bering Sea , w/ 400 lb crab traps. At the same time apparently, people are going after gold ( ' Being Sea Gold ' ).

And I've never looked at alligator bites ( the appetizer ) in quite the same way , after ' Swamp People ' who make their living baiting and hooking alligators in FL and LA. I mean , I thought alligator bites were chicken pieces in cayenne. They'd say it was gator but...... come on , doesn't chicken in cayenne seem more realistic ?

There is ' Ax Men ' , who lumber for a living. they do not seem to use axes very much though.

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