Friday 10 July 2015

We Mark......

..... milestones in our lives. This AM , I completed my first Sodoku in pen - no rub outs or nothing
da da , v - i - c- t- o- r - y
Hey ! Wees takes them any way we can

As well , this is the unofficial anniversary of op Osm - the get fit plan
190 lb as the start
168 lb , this morning

The long haul was the goal - Achieved
As in all things , there must be a purpose and a meaning beyond some simple number - a reckoning if you like

there is a certain pride in the anniversary and result
but in truth , there better be something else 
thankfully , I remembered the Max V O2 test
despite the fact , that the test is lying down and breathing
at least its a fitness quantifier of sorts

Weather :  honey of a day , its honey nut cheerios

I am aching from construction on the 'bee and climbing the f****g
hill , over and over.
I'm up to 2 bass for the season - I mean when you're hot , you're hot

Factoids from the CBC website - Science and Tech

Bottled water outsells milk and beer by volume in the U.S.
3 / 10 Cdn households use bottled water
Bottled water is considered a food and is regulated by the rules that say , manufacturers  cannot make health claims and the product must do no harm - hey , feel better already
Bottled water may not contain arsenic , lead or coliform bacteria
and preparation must be sanitary - good one there

Spring and mineral water - labelled bottles must be fit for human consumption at source  - feeling warm and fuzzy all over

In the U. S. 45 % of bottled water is from municipal sources
In Canada , Nestle brand , pays $3.71 for a million L ( approx 250 000 gallons ) and charges $0 .60 a cup

Most municipal water must pass stringent testing before being piped out

Much bottled water is ozonated to kill bacteria and preserve the water

The shelf life of bottled water is opinion based. The standard guess is 2 years
The minimum is 1 yr and some opine that bottle water is eternal if not opened
I'm going w/ the 1 year number
At the 'bee , guests have stock piled bottled water in the basement
We're using the water , now to finish off the cases

By the numbers - 2sentsworth style
it takes 2 bottles to make coffee
1 bottle is used to brush our teeth for the day
the plastic bottles could float my dock

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