Saturday 19 June 2021

" Welcome to my morning

 welcome to my day ....." sang John Denver

Today s topic < til something else comes along - did try the CBC though > is exercise

I've been doing some form of aerobics since I was 20. Truth: there were times when I was jogging 3 times a week for 2 miles or so. Also, there were two regimens of swimming each lasting about 3 - 4 years.

Readers will know that for the last year < give or take > I've morphed into an every other day workout routine of approx 80 minutes ( including warm up / down ).
In all that 51 year timeframe, the most common comment that I can recall is ' you should really should get in shape '. Not exactly positive encouragement. Right now, I'm 177 lb. A little chunky, but drinking beer and more or less content.

That is a loaded term for me ' content '. I've figured out that I'm likely never to be truly content. Why ? Dunno. Just me.

Back to the exercise front. The major goal is to sweat. Freely sweating < I soak my shirt and towel during the 80 minutes > to clear my pores and stimulate my muscles. Overall, I've decided that ' this workout program will have to do ' b/c my true aspiration can only be                  ' maintenance level fitness '. 
In the past, I've had goals such as ' so much distance in so much time ' etc. Now, its mostly ' let s hang in there ' kinda thinking. In the movie   ' Nobody s Fool " w/ Paul Newman, PN s character ' Sully ' gives that advice for everything.
PN:    well , hang in there
MG : is that the some total of your advice on marriage problems
PN:  thats the sum total of my advice on most subjects

BTW, MG is Melanie Griffiths. Plus Bruce Willis and Jessica Tandy

Treat of the week - the 6 burger Bar. Great burgers. We ordered pork soulvaki < salad, french fries and rice and garlic bread > and chicken in a pita. No. There are leftovers, we didn't eat it all. The 6 is about 12 minutes away. If we had found it earlier - it would have been our go to for takeout.This trip was our third. Never disappointed.

I noticed a flash banner ' update available ' and hit the icon. After update, a message said check for diagnostics { now easier }. I ran the memory test for the CPU - 12 minutes later ' Success '. Then I got to thinking what happens when the CPU fails the memory test. Crikey, what a horror that would be, Computer - Alzheiemers, really ?

The blessing of a Chrome machine - no Windows shinnanigins - when the update rearranges something in memory or system. On the big laptop < 17 inch Dell > I've had to re - store 3 times b/c of some change.
Chrome reshuffles all the main crap in the central server < where ? > w/out bothering my machine.

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